kyrofa | Hey folks | 19:01 |
kyrofa | This is the timeslot for the loco council meeting: . Is anyone from ubuntu-it around? | 19:04 |
gsilvapt_ | Uff, here I am :) | 19:11 |
nhaines | gsilvapt_: welcome! :) | 19:11 |
gsilvapt_ | thank you, nhaines | 19:11 |
gsilvapt_ | Are we all 4 ready? | 19:13 |
nhaines | Well, I'm ready, but the meeting's in 46 minutes, so I'm still a little busy. :) | 19:14 |
gsilvapt_ | Hum, right. The last meeting we had via IRC was in my previous timezone | 19:14 |
gsilvapt_ | Summer time, etc etc | 19:14 |
nhaines | You're not the only one! I keep UTC in my date/time indicator (yay Unity!) just for emergencies. :) | 19:15 |
kyrofa | gsilvapt_, yep, same thing happened to me. I fixed my calendar entry now... I think | 19:29 |
nhaines | Okay, I think the time has rolled around now! | 20:00 |
nhaines | #startmeeting | 20:00 |
meetingology | Meeting started Mon Sep 10 20:00:57 2018 UTC. The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at | 20:00 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 20:00 |
nhaines | #chair Letozaf_ kyrofa gsilvapt | 20:02 |
meetingology | Current chairs: Letozaf_ gsilvapt kyrofa nhaines | 20:02 |
kyrofa | o/ | 20:02 |
nhaines | Welcome to the September meeting of the Ubuntu Local Community Council! | 20:02 |
Letozaf_ | o/ | 20:02 |
nhaines | gsilvapt: you around? :) | 20:03 |
gsilvapt_ | Ready | 20:06 |
nhaines | \o/ | 20:06 |
nhaines | #chair gsilvapt_ | 20:06 |
meetingology | Current chairs: Letozaf_ gsilvapt gsilvapt_ kyrofa nhaines | 20:06 |
gsilvapt_ | Sorry, was cleaning up the kitchen and dishes | 20:06 |
nhaines | #unchair gsilvapt | 20:06 |
meetingology | Current chairs: Letozaf_ gsilvapt_ kyrofa nhaines | 20:06 |
nhaines | Glad you cold make it. :) It looks as though we have a quorum. | 20:07 |
nhaines | Okay, lesta's take a look at our agenda items. | 20:07 |
nhaines | s/lesta's/let's/ | 20:07 |
nhaines | #topic German Ubuntu LoCo Team re-verification | 20:07 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: German Ubuntu LoCo Team re-verification | ||
nhaines | This is on the agenda, but we've worked on this via a Launchpad bug. | 20:08 |
gsilvapt_ | Haven't we all vote in LP? | 20:08 |
nhaines | So rather than vote here, I'd like to simply announce that the re-verification is approved, and congratulate the German Team for all of their substantial and hard work! | 20:08 |
nhaines | I wish you luck planning a new UbuCon Germany so that I have an excuse to travel and eat up all of your country's food. :D | 20:09 |
Letozaf_ | Congrats | 20:09 |
nhaines | #topic Italian Ubuntu LoCo Team re-verification | 20:10 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Italian Ubuntu LoCo Team re-verification | ||
nhaines | Next up on the agenda, we have the Italian Team's re-verification. Their application is here: | 20:10 |
nhaines | Do we have anyone from the Italian team present? | 20:10 |
nhaines | Well, we can definitely vote on this in abstentia if no one has further questions for the Italian team. | 20:13 |
nhaines | I do not, and am ready to vote. | 20:14 |
Letozaf_ | so am I, I am also ready to vote | 20:14 |
kyrofa | I'm trying to get a feeling for a plan for the future | 20:14 |
Letozaf_ | oops I do not vote here :-P | 20:14 |
nhaines | Letozaf_: :D | 20:14 |
kyrofa | They list 2018-2019 meetings as planned, but don't give any idea of what those might be | 20:14 |
kyrofa | The past events link shows one event in 2016 and one event in 2017 | 20:15 |
nhaines | It looks like they're looking to finish their website and maybe host an UbuCon in the future. | 20:15 |
nhaines | I note that their social media channels are quite active. | 20:16 |
kyrofa | I saw that as well | 20:16 |
nhaines | I think they have some momentum, and if they can organize an UbuCon, that will be a big deal. | 20:17 |
kyrofa | I don't know, "maybe we'll host an ubucon" does not seem like they're actively working on things, and the website has been years in the making | 20:17 |
gsilvapt_ | They seem active but I didn't like that bit kyrofa mentioned | 20:18 |
gsilvapt_ | (the first about "maybe") | 20:18 |
nhaines | Yes, but the Ubuntu Europe Federation has caused a lot of teams to collaborate toward a larger event, and put regional UbuCons on the back burner so to speak. | 20:18 |
gsilvapt_ | And are they involved in the EF? | 20:19 |
kyrofa | Note that their mailing list sees some traffic | 20:19 |
gsilvapt_ | I only know of Portugal and France's involvement but I am sure I'm not up to speed on that topic | 20:20 |
nhaines | gsilvapt: I am not certain on the details of the EF. I should probably get in touch with some of the leaders and find out how it's progressing. It's only been around for a couple of months but everyone at UbuCon Europe seemed happy about it. | 20:21 |
nhaines | So it looks like Italy has a strong online presence but their physical in-person events have dropped off a bit. | 20:21 |
gsilvapt_ | Hmhm, true | 20:21 |
gsilvapt_ | I can ask around to the only person I know in the EF | 20:22 |
nhaines | Okay, let's do that in any case. | 20:22 |
nhaines | The Ubuntu Europe Federation was very concerned that they have our approval because they didn't want to overstep their bounds, but as far as I was concerned, LoCo teams working together is nothing we should interfere with. | 20:22 |
nhaines | So instead, if we can help in any way that's great! | 20:23 |
gsilvapt_ | Yes, we discussed that before and agreed that should be our position | 20:23 |
nhaines | Yup, but it does mean sometimes we're a little out of the loop. | 20:23 |
gsilvapt_ | Due to their lack of presencial activities, should we postpone the decision for later depending on what we can get from our contacts? | 20:23 |
gsilvapt_ | If they had someone around we could ask but... | 20:24 |
nhaines | Do we want to vote on the Italian Team's application at this time or do we want to postpone it for next time? | 20:24 |
nhaines | Maybe we should move it to Launchpad and handle this via the bug tracker. That will give them time to response when convenient. | 20:25 |
nhaines | s/response/respond/ (Guess it's one of those days.) | 20:25 |
kyrofa | Fine by me | 20:25 |
Letozaf_ | sounds like a good idea | 20:25 |
nhaines | Let's make that official then. | 20:25 |
nhaines | #vote Move Italian Team re-verification to Launchpad | 20:26 |
meetingology | Please vote on: Move Italian Team re-verification to Launchpad | 20:26 |
meetingology | Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname) | 20:26 |
nhaines | +1 | 20:26 |
meetingology | +1 received from nhaines | 20:26 |
kyrofa | +1 | 20:26 |
meetingology | +1 received from kyrofa | 20:26 |
gsilvapt_ | +1 | 20:26 |
meetingology | +1 received from gsilvapt_ | 20:26 |
Letozaf_ | +0 | 20:26 |
meetingology | +0 received from Letozaf_ | 20:26 |
nhaines | #endvote | 20:26 |
meetingology | Voting ended on: Move Italian Team re-verification to Launchpad | 20:26 |
meetingology | Votes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:1 | 20:26 |
meetingology | Motion carried | 20:26 |
nhaines | Okay, we'll move this to a private Launchpad bug and follow up directly with the Italian Team. They're very responsive in email so I think that'll be a success. | 20:27 |
gsilvapt_ | No pun intended? :P jk | 20:27 |
nhaines | :D | 20:28 |
nhaines | #topic Other business | 20:28 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Other business | ||
nhaines | Anything else to discuss while we're all here? | 20:28 |
gsilvapt_ | I wanted to see if it's worth it to review these application processes | 20:29 |
nhaines | How would you like to see them improved? | 20:29 |
gsilvapt_ | The German experience was kind of unpleasant and it was hard to find information as to what to do | 20:29 |
gsilvapt_ | As we did with the common responses, I think it would help if we have some guidelines as to how to approach LoCos in these cases and what needs to be done | 20:30 |
nhaines | The biggest problem there seems to be that the bug was misassigned. Otherwise, the team contact would have received notifications. | 20:31 |
nhaines | But we can surely smooth that out with a direct email as well. | 20:31 |
gsilvapt_ | Or just write some documentation on the Wiki pages. Wouldn't that help? | 20:32 |
gsilvapt_ | We can always seek guidance there if we need | 20:32 |
nhaines | Better documentation is also good. Our current guidelines are here: | 20:33 |
nhaines | Welcome back! | 20:34 |
gsilvapt_ | Sorry, I disconnected accidentally | 20:34 |
nhaines | As I was saying, better documentation is always good. Our current guidelines are here: | 20:34 |
nhaines | If you want to look at that, we can definitely improve it if it's lacking. Including how we reach out to verified teams. | 20:35 |
gsilvapt_ | I guess I Will take the link you sent over and check if sounds clear enough for me and then I'll try proposing any changes I find adequate | 20:35 |
nhaines | That would be very much appreciated. :) | 20:35 |
gsilvapt_ | Sounds good to me! | 20:35 |
nhaines | Thank you! | 20:35 |
nhaines | Okay, anything else before we wrap things up? | 20:36 |
gsilvapt_ | In another issue, Suujevan mentioned his term was ending soon | 20:36 |
kyrofa | Long past, I believe | 20:36 |
gsilvapt_ | We should take the diligencies to elect someone to the council | 20:36 |
nhaines | I think he mentioned it already ended. He was nice enough to stick around to help give some advice to newer members. :) | 20:36 |
gsilvapt_ | Ahh, ok ok. Dumb me :'D | 20:36 |
nhaines | Yes, we should have the Community Council organize a call for members. | 20:37 |
gsilvapt_ | Should we create any action items for that? | 20:37 |
gsilvapt_ | I'm not sure how but meetingoly can do that | 20:37 |
* wxl hijacks meeting | 20:38 | |
wxl | do we have any other folks who are going to expire any time soon? | 20:38 |
nhaines | A wild wxl appears! | 20:38 |
gsilvapt_ | Or ask the council immediately :p | 20:38 |
nhaines | I forgot my current term length, to be honest. XD | 20:40 |
nhaines | But yeah, we should make sure we're comprehensive in this. Too many calls for nominations makes people tired and then we don't get any. | 20:40 |
wxl | yeah if you folks could do the checking there, let me know and i'll put the call out and get everything done | 20:41 |
wxl | in the meantime, we can coordinate with the community council in case you don't get quorum | 20:41 |
nhaines | Thank you! | 20:41 |
wxl | although that doesn't seem to be a problem :) | 20:41 |
nhaines | It's good to have options. :) | 20:42 |
wxl | yep. do know i'm almost always around at this time. at work, but around | 20:42 |
nhaines | Good to know. | 20:42 |
* wxl goes back to lurking in the shadows | 20:43 | |
nhaines | #action gsilvapt_ will review our re-verification documentation for areas of improvement. | 20:43 |
meetingology | ACTION: gsilvapt_ will review our re-verification documentation for areas of improvement. | 20:43 |
nhaines | Does anyone want to take a look at our membership and contact the Community Council to arrange new appointments? | 20:43 |
nhaines | #action nhaines review current LoCo Council membership terms and request new nominations from the Community Council | 20:46 |
meetingology | ACTION: nhaines review current LoCo Council membership terms and request new nominations from the Community Council | 20:46 |
Letozaf_ | We all expire on 2019-11-07 a part Nathan that has already expired | 20:46 |
nhaines | Oh, and who wants to create the Italian Team bug? | 20:46 |
Letozaf_ | I better not, don't think it's a good idea | 20:47 |
gsilvapt_ | I can give it a try | 20:48 |
nhaines | #action gsilvapt_ Create a bug for Italian Team re-verification | 20:48 |
meetingology | ACTION: gsilvapt_ Create a bug for Italian Team re-verification | 20:48 |
nhaines | gsilvapt_: it'll be good for you to experience as you review our documentation. If you need help, you know where I am. :) | 20:48 |
nhaines | Okay, we have the room for another 10 minutes. Anything left? :) | 20:49 |
gsilvapt_ | Ok, thanks! | 20:51 |
nhaines | Okay, I think that wraps it up, then. Until next time! | 20:52 |
nhaines | Thanks everyone for coming. | 20:53 |
Letozaf_ | yw | 20:53 |
gsilvapt_ | Thanks everyone! | 20:53 |
Letozaf_ | thanks everyone | 20:53 |
nhaines | #endmeeting | 20:53 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: | Logs: | Meetingology documentation: | <wxl> be nice | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Mon Sep 10 20:53:41 2018 UTC. | 20:53 |
meetingology | Minutes: | 20:53 |
Letozaf_ | good night | 20:53 |
kyrofa | Thanks everyone | 20:54 |
mapreri | argh | 21:21 |
mapreri | damn | 21:21 |
mapreri | wxl: sorry, I managed to screw up with timezones | 21:21 |
mapreri | crap | 21:21 |
wxl | mapreri: re: the loco council meeting? | 21:22 |
mapreri | yep | 21:22 |
mapreri | I'm from ubuntu-it | 21:22 |
mapreri | Mattia R., etc | 21:22 |
wxl | you'll need to chat with the lococouncil i.e. nhaines kyrofa gsilvapt | 21:22 |
mapreri | the one that is expiring in very few hours now… | 21:22 |
mapreri | mh, wasn't you who answered my mail? | 21:23 |
mapreri | oh no, that was nhaines | 21:23 |
mapreri | wxl: sorry, no clue how I mixed you up | 21:23 |
wxl | mapreri: all good :) | 21:24 |
mapreri | oh, ok, I've read the backlog now | 21:31 |
mapreri | nhaines: kyrofa gsilvapt: so about that "maybe" for the ubucon, we just had some team members interested, who attended the last one and brought the topic to us (=> italian community council). Except rising a ton of doubts and questions about what should be done to organize it, and tbh not even receiving interesting answers by those members…, we haven't done anything. Let's just say is a thing that is in the back of hour minds t | 21:34 |
mapreri | o evaluate properly, nothing more. | 21:34 |
mapreri | just, please renew our status at least temporary again, last time we expired 2 weeks ago more than a dozen people came to us worried about what the hell was wrong with us expiring, and we expire in two hours only... :( | 21:35 |
mapreri | and tbh, it's nearly midnight here and I have to travel early morning tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep; but please do mail, IRC highlight, assign bugs, etc etc as needed! :) | 21:42 |
nhaines | mapreri: Thanks for the clarification! And don't worry, you can reassure everyone that while the application is under review, everything is fine. :) | 23:29 |
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