
ograxnox, the original idea was that (on core) you always keep the originally seeded (or the ferv first version) of a snap around for "factory reset" of the images ... that the three-snaps setup is also used on desktop is because nobody implemented a way to only keep "current and last" instead of "current, last and first" ... there is some TODO somewhere on niemeyers list to fix that, but i think it is super low prio08:43
ograxnox, along with that there is indeed no reason to have any snaps mounted beyond the one in use, but thats also not high prio i guess09:17
xnoxslangasek, so yeah three things make sense "current, rollback to last known, and all the way back to the factory image"10:51
xnoxbut as I said, three copies sounds like an "iot-ish" req, rather than desktop/server/cloud. In cloud we can rollback the whole cloud image.10:51
xnoxogra, also i see 6 things 3xcore 3xcore18, unless i'm doing something really wrong.10:51
xnoxogra, complaint we have is that it takes too much "space", disk-space for sure, but uncertain re RAM10:52
ograxnox, well, the loop mounts shouldnt occupy any ram until you access them i guess ...10:58
ograthe "limit to two" is a re-occuring request that shows up on the forum every few months but nobody really attacked it yet10:58
xnoxogra, how do I escalate it then?10:59
ograxnox, core18 gets automatically pulled i if a snap that uses 18.04 as base gets installed ... and indeed that core18 again falls under the 3 snaps rule10:59
xnoxBeret is not in this group chat =))))10:59
ograwell, only gustavo makes the decisions ... forum and being pushy is one way ... another would be to establish a joined meeting with the core team and foundations where you bring up such requests and have them prioritized11:00
xnoxogra, there is a core sync for years now.11:01
ograwell, then bring it up there and have some prio applied to it11:02
ograyou could try a snapd bug and set it to critical or something but i'm not sure how well that would work11:03
xnoxogra, also, one more thing. on the desktop i see $HOME/snap is used11:16
xnoxogra, i find that very "servery" and not at all "desktopy", how come e.g. $HOME/.local/snap was not used? which is approximate freedesktop.org equivalent of a global /snap11:17
ograxnox, there is an endless bug open about it ... snap packages that do not use any interfaces use $HOME/snap/<snapname>/current/ as their work and home dir ... to make things like downloads or files an app works with discoverable the dir can not be hidden11:21
ograbug 157505311:21
ubottubug 1575053 in snapd (Ubuntu) "Please move the "$HOME/snap" directory to a less obtrusive location" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/157505311:21
ograthat design pre-dates interfaces, nowadays you can indeed simply use the home interface to have access to the XDG dirs and $HOME so apps can now use this ... when the design was created such interfaces did not exist ...11:23
ograand now the migration is rather painful since all snaps use this setup11:23
xnoxfun, argh11:24
ograheh, yeah11:24
ograit would also have been nicer to call it "Apps" or some such to make the purpose a bit more clear11:24
ogra(i think apple does that actually)11:25
juliankFWIW, I added snap/ to $HOME/.hidden11:32
juliankogra: What is terrible is that I see the Downloads directory multiple times in gnome-shell11:32
juliankone for each snap11:32
juliankand those are all symlinks to the main directory11:34
ograjuliank, ithats actually a bug in the desktop helpers, not really snapd's fault but a remotely included tool thats adds them11:34
ograoh, wait, in gnome-shell ?11:35
ograi havent seen that yet11:35
juliankJust searched for Downloads, for example11:35
ograi know there was (and probably still is) a bug that creates them multiple times in $HOME11:35
juliankMight depend on if you have tracker installed11:35
ograseems the desktop helper doesnt get along with translated XDG dirs there11:36
julianklike this: https://imgur.com/a/8d7Zabc11:36
ograwheer exactly do they point to ? $HOME/snap/foo ? or $HOME/Downloads ?11:36
* ogra looks11:36
juliank$HOME/snap/spotify/16/Downloads is a symlink to $HOME/Downloads11:37
julianksame for every snap and xdg directory11:37
juliankwhich makes sense, as it's their $HOME11:37
ograhmm, is that for all snaps you have installed or only --classic ones ?11:37
ograthat seems to be a classic specific bug and i dont think thats known yet11:38
juliankDefinitely also non-classic ones11:38
julianksee gnome-calculator11:38
ograinteresting ... you should definitely file it11:38
ograyeah, indeed11:38
ograi guess tracker should ignore them or so11:39
juliankIf I start gnome-logs I see /home/jak/snap/gnome-logs/40/Desktop was removed, reassigning DESKTOP to homedir11:39
juliankand strangely enough11:39
juliankln: failed to create symbolic link '/home/jak/snap/gnome-logs/40/snap/gnome-logs/40': No such file or directory11:39
ogralikely because 40 isnt there anymore11:40
ograthats all desktop-helper stuff ...11:40
juliank40 is installed11:40
ogra(desktop team maintained)11:40
ograi assume filing a bug for them goes via https://github.com/ubuntu/snapcraft-desktop-helpers/issues11:42
ograthe gnome-shell/tracker issue surely deserves a normal distro bug on LP11:44
ograi guess thats something they'd want to fix in upstream gnome11:44
juliankthis is bug 179128911:46
ubottubug 1791289 in tracker (Ubuntu) "Shows duplicate xdg directories for snaps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179128911:46
=== CyberHacker_ is now known as CyberHacker
xnoxogra, i agree with current|past|factory copies, but it seems like we have current|past|very-past versions. Ie. factory version does not get pinned to e.g. first installed copy16:18
xnoxogra, we only have preseeded snaps.16:18
xnoxogra, or am I wrong? cause it seems like we should just drop the third copy. Cause it ain't factory-reset.16:18
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
ograxnox, well, afaik factory should be pinned to "whatever was installed first" but thats indeed a moving target depending on the point in time you roll the image16:36
ograseeding doesnt allow picking particular revisions16:36
ograif you drop the third copy it will automatically come back with the next silent auto-refresh that snapd does16:37
ogra(btw, should we probably find a better channel ? :) )16:37
ograer ... wait ... if you define "third copy" as what is supposed to be "factory", then yes, that should be droppable ... but i'm not sure how snapd reacts to that ... i't might just blantly count to three and simply add one16:39
ogra(and i think thats very likely)16:40

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