nhaines | Meeting coming up in 7 minutes! | 01:53 |
nhaines | #startmeeting | 02:00 |
nhaines | Welcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for September 9th, 2018. | 02:00 |
nhaines | Today's agenda can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/18September09 | 02:00 |
nhaines | #topic Upcoming events | 02:00 |
nhaines | Canonical is thinking about a machine learning seminar based around Kubernetes in the SoCal area end of this month or early next month, but I haven't heard from them as quickly as I expected. So maybe October (or never) is more like it. | 02:01 |
nhaines | They'd like to work with us to put on the event if possible, so I'll keep everyone up to date if plans solidify. | 02:02 |
nhaines | Ubuntu 18.10, the "Cosmic Cuttlefish" release, is scheduled to release on October 18th, which is in five and a half weeks! | 02:03 |
nhaines | #topic Announcements | 02:03 |
nhaines | Are there any announcements to be made at this time? | 02:03 |
nhaines | #topic Agenda | 02:04 |
nhaines | There are no items on tonight's agenda. | 02:04 |
nhaines | #topic Other business | 02:04 |
nhaines | Any other business before we wrap up this meeting? | 02:05 |
nhaines | Okay, our next meeting is September 23rd. See everyone then! | 02:10 |
nhaines | #endmeeting | 02:10 |
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