
=== hays_ is now known as hays
alkisgHi, if I have a clean xorg environment, e.g. plain `xinit`, and I run `python3 -c from gi.repository import Gtk`, then that *launches* dbus05:53
alkisgI haven't seen this on other distros, i.e. importing python modules to run programs, I think it's caused by some ubuntu-specific python module05:53
alkisgBut I don't know about python modules enough to know against which package to file this... so where would I report it? :/05:54
jbichaalkisg: check if it affects Debian. It it does, I guess report against pygobject there10:52
jbicha(I don't understand people's dislike of dbus though)10:53
alkisgjbicha: thanks; I checked; it does affect debian. I'll file it against pygobject there then.11:11
alkisgI don't mind if dbus is running etc; but in this case it's not, and after importing gtk, my service runs dbus without anyone using it (no child processes), and then systemd even complains about my service not properly terminating, and it needs 1.5 minute to force shutdown...11:12
alkisgI.e. chaos with just one innocent import gtk11:12
=== osx is now known as Toyo
xednivanyone around with systemd experience can explain what @ service units do?20:18
xednivare they templates of some kind?20:18

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