
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
flocculantbluesabre: should be at least in the vicinity this week if you want to run a meeting06:38
brainwashUnit193: can you fix this? bug 156928110:43
ubottubug 1569281 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Appstream xml is stored in wrong package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156928110:44
brainwashflocculant: this one is a won't fix? https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1225410:47
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 12254 in General "Minor wording issue" [Normal,New]10:47
Unit193I can push that to Debian.10:47
brainwashthat would be great. thanks.10:49
Unit193(Or git at least, not sure when the next release will be.)10:57
brainwashit's just a minor thing anyway11:02
Spasscosmic with manila folders - https://i.imgur.com/Y57vydV.png14:15
bluesabreflocculant: I'll schedule it today for sometime this week15:37
bluesabregotta schedule around my wife's schedule :)15:37
flocculantbrainwash: yea16:40
flocculantbluesabre: schedules ... who needs that :p16:41
ochosiSpass: what are you using for globalmenu?16:46
ochosialso, i feel the manila folders work quite well in that particular screenshot16:46
ochosiis that elementary-xfce?16:46
ochosiseems more like upstream elementary or something16:47
Spassochosi, I use xfce4-appmenu-plugin from the repo, icons are upstream from GitHub with added Inherits=elementary-xfce-darker16:49
ochosiregarding the manila folders, they're already on their way to xubuntu anyway16:50
ochosialready merged them into elementary-xfce16:50
ochosiok kewl, will give xfce4-appmenu a try16:50
ochosiwhoa, scary amount of depends16:51
Spassyup, I just wanted to try them out today, I had some free time to test cosmic16:51
ochosibut anyway16:51
ochosiif you can/want to do some multi-display testing there's a branch you could try16:51
Spassyeah, but it seems to work fine, at least from my quick test16:51
Spassunfortunately I only have one monitor atm16:52
ochosiok, no worries16:52
Unit193Hrm...Well thanks for the screenshot, Spass.17:36
SpassI just wanted to show off Xubuntu on some Linux Screenshots groups, surfing on the "eOS Juno hype" wave, kinda17:41
Spass(I've made it slightly better https://i.imgur.com/g0VqnZi.png - proper Thunar toolbar icons and more interesting content in Mousepad... anyway, sorry for that, I know that it belongs to -offtopic)17:46
Unit193I was looking at the yello icons, specifically.17:46
ochosi(he doesn't like them)17:47
Unit193Sure, though I said it before so figured no point repeating it. :P17:47
ochosinot sure you said it here17:49
ochosibut anyway :)17:49
Spasswell, to be honest I wasn't a fan of them too when they were introduced, but they aren't that bad, still - I think the blue ones fit X slightly better17:49
SpassUnit193, they should look ok with Xebian orange ;)17:50
Unit193Heh, fair enough.  I don't like them because I don't like the color yellow, simple as that.  I don't *think* it will specifically clash with Numix, so that's good.  It'll just make the 'desktop' and 'network' icons stand out more in thunar.17:51
Unit193(Though yes, I do get the relation to actual manila folders, soooo...Logical at least!)17:52

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