zztopless | Afternoon all... Wondering how to restart the desktop environment in lubuntu 18.04... Google seems surprisingly unhelpful :/ | 04:54 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Something like `sudo systemctl restart lightdm` | 04:54 |
zztopless | well that worked (got my taskbar back), but seems to have killed all open windows? (not a big issue if so, just wondering is they are still open but not visible...) | 04:58 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Yeah, that kills the session, sorry. | 04:58 |
zztopless | for some reason I've always associated lightdm with only kde, don't know why | 04:58 |
zztopless | lubot, that's ok - the session needed to be put out of it's misery... windering if my veracrypt container is still decrypted and mounted | 04:59 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> It's the other way around :) GDM with GNOME, SDDM with LXQt and Plasma, and LightDM with just about everything else. | 04:59 |
zztopless | roger that, yeah for some reason in my mind kde and lightdm were both part of the 'desktop' and plasma with kde just makes it more confusing | 05:01 |
zztopless | I use Kubuntu (now mintKDE is ending) for my main work vm and just getting back into lubuntu for one that has the least overhead - impressed so far, the desktop appearance has come a long way from when I last used it about four years ago | 05:03 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> I suspect you would be amazed with our LXQt-based daily images :) | 05:03 |
zztopless | ? | 05:06 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> What are you confused about? :P | 05:06 |
zztopless | Wallpapers? | 05:06 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> That, and the general look and feel. | 05:06 |
zztopless | Cool | 05:07 |
zztopless | Yeah, trying to play with the size and background of the main panel, but when I make it larger than default I got this strange, two-toned background to it, like it doesn't like being larger than the default. Selecting a slightly transparent black seems to fix it and doesn't seem in increase resource consumption | 05:08 |
zztopless | That said, the vm is currently living in a significantly more resource-abundant environment to the one it will soon have to suffer in... | 05:10 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Cool | 05:12 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Feel free to stick around here or in #lubuntu-offtopic; I have to go to bed. | 05:13 |
zztopless | yeah I will, cheers - it's 3:13pm here :P | 05:13 |
zztopless | good night and thanks for the help | 05:15 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Np | 05:15 |
zztopless | Is there any way to copy the panel configuration and copy it onto another panel (ie using 3 monitors and only needing to set up the panel once, as well as being able to copy changes made to one across to the others)? | 06:11 |
shalokshalom_ | hi there :) | 12:27 |
shalokshalom_ | the download link for pi3 is missing: https://pictshare.net/iqggd3nmf5.png | 12:28 |
shalokshalom_ | or is it the same? | 12:29 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> @shalokshalom_ [<shalokshalom_> or is it the same?], Oh, it's the same. | 13:23 |
lubot | <tsimonq2> Sorry for the confusion, I can edit it later if wxl or @VikingRedwolf don't get to it first. | 13:24 |
slipttees | Hi guys | 17:26 |
slipttees | why "Show connected volumes on the desktop" doesn't work in lubuntu 18.04? | 17:26 |
slipttees | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm/+bug/1790924 | 17:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1790924 in pcmanfm (Ubuntu) "pcmanfm desktop shortcut cifs mount volumes" [Undecided,New] | 17:27 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @slipttees [<slipttees> why "Show connected volumes on the desktop" doesn't work in lubuntu …], samba volumes appear. | 18:06 |
slipttees | lubot: regression 16.04.5 mount using cifs works... 18.04.1 not! | 18:32 |
slipttees | lubot: i using pam_mount + cifs | 18:32 |
slipttees | 16.04 work... upgrade for 18.04 stop work | 18:32 |
wxl | @HlMollerCl ^ those lubot mentions are for you | 18:35 |
wxl | @HMollerCl i mean | 18:35 |
* wxl mumbles something about stupid telegram | 18:35 | |
slipttees | wxl: ok.. sorry. I'm tired :-( | 18:37 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> @slipttees do you still have the 16.04 installed? | 20:03 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> maybe is a problem of cifs-utils | 20:04 |
lubot | <Marcelo Pugliesi> Ubuntu 18.04 has a problem with samba | 22:06 |
lubot | <Marcelo Pugliesi> I don't know if 18.04.1 has solved this problem | 22:07 |
lubot | <Marcelo Pugliesi> But 18.04 you need to edit samba conf | 22:07 |
lubot | <Marcelo Pugliesi> https://youtu.be/sLy1WVxdXmY | 22:12 |
lubot | <Marcelo Pugliesi> Have you tried this? 👆🏾 | 22:12 |
lubot | <HMollerCl> That's on server side, this problem is client side | 23:44 |
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