
cim209hello i just upgraded to 18 from 16, my login wallpaper doesn't show up. i even changed the lightdm settings00:38
cim209here's my settings https://imgur.com/meNajey00:39
cim209hello i just upgraded to 18 from 16, my login wallpaper doesn't show up. i even changed the lightdm settings. here's my settings https://imgur.com/meNajey01:46
johnjayhey, i just installed ubuntu mate 16.04 onto my raspi and it wants me to install a software center?02:57
johnjayis that right?02:57
johnjaythat doesn't make sense to me so i just went to the command line and typed sudo apt install02:57
duoican anyone recommend anything for having the top bar on multiple monitors?06:11
sixwheeledbeastcim209: there is a new greeter in 18.04. try setting up your wallpaper again in System Prefs.09:00
cim209sixwheeledbeast, i'll try09:00
cim209sixwheeledbeast, btw system preferences is a macOS thing09:01
sixwheeledbeastduoi: Never done multi monitors but can you not add a new panel to each monitor?09:01
sixwheeledbeastcim209: System > Preferences > Look and Feel if you are being pedantic ;)09:02
cim209this is mate09:03
sixwheeledbeastI had exactly the same moving from 17.10 to 18.0409:03
cim209sixwheeledbeast, https://imgur.com/JVY0G0O i've tried all those settings09:05
cim209nothing there about logins09:05
sixwheeledbeastlightdm-settings is package IIRC09:06
sixwheeledbeastSeems it may also be under Administration > Login Window too?09:06
sixwheeledbeastThe lightdm settings window you have in your screenshot looks like the old one from 17.1009:08
cim209sixwheeledbeast, did you get my message?09:30
cim209my wifi just dropped09:30
duoisixwheeledbeast, no idea11:22
duoithis is my first day on MATE11:22
duoievaluating suitability to throw on my new laptop for work11:22
duoiso im installing it at home11:22
duoihow would i add a new panel to the second monitor?11:23
sixwheeledbeasttry adding panels and using MATE Tweak to find a panel layout you like. Right click add new panel.11:24
duoiive looked over the Tweak tool but i cant find an option for a second panel on a second monitor11:25
duoiwait, i figured it out11:32
duoithank you11:32
nerdypauldappsHey guys, I am new to the community11:48
sixwheeledbeastduoi: np11:59
nerdypauldappsAre there any mentors around that could help me get started :)12:02
sixwheeledbeastWiki and the UM website are helpful for newbies. IRC is generally for a specific question12:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:30
m4tanyone ever seen lightdm freeze at the login screen background after logging in? cursor is frozen too. everything loads but nothing is displayed until i switch from x->console->x17:44
m4ti was hoping it was something simple like the recent x11 library upgrades, but it's still happening after downgrading :/17:44
m4thuh, seems something with my xorg.conf (which i've used in its current incarnation since i switched to 18.04 in april)18:53
m4tremoving xorg.conf = instant desktop ;(18:54
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