[15:31] Marcelo Pugliesi was added by: Marcelo Pugliesi [19:28] Does anyone know if they’re still looking for help testing the nvidia video drivers? It seems my zbox has one. [20:20] Hi guys. I wanted to get some advice. I bought an external 1T disk that comes in NTFS format. I use Lubuntu and wanted to save things I could open/write in Lubunt but also open in Windows as well. Should I keep in NTFS or reformat to FAT? [20:21] Keep NTFS [20:21] He can read and right [20:21] No problem [20:22] @Greg Kusiak [Does anyone know if they’re still looking for help testing the nvidia video driv …], Yes they are. [20:22] I asked this because reading and writing in NFTS in Lubuntu seems a lot slower than in FAT [20:23] Could be, but with fat you can save one only file until 4gb [20:27] @Marcelo Pugliesi [Could be, but with fat you can save one only file until 4gb], ok, i will keep NFTS [20:28] @Marcelo Pugliesi [Could be, but with fat you can save one only file until 4gb], Thanks 😉 [20:32] (Sticker, 392x512) https://telegram.lubuntu.me/DDwnM7tg/file_4105.png === TacoGS_ is now known as TacoGS [21:15] @tsimonq2 how do I get involved? [22:29] @Greg Kusiak [@tsimonq2 how do I get involved?], Hans Möller: