zztopless | Afternoon all... Just made the switch to KB 18.04 after being on the equivalent mintKDE version. From what I can tell, ont he surface at least, they seem as near-identical as I remember last time I moved the other way. Is there any meaningful differences from a user's perspective? | 05:18 |
madLyfe | i feel like my monitors go to sleep and stay a sleep about 50% of the time. other times they dont go to sleep or come back on. pretty annoying. | 05:51 |
lordievader | Good morning | 05:55 |
zztopless | Good afternoon | 05:56 |
madLyfe | yo | 05:56 |
zztopless | Are your monitors well rested madLayfe? Lack of sleep causes me to behave in much the same way... :/ | 05:56 |
madLyfe | lol | 05:57 |
zztopless | madLyfe: Are you running a vm or natively? | 06:00 |
madLyfe | natively if i understand what you are talking about. | 06:02 |
zztopless | Yeah, ie not a virtual machine | 06:04 |
madLyfe | ya | 06:04 |
zztopless | I'm a bit odd in that I've stuck with windows as my hosting on my main workstation/home PC (I work from home so it's both). Most of the reason's for originally doing so no longer apply, but creatures of habits etc... | 06:05 |
madLyfe | lock screen functions properly as well | 06:06 |
zztopless | what about disconnecting the monitor cable from the GPU and or monitor end and reconnecting? | 06:07 |
zztopless | What GPU are you using? Are the monitors the same model? | 06:09 |
madLyfe | they turn it actually happens on win 10 as well. chrome, and certain pages i use frequently, keep them awake. if i close those chrome sits/windows, everything works normally. i didnt think i would have the same issue on nix. | 06:11 |
madLyfe | RX470. all the monitors are the same make/model. | 06:12 |
zztopless | have you tried a different OS? | 06:13 |
zztopless | Could it be the monitors themselves having the eco setting that detects when the screen's been static for x time and sleeps | 06:14 |
madLyfe | what do you mean? im on kubuntu. | 06:15 |
madLyfe | no, they never go to sleep on me. the opposite. they randomly wont go to sleep. | 06:15 |
zztopless | I understand, but most *nix distros have live installers, so you could test if it's a kubuntu specific issue or your monitors/gpu | 06:16 |
zztopless | Ah, sorry, mis-read that, still worth eliminating it being hardware | 06:17 |
zztopless | I would just install windows 7 on either a fast flash drive or an external hdd as a test. If it's a driver or OS issue, Windows would be the easiest way to confirm either way. | 06:20 |
madLyfe | it happens on win10 too.. | 06:20 |
lordievader | Could there be slight movement of the mouse which is causing the wakeups? | 06:22 |
madLyfe | actually i two wireless mice, one normal and one vertical. happens with both. and also, its because of chrome. | 06:23 |
zztopless | madLyfe - ah ok - has to be GPU or the monitors then. | 06:23 |
madLyfe | i know what causes it. | 06:23 |
zztopless | what do you mean by one vertical? | 06:23 |
madLyfe | its a vertical mouse. more ergonomic. no more wrist pain. | 06:24 |
zztopless | Ah, gotcha | 06:24 |
zztopless | Now you mention it, I often have problems getting my desktop to stay asleep. It's been better lately, but aside from unplugging the wireless kb/mouse (not my main kb/mouse, but what I use when sitting on the couch). | 06:27 |
madLyfe | this mouse also falls asleep after 10m of being inactive to save power. you have to click a button to wake it back up. | 06:28 |
zztopless | Usually disabling wakeup via mouse fixed it at least for a while, I sometimes had to disable kb wake as well. Hasn't happened in six months or so. | 06:30 |
zztopless | That sucks. Was about to say most decent mice let you customise that sort of thing with their software, then I remembered said software almost always has not linux version | 06:32 |
madLyfe | I can fully close all of chrome and the monitors go to sleep. I can also just minimize all chrome windows/tabs and the monitors function fine. | 06:33 |
zztopless | Actually, not being able to use the software for my keyboard is one of the reasons I've stuck with Windows (all my Macros and other customisations work fine in both Windows and Kubuntu as a VM, but forget it running anything other than Windows or macOS as your host. | 06:34 |
zztopless | Do chrome notifications wake it up if enabled? | 06:35 |
zztopless | Tried turning hardware acceleration off in Chrome? | 06:37 |
madLyfe | no on the hardware acceleration. no chrome notifications don't seem to wake the monitors up. | 06:42 |
madLyfe | I'm crashing. ty for the help | 06:42 |
zztopless | no worries, didn't really help much :/ | 06:44 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> how can I get the nvidia beta driver on kubuntu? they are not shown on driver managwe | 06:52 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> *manager | 06:52 |
zztopless | what version of Kubuntu are you using? | 06:55 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> 18.04 lts | 06:56 |
zztopless | $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa | 06:57 |
zztopless | $ sudo apt update | 06:57 |
zztopless | actually just copy this: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux#h7-automatic-install-using-ppa-repository-to-install-nvidia-beta-drivers | 06:58 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> aaight thanks 😁😁 | 06:58 |
zztopless | looks like what worked for me last week when I wanted to benchmark kubuntu against windows | 06:58 |
zztopless | The comparison wasn't good though | 06:59 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> how much of a dip did you get? | 07:00 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> what games? | 07:00 |
zztopless | I just ran some benchmarks and played tf2 (only game I really play these days) | 07:01 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> @denimr, I don't think there is a current beta release, but that PPA often has them when there are. | 07:01 |
zztopless | had to turn the settings down noticeably more in KB vs windows to maintain 1080P@144hz on a 10yo quite CPU-dependant game/ | 07:01 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> @acheronuk, alright | 07:04 |
zztopless | Don't remember benchmark numbers, but geekbench was especially unflattering, but from what I've read it depends heavily on whether the game was built the be better optimised for directx or opengl (obviously games that don't support opengl don't run on linux at all) | 07:04 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> how does it run on windows? | 07:04 |
zztopless | SteamOS supposedly gets much better results | 07:05 |
zztopless | neck and neck with windows for games that are optimised to run with with opengl | 07:05 |
zztopless | how does what run on windows? | 07:06 |
zztopless | The benchmark software? Geekbench is cross-platform as are several others | 07:07 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> no tf2 | 07:12 |
zztopless | runs great. I'm using an old GTX 750 as my 580 what too loud, hot and power draining. but it's a 10 year old game, hence why I was surprised I had to reduce a few visual quality settings to get 144fps@1080p. | 07:15 |
zztopless | Don't get me wrong, it was just turning AA and or AF (I can't keep up with all the variations of AA these days) down a notch and maybe a few other settings from very high to high. There is no way I would have noticed the difference playing, but if you're a gamer I imagine many games would be marginal | 07:17 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> yeah I wanted to try the proton thing out | 07:17 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> does anyone know how to get sddm to show on my primary display? Right now it's only on my tv | 07:19 |
zztopless | proton sounds interesting and is a lot more nuanced than just linux vs windows driver related performance | 07:19 |
zztopless | yeah | 07:19 |
zztopless | Although usually if it's plugged in to two displays that are on it will show on both, defaulting to one primary one extended | 07:20 |
zztopless | same for sddm | 07:21 |
zztopless | for me, just setting the PC to the primary display, from memory, solved it, but it's been a while and was pre-Bionic. | 07:22 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> welp it is my primary display... I just rechecked | 07:23 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> it's the laptop display extended to the TV and for some reason sddm only shows on the secondary display | 07:24 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> grub and anything else works | 07:24 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> Google only leads me to arch or old threads | 07:35 |
zztopless | Doesn't it really matter? | 07:39 |
zztopless | I remember having issues with a laptop I used to run mintkde on years ago and always had issues, especially if one was vga and one was a digital connection (from memory the laptop only had vga out). I remember having to uninstall the nvidia drivers when I wanted to use it on the TV and use the nouveau drivers. Solved most issues and was fine as I wasn't gaming on the TV | 07:44 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> okay well I found an arch thread and there they were talking about u sind xrandr to make a config file and do something with some x config and when I even tried running xrandr it wasn't installed | 07:46 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> and I didn't get any of that so I didn't try it out | 07:47 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> I just hoped there was some simple to edit config file for sddm where I can just set the primary display | 07:47 |
zztopless | yeah, i get put off messing with xorg/xrandr etc as well, usually ends up with me booting to a tty and reinstalling | 07:47 |
zztopless | I'm sure there is, someone here probably knows how, but it's nearly 4am in the US, which I imagine is a large portion of people in here | 07:48 |
zztopless | And it's 9am in the UK/8am in EU, so most are either sleeping or going to work (nearly time for dinner here :P) | 07:49 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> yeah you're right | 07:50 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> I tend to forget the time differences, im in UK timeline | 07:51 |
zztopless | I would also try #kde, as well as #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org (very big community and a lot still use the kde version) | 07:52 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ZebedeeBoss> @zztopless, 9am UK / 10am Europe they are ahead not behind | 07:52 |
zztopless | mintkde is almost identicle to kubuntu | 07:52 |
zztopless | That's what I said | 07:52 |
zztopless | I'm in Australia, I was referring to my dinner, not theirs | 07:53 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ZebedeeBoss> you said 9am uk 8am eu | 07:53 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ZebedeeBoss> but small details :) | 07:53 |
zztopless | And we're ahead of everyone :D It's nearly 6pm, Monday here | 07:54 |
zztopless | ah, yes you're correct | 07:54 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ZebedeeBoss> yeah my sister lives in Adelaide | 07:54 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ZebedeeBoss> 5:25 pm there now | 07:55 |
zztopless | I thought you meant I had the Americas and EU around the wrong way. Yeah, I don know the UK is an hour behind | 07:55 |
zztopless | My folks just got back from week in Adelaide. I've never actually been | 07:55 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ZebedeeBoss> me neither - my wife and I hope to go in 2020 and stay for 3 weeks | 07:56 |
zztopless | My sister lives in London :P (our father was born in Luton, so we both have British citizenship/passports) | 07:56 |
zztopless | Nice, are you going to see other areas of the country as well? | 07:56 |
zztopless | Melbourne is only 6 or so hours? I'm in Canberra (for 10 years now, before that Brisbane) | 07:57 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ZebedeeBoss> We hope to visit Sydney - my wife wants to see the Bridge | 07:57 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ZebedeeBoss> all those NY fireworks I guess - lol | 07:57 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> which irc server is this telegram channel connected to? | 07:58 |
zztopless | deninmr: same question in reverse | 07:59 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <ZebedeeBoss> this is Kubuntu Support in Telegram - no idea how to give the address though - I just searched for it when I had Telegram open | 08:00 |
zztopless | Sydney is beautiful and a lot to see. that said, the sprawling western suburbs where most of the population lives is a dull traffic jam :P | 08:01 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> zztopless https://t.me/kubuntu_support :P | 08:02 |
zztopless | I literally had to Google what telegram was | 08:02 |
zztopless | Cheers. So many apps/platforms these days. Back in my day we got our vcd rips, 240p porn and l33t 0-day warez of irc file servers. #Dalnet and #Undernet | 08:04 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> chat software with proprietary encryption from russia | 08:04 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> @denimr, #kubuntu on freenode | 08:07 |
zztopless | I'd imagine Encrypted communication highly valued in Russia? | 08:08 |
zztopless | Like it isn't everywhere | 08:08 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> yeah but many people distrust telegram for both reasons | 08:09 |
zztopless | Suspecting the government has a backdoor? | 08:10 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Phil Linux> @ZebedeeBoss, You can walk onto the top of Harbour Bridge in Sydney! No Cameras allowed though. | 08:10 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <Phil Linux> @ZebedeeBoss, Else you can walk on pedestrian level for free and get wonderful views of the opera! | 08:10 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> yeah though there were news about the russian goverment fining the makers of telegram because they wont build a backdoor so who knows | 08:11 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> i just see you didnt know about telegram since the bot is just called IrcsomeBot1 lol | 08:11 |
zztopless | The no camera rule is understandable considering a metal object dropped from that height could damage a vehicle below or injury a pedestrian or even someone on a boat... And of course I believe you can purchase photos taken by Bridge-climb :P | 08:11 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> here its literally called IRC | 08:12 |
zztopless | Centre-Point tower is also definitely worth the not-that-expensive ticket up | 08:12 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> @denimr, It is KDE's bot, so their choice of name. | 08:13 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> ofc i just wondered | 08:13 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> Also with respect, this channel/group is just for support questions, so please limit off topic chat. | 08:13 |
zztopless | and if you really like heights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OansLJSugqs | 08:14 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> yeah ofc sorry | 08:15 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> does someone know how i can automount the ntfs partition on login? | 08:26 |
zztopless | yes you can | 08:27 |
zztopless | local or samba-share? | 08:27 |
guacamolee | local | 08:28 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> woops local | 08:29 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <acheronuk> I have a 2nd hard drive (not ntfs) set to automount on login in "Device Overrides" in the Removable Devices section of systemsettings. That seems to work even though not 'removable' in that sense. | 08:30 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> why did i not see that. Well thanks c: | 08:31 |
zztopless | Just tested latest opera on kubuntu 18.04 (mintkde 19 equivilent) and https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/about/ works, you get a query from the browser (near the top of the page) asking if you want to enable flash on this site) and then it works | 08:35 |
zztopless | same as chrome | 08:35 |
zztopless | on that same page with firefox you get info on how to download flash | 08:35 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 10:06 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> now I tried outputing sound over hdmi but it isnt showing up, did sudo lshw and it isnt there either :c | 10:23 |
BluesKaj | denimr, does aplay -l show it? | 10:24 |
BluesKaj | or look in the upper left in alsamixer | 10:26 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> nope | 10:29 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> only onboard sound | 10:29 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> got the lastest drivers (396) but they weren't there on 390 either | 10:30 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> also nothing in alsamixer | 10:37 |
BluesKaj | onboard audio chip ? | 10:58 |
BluesKaj | denimr ^ | 10:59 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> yeah that's the only one accessible | 10:59 |
BluesKaj | try lspci and look for some like this: Audio device: Intel Corporation 200 Series PCH HD Audio | 11:02 |
BluesKaj | something | 11:02 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> 00:1f.3 Audio device: Intel Corporation CM238 HD Audio Controller (rev 31) | 11:08 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> but thats the onboard one afaik | 11:09 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> Subsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company CM238 HD Audio Controller | 11:09 |
BluesKaj | basically it's the same one..try running sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel...if the driver loads properly you won't see a response, but i suggest you reboot afterwards...it's a known bug with some intel/HP onboards. Also make sure automute is disabled in alsamixer | 11:13 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> nope didn't help :( | 11:25 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> as far as I've seen there should be an extra entry in lspci, but there just isn't | 11:55 |
BluesKaj | denimr, did sudo modprobe give response? | 12:14 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> nope but I got it now | 12:16 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1024022/linux/gtx-1060-no-audio-over-hdmi-only-hda-intel-detected-azalia/?offset=4 this helped | 12:17 |
BluesKaj | ok, open system settings>Multimedia>audio and video>device preferences tab and check if your HDMI output is listed there , then check the hardware tab and make sure the HDMI output is chosen there as well as the sound device. | 12:21 |
BluesKaj | the sound device should also list HDMI | 12:23 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> just tested, it works. Now I just have to implement this at boot so it always works | 12:24 |
BluesKaj | denimr, recommend you install pavucontrol, it also gives your pulseaudio sound server more control over the sound output device | 12:29 |
BluesKaj | it'll be listed in your kmenu>applications>multimedia | 12:30 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> pavucontrol is already installed | 12:31 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> the problem is that on certain laptop, nvidia hdmi audio is disabled at boot | 12:32 |
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf | ||
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> but now after some systemd entries it works | 12:32 |
BluesKaj | if you are using HDMI connected to an audio sytem or TV connect it befoe booting | 12:34 |
BluesKaj | I've never had use systemd entries to get the audio to work over HDMI | 12:38 |
BluesKaj | on my lenovo laptop | 12:38 |
=== mkv is now known as m4v | ||
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> welp it's only necessary on certain ones it seems | 12:50 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> my HP omen does | 12:50 |
BluesKaj | HDMI isn't the default audio out, but if connected at boot it should work | 12:57 |
BluesKaj | that was my experience antyway | 12:58 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> let's see I'm just so glad it works _somehow_ | 13:06 |
BluesKaj | denimr, hope it's a solid fix | 13:12 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <denimr> I do too, so far it works well | 13:25 |
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf | ||
IrcsomeBot1 | rquinlivan was added by: rquinlivan | 23:00 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <rquinlivan> Hey everyone, quick question.. I foolishly used the "Special Applications Settings" menu to hide the menu bar for an application. I want to disable this, but unfortunately the settings are hiding the menu bar.. hence I'm stuck. Is there a way to reset the "Special Application Settings" or manage them? | 23:02 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <nggraham> does Ctrl+M help? | 23:17 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <nggraham> You could also delete the rule from System Settings > Window Management > Window Rules | 23:18 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <rq0_0> Ah, the system settings change worked! Thanks @nggraham ! | 23:20 |
IrcsomeBot1 | <nggraham> woohoo! | 23:20 |
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