
FXprocrap.  disconnected00:59
FXprohow much hard drive space should I make a lubuntu partition?  and what about swap files??01:00
FXproI am not doing anything tremendous.  just a handful of apps, yandex as my primary browser, maybe some kind of security suite if it is even needed.01:01
FXprotor as well.01:01
FXproalso, the installer is identical to peppermint os so far.01:03
FXpronobody home in here or?02:12
superdreamkillahow can I apply an .icc color profile to my monitor?03:00
ftmh17need some help03:09
tsimonq2!ask ftmh1703:12
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:12
=== shalokshalom_ is now known as ShalokShalom
cnnxis it possible to install lubuntu on my usb stick as a permanent installation?14:28
cnnxto boot from usb everytime14:28
cnnxand read/write to it14:28
cnnxi've beeen trying all morning14:28
leszekcnnx: Yes it is possible. Though it is super slow usually14:31
leszekSo it might be better to just use the persistent boot option and a persistent partition or file on the usb stick14:32
cnnxits just for a custom robot i built14:39
cnnxi had debian on a usb 2.0 stick14:39
cnnxbut want to put lubuntu now14:39
cnnxleszek: can you link me to the slower way please?14:39
leszekthen it should work the same way as debian14:40
cnnxI don't remember it was a while ago14:40
leszekcnnx: basically you need 2 usb sticks. 1 as the source and the other one as a target. Boot from the source start the installer and choose the 2 usb stick as target including its mbr as bootloader target14:40
cnnxi thought I had tried that14:41
cnnxlet me try again14:41
leszekthat way you'll get exactly what you would have when installing on ssd/hdd14:41
cnnxok ty14:42
lvrp16is lubuntu available for arm64 yet?16:55
lvrp16or any plans?16:55
wxllvrp16: there's pi versions17:01
lubot<tsimonq2> @lvrp16 [<lvrp16> armhf?], Yes, armhf ;)17:02
wxlalthough it's not fair to say that it will work with every armhf device, thus my insistence on calling it pi2/317:02
lubot<tsimonq2> We were thinking about arm64 but that might be a few releases.17:02
wxleven still, bootloaders are potentially an issue17:03
lvrp16wxl: tsimonq2: thanks i just care about bootstrap17:03
lvrp16the bootloaders i can handle17:03
lubot<tsimonq2> @lvrp16 [<lvrp16> wxl: tsimonq2: thanks i just care about bootstrap], There's a way to install Lubuntu on arm64 devices.17:04
lvrp16http://share.loverpi.com/board/libre-computer-project/libre-computer-board-aml-s905x-cc/image/ubuntu/ <--- missing lxde17:04
lubot<tsimonq2> Right.17:04
lubot<tsimonq2> Well, we don't do LXDE anymore in 18.10 and on, but... :)17:04
lvrp16everyone is on LXQT?17:05
lvrp16cool: thanks guys. i'll stick to lxde on debian then.17:06
WafficusHow do I start Cool Retro Term on startup for Lubuntu?19:10
wxlWafficus: in the "Default Applications for LXSession" settings look under the "Autostart" tab19:11

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