
OvenWerksEickmeyer: Finally installing fresh 18.10. I will see how it boots when I am done. Note that I always install normal BIOS method because the rest of my drive is already set that way.17:55
OvenWerksI do note an error in the logs though: Sep  8 17:55:29 ubuntu-studio ubiquity: /usr/lib/ubiquity/target-config/48ubuntu17:58
OvenWerksstudio_maybe_ubiquity: 19: .: Can't open /scripts/casper-functions17:58
OvenWerksThat may affect the ability to not install everything17:59
OvenWerksAnyway time to reboot18:01
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I just booted US Cosmic from yesterday's DL.18:15
OvenWerksqjackctl's default configuration is bad (auto kill jack on exit, The rest we don't care about)18:18
OvenWerksubuntustudio-controls has been released18:19
OvenWerks... I need to do a reboot to see how it works.18:19
OvenWerks-controls has some bugs:18:19
OvenWerksthe GUI does not have the same defaults as the daemon18:20
OvenWerksThe GUI shows jack autostart enabled, but the backend default is not.18:21
OvenWerksActually thats it that I can see... it's missing the tablet stuff... I guess I haven't finished that yet :)18:23
OvenWerksBugs in cosmic: The icon used for Studdio in the menu is over sized, rightclick on desktop and select Applications to see this.18:25
OvenWerksanother bug in -controls: it appears /lib/* is not installed so cpu governor is not set at boot.18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1791457 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu) "CPU governor is not carried across boot." [Undecided,New]18:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1791459 in ubuntustudio-controls (Ubuntu) "The GUI does not show the default values the backend is working with" [Undecided,New]18:50
OvenWerksEickmeyer: fixes committed for both bugs... needs new release/upload.19:56

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