
draschsomehow light-locker got installed along with mate-screensaver ... this seemed to cause double-locking, suspend troubles, and other oddness.01:33
draschis this something that should be bugged? or documented somewhere?01:34
draschI'm happy to do either/both, looking for direction...01:34
cim209so i upgraded from 16 to 18, no issues :D01:49
qwefytuoitytyAthlon X4 840 Quad Core, two modules 4 cores, fm2+. Need 4 or 2 control cores? https://screenshots.firefox.com/8PixeHdOSoIM3xct/null02:17
qwefytuoitytyIf the Intel processor with Hyper-Threading technology, it's clear to me. Control of logical cores is not necessary.02:28
qwefytuoitytyControl of logical cores don't need02:32
m4tdrasch: uhm, installing any of these packages would've pulled it in light-locker-dbgsym light-locker-settings lubuntu-gtk-desktop lubuntu-desktop light-locker:i386 xubuntu-desktop xubuntu-core xfce4-session ubuntustudio-desktop-core ubuntustudio-desktop lxqt-session lxlock lubuntu-gtk-desktop lubuntu-desktop02:36
m4tcould check for their presence with: dpkg -l|egrep 'light-locker-dbgsym|light-locker-settings|lubuntu-gtk-desktop|lubuntu-desktop|light-locker:i386|xubuntu-desktop|xubuntu-core|xfce4-session|ubuntustudio-desktop-core|ubuntustudio-desktop|lxqt-session|lxlock|lubuntu-gtk-desktop|lubuntu-desktop'02:38
pavlushkasixwheeledbeast: https://imgur.com/rbOds3U, RPI#B ubuntu-mate bionic08:40
pavlushkaand this https://imgur.com/a/DudWbiW of RPI3B ubuntu-mate bionic \o/09:39
cim209pavlushka, that gtk warning10:00
pavlushkacim209: topmenu-gtk package is not available, I tried compiling that but no change10:27
cim209i just joined the 18.04 club10:28
pavlushkacim209: aha, and about that topmenu-gtk from github is here https://github.com/dnk/topmenu-gtk10:30
cim209i get that error too10:30
pavlushkacim209: but I think that's not much of a problem10:30
cim209yeah i don't mind10:31
pavlushkacim209: the issue is because that package is only available for Ubuntu 16.04 xenial, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/topmenu-gtk10:34
cim209i see10:37
pavlushkacim209: oh, the reason to drop topmenu-gtk is that it is based on gtk2 and ahs issue with gtk3, so Ubuntu-mate which is based on gtk3 had to drop topmenu-gtk11:13
pavlushkaso now the question is, how to fix those topmenu-gtk false messages just not to appear11:15
pavlushkafor those who upgraded from xenial to bionic.11:15
draschm4t: you're definitely right.  I installed  xubuntu-desktop pulled this in. My issue was that there was undesirable interaction between this and the MATE desktop.11:56
JustJohnnyI have a weird problem, maybe someone here can help. I use firefox on my Ubuntu Mate, but some textboxes appear dark-grey instead of white, and on others the font color is nearly white so its difficult to see anything you type. I think it might have something to do with the Mate skin i'm using but, is there any way to configure just firefox to solve this?12:52
pavlushkaJustJohnny: yes, go to Firefox's preference and select not to use system theme13:07
pavlushkaJustJohnny: instead choose the theme that suits you13:08
JustJohnnyI already did, but still the text shows lightgrey sometimes13:18
JustJohnnystill, solved in most pages except one (that I use a lot) could it be a problem with the page itself? Thanks pavlushka! :)13:24
pavlushkaJustJohnny: could be, I cant tell for sure without viewing the page :)13:25
JustJohnnyits an internal dolibarr server for my company :(13:26
JustJohnnythin is, it works fine in other browsers13:26
pavlushkaJustJohnny: try to change fonts colors in the preference to see if that helps13:27
JustJohnnyI did, no effect just on this page13:29
pavlushkaJustJohnny: if you can share a screenshot of that13:32
JustJohnnycan I? would be my first on IRC :$13:33
pavlushkaJustJohnny: use this to do that, imgur.com13:34
JustJohnnyI will if I can connect later, I have to go. But thanks for the help :D13:36
sixwheeledbeastpavlushka: just because it is possible, that doesn't make it supported or stable15:53
pavlushkasixwheeledbeast: my question was is it safe? and it looks like possible and safe enough15:55
sixwheeledbeastOh it's possible. you can always do-release upgrade or dist-upgrade if upstream has a new version but that doesn't mean you should15:57
pavlushkasixwheeledbeast: and packages are already ported, they just didn't finished that and didn't bundled those15:57
sixwheeledbeastThere have been plenty of people upgrade to 17.10 on Rpi and come here saying this and that doesnt work for example.15:57
sixwheeledbeastYou results may vary is the answer I suppose.15:58
pavlushkasixwheeledbeast: "do-release-upgrade" and "do-release-upgrade -d" has a fundamental difference16:00
pavlushkaif "do-release-upgrade" is applicable and works without issue, then care has been taken enough for the upgrade16:02
sixwheeledbeastI mentioned nothing about development releases.16:02
pavlushkasixwheeledbeast: other than LTS to LTS upgrade, the upgrade is a development upgrade16:22
pavlushkaif they already in 17.10 on RPI, then they have done it before, the dev upgrade16:22
pavlushkabut only the 17.10 to 18.04 lts got messy in their case16:23
sixwheeledbeastno I assume they did a dist-upgrade before 18.04 was released. Development (alpha), Normal (Official) and LTS releases are different16:32
sixwheeledbeastI am talking about waves of questions asked here before 18.04 was even released for ubuntu upstream16:32
pavlushkasixwheeledbeast: dist-upgrade is just for making the system packages up-to-date16:33
pavlushkaand yes may there was many issue16:34
pavlushkawhich looks like has been almost fixed by now16:34
pavlushka*may be, were16:35
sixwheeledbeastdist-upgrade forces all dependencies of all packages to upgrade. do-release-upgrade is preferred for ubuntu but it basically does dist-upgrade with added checks and cleanup16:41
pavlushkasixwheeledbeast: what you are talking about is "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" but it will remain in the same distribution.16:45
pavlushkait sounds like a distribution upgrade but its not :)16:46
sixwheeledbeastAnyway put basically 18.04 may work in the most part but you may run into issues that nobody knows of yet. Hence my point about just there is an option to upgrade that doesn't mean you can. the upgrader just knows there is a new distribution version available not your architecture. I have seen it with other Debian based distros.16:50

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