
save_me1need some help, is anyone around?00:15
pragmaticenigma!ask | save_me100:20
ubottusave_me1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:20
compdocwho wants to know?00:20
ghostnik11i am trying to run this step but can't seem to get it correct: for dir in /dev /dev/pts /proc /run /sys;00:27
ghostnik11do mount --bind "$dir" /target/"$dir"00:27
ghostnik11i am trying to mount my /boot/efi partition so i can correct my grub-efi-32ia in order to fix packages as my system crashed again once it was updating software. it crashed once it got to install grub-efi-32ia00:30
ghostnik11but when i run the mount command i get this: mount: /boot/efi: special device /dev/mmblk1p1 does not exist.00:30
ghostnik11even though lsblk -f shows it to me00:31
ghostnik11hold on that was an error because i forgot to include it as: mmcblk00:32
ghostnik11i need help with just this command: for dir in /dev /dev/pts /proc /run /sys; do mount --bind "$dir"  target/"$dir"; done i get a syntax error because of the $dir but the thing i don't understand is what directory does this guide want me to bind?00:36
pragmaticenigma!patience | ghostnik1100:37
ubottughostnik11: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/00:37
ghostnik11pragmaticenigma: sorry bro but i don't feel ignored i just thought i didn't explain it well and i might have confused everyone00:38
ghostnik11pragmaticenigma: when i first did copy and past it showed up as separate lines of code00:38
rfmghostnik11, are you typing that command in or did you put it in a script?  there needs to be a "done" to match the "do", if interactive it should give you a ">" prompt to hint it needs more00:45
rfmghostnik11, but if in a script you'll just get a error (I think)00:46
ghostnik11rfm: no i don't have a script. the instructions just said to properly install the bootloader then i must do that00:46
ghostnik11rfm: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VTzciobFlp7nO2A_M7RNoqYajN8c9AgR/view00:47
ghostnik11i want to figure out why my system keeps breaking the grub install when it tries to install grubia32.efi00:48
ghostnik11rfm: before i was able with the help of others here and also following instructions from the google plus t100 ubuntu group able to fix it and properly install lubuntu and have grub working but just doing software update from gui broke it. i thought the system knew where to install grub properly. i feel like it doesn't know where exactly to check00:50
ghostnik11rfm: i hope this doesn't completely break the entire system but i went into /boot/efi and changed the file: "startup.nsh" by editing it and putting at the end grubia32.efi. as i noticed when i first opened it it had fs0:\EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi so i changed the ending to grubia32.efi because thats what i believe my system should be pointing to in order to work00:55
ghostnik11rfm: i did do a back up of the original file first of course00:55
nshi bet i could startup 100 efis00:55
ghostnik11nsh: you think it will start a 100 efis!!! like its going to break the system. because i am about to run the command to clean all the packages and see if it will install to the correct place now00:56
nshno,  i was just making a joke because you accidentally highlighted me :)00:57
ghostnik11nsh oh okay cool00:58
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ghostnik11rfm: it froze when i tried to sudo dpkg -a and it got to installing grub-32ia-efi01:06
ghostnik11nsh: well it didn't break it completely but i didn't fully solve my problem01:06
ghostnik11i think the solution i didn't do was sudo update-grub01:08
mobile_chow do i compile a package downloaded with dget01:13
ghostnik11so in terminal it won't me purge grub with the following command: sudo apt-get purge grub-common grub-pc tells me i have to do: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem01:13
mobile_ceg "dget -u http://ppa.launchpad.net/flosoft/cross-apple/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apple-uni-boost/apple-uni-boost_1.55-0flosoft2.dsc"01:14
mobile_cghostnik11: then do that01:14
ghostnik11but problem is when i run sudo dpkg --configure -a, the system freezes once it tries to install grub-32ia-efi01:14
mobile_cthat should not happen01:15
ghostnik11mobile_c: its going to freeze, the system i am assuming can't figure out that the correct place for where grub-32ia-efi should go is at /dev/mmcblk1p1 /boot/efi01:15
mobile_cthe system should NOT freeze because of something that apt/dpkg cant figure out01:16
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ghostnik11mobile_c: i have a 2 in 1 pc device that came with a 32bit uefi on a 64bit cpu01:16
mobile_cif it did then all applications that seg fault would instantly freeze the pc wich is stupid01:16
mobile_cunless it is a kernel module in wich case would cause a panic crash in the kernel01:17
ghostnik11mobile_c: it freezes, is there something i can do to run like a log and track when i run the command to fix the packages. to see what exactly is freezing the system. i think it has something to do with the grub-32ia-efi01:17
mobile_cstarace it01:18
ghostnik11mobile_c: or its the fact that it freezes when it says: installing for i386-efi platform01:18
ghostnik11mobile_c: hey i never even knew such a thing existed like strace!! i am going to try to do it and have it check what goes on while the command runs01:19
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ghostnik11mobile_c: it even froze with strace command01:38
ghostnik11mobile_c: just got chance to reboot01:39
pdklanyone familar with UKUU ? it installs mainline kernel on ubuntu. I am running 18.04 LTS on 4.18.601:41
tomreynpdkl: what is your question?01:41
pdklboots fine, does h ave a crypti error regarding nvidia tainting the kernel01:41
tomreynnvidia does tain the kernel, since it's proprietary01:41
pdkl"PKCS#7 signature not signed with a trusted key"01:42
pdkldo i care?01:42
tomreynthat's about a secureboot signature01:42
pdkli mean that error should i care?01:42
tomreynif you want to do secureboot you should care, otherwise not01:42
pdkldriver works and rocketleague is accelerated01:42
tomreynghostnik11: if your system really freezes (does it really, can you not switch to a different tty, can you not use magic sysrq?) your options to log any outputs are netconsole and serial console.01:45
ghostnik11tomreyn: i thought strace could follow it and would stop it before it crashed.01:46
tomreynstrace wont stop anything from happening, no, it just reports what's happening.01:47
ghostnik11tomreyn: would the system still have what last happened before i had to hard reset by turning off and on my device? like is there something that everything is monitored in the background of my system01:48
tomreynthere's /var/log/syslog which the system logging daemon writes to.01:49
tomreynhowever, if the kernel locks up while the disk write buffer had not been flushed, yet, the data in there is lost01:50
tomreynthat's where magic sysrq + s (sync) can help, if the kernel hasnt actually locked up but is just hung01:51
ghostnik11tomreyn: how so i will just do a copy and past of /var/log/syslog because when it crashes as a test i have music playing and all i hear when it crashes is the repeat of the last sentence of the song01:51
ghostnik11tomreyn: meant to say i can just do a copy and paste of /var/log/syslog01:52
tomreyni don't understand why you'd want to create a copy?01:53
ghostnik11tomreyn: so it would be useless for this. okay then i will go with the magic sysrq01:53
ghostnik11tomreyn: so once i go into that screte mode i can just run sudo dpkg --configure -a01:54
tomreynare you saying that a part of the audio track you're playing keeps looping ifinitely when the kernel freezes / locks up while you're installing grub?01:54
tomreyn'screte mode'?01:54
ghostnik11tomreyn: yeah thats what happens when i tell system to clean up the mess and it reaches the point that it has to install grub-32ia-efi01:55
ghostnik11tomreyn: yeah this magic sysrq is a secrete mode from what i read on wikipedia, its like a secrete key selection that will allow me to see whats happening once i run the command with it01:56
ghostnik11tomreyn: or within it01:56
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key01:56
tomreynit's not secret, it's just not as widely knows as ctrl-alt-delete01:57
tomreyneffectively you just need to press s (ideally two times with a few seconds pause afterwards), then u for unmount (and wait again a few seconds), the b for boot.01:59
tomreynR E I are disabled anyways.01:59
ghostnik11tomreyn: okay i am on lbuntu 18.04 and read that it might be disabled by default01:59
PLLunlockSo, my "search your computer" button is broken.  16.04.  How do I fix it?02:00
tomreynghostnik11: just those three characters, as far as i know02:00
PLLunlockI type disk, nothing shows up.02:02
ghostnik11tomreyn: okay that was like a fast roller coaster but i get it now, i run the command that makes the system freeze then run the magic sysrq02:04
ghostnik11tomreyn: i actually just did the button combination and i was zapped out of the system like someone pulled a chair from under me and i fell through ground02:04
ghostnik11tomreyn: okay i will run the command sudo dpkg --configure -a and when it freezes i will do the magic sysrq02:05
PLLunlocksearching "files and folders" works.  but when I search "applications"  nothing comes up.02:05
PLLunlockEven when i search for "all" applications (blank search), nothing shows up.02:06
tomreynghostnik11: you shouldnt use these buttons in normal operation. and yes, SUB still work on 18.04.102:07
ghostnik11tomreyn: after i reboot i can then check var/log for what happens?02:07
ghostnik11tomreyn: i want to know where i the log will be of what the system was last doing when it crashed?02:07
tomreynghostnik11: i'm not entirely convinced (rather not so much) that you'll be able to capture much more on syslog, though.02:07
ghostnik11tomreyn: lol02:08
tomreynwhat makes you laugh?02:08
ghostnik11tomreyn: well its worth a try, but i must say that was pretty cool!!! the button combination because i never knew ubuntu had such things built in02:08
tomreynif you like this, you'd love a serial console.02:09
tomreynghostnik11: can you post dmesg before you reboot, i could then get a better idea of the system you're working with.02:11
tomreyndmesg | pastebinit02:11
PLLunlockwhy does the "search your computer" default to files and folders?  and when i click applications; it does nothing.?02:34
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lotuspsychjePLLunlock: your ubuntu version please?02:35
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: up to date to latest?02:36
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: lsb_release -a should show .502:36
PLLunlockUbuntu 16.04.5 LTS02:37
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: ok great mate02:37
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: so can you define what you are trying to do, you try to search files on your computer from startbutton?02:38
PLLunlockyeah the top left button.  I don't know how else i would find things like disk usage analyzer.02:39
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: are you in the right category at the bottom of your dash? you see all small icons there02:40
PLLunlockyes, applications.02:41
PLLunlockfiles and folders works as expected.02:41
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: so on applications you can unfold more apps, by clicking 'see more'02:42
PLLunlockit use to default to applications, now it comes up to files and folders.02:42
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: i think it uses what you last chosen02:43
PLLunlockwhen i click "applications" i get a blank window that says "sorry, there is nothing that matches your search".02:44
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: thats probably because you enter a keyword for search? can you erase?02:44
PLLunlockthere is no "recently used", "installed", or dash plugins.  just nothing.02:44
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: normal procedure, you click the white applications icon at bottom, then click 'see more applications' at top to view them all02:45
PLLunlockhmmm, no just zero applications.02:46
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: https://timenews.ro/media/Unity-ubuntu.png see here, installed: see more results02:46
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: make sure your in the right category ok02:47
PLLunlockyup, that what it looks like when it's working.  which it isn't anymore.02:47
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: can you make a screenshot for us please02:48
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: imgur.com or so02:48
PLLunlockhow do i find the snapshot thingy without search?02:48
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: just press prnt scr button02:49
PLLunlockcool. windows can't do that.02:50
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: thats weird indeed, did you try a reboot yet?02:52
PLLunlockyeah, it's been broke for days.02:53
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: did you try it without a search?02:53
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: cause right now it says, no matches found02:53
PLLunlockthat's witha blank search. i.e. everything.02:54
PLLunlockmy other identical system still works fine.02:55
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: did you recently uninstall things likes scopes or something?02:56
PLLunlockI don't recall.02:58
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: what happens when you: sudo apt-get install unity-scope-home03:00
PLLunlocki removed the activity log manager.   it sounded kinda privacy leaky.03:00
PLLunlock"Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations held with other people, etc.) and makes the relevant information available to other applications."03:01
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: ah that might be related, try reinstalling zeitgeist03:02
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: that manages all the history03:02
PLLunlockI don't need history thanks.03:03
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: zeisgeist does not leak data with external03:03
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: you can also disable history from system settings in unity..03:03
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: removing zeitgeist can scramble things up, like youe xperience now03:04
PLLunlocki'm seeing that.03:04
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: here's system settings you can disable: https://i.stack.imgur.com/QOCgX.png03:05
PLLunlockTHis is very reminescent of when i disabled windows search indexer.  It DISABLED all searches, indexed or not.03:08
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: you cannot compare this the same as windows mate03:08
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: but no problem, its your users choice to remove zeitgeist03:09
PLLunlockit seems to be a necessary but uninstallable part of the OS.03:09
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: not really if you dont want to03:10
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: but logical, when you remove zeitgeist you wont be able to search/find/history things properly anymore03:10
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: you still got a terminal to find things :p03:11
PLLunlockI'm kinda new to the glorious Ubuntu world.  still feeling my way around the terminal.03:12
PLLunlocksudo apt-get install zeitgeist03:12
ghostnik11tomreyn: hey yeah it doesn't work magic sysrq!!03:12
ghostnik11tomreyn: i ran the command and it froze the system and when i tried the button combination it would not restart like it did before when i ran the command03:12
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: if you are new, and still need more GUI its advisable you reinstall zeitgeist yes03:12
PLLunlockI much prefer an application tree rather than having to search everytime i need an app.   I don't enjoy the mouse-to-keyboard-to-mouse-keyboard transitions.03:14
tomreynghostnik11: so the kernel really locks up there.03:14
lotuspsychje!info classicmenu-indicator xenial | PLLunlock try this03:15
ubottuPLLunlock try this: classicmenu-indicator (source: classicmenu-indicator): indicator showing the main menu from Gnome Classic. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.1-0ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 27 kB, installed size 280 kB03:15
ghostnik11tomreyn: yeah i guess. but i first want to know how i can purge grub without it telling me that i to do dpkg --configure -a, because the system will crash. if i can purge it then tell it where to correctly install grub then i can run dpkg --configure -a03:16
ghostnik11tomreyn: also i want to see if i can install boot-repair and try that way!! but i feel like the system is going to tell me i need to correct the mess first03:17
ghostnik11tomreyn: can i do that, or can i tell the system not to install grub?03:17
PLLunlockreinstalling zeit didn't work.03:18
marcodiegoPLLunlock, maybe you have to log out and login to make it reload03:20
PLLunlockuh back again.  for some reason logging out stops all my apps.03:23
PLLunlocklotuspsychje: thanks, all my pretty icons are back.03:24
PLLunlockmarcodiego: thanx logging out worked.03:24
marcodiegoPLLunlock, if you don't want to stop your apps, just lock the screen instead: ctrl+alt+l03:25
tomreynghostnik11: with uefi booting, grub installs to /boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/ and (usually) loads its configuration from /boot/grub/grub.cfg03:25
ghostnik11tomreyn: yeah which is normal but for some reason for these devices asus t100's there are problems with this03:26
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: welcome03:26
tomreynghostnik11: but 32-bit uefi is a terrible non standard that should never have existe din the first place, and i can't help make it work.03:26
ghostnik11tomreyn: i have checked the folders with efi and the stuff are there so i don't understand why it keeps crashing the system03:26
ghostnik11tomreyn: oh i know, and i agree it was designed to keep people who own a device from not putting other os, but thats just how the world works.03:27
ghostnik11tomreyn: i don't understand why the regular way needed to be changed to this uefi garbage, because on devices like mine, they made sure to limit the bios to only have this uefi, i don't have a legacy mode in the bios and also can only turn off or on the uefi option03:28
PLLunlockI'm trying to leave win.  but Ubuntu is getting kinda Windowsy.03:30
Kon-I'm not sure in what way Ubuntu could be compared to Windows, but there are plenty of other distros out there. Even other flavors of Ubuntu that do things a bit differently03:32
lotuspsychjePLLunlock: you cannot generalize such statement03:32
ghostnik11tomreyn: i am trying to get boot-repair and now it showing while doing just this part: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair that their is a timeout was reached error?03:32
ghostnik11tomreyn: is that because i have broken packages03:32
marcodiegoPLLunlock, elaborate more03:34
PLLunlockWhen, over time, common tasks take more and more mouse clicks and typing.  That is a sign of an OS getting WORSE not better.03:34
Kon-Sounds like your beef is with GNOME, not Ubuntu03:34
PLLunlockcould be.03:34
marcodiegoPLLunlock, searching by typing is way faster using the keyboard. Searching by typing is not really good for people who overuse the mouse03:35
ghostnik11tomreyn: from grub 2.0 can i run the dpkg --configure -a like say from advance options?03:35
marcodiegoPLLunlock, my recommendation is: if you over-use the mouse, lock you favourite apps to the launcher03:36
tomreynghostnik11: probably a network timeout, but you will need to post actual error messages and provide context (full command run, full output) if you'd like someone to comment. i'm heading to bed now. maybe have a look at this, tit describes how one can boot a system like yours: http://www.jfwhome.com/2014/03/07/perfect-ubuntu-or-other-linux-on-the-asus-transformer-book-t100/ - good luck.03:36
marcodiegoPLLunlock, any specific task that you'd like to do more efficiently?03:36
PLLunlockmarcodiego: I did put a few apps on the launcher, but its full now. :-(03:37
ghostnik11tomreyn: thanks bro for all the help. have a good night. and yeah that was the original, instructions but the systems have evolved since then due to the fact that these newer versions don't function well with grub03:37
PLLunlockI was very fond of [Windows][E] to bring up the file explorer.03:38
Kon-Possibly in relation to ghostnik11's issue, I also had to run "dpkg --configure -a" when attempting to install updates about 12 hours ago03:38
Kon-It prompted me to run the command, I ran the command, then tried to update again. It worked. But I'm notsure why I had to do that03:39
marcodiegoPLLunlock, I don't if there is a shortcut for the file manager, but ctrl+alt+t bring the terminal03:39
Kon-It may have been related to the apport update?03:39
ghostnik11Kon-: did yours work?03:39
ghostnik11Kon-: yeah mine failed during a system update with gui but it stopped and froze when it got to the part about installing grub-32ia-efi03:40
PLLunlockI use CTRL ALT T a lot.  very handy.  and I just noticed ALT tab has the same functionality. Good show!03:40
Kon-My updates didn't even initialize before the prompt to reconfigure dpkg03:40
marcodiegoPLLunlock, would this work for you: https://askubuntu.com/questions/692880/keyboard-shortcut-to-open-ubuntu-file-manager ?03:40
ghostnik11Kon-: oh, yeah i think i might have just found a potential solution to my problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/126919003:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1269190 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "package grub-efi-amd64 2.00-13ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocesso script post-installation instalado retornou erro do status de saĆ­da 1" [Undecided,New]03:41
PLLunlockmarcodiego: that works well!03:43
ghostnik11okay so i don't have a grub-pc on my system? because when i run the command sudo debconf -show grub-pc nothing shows up in terminal03:44
ghostnik11then where would grub be located?03:44
lotuspsychje!grub | ghostnik1103:44
ubottughostnik11: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:44
marcodiegoPLLunlock, my suggestion, if you're an advanced user (or willing to be one), you'll soon see that file managers are not an efficient way to manage files. I suggest you to get used to the command line if you want efficiency03:45
lotuspsychjeghostnik11: why dont you make your life easy, reinstall fresh, ubuntu takes 30min to reinstall?03:45
ghostnik11lotuspsychje: i think i know why because i changed the startup.nsh file?03:45
lotuspsychjethe what03:46
marcodiegoPLLunlock, eg: I plug a pendrive on my computer, just type "cp file.pdf /media/.../ && umont /media/...." and that's all03:46
ghostnik11lotuspsychje: do you know many changes i made!! and also this is the device i use to study for my boards!!! which is what i am doing now, i was just updating, in like a few days i will be back at school. i don't want to reinstall from the start, i made a lot of intricate changes to customize it to be perfect device to only have one focus and thats board preparation03:47
PLLunlockmarcodiego:  well i find the file manager to be a nice way to find things quickly.  especially when I don't know where they are in the file system.  I'm sure I'll migrate to command line for many tasks.  but for now I'm learning.03:47
marcodiegoPLLunlock, learn to use "locate" and "find". Way faster. No need to mouse-click anything03:47
marcodiegoPLLunlock, locate is particularly simple: "locate *.mp3", for example03:48
PLLunlocklike my senility causes me to forget where i placed something and what I called it.  so I'll do a find and sort by time to see what i did recently.03:48
ghostnik11lotuspsychje: in /boot/efi there is a file called startup.nsh i changed the ending of that file to grub-32ia-efi but i will change it back since i made a backup and see if that works when i try to run debconf -show grub-pc03:48
PLLunlockI'm sick and tired of typing ls -l every time i go up or down a dir.03:49
marcodiegoPLLunlock, use tree03:50
marcodiegoPLLunlock, tree|less you help a lot03:50
PLLunlocknice, but not installed by default.03:51
marcodiegoPLLunlock, also if you're ls'ing all the time, that means your needing to "see" what is there. Why such a frequent need?03:51
marcodiegoPLLunlock, just an apt-get away ;)03:51
lotuspsychjeghostnik11: wait up for eric^ to wakeup, he's our uefi specialist03:51
PLLunlockthe file structure confounds me.03:51
marcodiegoPLLunlock, also, learn to use completion03:51
marcodiegoPLLunlock, try this on the terminal: press "ctr+r" then "l" then enter03:52
marcodiegoPLLunlock, your confusion probably caused by the habit of using filemanagers and always seen what is on the current directory. Once you learn more efficient ways, that habit will go away03:53
ghostnik11lotuspsychje: well i will keep searching for a solution until he comes back. thats the beauty about life: learn, adapt and overcome. i will keep trying till i can't try anymore03:55
marcodiegoPLLunlock, ctr+r is bash reverse search. Get used to it. It is a great productivity boost03:55
PLLunlockyes, it's that and the other problem is I'm used to programs and their support files being in one place.03:55
PLLunlockmarcodiego: I'm writing all these down.03:55
marcodiegoPLLunlock, also, the idea of a program with all their files in one dir is an habit. Think: not everything is exactly a program; it may libs, frameworks, resource... There are good reasons for their files to be not all in a single place. So, don't think about programs and where they are installed. Think about *packages* and that they're installed on the system03:57
marcodiegoPLLunlock, by been packages, that should be managed by the *package manager*. That is why the package manager is called package manager, it manages packages03:58
PLLunlockyeah, packages are sprayed into every directory.03:58
marcodiegoPLLunlock, I suggest you to install and use synaptic, to get used to the idea03:58
marcodiegoPLLunlock, if you ever need to know the files a package use "dpkg -L"03:59
marcodiegoPLLunlock, but remember that that is a package manager's task, not yours04:00
PLLunlockI did install synaptic.  I like it,  the ubuntu software search tool is very limited.04:01
marcodiegoPLLunlock, package management is on of the strongest reasons I opted for gnu/linux in the beginning. I looked so advanced and practical. It took around 2 decades for other OS'es to develop similar features (in the form of stores)04:03
marcodiegoPLLunlock, also, you're on a possible good new era: snaps and flatpacks are get more popular by the day; try them04:03
PLLunlockmy last text got eaten by the server04:07
PLLunlockit was just a rant on how confounding bin, sbin and all the variations like the two root versions, usr, and usr-local.04:13
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PLLunlockami back?04:24
marcodiegoPLLunlock, you shouldn't care much about what is out of your home directory. Leave that to the package manager and other system software04:25
marcodiegoof all the dirs on my root, the only ones I regularly use are /etc/, /tmp/ and /media/04:27
PLLunlockSo it it proper to do git clones to the home dir?04:27
marcodiegoPLLunlock, yes. They are your files, the rest of the system shouldn't even know about them04:28
=== Blade is now known as Dreaman
marcodiegoPLLunlock, my suggestion: create a "dev" directory in your home, and git clone there. Then you will know where your cloned projects are04:29
PLLunlockhow do I create icons on my desktop to launch things?04:30
marcodiegoPLLunlock, if you're using the latest ubuntu version, I think you'll need an extension for that04:31
PLLunlockusing 16.04 i see drag-n-drop works.04:31
PLLunlockI'm only using 16.04 because i couldn't find gnuradio in the ubuntu software tool.  i was under the impression that it was for finding software.04:32
PLLunlockin 18.0404:33
marcodiegoPLLunlock, Also, consider if this (desktop icon) is really a good habit. You have the launcher, terminal, searching and probably other ways to launch your apps. Desktop icons are only visible if all windows are minimized04:33
PLLunlockthere's a "show desktop" button04:34
marcodiegoPLLunlock, that basically minimizes all windows: inefficient04:34
PLLunlocktrue.  I'use the workspace functionality more if it was one click instead of 2.04:35
marcodiegoPLLunlock, that single click would probably be no faster than opening it using the command line. Specially if you can use ctr+r04:38
marcodiegoPLLunlock, you can use "xdg-open file" to open a file with its associated program04:39
PLLunlockit's a graphical program I'd have to transition to mouse anyways.04:39
marcodiegoPLLunlock, as an example: if I plug a pendrive and I know that it has a document.pdf in its root, I just type: "xdg-open /media/marco/[....]/document.pdf" and that's all04:40
marcodiegono need to click, no need to search, no need to use a file manager and I just press some keys since autocompletion makes most of the command and paths for me04:41
PLLunlockthat is handy to know all of those incantations.04:42
marcodiegoPLLunlock, once you get used to it, you will start to question why did you live so long using file managers, clicking things and with icons on the desktop04:43
PLLunlockopen .pdf ext drive    would make more sense04:43
marcodiegoPLLunlock, note, filemanagers have their place and usefulness, clicking too; but I think they're much overused04:44
PLLunlockis the firewall on by default in ubuntu?04:47
PLLunlockuh no it's not04:54
PLLunlockwell the common ports are closed but traffic is not dropped, it is rejected.05:03
PLLunlockany tips on avoiding "dependency hell"?05:05
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jellycodeHi all... this awk adds a newline to the output.  can anyone help me get it without the newline?  svn info http://svn.mechsim.local/svn/mech-sim/trunk/VehicleSim  | grep Revision: | awk -F' ' '{print $2}'05:11
ghostnik11can anyone help with this: https://pastebin.com/38MH8JT705:12
cyclohexane_jellycode: you could probably try cut -d' ' -f 2 instead of the awk command05:20
cyclohexane_The subversion command is throwing a name/service not known error for me so I can't test it, though05:20
jellycodesorry, that url is bad05:22
ghostnik11okay so i just ran: grub-install --removable and for the first time it did this: Installing for i386-efi platform. Installation finished. No error reported. is that safe to say that i can now do sudo dpkg --configure -a and the system wont freeze or can i run a test to see if everything is working properly?05:26
cyclohexane_jellycode: or you could probably just pipe it all into head -n -105:27
cyclohexane_which removes the last line05:27
cyclohexane_assuming there's only one newline at the end, not for every entry05:29
dingiris latest ubuntu using kernel 4.18?05:32
Bladeinstall manuall05:32
Bladewhat is the problem05:33
jellycodewhat was that cut command again?05:33
marcodiegoPLLunlock, wrt dependency hell, You won't have to care about it unless your compiling things05:33
PLLunlockmuch of the software i deal with doesn't have packages05:33
ghostnik11okay it seems like my grub is failing because of this from the pastebin https://pastebin.com/8kM3GdyV05:39
cyclohexane_jellycode: `cut -d' ' -f 2`05:43
ghostnik11when i get to installing for i386-efi platform it says could not delete variable: no space left on device then error: efibootmgr failed to register the boo=i386-efit entry:block device required. failed: grub-install --target05:45
marcodiegoPLLunlock, how are you installing them?05:59
PLLunlockcompiling making and installing06:02
PLLunlockhunting down dependencies when it doesn't qork.06:02
PLLunlockrinse repeat06:03
lotus|NUCPLLunlock: we dont support compiling here, instead we reccomend installing packages from the official ubuntu repos06:16
ghostnik11okay i have finally made some progress just ran this: sudo apt-get install grub-efi-ia32 grub-efi-ia32-bin06:18
ghostnik11and it shows that grub-efi-ia32-bin set to manually installed and its asking me if i should have the following packages removed: shim?06:19
PLLunlockbut the "ubuntu software" button on has access to a tiny portion of the available software.06:22
marcodiegoPLLunlock, that's not easy for a beginner. Can you give some examples of software you had to build yourself?06:22
lotus|NUCPLLunlock: apt-cache search your-package06:22
PLLunlockrtlamr   https://github.com/bemasher/rtlamr06:24
lotus|NUC!info gr-radar | PLLunlock06:24
ubottuPLLunlock: gr-radar (source: gr-radar): GNU Radio Radar Toolbox. In component universe, is extra. Version (bionic), package size 350 kB, installed size 3277 kB06:24
marcodiegoPLLunlock, it may be hard to (eventually) avoid dependency hell. Only recommendation I can give you is to keep your system as close as possible to the one of the developers of the tools you need.06:26
marcodiegoPLLunlock, "apt-cache search ofm" maybe your friend06:27
marcodiegoPLLunlock, I mean  "apt-cache search ofdm"06:29
PLLunlockhmmm.  packaged?06:30
marcodiegoPLLunlock, not sure if it is the same thing you need.06:32
PLLunlockwhere is it looking for these?06:33
PLLunlockoh these are the parts that come with gnuradio.06:34
cyclohexane_boritek: hi!06:34
boritekI have tearing on video playback on Ubuntu 18.04 with dedicated nvidia card GTX 770 (no optimus, cpu i7-4820k) with nvidia closed driver06:35
boritekwhy is that and how can I fix it?06:36
boritekmost people complaining about it are on laptops, but i am not06:36
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lotus|NUCboritek: driver version please?06:41
lotus|NUCboritek: driver version please?06:41
boriteklotus|NUC: driver version is: 396.5406:45
lotus|NUCboritek: what does your system propose on: ubuntu-drivers list ?06:46
lotus|NUCboritek: ok tnx, i would try a 390.7706:47
boriteklotus|NUC: in my repo the latest 390 is 390.8706:49
ducasseboritek: you can also try the first suggestion in this link, afaik it often fixes tearing. note the 'edit:' https://askubuntu.com/questions/760712/how-do-i-remove-screen-tearing-in-16-04-with-nvidia-gtx-960-m06:49
boritekthis didnt help: nvidia-settings --assign CurrentMetaMode="nvidia-auto-select +0+0 { ForceFullCompositionPipeline = On }"06:54
boritekducasse: i guess this is also something related to optimus and laptop tearing only?06:55
boriteki have dedicated nvidia card06:55
lotus|NUCboritek: 396 is more for gtx 1050 and 106006:56
lotus|NUCboritek: try 390.77 from the ubuntu graphics ppa06:56
ducasseboritek: no, it's for desktops as well06:57
boriteklotus|NUC: ok, i will try it again, i used 390 generally but installed the latest after Steam play / proton announced06:58
lotus|NUCboritek: so you had a working 390?06:58
boriteki dont remember how video playback was there, but will let you know06:58
lotus|NUCboritek: if something works, stay at it :p06:59
boritekinstalled, rebooting07:04
boritek390 has got tearing as well :(07:07
lotus|NUCboritek: did you try what ducasse suggested?07:28
boriteklotus|NUC: sorry I guess yes, but  i cannnot read back because of my reboot07:36
boritekwhat was the suggestion exactly?07:36
lotus|NUCboritek: https://www.cmscritic.com/stop-screen-tearing-with-optimus-laptops-using-nvidia-drivers-in-linux/07:37
lotus|NUCghostnik11: EriC^^ is in the house07:39
boriteki tried earlier something like this that didnt work, i guess because it is for optimus07:39
ghostnik11EriC^^: hey bro, i have tried everything to work!!! and defeat this messed up uefi grub. been working now for 7 hours straight07:39
ghostnik11EriC^^: here is a pastebin. i just got: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/khWXKQ7XYg/07:39
lotus|NUCboritek: are you on 390.77 right? not 390.48?07:40
ghostnik11lotus|NUC: i felt like i was in a heavy weight fight with mike tyson in his prime. this damn stupid grub-efi problem almost knocked me out and had me wanting to quit07:41
boriteklotus|NUC: im on 390.8707:41
lotus|NUCboritek: from wich ppa?07:41
lotus|NUCghostnik11: patience EriC^^ will help when he has time07:42
boriteklotus|NUC: http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu07:43
boritekfor bionic07:43
ghostnik11lotus|NUC: okay cool i think i am going to go to bed. is it okay to come check back after i get some rest?07:44
lotus|NUCboritek: ok, i see they highered the 390 version, your good07:44
lotus|NUCghostnik11: #ubuntu is 24/7..its always good to come back07:45
lotus|NUCboritek: try the trick from options nvidia_drm modeset=107:45
ghostnik11lotus|NUC: well yeah i know that. i am asking if he will be on when i come back!! our time zones are probably different. also i want him to explain why it keeps crashing. so that when i am back in school if it crashes again i can fix it without internet b/c back in school we don't have access to internet easily07:46
ghostnik11lotus|NUC: anyhow bro, thanks for the help i will back after getting some good rest07:47
lotus|NUCghostnik11: not my decision mate07:47
ghostnik11lotus|NUC: lol, later bro07:48
lotus|NUCboritek: just curious, your system up to date to latest also?07:49
ducasseboritek: which desktop is this?07:49
boriteklotus|NUC: yes i always keep my system uptodate07:53
boritekducasse: ubuntu 18.0407:54
boriteklotus|NUC: i tried already nvidia_drm modeset=1 earlier and it didnt help :(07:54
lotus|NUCboritek: uname -a please?07:55
boritek4.15.0-33-generic #36-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 15 16:00:05 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux07:55
lotus|NUCyeah looks good boritek07:58
lotus|NUCboritek: lets make a new bug for you08:01
lotus|NUCboritek: can you test something else first, try wayland instead of xorg?08:03
boriteklotus|NUC: yes, i need to go soon though for about 1hour but i can check that later. Just write me what to test exactly08:04
lotus|NUCboritek: that done with log out, then when enter your username, click the gear icon ubuntu(on wayland)08:04
lotus|NUCand test the tearing there08:04
boriteki tested it quickly before I go, the issue is that i cannot even login on a wayland session08:07
boritekand strangely there are 2 Xorg sessions08:08
lotus|NUCboritek: hmm thats weird indeed, did you clean install or upgrade to 18.04?08:09
boriteki did upgrade08:09
lotus|NUCboritek: this you can also try, a liveusb 18.04.1 to see08:10
boriteklotus|NUC: a liveusb i guess uses an open drive instead of closed nvidia08:11
boritekand i cannot install it there, after a reboot it is gone :)08:12
lotus|NUCboritek: ok lets make a bug then mate08:13
lotus|NUCboritek: ubuntu-bug nvidia-graphics-drivers-39008:14
lotus|NUCboritek: ubuntu-bug nvidia-driver-39008:15
leosemiliehow to remove snap software08:16
leosemilieor is it nimpler to change os08:17
ducasseleosemilie: 'snap remove <nameofsnap>'08:17
leosemilieducasse no remove the entire thing08:17
ducasseall snaps?08:18
leosemilieit puts crypto drives on thu machine08:19
leosemilieremove snap08:19
ducassecrypto drives? what do you mean?08:19
lotus|NUChe probably means /dev snaps08:19
leosemiliethe snap makes a virtual encrypted drive08:20
ducassethose are squash filesystems, nothing to do with crypto08:20
ducasseleosemilie: which snap, and where?08:21
leosemilieremove snap08:21
ducasseplease speak in full sentences08:22
leosemilieHow to remove the entire snap system08:22
ducasseapt purge snapd08:23
ducassebut i'm curious what encrypted drive you are talking about08:23
leosemiliethat is what snap does08:24
ducasseno, it's not08:24
leosemilieeach app gets its own space08:24
ducasseyes, but it's not encrypted08:25
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leosemiliethen my system is custom08:25
ducassei find that very unlikely, unless you've rewritten snapd08:26
leosemilieok well when it is booted I can tell pou if it works08:27
leosemiliedo you have any software developers I dont see anything new on snap08:30
leosemiliesimple scan has meen around since quantal08:31
leosemiliethot is editors choice08:31
ducassethere's a ton of snap applications, new added all the time08:32
ducassemany of them are not available as debs08:32
leosemilieis there anything werth keeping snap08:33
leosemilieI did a quick search and didnt see anything needed08:34
RounerI can not enter the desktop after I copy all files in the home DIR to a new partition and mount it at the same path what can I do08:36
ducasseleosemilie: you can look here, but if there's nothing you need then there's nothing you need. https://uappexplorer.com/snaps08:37
guivercRouner: I'm not 100% sure of what you mean, but I'd check you did what you intended (it's mounted as $HOME, and has correct permissions, eg. does `stat $HOME` give you as owner with rwx permissions?  ($HOME is /home/user/ where user is you)08:39
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Rounerguiverc: you are right!  It works08:42
RounerBut setting all files as rwx is really not safe ! _ !08:44
guivercno files shouldn't be rwx; the directory should be (so you can write files in it, read files in it, and execute if files are set to +x inside it!) - directories are different..08:45
guivercRouner: now do the same same (eg. `stat $HOME/Desktop/`) and see you are owner to Desktop/ folder, plus permissions are okay (for folder..)08:46
guivercs/same same/same to Desktop folder/ - my mind is elsewhere osrry08:47
guiverc(ps: i'm assuming $HOME/Desktop/ is what you meant by 'can not enter desktop')08:48
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RounerYeah, when I list the Home path , owner is root ,so it is not work before, thanks08:49
guivercRouner: I'd use `cp -pr`  (-p = preserve permissions, r=recursive)  you can use `chown` to change ownership, but I'd just `cp` again...08:52
RounerBecause my disk bacome full, so I cp all files to a new partition. And mount the partition to the home path when booting08:55
leosemilieok sasl not working in pidgin used webchat instead the thing is a loopback with the .snap extension. I was building the same thing on gentoo but erased the entire reiserfs. building it with crypto though, loopback. I found it doesnt work well becauser blocksize conflicts; Not really what I had in mind.  there are a couple interesting softwares ducasse09:23
leosemilielooking at disks and see two loop devices09:23
leosemiliecryptswap is on09:25
leosemiliewhere is thye hibernate button?09:25
leosemiliehibernate doesnt look like an option09:27
leosemiliebut there is a cryptswap09:27
dkaI have two dka user (local + ldap), How can I remove the local account to prevent uid conflict in futur?09:27
leosemilieducasse: Idon't want state farm holograms popping up recruiting police everywhere09:28
lotus|NUCleosemilie: what are you talking about?09:29
leosemilieis virtualbox a snap?09:29
lotus|NUCleosemilie: stop trolling please09:30
leosemilieis it true a 64bit vm can run on a 32bit platform?09:30
lotus|NUCleosemilie: this channel focus on actual ubuntu support09:30
leosemiliehurry up there is a limited battery the androids chew up batteries09:31
lotus|NUC!ops | leosemilie random disturb09:31
ubottuleosemilie random disturb: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax09:31
leosemilieyoud think they can make wireless last longer than an hour or so09:31
leosemilieis virtualbox a snap?09:31
leosemilieis it true a 64bit vm can run on a 32bit platform? ducasse that can be useful09:32
SwedeMikeleosemilie: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56124/can-i-run-a-64-bit-vmware-image-on-a-32-bit-machine  if the CPU supports 64bit then you can do that, yes.09:32
leosemilieno in a virtual box SwedeMike09:33
SwedeMikeleosemilie: you didn't read the text in the link, right?09:33
SwedeMikeleosemilie: so let me copy/paste the relevant text "You can't run a 64-bit VM session on a 32-bit processor. However, you can run a 64-bit VM session if you have a 64-bit processor but have installed a 32-bit host OS and your processor supports the right extensions."09:33
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leosemilie32 bit cpu though Ive seen it run 64bit on another machine09:36
leosemiliethinking it was 64bit solaris09:37
leosemiliefunny happening09:37
leosemiliethere is a 64bit atom my guess it doesnt report to the software it can do it09:38
nikolamwhy for the Ubuntu's sake , gksu and gksudo got removed from Ubuntu?09:39
leosemilieI feel like neo where he hits the concrete and the state farm program continues it's accusations.09:39
nikolamthere's no working GUI/GTK graphical 'sudo' now, isn't it? Shouldn't if there is some isse it should have been fixed instead of removing functionality?09:40
nikolamI don't want to install half of KDE, just to kave 'kdesu' running, to be able to run ntfs-config....09:41
leosemilienikolam: that is the system it does that ongoing problem09:42
leosemilieit was nearly to where the entire thing had no choice because of dependencies09:42
leosemilieI guess that is what snap is trying to improve on.09:43
jack_rip_vimhi ubuntu!09:45
nikolamleosemilie, as far as I can see, snap is a pile of s* and trpubles, pushing to Ubuntu proprietary god-knows-where compiled what09:46
nikolamit snaps is the reason I have bunch of /dev/loop nonsense in df -h now, then it is clearly a non-elegant way of doing things09:47
nikolamIsolating apps with having their libaries multiply in versions , doing just a binary distribution? Reminds me on DLL HELL on MN Windows , step backwards I think09:48
leosemiliedoes ubuntu use non pie compilers nikolam ?09:48
nikolamwth is "non pie" leosemilie ?09:48
nikolamLinux in general have a problem you need to recompile every app for a new kernel , mostly. Some platforms with stable ABI, like illumos don't have that problem, mostly.09:49
jack_rip_vimbye ubuntu!09:49
nikolamjack_rip_vim, whatever09:50
jack_rip_vimnikolam: hi nikolam09:50
leosemiliethats the problem your having with kde libraries09:50
leosemilieso it pulls in from other packages09:51
nikolamleosemilie, I am awaro of it. My problem is NOT with kde libraries. My rpoblem is with understanding Why gksu and gksudo were removed, without fixing it or providing valid GTK repalcement09:51
lotus|NUCnikolam: avoid him, he's trolling atm09:52
jack_rip_vimhaven't used ubuntu for a long time, getting miss ubuntu09:52
nikolamleosemilie, and you don't fix dependent libraries with snap, sorry. you need to have them one way or another09:52
leosemiliepie is the position independent09:52
lotus|NUCjack_rip_vim: do you have an ubuntu question?09:52
jack_rip_vimlotus|NUC: no09:52
jack_rip_vimI am helping people09:52
nikolamjack_rip_vim, xubuntu was and is a nicer way, just sayung. :P09:53
nikolamlotus|NUC, ah I see.09:53
jack_rip_vimnikolam: yeah, it is a good disto, :)09:53
leosemiliewhere is the hibernate button09:58
ducassedidn't you have encypted swap?10:00
cim209nikolam, i got d/c but if you have an issue with linux kernel then get a macOS lol10:34
lotus|NUCcim209: please dont suggest mac in the #ubuntu support channel10:35
cim209lotus|NUC, roger supervisor10:35
nikolamcim209, that's fairly uneducated answer, thanks.10:36
cim209didn't think open source (FREE) software was sensitive to proprietary brand names10:36
cim209especially coming from someone who's a volunteer10:37
lotus|NUCcim209: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions10:37
cim209lotus|NUC, yeah ok guy10:37
BluesKajHiyas all10:38
cim209lotus|NUC, i actually got an issue with ubuntu upgrading from 16 to 1810:39
cim209since you're acting like a mod, mind helping me out?!10:39
bazhangcim209, please state the issue to the channel10:40
bazhangif someone knows they will help10:40
cim209i want to ask lotus|NUC directly for help10:40
lotus|NUCthats not how this works cim20910:41
bazhangcim209, better to ask us all10:41
cim209but since you chimed in bazhang , my wallpaper isn't showing up10:41
cim209before i log in10:41
bazhangcim209, during the framebuffer?10:41
bazhangcim209, when you say wallpaper, do you mean the one once you have fully gotten the desktop10:42
cim209i set the wallpaper via lightdm10:43
cim209after the upgrade10:43
cim209still nothing10:44
bazhangperhaps you mean the xdm greeter10:44
cim209yes the lightdm + greeter settings10:44
cim209here's the setting https://imgur.com/zZ3fXez10:44
bazhangthat's not what we call wallpaper cim20910:45
guivercnikolam fyi: you mentioned gksudo/gksu being removed; gksu last changed upstream in 2014 being abandoned - that's a long time ago, the discussion was all back then, being declared a 'security risk' (and wasn't wayland compatible anyway)10:45
cim209background, wallpaper, same thing10:45
bazhangnot really10:45
cim209same thing10:45
bazhangcim209, for purposes of help here, they're not the same at all10:46
neurreim looking for something to recover files from exfat formatted sdcard which has broken partition table10:46
lotus|NUC!info testdisk | neurre sudo photorec10:46
ubottuneurre sudo photorec: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0-3build2 (bionic), package size 391 kB, installed size 1530 kB10:46
cim209semantics wise, yes two different things10:46
cim209so what am i doing wrong?10:46
bazhangcim209, you tried going back the original?10:47
cim209the original was the wallpaper i had before the upgrade10:47
cim209now it just shows black10:47
cim209no graphic, just solid color10:47
bazhanggreeter screen you mean10:47
cim209no, wallpaper i had after login10:48
cim209the greeter screen is showing nothing, even though i set it to the wallpaper i had in the desktop10:48
bazhangsounds like there's an isuue with you mis-setting it with lightdm10:48
bazhanghave you yet tried an alternate one to the one that is currently failing10:49
cim209did you see my screenshot? are the settings wrong/10:49
cim209no i didn't set it to a different one but the images are indeed pointing to where it should be10:49
cim209there are multiple images in that directory where the background is being set10:50
guiverccim209: i don't know, but if you're changing your greeter background, ensure the resolution & colors aren't too high.  i recall a greeter (in the past) having a max resolution/color depth which is less than wallpapers when logged in (this could have changed, just a thought!)10:51
cim209guiverc, the resolution of my wallpapers are 1920x1080 or less10:52
cim209this is an old machine, 200710:52
guivercI'd suggest comparing the resolution/colors of the default image (one you replaced) and use it's resolution & colors as a guide as to what you can use10:52
cim209guiverc, didn't have this issue with 16.0410:53
leosemilieok, what is going on ? I was reading emails.10:53
cim209if this was PHP, i could diagnose it just by reading the php error logs but the system logs of ubuntu are convoluted by other process running in the background10:54
leosemiliecim it used to print everything on screen10:56
leosemiliethen they started piping things to devnull10:56
hans_it appears that /proc/[pid]/exe is a symlink to the executable binary file - is this some ubuntu extension, or is it normal in linux?10:56
leosemilielinux in general10:56
hans_neat, thanks10:56
leosemilieif you modify the settings you can reopen everything but I'm guessing like nearly everything it has been moved to kernel10:57
bazhangleosemilie, lets keep the offtopic chatter elsewhere10:57
guiverccim209: the directory where you picture isn't in your $HOME (/home/user/) directory is it?  you're not logged in and that's out of reach maybe ...10:57
cim209guiverc, it's in ~/Documents/wallpaper10:57
guiverccim209: make a copy in /home/ and try using that... or in /usr/local/share (or some other place).. and try10:58
cim209guiverc, yeah i'll try that but i don't restart the machine for long periods of time11:00
cim209usually weekly11:00
cim209usually weeks*11:00
cim209sometime months11:00
guiverccim209: i understand...11:01
cim209i wrote a bash script that ssh to multiple servers via keyless ssh and downloads backups11:02
cim209this machine is running to execute that shell script via cron11:02
cim209well i guess i'll just try my luck tomorrow  with my issue11:05
cim209thanks for trying to help guiverc11:06
BluesKajgood ol' kde/plasma, no problems with login backgrounds/wallpapers, use whatever you want no matter the path11:16
BluesKajsame goes for grub11:20
guest_unable to find(search for) bluetooth device11:41
guest_output of lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net; lsusb; rfkill list all; dmesg | egrep -i 'blue|firm'  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wW8vGYxShq/11:43
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ppfdoes anyone know of a logitech g19 driver/manager for bionic?11:55
duoianyone been in a situation where you cant auth with only one particular wifi access point?12:01
BluesKajppf, https://github.com/koehlma/gnited12:02
duoier, don't tell me mixed mode wireless poses issues for Ubuntu :/12:04
BluesKajmixed mode ?12:06
ppfduoi: it doesn't12:06
ppfBluesKaj: does that work for you?12:07
BluesKajmy router runs both simultaneously12:07
ppfi meant the g19.py :)12:07
BluesKajppf, i don't have the g1912:08
BluesKajnice KB ppf , assume you're a gamer :-)12:09
ppfin younger years12:10
ppfwaiting for it to break so that i can get a mechanical one ...12:10
BluesKajI just use a ms-2000 wireless KB , pretty generic12:11
BluesKajwhat's the advantage of mechanical ?12:12
ppfyou get proper click feed back, the keys don't wobble12:13
BluesKajand feedback if you're gaming ?12:14
ppfthat depends on the switches you get12:15
ppffor gaming you want fast, non-clicky switches, which aren't ideal for coding12:15
* BluesKaj isn't either12:16
ppfyou aren't ideal for coding? ^^12:16
BluesKajnot a gamer or coder..just an old  home user who loves linux12:17
BluesKajit's been one of my hobbies since retirement12:18
yannfI am trying to install Ubuntu on a laptop with W1012:25
yannfI made a new partition12:25
yannfbut I have a limited Internet connection, so I don't want to use the 1.8 GB image12:26
yannfso I got a netinstall image on a USB key12:27
yannfbut it doesn't boot12:27
yannfI get an error message about UEFI12:28
yannf(very fast)12:28
BluesKaj!uefi | yannf12:29
ubottuyannf: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:29
dptcIs there an easy way to switch between keyboard langauges? For example between UK English and Japanese.12:33
* BluesKaj wonders if rufus unmounts the target partition before writing to it12:33
BluesKajon usb12:34
leosemiliewhere is the hibernate button?12:34
leosemilie2.1GB cryptswap and nothing showing12:35
leosemiliebattery low12:36
leosemiliewhere is the hibernate button12:36
lotus|NUCleosemilie: stop that please12:36
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aus_malHello everyone, just wondering if there's any potential harm in adding the Pop!_OS PPA, mainly just for the do-not-disturb-extension. Thanks!12:59
lotus|NUCaus_mal: we dont really support adding external ppa's here13:02
lotus|NUCaus_mal: but as its your system you can choose yourself of course13:02
ducasseaus_mal: if it's just an application that doesn't touch anything installed from the repos, then the risk is likely low. if it touches core components it's a different matter. but it's at your own risk.13:02
lotus|NUCaus_mal: created by the system76 guys, it wont harm much13:03
aus_mal@lotus|NUC, ducasse thanks for the info. I'd better try asking over on their side. Thanks again guys13:04
lotus|NUCaus_mal: if your on ubuntu, perhaps look for an alternative?13:04
lotus|NUCaus_mal: what does this extension do?13:04
aus_malI'm pretty hopeful of even a simple command line alternative, as I think all it does is disable pop-up notifications13:05
ducasseaus_mal: which release are you on?13:06
gopal__unable to get bluetooth device list. https://imgur.com/a/lA50ZO813:07
aus_malducasse: you spurred me to check the settings, which has exactly what I want, albeit a few more clicks away13:08
aus_malducasse: Ubuntu 18.0413:08
ducasseaus_mal: :)13:08
aus_malthanks again, will be sure to do a bit more digging, or thinking, next time!13:10
lotus|NUCaus_mal: no problem, thats what the channel is for13:10
royal_screwup21what's the difference between <cmd> ./...  vs <cmd> ./13:20
geirhaliterally ./... ? with four dots?13:25
royal_screwup21geirha:  there's 3 dots inf front the slash, yeah. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35766457/godep-save-seems-not-working-for-https-github-com-hashicorp-terraform13:26
royal_screwup21anyway I guess it's accessing a folder named ...13:26
geirhaI think it's just ellipsis, meaning the "..." represent "whatever path"13:27
geirhaeither that, or ... is just special for go and godep13:28
gopal__bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM.hcd failed with error -2[    3.587958] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Patch brcm/BCM.hcd not found, how to fix it ?14:06
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skinuxAnyone know a common reason why Right-alt+arrow-keys would switch between terminals and DE?14:22
lapionrigth alt == alt-gr ??14:27
_KaszpiR_alt right? :D14:27
immu_ubuntuBluesKaj: hiu14:29
skinuxBoth Alt keys when combined with left or right arrow keys, switch between terminal and DE.14:29
skinuxI don't want it doing this.14:29
BluesKajhey immu_ubuntu14:29
immu_ubunturemember me14:30
immu_ubuntui had to register a new nick14:30
immu_ubuntui couldn't get the password for my old nick14:30
immu_ubuntuBluesKaj: how are you doing and how are others14:32
BluesKajfine here immu_ubuntu, others are at #lotuscomputers and #ubuntu-discuss14:36
skinuxI don't get it. It didn't even start doing it until yesterday14:50
Rounerskinux: just update !!14:54
Rounerimmu_ubuntu: /msg NickServ HELP (cmdline)to change the passwd.14:56
diverdudehi, i made a mistake and installed 32 bit ubuntu on my 64 bit machine. Is there any way i can upgrade this without having to wipe the entire machine first?14:57
ducassediverdude: no, you need to reinstall14:58
tomreyndiverdude: but you can keep /home  if it's on a separate partition14:58
diverdudeducasse: and is there any way to do this without a usb or cd or similar?14:58
diverdudecan i somehow just download iso file of 64 bit and run it or do i have to make startup disk first and all that jazz?14:59
ducassediverdude: you can use debootstrap and install grub manually, i guess14:59
diverdudeducasse: hmm ok that sounds complicated14:59
ducassebut you can't do that on the filesystem you are booted from15:00
diverdude2x sigh :(15:00
diverdudewhy must things be so complicated15:00
ducassethey aren't if you just use a usb stick :)15:01
diverdudei dont have one :/15:01
ducassecan't get one either? a small usb stick is pretty cheap now15:02
tomreyndiverdude: what *do* you have?15:05
tomreynsupposedly some optical media then? also multiple disk drives?15:07
ghostnik11lotus|NUC: hey bro, good morning!!! so i am back at it and i know eric^^ isn't back yet but i think i might have been able to find a solution to my problem. it seems to be the kernel!!! by default doesn't want to fill up the efibootmgr space on motherboard. i think the team that works on kernels did that intentionally or at least its what this article said: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/379774/grub-installation-fai15:08
ghostnik11my only question is if i add this: "efi_no_storage_paranoia" to kernel lets say from grub. will it break the system15:11
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CarlFKghostnik11: I would hope if it breaks a reboot will fix it15:14
CarlFKghostnik11: I feel 90% confidant even though I don't know much about efi15:14
ghostnik11CarlFK: okay. i mean the other option is to delete the dump files in efivars which is what the other person in the article suggested fixed his problem15:15
ghostnik11CarlFK: but i don't want to delete b/c i am not sure about that. i can just add the efi_no_storage_paranoia at end of command line in grub15:15
gopal__i was getting  " Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM.hcd failed with error -2 " in dmesa, so i did " sudo wget -O /lib/firmware/brcm/BCM.hcd https://github.com/winterheart/broadcom-bt-firmware/blob/master/brcm/BCM43142A0-0a5c-216d.hcd " after that i am getting https://imgur.com/a/nz1vtEj. bluetoothctl -> power on says No default controller available15:22
ghostnik11CarlFK: okay so i added it and then when i ran sudo grub-install it told me: Installing for i386-efi platform. Installation finished. No error reported. so it might be fixed but i will check back with eric^^ the efi expert to see if everything is really okay with grub and efi15:27
CarlFKghostnik11: you know how to "hit e in grub" to edit at boot time, right?15:28
ghostnik11CarlFK: yeah i added the eif_no_storage_paranoia right after quiet splash15:28
CarlFKghostnik11: that doesnt' tell me you know what "hit e in grub" is15:29
ghostnik11CarlFK: yeah i hit e and then i can edit the grub.cfg from grub.15:29
gopal__systemctl status bluetooth  says it is running and hcitool dev return no device name15:30
CarlFKwell.. no. you are not changing the file15:30
CarlFKbut thats ok, as long as you know where to hit e, thats all I care about15:30
arunpyas-any idea how we decode b'\\\xc4\xedw\xf4\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x92,\xf1\x01\x02\x00\xf8J`\xd2\xb9\x07\xa1\x9e\x00\x00' to string please ?15:34
ioriagopal__, please,  dmesg | egrep -i 'blue|firm'15:36
gopal__ioria, output of lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net; lsusb; hciconfig -a; dmesg | egrep -i 'blue|firm' is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YfGSrgTPBN/15:36
ducassearunpyas-: i don't see how that's an ubuntu question, tbh15:38
immu_ubuntuducasse: hi15:38
ducasse\o immu_ubuntu15:39
immu_ubunturemember me15:39
immu_ubuntuducasse: :)15:39
ioriagopal__,  what fw file did you copy from github.com/winterheart/ ? (your it's not listed)15:41
gopal__ioria, BCM43142A0-0a5c-216d.hcd15:42
ioriagopal__,  why ? yours is 14e4:436515:42
gopal__ioria, lsusb says Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0a5c:216d Broadcom Corp.15:43
ioriagopal__,  heve you tried 'sudo modprobe -r btusb && sudo modprobe btusb' ?15:45
gopal__ioria, tried it15:47
ioriagopal__,  any output ?15:47
gopal__ioria, no15:48
ioriagopal__,    dmesg | tail ?15:48
gopal__ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/y4tDFHbdhW/15:49
ioriagopal__,   can you paste  ls /lib/firmware/brcm | pastebinit ?15:50
gopal__ioria, http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HdVP4kNJqn/15:51
ioriagopal__,   BCM.hcd is the github one ?15:51
gopal__ioria, yes15:52
ghostnik11okay how can i get touchscreen to work like touchscreen on a smart phone while using lubuntu. currently touchscreen works but its more like a mouse pointer15:54
ghostnik11is there something i can install to get that working?15:54
ioriagopal__,   power off the machine (not reboot)15:54
gopal__ioria, tried to do power off after downloading bcm file15:55
ioriagopal__,  no idea then,  wrong fw maybe15:55
ducasseghostnik11: i don't think lubuntu has any extensive touchscreen support15:56
ghostnik11ducasse: oh!!! okay, well can i add it since lubuntu is using ubuntu repos?15:56
ducasseghostnik11: i don't think you understand - there is nothing for you to add, the lubuntu devs would need to implement it15:57
gopal__ioria, a user on #linux suggested <AAA> gopal__: deregistering interface driver btusb ,<AAA> gopal__: can you try a different/newer version of that driver?  or you may be missing helper modules. or maybe you have modules blacklisted , can you please help me to check them15:58
ducasseghostnik11: it's not as simple as installing a package15:58
ghostnik11ducasse: that sucks!!! i was so hyped!!! uh, its so fast though, thats the reason why i took off ubuntu and went wtih lubuntu b/c its lighter than ubuntu15:59
gopal__ioria, before installing that file i was able to get device list but was not able to search for bluetooth device16:02
ducasseghostnik11: part of the reason it's so light is it doesn't include support for a lot of things (like touchscreens)16:04
ioriagopal__,  hcitool dev  what says now ?16:05
gopal__ioria, devices :16:05
gopal__but no device name16:06
gopal__ioria, https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=160802 , #4 , ?16:08
ioriagopal__,   a patch you mean ?16:10
gopal__ioria, no16:11
gopal__ioria, it is related to me ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032417/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bluetooth-0cf33004-discovery-not-working16:15
HelenahHi, what does this error mean? "Error: Could not find or load main class .usr.bin.eclipse", I am new to eclipse, java and lua from a developers level and I am trying to use luaeclipse.16:18
HelenahAnd how would I go about correcting this issue?16:19
HelenahI forgot to mention, I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 and I installed eclipse via APT.16:20
HelenahMaybe I need to be using Eclipse Oxygen instead?16:23
gopal__ioria, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/176464516:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1764645 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Bluetooth not working" [Medium,Fix released]16:23
HelenahOkay, purging, and installing Eclipse Oxygen, your services are no longer required.16:24
MWMIm running into permission errors with fslint.  is there a way to run as root?16:27
MWMor a different tool that *can* run as root ?16:30
zunkMWM: sudo fslint?16:30
MWMsudo: fslint: command not found16:31
gopal__ #ubuntu-linux is not working ?16:31
MWMno way to start crom cli at all  (that I can find)16:31
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zunkMWM: sudo /path/to/fslint16:32
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zunkor if its local directory sudo ./fslint16:32
HelenahIs it me? Or is this channel filled up with humans?16:32
* Helenah sighs16:32
MWMzunk: seems to have done the trick.  thanks :D16:33
zunkMWM: here's for a graphical sudo if you need gui https://itsfoss.com/gksu-replacement-ubuntu/16:34
MWMnow i see why it normally oesnt run as root... the exclude list for all the root directories is giant16:34
BluesKajHelenah, looking for bots ? :-)16:34
Helenah"Linux for human beings", very accurate motto at that! Now for the nerds to take over the channel.16:34
cluelesspersonDoes #ubuntu have a policy against public logging of chats?16:35
mauz555hello, i'm trying to connect my new arty a7 (fpga board) to a thinkpad running ubuntu. I installed the drivers and everything, but dmesg give me an error message, anyone can help ?16:35
cluelesspersonmauz555: pastebin the error message, pastebin how its connected and the components involved16:36
gopal__ #ubuntu-linux is invite only ?16:36
Helenahcluelessperson: Yes, unless you are the undead.16:36
HelenahThe undead are allowed to log the channel.16:36
cluelesspersongopal__: some channels are marked as offlimits/private to discourage people using them16:36
cluelesspersongopal__: creating a single space16:36
MWMha that's funny.  I always meant to remeber to use gksu :D16:36
MWMand now its gone :P16:36
cluelesspersonHelenah: I was searching through github and noticed some people hosting ubuntu logs for some software projects16:37
cluelessperson"topic clasification" basically16:37
HelenahThat's the undead logging the chats.16:37
cluelesspersonHelenah: I'm confused what you mean by that16:37
HelenahYou know, zombies, moving skeletons16:37
HelenahDead but moving16:38
cluelesspersonHelenah: I'm very confused by what you're going on about.16:38
kk4ewtcluelessperson, you can log the channel for your personal use Freenode has a policy against publishing16:38
Helenahcluelessperson: That means, if you give the log to someone else, Freenode is likely to kick your ass.16:39
ghostnik11okay i am trying to download the latest bluez packages and get bluetooth working on device. how can i from terminal download the newest from git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez.git16:44
Aaronopen up firefox16:45
Aaronand download it16:45
Aaronor man git16:45
Ben64ghostnik11: i'd recommend using the packages in the default ubuntu repositories16:45
ghostnik11Ben64: yeah but they might not have the latest bluez it might be the old one. currently bluetooth is up but i can't search for devices or be found by other devices16:46
gopal__ghostnik11, i was facing the same problem16:50
gopal__ghostnik11, which device you are using ?16:51
gopal__ghostnik11,  what dmesg | egrep -i 'blue|firm  says?16:53
mauz555hello linux mates, anyone is free to help, I'm stuck with my new FPGA --> https://pastebin.com/fKyDfhm316:56
CarlFKmauz555: /j #timvideos17:02
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kumoolwhen you run service daemon start, it runs the script from init.d correct?17:33
_KaszpiR_it can be calling wrapper script if you are on os with systemd17:34
kumooli am17:34
kumoolI think...17:34
_KaszpiR_should show a list of currently running services17:35
_KaszpiR_if not, you probably are not on systemd17:35
kumoolit does not show the list of currently running services, just kernel constants17:37
kumoolservice --status-all does though17:37
bluesmonkHi! do you know how to show the workspace number in the workspace icon in the desktop toolbar? google is not helping much17:47
bluesmonkin 18.0417:48
kumoollist-units failed though17:55
blackflowkumool: systemctl not sysctl18:01
bluesmonkreplying to myself https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/21/workspace-indicator/18:05
Alina-malinahey all, wondering if it is still possible to access HDD data from ubuntu/linux if i just disable one of my HDDs from bios and boot ?18:09
bluesmonkif you mount it, yes18:09
Alina-malinahmm, then whatfor is the option in BIOS for disabling it?18:09
bluesmonkwhat do you mean with disabling it from the BIOS?18:10
Alina-malinathere is an option in bios to disable HDD bluesmonk18:10
Alina-malinawhen u first boot and get into BIOS when you hit del, or f8 or w.e.18:10
Alina-malinaso there is a primary disk/secondary18:10
bluesmonkyou mean changing the boot order?18:10
Alina-malinano just disabling it18:11
Alina-malinathere is option "Disable"18:11
bluesmonkI don't recall that option, sorry18:11
bluesmonkyou are the one that asked that18:11
Alina-malinadamn let me check, now u make me feeling suspicious lol18:11
bluesmonkyou say there is one, but you also ask where is it18:12
Alina-malinano i am not asking where is it, wait a second please18:12
bluesmonkoh sorry, you are asking what is it for18:12
Alina-malinaso there is option to Disable it18:12
Alina-malinalet me take a screenshit of my bios18:13
Alina-malinajust a sec18:13
* bluesmonk wonders how to do that18:13
bluesmonklike with your phone18:13
Alina-malinabluesmonk, https://image.ibb.co/jePofU/image.jpg  here18:14
bluesmonkI see18:14
tomreynthis is about whether this drive will be part of your boot sequence18:15
Alina-malinaso if i disable it from there and boot like from flash drive or w.e. i boot, will i still be able to Enable back that HDD from linux?18:15
bluesmonkbased on my intuition, if it's worth something18:15
bluesmonkI would say it wont appear in your OS18:15
bluesmonkthus you wont be able to mount it18:15
tomreynit doesn't affect wehether or not the drive is exposed to the OS (it still will be)18:15
bluesmonkI say you go ahead and try it18:16
Alina-malinadamn it18:16
bluesmonkif there-s no drawbacks of course18:16
Alina-malinawell, rn i dont have a bootable USB, so i thought someone might know this already, i will try this definitely on the morning18:16
Alina-malinatomreyn, you think it will be mountable even if you disable it from bios? :-/18:17
tomreynAlina-malina: "mountable" is about file systems, not about storages. the storage will continue to show up when the Os looks for available storages (SATA bus scan)18:18
tomreynas i said, th eonly thing you're changing at theis location of the bio is the boot order and whether the bios will make an attempt to boot off a device (enabled) or not (disabled)18:19
Alina-malinatomreyn, i have an ubuntu server there, but also i have another ubuntu on other drive, which i want to mount to that computer, but i dont want that one could "see" the other when one boots up18:19
tomreynwhy not, dont you trust your OS?18:20
Alina-malinai do trust, but i dont want other root priviledged users from other drive see the other and vice versa18:21
ducasseAlina-malina: if you don't want the os to see the drive then pull the cables18:21
tomreynroot is full access to everything, i don't think you have a lot of options othe rthan FDE18:21
Alina-malinaducasse, well then why the heck that option of disabling is in bios lol, i thought its nice protection feature without cable pulling etc18:22
Alina-malinanot sure what is FDE tomreyn18:22
Alina-malinafull disk encryption18:22
Alina-malinayes of coarse18:23
Alina-malinathanks for the idea tomreyn18:23
tomreynFDE doesn't prevent destroying data, though.18:23
bluesmonkI think the option is there to fiddle with the boot order18:23
bluesmonklike, don't attempt to boot from this device18:23
Alina-malinawell the other HDD root users come from internet, so i have a separate OS with separate HDD for them completely, but eh...18:23
tomreynso if you don't want to trust one of the OS's then you'll need to compartmentalize it, such as by running it in a VM.18:24
Alina-malinaah VM not an option unfortunately, i also was thinking of this, but they might notice they are on virtualized envuironment and i got problems, they want bare metal access18:24
tomreynif you're 'selling' (?) dedicated hardware, then you should also provide that18:25
Alina-malinatomreyn, i am not selling anything lol, its for learning purposes, but still i dont want other people have see "my real computer"18:26
tomreynthen have two computers.18:26
ntdwho made the decision that the bionic server image should be *juuust* to large fit on a CD?18:26
Alina-malinai invite people to my box, so we share knowledges etc18:26
Alina-malinatomreyn, lol, well i only got 118:26
ntdif the image is too large, might as well even more onto it18:26
Alina-malinaanyways thanks for your time tomreyn i think FDE is the only reliable options18:27
tomreynAlina-malina: get one from the closest city dump or buy a SOC for <50 USD/EUR18:27
Alina-malinatomreyn, i want to "feel them inside my box" lol....18:28
Alina-malinaalso its not a commercial purpose, its just for fun no need for VPS or w.e.18:29
hggdhntd: it has been larger than what fits in a CD for quite some time. Nevertheless, we do not put "uncommon" packages in it18:30
ntdtrusty and xenial certainly did fit18:39
salamanderrakeI updated/reinstalled ubuntu to 18.04 and now I have a bunch of files named with ' in there titles, like 'Some File.txt' or 'Some Directory' and its anything with spaces in its name18:41
salamanderrakeor thats how it shows in Terminal.18:41
hal-mbI am currently unable to boot my ubuntu 18.04 system after I attempted to install the proprietry nvidia drivers downloaded from the nvidia website. I blacklisted the nouveau modules and then ran update-initramfs.19:13
hal-mbWhen I reboot, the normal boot goes into a loop, and any of the recovery modes that work boot into read-only mode. A lot of them don't boot, and go into a loop.19:15
hal-mbcan anyone tell me how I can proceed to get my system booting again, please?19:15
coz_hal-mb,  do you get to text console?19:17
coz_hal-mb, ok read only mode, you can log in there, yes?19:19
coz_hal-mb, log in try    sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade , if anything is updated  then  sudo init 6    <<reboot,19:22
coz_hal-mb, My schedule has me off and on irc,  I have to leave right now19:24
hal-mbI don't even know how to get in to read only console mode reliably.19:27
ioriawhy read only ???19:28
ioriahal-mb, you need to sudo sh NVIDIA* --uninstall; remove the blacklist; run again update-initramfs19:28
ioriahal-mb, alt+ctrl+fX to get a console (and it's not in ro mode)19:29
hal-mbioria: thank you. I got to root console via the recovery mode. I'll try the steps you recommend. Give me 1019:30
ioriahal-mb, npe19:30
ioriahal-mb, in recovery you are in ro mode19:30
ioriahal-mb, you need to remount rw (read/write) : mount -o remount,rw /19:31
ioriahal-mb, the system isn't booting at all ? or you get the login screen at least ?19:32
hal-mbno login screen. I can just see the processes starting up, and then it flashes the list of that screen output, but no gui starts19:33
hal-mbgoing into root console mode and mount -a seems to have mounted rw19:34
ioriahal-mb, cd /home/youruser and    run 'touch pippo'19:35
hal-mbyeah, I could create files there19:37
ioriahal-mb, cd  in the nvidia installer directory19:37
hal-mbthank you - I'm back in. Still, the recovery modes dont seem very sensible. Why isnt one of them to start up using a basic display driver, as this is one of the fundamental things that can go wrong?19:37
ioriahal-mb, btw, why did you choose the nvidia website version ?19:38
EriC^^hal-mb: there is a recovery mode > then use a fail safe graphics option19:38
ioriahal-mb, you can add 'nomodeset' to the kernel  line19:39
ioriahal-mb, but it's not point19:40
hal-mblet me try rebooting into the recovery modes to see if they work now19:41
ioriathey who ?19:42
hal-mbif I boot into recovery mode and leave it for a minute, a load of messages are printed over the screen, such as "[DEPEND] Dependency failed for /boot/efi" , [DEPEND] Dependency failed for File System Check on /dev/mapper/ubuntu-data" (this is one of my custom mounts that I set up at install time) and many other messages19:53
hal-mbThe Recovery menu still seems to work19:54
hal-mbif I click on dpkg, it goes through some processes and then shows "apport-autoreport.service is a disabled or a static unit, not starting it"19:56
hal-mband doesn't go any further19:56
karabaja4can I run the same conky on all 3 screens using a single conky instance? or the only solution is just run 3 conkys with different xinerama_head values?19:57
hal-mbmy system was only installed the other day, and was a clean install. I'm surprised these features don't work19:59
hal-mbEriC^^: how do you get into the fail safe graphics option?20:03
lenny_lemonhow can i update cpu driver in ubuntu 16?20:06
tomreynlenny_lemon: you can install microcode updates, but that's it20:08
tomreynlenny_lemon: what are you trying to achieve?20:08
lenny_lemoni am not sure if my driver is up to date ...20:08
lenny_lemonand still got some issues with UEFI and somebody long ago find out that might be something to do with cpu driver and kernel driver ...20:09
lenny_lemonbut is bit advanced for me ...20:09
lenny_lemonso want to update cpu at least ...20:10
tomreynlenny_lemon: the 'cpu driver' is the kernel. what are you running there, what's your hardware?20:10
tomreynif someone told you (literally) that you "need to upgrade your linux cpu driver" then they should not be listended to.20:11
lenny_lemontomreyn, why?   64bit, intel i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz, 8GB RAM ...20:13
lenny_lemontomreyn, the person did not tell me to upgrade it but upgrade might help to solve the UEFI problem ... he provided page to read where other has similar or same problem ...20:14
tomreynlenny_lemon: why what?20:14
tomreynthat's not a very recent cpu, it will work fine with all supported ubuntu releases.20:15
tomreynlenny_lemon: which ubuntu version do you run there?20:16
tomreyn.5 ?20:16
tomreyndo you run the hwe kernel?20:17
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:17
lenny_lemon16.04.5 LTS ... sorry20:17
tomreynwith hwe, "cat /proc/version" will report 4.15.something, otherwise 4.4.something20:18
tomreynlenny_lemon: what does "apt-cache policy intel-microcode | grep Installed" return?20:19
lenny_lemontomreyn, Installed: 3.20180807a.0ubuntu0.16.04.120:20
tomreynso you have the latest microcode installed, and i assume also the latest (hwe) kernel available for your ubuntu release. then nothing else can be done on ubuntu. you could maybe upgrade your bios / uefi.20:21
tomreynbut then you haven't actually discussed what the 'uefi issues' are.20:22
lenny_lemontomreyn, that's the issue with UEFI ... i cannot access BIOS ... no key ... no key combination ...20:22
lenny_lemontomreyn, when I got laptop, it came with win 8 ... UEFI secure boot enabled ... I resized partitions to install ubuntu but after only win automatically starts ...20:24
lenny_lemonobviously in 2012 i did not know have to disabled secure boot ... so i cannot access it since ...20:24
lenny_lemonI installed ubuntu on usb persistent and installed it from there to laptop without win on new hdd ... every time i turn off laptop i have to plug USB with ubuntu to start it ... otherwise will have just black screen ...20:26
lenny_lemoncannot access BIOS/UEFI or boot order ...20:27
wifi_sucks_anywa I'm having some difficulty getting my fresh Ubuntu 18.04 installation to register my Honeybull 1200 USB WiFi adapter. I've followed instructions from this github: https://github.com/abperiasamy/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux but it still does not come up. dmesg picks up the device when I plug it in but when I try to load the module I get errors about a verification signature failure20:27
tomreynlenny_lemon: which computer model is this? can you:  dmesg | pastebinit20:29
lenny_lemontomreyn, Lenovo z58020:30
lenny_lemontomreyn, dmesg has over 1500 lines ...20:34
tomreynlenny_lemon: that's not unusual. you dont have to paste it if it feeels uncomfortable, we can cheery pick informaiton we need.20:35
lenny_lemontomreyn, i fine with it ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jJR9P4NkgF/20:36
tomreynlenny_lemon: running "sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup" should instantly reboot your system into the uefi setup.20:36
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tomreynlenny_lemon: oh, you run UFW, and the interesting dmesg is missing because ufw spams the buffer and old records have been lost, so the relevant info is missing. thanks for posting, though.20:37
lenny_lemontomreyn, UFW ?20:38
tomreyn"uncomplicated firewall"20:38
tomreynthe host based firewall you have configured on your system, probably using the 'gufw' GUI20:39
tomreyni suspect that you have fastboot enabled and thus cannot access the uefi setup utility by keystroke after powering on. however, running "sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup" tells the uefi to start itself on next boot rather than booting into an OS.20:42
tomreynso it should enable you to access and configure it (unless you also have a password set which you forgot)20:42
lenny_lemontomreyn, password for encrypting disk and i think fastboot is enabled ...20:43
lenny_lemontomreyn, but i cannot restart at the moment as i am running some unfinish work what I need to save ... will take a while ...20:44
tomreynlenny_lemon: the (OPAL) disk firmware encryption password is not required to enter the uefi configuration utility.20:45
tomreynlenny_lemon: ok, good luck later.20:45
lenny_lemontomreyn, but i saved it and will execute it straight after i finish ... if it does not help i'll let you know ...20:45
TeddyMurrayim trying to configure phpmyadmin on apache and ubuntu 16.0620:46
TeddyMurrayy> https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-phpmyadmin-on-ubuntu-16-04 im using this tutorial, but when i visit the http://ip/phpmyadmin it looks like the paths weren't set to20:46
lenny_lemontomreyn, when i install ubuntu i disabled secure boot ... so before anything will shows i got msg on top SECURE BOOT IS DISABLED20:46
lenny_lemontomreyn, thanks will let you know ...20:47
tomreynlenny_lemon: i don't consider secure boot disabled to be an issue, other than it means that a malicious process with root access could factually lock your mainboard from booting your computer, and (if you really use OPAL) the data on your drives, too.20:49
lenny_lemontomreyn, what kind of malicious process you mean? like malware or something?20:51
tomreynlenny_lemon: yes. it's rather unlikely, and complex. just ignore it.20:51
lenny_lemontomreyn, I doubt it ... but anything is possible ...20:52
tomreynTeddyMurray: did you mean ubuntu 16.04 LTS?20:57
TeddyMurrayyes sorry20:58
TeddyMurrayfound a workaround, manually installing the zip from phpmyadmin20:58
tomreynthere should have been /etc/apache2/conf.d/*phpmyadmin* which includes /usr/share/phpmyadmin on any site where /phpmyadmin is accessed21:00
tomreyni think it is commented out by default, though21:01
tomreynyour workaround may work around needing to finish the configuration of the phpmyadmin ubuntu package, but it also means you loose the ability to track and install security patched using apt.21:01
nucc1does anyone know how i can override the apache systemd unit file and not have it reset on updates?21:02
EriC^^hal-mb: in grub choose advanced, then recovery and when it loads choose fail safe graphics at the top21:03
EriC^^it's basically 'nomodeset'21:03
moredrowsyhi, i have issues with booting ubuntu on an external hd21:06
moredrowsyubuntu boots fine when changing pc21:06
moredrowsyhowever, when i set up a kvm with a bridge21:06
moredrowsysometimes it won't boot on another pc21:06
moredrowsywhen i revert the changes in /etc/network/interfaces back to default, ubuntu boots fine21:07
moredrowsythis is what i changes to the network interfaces21:07
moredrowsyauto lo br021:07
moredrowsyiface lo inet loopback21:07
moredrowsyiface enp9s0 inet manual21:07
moredrowsyiface br0 inet dhcp21:08
moredrowsy    bridge_ports enp9s021:08
moredrowsysometimes i have to completely remove the br0 to boot on a new computer21:08
moredrowsyor change the en9s0 to the correct one21:08
moredrowsyanyone knows of a solution to fix this without changing the network interfaces all the time on booting on a new computer?21:09
_KaszpiR_this is probably because ot udev and predictable device names21:10
tomreyn!paste | moredrowsy21:10
ubottumoredrowsy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:10
moredrowsy_KaszpiR_, is there any solution to this?21:11
_KaszpiR_you coud just try without udev rules for network interfaces, so first network card would always be eth0 on any modern hardware21:11
moredrowsyi'm sorry, i'm new. how do i do that?21:12
moredrowsyill read that. thanks!21:13
_KaszpiR_see second answer from top (tl;dr version, create empty file (or just comment only) under /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules )21:15
tomreyni think you can also name interfaces based on the devices' mac address, this would guarantee persistent names across machines.21:15
_KaszpiR_and reboot21:15
moredrowsywould that be the network card mac?21:15
tomreynwhat i suggested? yes.21:16
moredrowsyok, ill try. thanks guys!21:17
lenny_lemontomreyn, sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup just restarted laptop ...21:34
lenny_lemonno BIOS/UEFI or boot order ...21:34
tomreynlenny_lemon: hmm, a pity. and F2 or Fn-F2 doesn't do it either?21:35
lenny_lemontomreyn, i tried every key and combination of keys ...21:35
tomreyni doubt this.21:36
lenny_lemontomreyn, lenovo just replace motherboard what i heard ... but mine is out of warranty ...21:36
tomreynlenny_lemon: do you have a file /etc/grub.d/30_uefi-firmware21:37
lenny_lemontomreyn, tried with battery out only on plug ... try to force system to go BIOS after many restarts and shutdowns ...21:37
lenny_lemontomreyn, yes21:38
tomreynlenny_lemon: where did you say grub loads from when you boot?21:39
lenny_lemontomreyn, i must have USB key with ubuntu inserted to start laptop ...21:39
lenny_lemontomreyn, do you want me to pastebinit what is in 30_uefi-firmware?21:40
arsixusing ubuntu 18.04, i'm launching a different window manager (spectrwm) but i can't, for the life of me, figure out how to run a few commands whenever i log in. ~/.xinitrc certainly doesn't seem to be the answer. can anybody point me in the right direction? gdm3 seems to be my session manager21:41
tomreynlenny_lemon: no thanks. reboot again and access the grub menu, then press 'c', then type: fwsetup21:41
tomreynthat's another way to enter the uefi setup21:42
lenny_lemontomreyn, how exactly i can access grub menu?21:42
tomreynlenny_lemon: you hold down the shift key during boot21:43
tomreynlenny_lemon: alternatively, keep pressing escape until it shows up.21:43
tomreynarsix: ~/.xinitrc should still be handled (at least if you run X, not wayland). is it chmod +x?21:46
sonicwindooohh... just learned something... thanks tomreyn (the fwsetup from grub)21:46
tomreynsonicwind: :) welcome. update-grub should add it to your menu by default if it can determine a compatible system.21:47
arsixi'll double check. is it "#!/bin/sh" at the top or does it need to be something else?21:47
tomreyni guess i'd use #!/usr/bin/env bash21:48
sonicwindyou'd have to reboot again then, right? to get into UEFI setup21:49
arsixjust tried your line and then a simple `xsetroot -solid lightblue &` (which works when i just run it in a terminal)21:50
arsixwould i need to restart gdm3 altogether for that to be consumed? i was just logging out and back in again21:50
tomreynsonicwind: on the system i used it on, selecting thios option would reboot immediately, and enter the uefi configuration interface21:50
tomreyn*user interface21:50
tomreynarsix: you'd probably need to restart gdm, maybe X, too. is ~/.xinitrc mode +x though?21:51
arsixyeah, made sure to chmod. just restarted the system altogether to no avail, unfortunately21:52
arsix775 permissions21:52
tomreynarsix: and you logged on (via gdm3) to the same user whose $HOME you placed .xinitrc in?21:53
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes21:53
arsixyeah, unless there's some weird subtlety going on with that. i only have one user on this system21:53
lenny_lemontomreyn, just restart it when i typed fwsetup ... when i tried type help shows: error: Secure Boot forbids loading module from (hd1,gpt1)/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/help.mod21:54
tomreynarsix: X.org logs may now be found at ~/.local/share/xorg - maybe check what's going on there21:54
arsixyeah, i was just looking at that21:54
tomreynlenny_lemon: you said secureboot was on, so this comes to no surprise. the grub help is a grub module, which uefi considers to taint the secureboot process21:55
tomreyn(since the module is not signed with any of the keys it trusts, i guess)21:56
lenny_lemontomreyn, but after i typed fwsetup restarted and shows msg: Booting in insecure mode21:56
arsixnothing obviously interesting in the log. is there maybe a more basic command you can think of that i can run just to, like, prove to myself that it's actually running at all?21:57
tomreynlenny_lemon: interesting. but it still doesn't enter the setup utility?21:57
lenny_lemontomreyn, not at all ...22:01
tomreynarsix: touch /tmp/i_was_at_xinitrc_and_all_i_got_is_this_lousy_empty_file22:02
tomreynlenny_lemon: hmm, well, that's all i can think of. i'd retry F2 and function-F2 while its 'Booting in insecure mode'. but that's up to you...22:03
arsixyeah, the touch isn't getting executed22:04
tomreynalso check if you have a 'novo button'22:04
lenny_lemontomreyn, i'll give try ... but laptop has NOVO button what after press will show 4 options: normal start, Bios, Boot order and recovery ... no matter what i press it always just started ... recovery just works but when i had win ...22:05
lenny_lemontomreyn, nothing worked ...22:11
quiltbitchUbuntu 18.04 is soooooooooooo great. That's it.. that's all I wanted to say :)22:12
quiltbitchI don't see any reason to ever boot up my windows machine22:12
lenny_lemontomreyn, but thanks for try ...22:15
tomreynlenny_lemon: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2117760&p=12532607#post12532607 might be another option. but i can't really think of more.22:15
tomreynsudo find /boot/EFI -iname bootmgfw.efi22:17
ghostnik11EriC^^: hey don't know if your busy but i wanted to ask you some questions on efi and esp partition and all that jazz. but i am running a quick experiment to see if my system will freeze when i try to run sudo grub-install like it was doing in the past. give me a few minutes to see22:17
tomreynwhoops, i mean: sudo find /boot/efi/EFI/ -iname bootmgfw.efi22:17
tomreynlenny_lemon: ^22:18
lenny_lemontomreyn, what it suppose to do? did nothing ...22:19
tomreynlenny_lemon: i was hoping you'd have this efi boot code which i think also spawns the uefi configuration utility.22:21
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ghostnik11okay i am back and i can confirm the system crashes when i try to run grub-install via terminal. but the system doesn't crash when i add the kernel argument from grub menu. the kernel argument is: efi_no_storage_paranoia22:26
buyakahas anyone seen a dual-boot issue where you the Windows bootloader shows up in GRUB but when you select you get a 'not found error' meanwhile you can boot into Windows directly from BIOS? Ive tried grubupdate but that hasnt fixed it22:31
tomreynbuyaka: if you had the "os-prober" package installed on ubuntu and removed it later on, this could occur, i guess.22:34
buyakayeah Im pretty sure os-prober is still installed. GRUB detects windows it just wont boot into it from the menu22:35
tomreynmaybe purge and reinstall it just in case22:36
buyakaI found one more thing to try22:40
_amine__I'm insatlling a library package: libxxx-dev, but I cant find it in the pkg-config --list-all, is that means it's not installed correctly ?23:22
ahi2buyaka: do you have ntfs-3g installed?23:27
drecondiusDo I need a different chat for help with my vulkan drivers on my system because they continually fail to initialize citing invalid driver23:36
ghostnik11hey i am trying to get bluetooth working and want to use the git.bluez 5.50 from github. how can i download the 5.50 release from github.23:36
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tomreyndrecondius: which graphics hardware + driver?23:39
drecondiuscurrently a Radeon hd 6770 with Mesa 18.3 i think23:40
ghostnik11in my synaptic it shows i have 5.48 bluez version but for some reason my bluetooth doesn't work23:43
drecondiusMesa 18.3.0-devel23:44
tomreyndrecondius: so you're using which ubuntu version and graphics drivers?23:44
drecondiusUbuntu Mate 18.04 with Mesa 18.3.0-devel with a Radeon HD 677023:44
skinuxCan anyone help with ALT keys combined with left/right arrow keys switching between shells and DE?23:45
tomreynthere's no mesa 18.3.0-devel on ubuntu 18.04, though.23:45
drecondiusit's a ppa23:45
drecondiusVulkan hasn't worked since initial install and update however so I finally went hunting for an updated mesa ppa23:46
tomreynthe only ones which can be recommended are padoka + oibaf23:46
drecondiusnvm, I had that ppa as well and my standard performance simply wasn't there. so switched to oibaf ppa23:48
drecondiusthis is the vulkaninfo message : ulkan Instance Version: 1.1.7023:49
drecondiusbuild/vulkan-Kbdbga/vulkan-1.1.70+dfsg1/demos/vulkaninfo.c:2700: failed with VK_ERROR_INITIALIZATION_FAILED23:49
tomreynthere are multiple PPAs by them. i guess https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/+archive/ubuntu/mesa *may* work with radv on your hardware, but you'd surely have  better chances with a newer generation card.23:52
tomreynalso this stuff is still pretty young.23:52
tomreyndrecondius: maybe #ubuntu-x or #amdgpu can provide more hints, but be sure to have read all and any availabel information oinline beforehand - busy folks.23:53
billythekido7Is there any point securing GRUB (turn off recovery mode, adding password etc) when booting in legacy? It seems to me that it's pointless23:53
ghostnik11hey is it safe to download bluez-5.50.tar.xz from here: http://www.bluez.org/download/23:54
tomreynbillythekido7: what would you like to protect against?23:54
tomreynghostnik11: we only support the software available in ubuntu here.23:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:54
billythekido7tomreyn: I just try to understand why people suggest it. It seems to me with local access it's pointless23:55
billythekido7tomreyn: I was reading this: https://ip.engineering/howto-hardening-grub/ Even with all the hardening, a malicious user with local access can just overwrite the /boot and get over with it. right?23:56
tomreynbillythekido7: as long as they can boot the system or modify what's on the hdd by other means, yes.23:57
billythekido7tomreyn: I was thinking plugging a USB and overwriting the /boot23:57
billythekido7so what's the point in doing it?23:58
billythekido7does setting a password in grub protects against other non-local attacks? I can't think of any...23:58
tomreynbillythekido7: i would think this scenarios involves access restriting the bios setup utility and restricting the configuration to only carry out your standard boot routine (from first hdd), and probably chassis intrusion detection, too.23:59

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