
mupPR snapcraft#2258 closed: build providers: snapcraft images for multipass <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2258>02:02
mupPR snapcraft#2256 closed: local source: don't include .snapcraft directory <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2256>02:05
Doctor_Nickleeloo dallas multipass02:40
Doctor_Nickone of the posts on the forum says that fine-grained network mediation is on the snapcraft roadmap; does anyone know where the proprosal for this is?02:56
* Doctor_Nick shakes head sadly03:57
mupBug #796588: Fine-grained network mediation <aa-feature> <aa-kernel> <kernel-net> <AppArmor:In Progress> <apparmor (Ubuntu):Triaged> <linux (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/796588>03:57
zygaGood morning04:47
=== pbek_ is now known as pbek
zygaThere is a power outage here. I only have my laptop and phone04:47
zygaSome phases are being turned on and off so I’ll leave my desktop off for now04:48
zygaSome phases are being turned on and off so I’ll leave my desktop off for now04:48
mborzeckizyga: wow, got +1 on mount mappings PR, would you like to do another pass there?05:21
zygajust breakfasting05:21
mborzeckizyga: wonder if i should pester jdstrand for review there as well05:22
zygamborzecki: I think Jamie will be back today or perhaps tomorrow05:23
zygamborzecki: I'll be back soon, there was a power outage last night and I'll work from my laptop doing reviews more than anything05:23
mborzeckizyga: oh, was there a thunderstorm or sth?05:23
zygano idea05:33
zygawhole street went dark05:33
zygaaround after 1AM05:33
zygaI was brushing my teeth when it happened05:33
zygasome parts of AC returned at 3-4AM05:33
mborzeckizyga: maybe it was planned shutdown :)05:35
zygait broke my print :(05:35
zygait's going to be another 9 hours05:35
mborzeckizyga: printing weapons of mass destruction?05:36
zygacompanion cubes :)05:36
mborzeckidamn, don't remember the last time i played portal05:36
zygaI was printing calibration cubes05:37
zygaof increasing size05:38
zygaoh and power is out again05:38
zygaI just switched to LTE from my laptop05:38
zygaI want to see if Z axis is stable05:38
zygaand if there is any wobbling on the printer bed that causes layer misalignment as the print continues05:38
mborzeckiheh, some PRs failed yesterday either getting go packages from github or poking the snap store, must have been an outage at some cloud provider05:55
mborzeckizyga: shoud i review #5802 or #5805 first?06:00
mupPR #5802: cmd/snap-update-ns: introduce trespassing state tracking <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5802>06:00
mupPR #5805: cmd/snap-update-ns: enforce trespassing checks <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5805>06:00
zyga5802 please06:12
zygaI’ll get to reviews in a moment, my wife forgot her phone to work06:12
Doctor_Nickyeah, that'll be handy for debugging06:12
zygare, still on LTE but some phases are back so my computer is up :)06:30
zygamborzecki: which PRs are best to review first?06:31
mborzeckizyga: mine?06:31
mvoheh - s/mine?/mine!!!/ ;)06:32
mborzeckimvo: hey06:32
mvohey mborzecki06:32
mvofor me github is super slow and right now timing out :/06:32
mborzeckimvo: that's about right :)06:32
zygamborzecki: yes06:32
zygahey mvo :)06:33
zygamvo: at least you have power :D06:33
mborzeckimvo: had 5570 stuck in build pending status, but the travis job was already green06:33
zygaI spent way too much time last night on selinux06:33
zygabut I think I'm making progress06:33
zygaI'll do reviews today and respond to feedback06:33
mvomborzecki: aha, let me look (or try to :)06:33
zygabut I will try to fix some selinux issues06:33
mborzeckimvo: restarted it already06:33
mvomborzecki: if its green I can override it06:33
mborzeckizyga: i only have 2 other prs, #5770, #5785, independent of each other, pick whichever06:34
mupPR #5770: many: provide salt for generating instance-key in store requests <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5770>06:34
mupPR #5785: tests,interfaces: run interfaces-account-control on UC18 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5785>06:34
mupPR snapd#5632 closed: overlord: integrate device enumeration with udev monitor <Hotplug> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5632>06:35
mborzeckimvo: #5808 also failed because of github/store connectivity issues, i've restarted it earlier06:35
mupPR #5808: snapd-env-generator: fix when PATH is empty or unset <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5808>06:35
mvomborzecki: cool, thanks for this06:35
zygamborzecki: thanks06:36
mborzeckimvo: since you commented on both 5770, 5785, could you take another look?06:37
mborzeckibtw. snap list --all bails with parallel installed snaps :P06:37
zygamborzecki: bails?06:38
zygawhat does it do06:38
mborzeckizyga: probably some bad globbing, all you get is https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TqWXGDFNrJ/06:39
zygait tries to find snap by name06:39
mborzeckiit's actually poking an incorrect path06:39
zygabut ignoring the instance name06:39
zygathat's ... odd :)06:39
zygapower is back!06:39
mborzeckifix coming up soon06:39
zygaI restarted my printer, 9 hours left :(06:40
mvomborzecki: 5785 looks like its not from you06:40
mborzeckimvo: 5758, sorry :)06:40
mvomborzecki: sure, looking06:43
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mborzeckiall right, the parallel installs integration branch has been update with all the PRs so far, the travis job should still be green07:12
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:12
zygamborzecki: sorry for making the 2nd branch so big btw07:13
zygamborzecki: it's tad scary at 1K207:14
zygamborzecki: but at the same time it shows what it takes to lug that state around; maybe there is a better way?07:14
mborzeckizyga: once 5802 lands the other one should 'appear' smaller, right?07:15
mborzeckiwish there was a mode in gh where you can view the diff against some other PR07:16
mborzeckii suppose you can fiddle with the url directly, but that's quite inconvenient07:17
zygaLP had that feature07:18
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5808 doesn't want to get geen07:27
mupPR #5808: snapd-env-generator: fix when PATH is empty or unset <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5808>07:27
pedronismborzecki: some small comment to #577007:45
mupPR #5770: many: provide salt for generating instance-key in store requests <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5770>07:45
mborzeckipedronis: thanks, looking07:47
mvomborzecki: yeah, I like the suggestion of pedronis. its probably me overthinking things, but the fact that we added "salt" felt to me like we make a strong promise about the "strength" of the hash we send to the store. i.e. before it was just a way to sort things, now we protect it actively. I did some back of the envelope calculations and I think we should be fine with the 16 char secret, for peace of mind I would even up07:52
mvo it to 32 but then we should be really fine07:52
mborzeckimvo: refresh-privacy-key sounds good to me too, naming is hard heh :)07:55
mvomborzecki: it totally is07:56
mvomborzecki: thank you, I like this name too07:56
mvopedronis: if you could re-review 5803 that would be great (its the content provider hang fix)07:57
pedronisin a sec07:58
mvopedronis: no rush, the tests are unhappy anyway :/08:01
pstolowskizyga: going over your tresspassing PR and asking some naive questions08:03
zygathank you!08:03
zygago crashes on "go build"08:05
zyganot something I wanted to see in the morning08:06
zygait crashes in osutil08:06
zygaon golang 1.1108:06
zygaah, wait on 1.10.108:06
zygahey :)08:15
niemeyermborzecki: Something is not quite right with the "system" alias on the interfaces command08:15
niemeyermborzecki: "snap info core" stopped working on my machine08:15
niemeyerSorry, not info08:16
pstolowskiniemeyer: o/08:16
niemeyerpstolowski, zyga: Heyas08:16
zyganiemeyer: we're discussing that just now08:16
mborzeckiniemeyer: my hunch is that's the remapping that was added in 2.35 and daemon now knowing if client is aware of the change08:16
mborzeckizyga: ^^08:16
niemeyerzyga: Where?08:17
niemeyerzyga: Don't see it08:17
zygathe "snap interface core" stopped working beause the response is "system:..." and the filtering is done client side08:17
zyganiemeyer: in the internal channel08:17
pstolowskimvo: got FAIL: snapstate_test.go:10921: snapmgrTestSuite.TestInstallDefaultProviderRunThrough after running the tests in a loop for ~1h locally08:19
niemeyermborzecki: So, we need to do something about this..08:19
pstolowskimvo: investigating it this morning08:19
pedronismvo: +1 with some nitpicks08:19
niemeyermborzecki: We should probably wait until tomorrow as I have a call with them in my late afternoon, so will be able to tell in more detail what else we need, but we definitely need to fix the behavior of "snap interfaces core"08:20
mvopstolowski: nice, thanks for finding this08:21
pstolowskimvo: well, i haven't found the cause yet :)08:21
niemeyerWe originally had some logic that would detect whether the query was made for core, and if so keep the name untouched08:21
mvopstolowski: heh, thanks for "almost-finding" this then ,)08:22
Chipacaniemeyer: we could make snap interfaces always show the actual snap08:34
Chipacaie not do the core/core18/fedoracore/snapd -> system translation on the way out08:34
Chipacacore-fedora? fedore?08:34
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, I think we should always present the actual name if people requested for that specific name08:34
niemeyerChipaca: Not sure if that's their issue, though.. that's why I'd like to talk to them first08:35
Chipacaniemeyer: i meant in /v2/interfaces directly08:35
Chipacaniemeyer: agreed, totally08:35
Chipacawe've had too much run-around-and-fix-it due to chinese whispers08:35
niemeyerChipaca: Right, also mean /v2/interfaces directly08:36
Chipacaniemeyer: in /v2/interfaces, without specifying any select parameter, you get a list of stuff that talks about "system"08:37
Chipaca(this is the legacy interfaces listing)08:37
diddledaneeenteresting: https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2018/09/10/introducing-github-pullrequests08:44
niemeyerChipaca: Ah, okay.. so you mean having interfaces never return the alias08:45
niemeyerChipaca: Sure, that's the revert option08:45
niemeyerChipaca: We may need to do that  depending on how bad their issue is08:45
Chipacaniemeyer: … at least the legacy one08:45
Chipacaniemeyer: so if we find out they're not using select=, we can do that and not touch the new08:46
Chipacaanyhow, back to coding for me08:46
Chipaca(shout for reviews)08:47
niemeyerChipaca: Or we just finish that new command08:47
Chipacaniemeyer: I suspect they're talking to the socket08:47
niemeyergopkg.in is down, btw08:49
niemeyerWell, it's not down..08:49
niemeyerGitHub is blocking it08:49
niemeyerSo if anyone has a good contact there, please let me know08:49
Chipacaniemeyer: you could say Microsoft is blocking it, to make it sound more ominous (to me)08:49
niemeyerChipaca: It's a bit ironic indeed, to be honest08:50
niemeyerIt's running for 4 years now08:50
diddledanthe empire is blockading it?08:50
diddledanwe need rogue one08:50
Saviqhey all, while working on the mir-kiosk tutorials we stepped on a mine of sorts, we have a race between mir-kiosk starting and creating the wayland socket and the app starting and being able to connect to it, what would you say would be the right solution across snaps? obvious one is a loop+timeout in a wrapper, but every app out there would need to include one, is there anything better do you think?08:51
Saviqboth mir-kiosk and the kiosk app are snap daemons with restart-condition: always, but systemd bails on the app if it restarts too quickly anyway08:51
mupPR snapd#5810 opened: rfc: restore "core" as the API-level host for implicit slots <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5810>08:52
ChipacaSaviq: hmm!08:53
zygaSaviq: socket activation :)08:53
Chipacazyga: are they in the same snap?08:54
zygabut it's tricky unless the socket is in a public space like /var/lib/snapd/$SNAP_NAME/common08:54
ChipacaSaviq: are they in the same snap?08:54
zygaChipaca: socket activation would work in all cases08:54
Saviqno, separate snaps08:55
Chipacazyga: if they were in the same snap, Before= would do the trick08:56
Saviqbut we'd need to make mir-kiosk socket-activatable... but you're right that does sound like the right approach08:56
zygaChipaca: perhaps, only if the snaps also use sd notify08:56
zygaChipaca: otherwise the socket may not be ready for real08:56
Chipacazyga: yup08:56
ChipacaSaviq: another thing we could do08:57
ChipacaSaviq: is expose RestartSec08:57
ChipacaSaviq: you could try to see if that'd do the trick; it's how long to sleep before actually restarting08:58
Saviqyeah that would work, but the "we could expose" part is a bit scary in terms of timelines ;)08:58
ChipacaSaviq: agreed :-)08:59
SaviqI think it might actually be easier to make mir-kiosk socket-activatable08:59
ChipacaSaviq: you can fake restartsec by adding 'sleep 1' to the top of your wrapper script though08:59
ChipacaSaviq: which is a lot easier than checking the socket in there :-)08:59
Saviqindeed :)08:59
ChipacaSaviq: the default sleep is 100ms which is probably too low for anything involved, anyway09:00
ChipacaSaviq: mir-kiosk is c++, yes?09:00
SaviqChipaca: yes09:01
Saviqwell, *mir* is, mir-kiosk is just a wrapper around it09:01
mborzeckidoes gopkg.in has issues or is it github?09:01
Chipaca/o\ it's wrappers all the way down09:02
zygamborzecki: I see gopkg.in down09:02
Chipacamborzecki: https://mobile.twitter.com/gniemeyer/status/103943391601961369609:02
SaviqChipaca: really it's just startup scripts09:02
Saviqthat don't really fit in mir proper09:02
ChipacaSaviq: but to make it socket-activatable you'd have to make mir itself be socket-activatable09:03
mborzeckiChipaca: zyga: thx09:03
Saviqwhich should be easy, as far I can tell09:03
Saviqjust "if systemd gives you a socket, use it; otherwise create your own"09:03
ChipacaSaviq: yep, there's example code (in C) for how to cover some corner cases well09:04
ChipacaSaviq: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/socket-activation.html09:04
ChipacaSaviq: example 3 (at the bottom)09:05
Saviqyeah that's what I was looking at09:05
zygaChipaca: we just have to use de-vendorized packages while github and gopkg.in is down ;)09:05
Chipacazyga: brb devendorizing self09:06
zygachipa.ca/internal/organs ;)09:09
* Chipaca cannot get chipa.ca09:10
zygaI don't understand myself either sometimes09:10
Chipacazyga: no, i mean, i need to be a canadian business to buy chipa.ca09:11
Chipacamvo: dunno if you saw https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapctl-not-found-in-base-core18-snaps-hooks/729709:12
zygalaunchpad is not responding to post requests for me09:14
mvoChipaca: I saw it but it not fully read it yet09:17
mvoChipaca: I suspect this is a problem with stable09:18
mvoChipaca: stable core1809:18
Chipacamvo: I checked on edge09:19
mvoChipaca: oh, you did - ok09:19
Chipacamvo: no snapd installed, snapctl is dangling09:19
Chipacano snapd snap i mean09:19
pedronishow does that work, a symlink ?09:19
mvoChipaca: oh course09:19
pedronisdid we break snap-confine binding09:19
pedronisof those things?09:19
Chipacamvo: in fact i can't install snapd :-)09:19
Chipacabecause i'm not a gadget with a model or sth09:20
pedroniscore18 expects them to come from snapd09:20
Chipacapedronis: dunno09:20
pedronisbut here it's core and core1809:20
pedronis(too many moving parts problem)09:20
pedronis(not enough tests)09:20
Chipacait's bind-mountingn the directory from core (i assume) and that's missing snapctl09:20
mvoChipaca: which is odd, we move it there a while ago09:21
mvoChipaca: when I ls /usr/lib/snapd/snapctl I see it09:21
mvoChipaca: but nevermind, I will write a spread test09:21
mvoChipaca: for this case and that will give us a) an answer b) a regression test09:22
mvopedronis: about the missing restores in snapstate, I'm working on a PR for this09:22
niemeyerpedronis, pstolowski: This is repeating ad-infinitum here:09:22
pedronismvo: I'm not sure they are needed to be honest09:22
niemeyer2018-09-11T09:21:52Z INFO auto-connect of snap "gopkg" will be retried because of "gopkg" - "core" conflict09:22
Chipacamvo: true, I can see it there in core09:22
Chipacadunno what's going on09:22
niemeyerCommand was09:22
niemeyersnap install ~niemeyer/gopkg_2018.03.27_amd64.snap --dangerous09:22
mvopedronis: oh, right - we may set on in SetUpTest09:23
mvopedronis: let me double check that09:23
pedronisthe mock is strange09:23
pedronisbecause the style is a bit different around those tests09:23
pedronisniemeyer: is that pulling in core as well?09:23
niemeyerpedronis: Yeah09:23
pedronisis not sorted09:24
niemeyergopkg was scheduled before core09:24
niemeyerpedronis: The strange thing is that core did finish09:24
pedronisthen it's bizarre09:24
niemeyerpedronis: and even then gopkg couldn't get installed09:24
niemeyerJust kept retrying09:24
niemeyerpedronis: We really need those conflict improvements :(09:25
niemeyerinstalling core independently works of course09:25
pedronisa bit unclear why if core finished is still waiting09:25
pedronisthat seems trange09:25
mvopedronis: happy to make it less strange, I just need some more details what concerns you (not urgent)09:26
cjwatsonAnyone familiar with core18 kind of stuff?  Does https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/1791907 sound like a plausible diagnosis from me?09:26
mupBug #1791907: Cannot build base snaps <launchpad-buildd:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1791907>09:26
pedronismvo: just that having a full mock function seems overkill09:26
pedronisif we never restore anway09:26
niemeyerpedronis: Yeah, and it retried every 5 secs09:27
mvopedronis: I just looked and I think we should restore, we don't mock in SetUpTest so this is currently leaking09:27
niemeyerSuspect that's easy to reproduce09:27
pedronismvo: no, the problem is that the style is mixed09:27
mvopedronis: otoh I can do a "SetModel" and use that in SetupTest and in the tests without a restore09:27
pedronismvo: really mockModel are th odd ones09:28
niemeyerpstolowski: Can you dig into that please? It's closely related to the bits you're touching, and worked fine until recently09:28
niemeyerpstolowski: SHould be easy to reproduce.. the local snap file just had network and network-bind plugs09:28
niemeyerNo other interfaces09:28
pstolowskiniemeyer: yes, looking09:29
pedronismvo: yes, SetModel would be more in style09:29
mvopedronis: ok, so SetModel() and no restore? happy to do that09:29
pedronismvo: again snapstate_test.go is probably getting too big09:30
mvopedronis: what can we do about it? splitting it into more logical chunks?09:30
mvobut yeah, its gigantic :/09:31
pedronisit's doing odd things09:32
mvopedronis: I will attack the snapctl on core18 issue now, then look at missing content provider warnings and then I should have time for the SetModel cleanup09:32
pedronislike having a suite in the middle of another for example09:32
mvopedronis: what odd things in particular?09:32
zygapstolowski: hey, I replied to your comments on the PR09:32
mvopedronis: right09:32
pedronisjust a sign it's hard to navigate in it09:32
pstolowskizyga: k thx09:32
mvopedronis: +109:32
pedronismvo: anyway, I think the style  there atm is no Mock if the value is a function that is originally nil, just put it back to nil in TearDown09:33
mvopedronis: +109:34
pedronismvo: this is fun:   grep "Suite)" snapstate_test.go,  you can see the suites mixed09:35
mvo:/ indeed09:37
pedronismvo: snapstate_test.go  api_test.go and store_test.go  are the largest files09:38
pedronisin that order (descending)09:38
mborzeckiniemeyer: should this guy put your name in that field? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5799#issuecomment-42020142809:41
mupPR #5799: Install snap-failure binary on Fedora <Created by eyusupov> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5799>09:41
niemeyermborzecki: Yeah, that's fine09:46
niemeyermborzecki: Eldar just signed it09:59
mborzeckiniemeyer: yup, he posted a note in github too09:59
mupPR snapd#5811 opened: tests: add test that runs snapctl with a core18 snap <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5811>10:11
* Chipaca wonders why the rabbits look so tasty, down their rabbitholes10:17
diddledanwho's in charge of building the docker images?10:17
diddledansnapcraft docker images*10:17
zygadiddledan: no idea10:17
diddledanhmm, I don't know what I can do to help this person then: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/permission-denied-when-building-with-snapcore-snapcraft/7186/2010:18
diddledanseems the :stable tagged image can't build desktop app snaps (cannot find the desktop-launch script when it has definitely been placed into prime) and the :latest image doesn't include a fix that the person is needing10:19
mupPR snapd#5812 opened: snapstate: refactor tests to use SetModel* <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5812>10:20
niemeyergopkg.in is back up now.. GH debugged the issue on their end and deployed changes to fix it10:20
niemeyerIt doesn't look like it was actual firewalling10:20
diddledanniemeyer: go forth and pkg in!10:21
niemeyerdiddledan: Forth is a bit strange, but quite a unique and interesting language :)10:21
diddledanI've never seen forth code I think10:22
Chipacaniemeyer: sometime, when you're needinig a break, give Wizard's Bane a read10:23
zygamborzecki: doing one more pass on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5713/files10:29
mupPR #5713: many: mount namespace mapping for parallel installs of snaps <Parallel installs> <Squash-merge> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5713>10:29
zygabut first, more coffee - I'm feeling awake now10:29
mborzeckizyga: thanks10:29
pstolowskiniemeyer: so far unsuccessful in reproducing the issue you observed - i tested on a clean xenial with custom snapd (current trunk) and no core, then snap install --dangerous mytestsnap (it has network and network-bind plugs; core gets installed, they get autoconnected). were you testing this on cosmic?10:29
mborzeckizyga: left you some comments in 580210:30
zygathank you!10:32
niemeyerpstolowski: No, 16.0410:32
niemeyerpstolowski: It was a brand new system10:32
zygamborzecki: I'll apply all, thanks!10:32
niemeyerpstolowski: And it was the current stable10:33
niemeyerpstolowski: I think mvo landed something recently about sorting which might have affected this issue10:33
niemeyerChipaca: What's that about? /me googles10:33
pstolowskiniemeyer: i think mvo has a fix for hang on content-providers, but it hasn't landed yet10:34
niemeyerChipaca: Sounds interesting :)10:35
niemeyerChipaca: I love this review.. "This is what happens when a computer programmer and D&D player attempts to write a book. The result is not pretty."10:35
niemeyerHow to blame the book *and* the author *and* every programmer *and* every D&D player, at once!10:36
Chipacaniemeyer: Cook is not a good writer10:36
Chipacaniemeyer: but the story is good10:36
mvoChipaca: do you know the charles stross laundry series?10:42
Chipacamvo: nope10:42
mvoChipaca: the description of the other one sounds like you might like those too https://www.goodreads.com/series/50764-laundry-files10:44
tomwardillthey get pretty dark10:45
mvotomwardill: yeah, especially the later ones10:45
tomwardillthe first few are pastiches of various genres, some people hate that10:45
tomwardillbut they're good books10:45
tomwardillmvo: reminds me, I think I'm a book behind10:46
pstolowskipedronis: hey, i've accidently stumbled on https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/gSjHnr77KX/ - note the return nil; was this intended? assert tests don't seem to excercise this sceneario, snap setup is always there10:46
pedronispstolowski: no, seems a typo10:47
mvotomwardill: I'm looking forward to book9 which will happen in some weeks. I like book7 quite a bit10:47
pstolowskipedronis: ok, i'll fix it10:48
* mvo goes back to the non-magical coding10:48
Chipacamvo: nice. I could get book 1 from a library... but getting to the library costs me more than the amazon book :-)10:55
mvoChipaca: haha, you could try a excerpt first10:56
mvoChipaca: (eh, whatever it is called in english to get the first few pages as a sample for free)10:57
mvowhat is it actually called?11:00
oSoMoNjdstrand, hi! when you have a moment could you please comment on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/fido-u2f-authentication-fails-in-chromium-snap-build/6130/4 ?11:01
cjwatson"excerpt" or "sample" sounds fine11:02
cjwatsonAmazon calls it a sample I think11:02
mvothanks cjwatson11:03
mborzeckimvo: pedronis: refresh-privacy-key it is, pushed everything to #577011:05
mupPR #5770: many: provide salt for generating instance-key in store requests <Parallel installs> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5770>11:05
mupPR snapd#5813 opened: image: warn on missing default-providers <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5813>11:06
mvomborzecki: nice11:07
mupPR snapd#5814 opened: daemon: fix snap list --all with parallel snap instances <Parallel installs> <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5814>11:13
=== Ygramul is now known as Igramul
mupPR snapd#5815 opened: client: catch and expose logs errors <Simple> <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5815>11:28
pedronispstolowski: the issue wit core and gopkg is confusing,  the code is relatively straighforward, go over all tasks that are no ready, but core was done11:29
pstolowskipedronis: yes; i couldn't spot anything in the code, will try some more to reproduce although afaiu it needs a core refresh to be triggered at the same time, so a bit hard. starting from a clean slate (no core installed) pulls core as expected and everything works11:32
pedronispstolowski: but even a core refresh from another task would hit the find symmetric logic, no?11:36
pstolowskipedronis: that's correct, we don't care about same changes11:39
pstolowskipedronis: are you suggesting to manually invoke core refresh, then install the snap at the same time?11:39
pedronismaybe, but still don't undestarnd, to hit that logging we need to  not have a pending autoconnect task on gopkg or core,  and have a pending task on core11:41
pedronisof link-snap or setup-profiles kind11:41
pedronispstolowski: also if they were installed together and there was not core,  a core refresh would conflict (those conflicts are based on the entire change not a part/lane)11:43
mupPR snapd#5816 opened: overlord/assertstate: propagate TaskSnapSetup error <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5816>11:45
pedronispstolowski: what I fear more is that something added installing core twice ?11:45
pstolowskipedronis: ^ can you take a look?11:45
pedroniswe had a bug like that at some point11:45
pedronisI think John fixed it11:45
pstolowskiwe would see something in snap changes right?11:46
pedronissnap changes would be good to have11:46
pstolowskiniemeyer ^ can you grab a copy of state.json and share?11:47
pedronispstolowski: there might also be a silly bug about checking from the wrong name/snap somewhere11:47
pedronisthat we don't see11:47
pedronisor core/system confusion11:47
* Chipaca ~> lunch11:53
* zyga experiments with snap instances for review11:54
Chipacazyga: can we talk about 'snap interfaces potato'?12:05
mupPR snapcraft#2260 opened: build providers: allow setting ram and disk size <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2260>12:15
zygaChipaca: yes12:34
zygawanna HO?12:34
Chipacazyga: having lunch, so not really :-)12:34
Chipacai'm happier typing with my mouf full12:35
zygaanytime after standup unless clashing meeting12:35
Chipacazyga: my problem is that "snap interfaces some-rando-string" does not error12:35
zyga:[%#]   &12:35
zygaindeed, that's counter intuitive12:35
Chipacayou pick that up sir, i didn't spend all morning cleaning for you to through your food all over the place12:35
zygamaybe "error: cannot find interfaces matching some-random-string"12:36
Chipacazyga: ok12:36
Chipacazyga: which takes me to problem #212:36
ahasenackmvo: hi, should this sru be stopped? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/178643812:36
mupBug #1786438: [SRU] 2.35 <verification-needed> <verification-needed-bionic> <snapd (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu Trusty):New> <snapd (Ubuntu Xenial):New> <snapd (Ubuntu Bionic):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1786438>12:36
Chipacazyga: it starts printing stuff before knowing :-)12:36
ahasenackbecause of https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-images/+bug/179169112:36
mupBug #1791691: PATH broken in systemd units <block-proposed> <cloud-images:Confirmed> <snapd (Ubuntu):In Progress> <snapd (Ubuntu Bionic):In Progress> <snapd (Ubuntu Cosmic):In Progress> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1791691>12:36
zygaChipaca: that's easy to fix12:36
mvoahasenack: yes, we will do a .2 hopefully today. we had some trouble with github being down though but still hopefully today12:38
Chipacazyga: which takes me to problem #312:38
Chipacazyga: that thing's messy :-)12:38
zygaoh boy12:38
zygaallice is still falling12:38
zygayou tell me that :D12:38
zygabut please be specific, messy how/12:38
Chipacazyga: what's your easy fix for #2?12:38
Chipacazyga: the easy fix is usually either, accumulate into an array, check length of array before printing the header, *or*, have a flag and check before printing whether you'd printed the headers12:39
zygaChipaca: I think we can just print once we fully know, that should be easy12:39
Chipacazyga: both of those are made harder because of #3 :-) it's not a simple loop-check-print thing, it does lots of little decisions12:40
Chipacazyga: so12:40
Chipacazyga: can i refactor it to accumulate? it'll probably change quite a bit12:40
zygamay I just say that we want to kill that thing entirely12:40
zygaand do snap connections?12:40
zygathat may be nicer12:40
zygaand less magic12:40
zygaso what's 3? :)12:40
Chipacazyga: er, we can't kill it, it's already depended on by people :-)12:41
zygawe can deprecate it12:41
zygait would be a new API call for sure12:41
Chipacaeven deprecated, i'd still want to address this12:41
zygaI cannot wait for warnings to say "you used a deprecated command, use ... instead"12:41
abeatosergiusens, hey, I dug more into that issue I mentioned about debug info in binaries, it turns out this is what is happening: https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/179194612:42
mupBug #1791946: Default autotools CFLAGS are overriden in some cases <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1791946>12:42
ahasenackmvo: any quick workaround available for cosmic lxd containers? Some file to edit?12:42
Chipacazyga: ok, i'll refactor it (in a bit)12:43
zygaChipaca: are you changing it?12:43
Chipacazyga: unless you'd rather do it yourself, yes12:43
zygaChipaca: let's talk at the standup, it should be easy12:49
zygaI just want to agree on what we want :)12:49
zygamborzecki: I'm back to sorting12:49
zygadoing it more scientifically than before12:49
mvoahasenack: you can probably just rm the generator12:51
ahasenackmvo: which file is it?12:51
mvoahasenack: one sec, let me find it12:51
mborzeckizyga: can't tell if that's good or a bad thing12:51
mborzeckizyga: what are you sorting?12:51
zygamborzecki: it's good, we want to be correct12:52
zygamborzecki: the fstab entries12:52
zygamborzecki: a sorting algorithm that understands both source -and- target12:52
mvoahasenack: /usr/lib/systemd/system-environment-generators/*snapd*12:52
ahasenackthanks, will give it a try12:52
mvosnapd-env-generator is the exact filename12:52
mvoahasenack: sorry for the trouble, if github stops acting up and tests are back I can do the upload so hopefully later today things should be good again12:53
ahasenackmvo: ok, then tomorrow's cloud image should have the fix12:53
ahasenackmvo: I think it worked, after the rm and a reboot, the container seems to have started up correctly12:53
ahasenack| c1                            | RUNNING | (eth0) |      | PERSISTENT | 0         |12:53
ahasenackyep, ssh is working, etc12:54
mvoahasenack: good! and sorry for the trouble12:59
Saviqjdstrand: hey, one question about the x11 plug/slot situation for XWayland (https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4545) - any idea why it's not necessary to connect them (as a reminder, the same snap provides the slot and connects back to itself)? is it that the slot itself has the required permissions and those get applied without connection?13:23
mupPR #4545: interfaces/x11: allow X11 slot implementations <Created by gerboland> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4545>13:24
zygapstolowski: reviewing that huge PR now13:28
zygawell, after HO13:28
pstolowskizyga: thx13:29
sergiusensthanks abeato13:30
zygapstolowski: have a look13:38
niemeyerpstolowski: Just sent the state.json to your email14:13
pstolowskiniemeyer: got it, thanks14:18
* zyga -> meal (unfair to call lunch now)14:19
ogralinner (thats like an afternoon brunch)14:22
ogra(or lupper if you are british ;) )14:23
mvo5803 needs a second review please14:30
pstolowskimvo: looking14:33
mupPR snapcraft#2261 opened: build providers: inject the base for classic <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2261>14:40
mvothanks pstolowski14:56
stevenmhey what can I do about this stupid 'snap' directory in my $HOME15:20
stevenmit just sits there looking all very stupid and lowercase15:21
stevenmessentially out of place15:21
stevenmcan I reconfigure so it is at least .snap or something?15:21
popeystevenm: not currently15:24
zygastevenm: hey, we are working towards being able to move it but this is not possible yet15:29
ograstevenm, echo "snap" >~/.hidden15:48
ograstevenm, that will a least hide it from the file manager15:48
ogra(you might to re-login afterwards to make it take effect ... or restart nautilus or whatnot)15:49
MattJ>> rather?15:49
zyganiemeyer: gopkg.in /github are acting up again15:50
ograMattJ, indeed, thats safer in case the file exists already (it rarely does though)15:50
* cachio afk15:59
Dmitrii-Shhi, is there any specific list of people who should be @mentioned on the forum to get a review for a classic snap?15:59
ChipacaDmitrii-Sh: not really, as long as it's followed the process it should be picked up16:00
ChipacaDmitrii-Sh: why?16:00
popeyDmitrii-Sh: do link us to it, in case we missed it16:00
Dmitrii-ShChipaca, popey: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/classic-confinement-review-request/7226/216:01
Dmitrii-ShWe're basically doing a rally + tempest snap for field engineering purposes16:01
Dmitrii-Shpopey, Chipaca: the classic side of it is there because of python multiprocessing16:01
Dmitrii-ShSHM paths are inaccessible because of apparmor16:02
ChipacaDmitrii-Sh: snaps have access to (namespaced) shm16:02
ograisnt there @reviewers ?16:02
popeyThat's unfortunate16:02
Dmitrii-ShChipaca: yes, but python2 multiprocessing doesn't use that (the cpython lib itself)16:03
popeyI see there's a suggestion to use a patched python. I don't know it well enough to know the impact of that16:03
ogra(to ping the review team)16:03
Chipacaogra: yes, but it's rude to do so unless they've been dragging their feet :-)16:04
Dmitrii-Shpopey: the patch is not upstream yet. Do you suggest building cpython2 and adding that to the snap?16:04
Dmitrii-Shthat'll take some time we do not have currently unless there is a well-defined path16:04
pstolowskipedronis: ok, i think i understand what happened with that issue that niemeyer hit16:05
popeySorry, I don't know python enough.16:05
Dmitrii-Shpopey: I see that python3.4 has the right patch https://github.com/python/cpython/commit/e943697750a5828c0b4937ab28a301001700ad84 . The problem is that we have to stick to python2 for this snap as rally itself has some python3 support issues16:07
ograjust rewrite it in go ;)16:08
Dmitrii-ShI tried to make it work and even patched it in the snap after pulling but during test runs some errors come up which do not on python216:08
mvoxnox: the fix for the env generator got reviews and we will land it as soon as github is back to being normal16:08
* ogra always has the helpful comments ... especially after long workdays16:09
mvoxnox: sorry for the delay, my plan was to get this done in my morning but then gitub exploded16:09
mupPR snapd#5817 opened: snapstate/tests: serialize all appeneds in fake backend <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5817>16:12
Dmitrii-Shpopey: I could move the repo under https://github.com/openstack-snaps and have it there for our specific use-case16:12
pstolowskimvo: ^ run it for 2 hours, 4 instances, didn't fail16:12
pedronispstolowski: yes?16:18
pstolowskipedronis: it's two things: we're dealing with "old" state and injecting "auto-connect" task for gopkg from doLink() snap handler. but we also have "setup-profiles" with core-phase-2 for gopkg. it's arranged to be run after "link-snap" and "auto-connect". In the autoconnect conflict check we conflict with ourselves because of that setup-profiles phase 2. The message about conflict with core is bogus, it's just resulting16:23
pstolowskifrom iterating over candidates (and trusting that we don't conflict with own link/unlink/setupprofiles tasks)16:23
pstolowskinormally we would never conflict with self because link-snap and setup-profiles run before auto-connect, so they are Done16:26
pedronispstolowski: ah, is the old  fallback logic for old snapd ?16:26
pstolowskipedronis: yes16:26
pedroniss/old/ first16:26
pedronispstolowski: why do we have the 2nd setup-profiles for gopkg though? it's not a core16:28
pstolowskiI guess I couldn't reproduce because I was running snapd from trunk16:28
pstolowskipedronis: yeah. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Bxd4sZyNJt/16:29
pstolowskipedronis: and i see most (if not all) of the phase-2 logic is gone now16:29
pstolowski(but that's a side note)16:29
pedronisah,  this is dangerous ?16:30
pstolowskipedronis: yes16:30
pedronisthat's why,  old snapd didn't detect the type for dangerous16:30
pedronisso the 2nd setup-profiles16:31
pedronisbut i thought we would inject auto-connect from the 2nd setup-profile if there are two16:31
pedronisare we injecting auto-connect twice ?16:31
pedronisin that case16:31
pstolowskipedronis: no. we only inject from doLinkSnap (and we inject only if we see unlink-snap and setup-profiles in same change)16:33
pstolowski(and if we don't see auto-connect in the change already)16:34
pedronispstolowski: yes, but the question is where we inject it if there are two setup-profiles ?16:34
pedronisafter the first, after the 2nd ?16:34
pedronisthe issue is that we inject after the first ?16:34
pstolowskipedronis: we always inject from doLinkSnap, after link-snap task (so, after first setup-profiles, but before 2nd setup-profiles)16:35
pedronisI see16:36
pstolowskiwe basically ignore the fact that there might be 2nd setup-profiles16:36
pedronisit's not the best placement16:36
pedronisfor core or this corner case16:36
pedronispstolowski: why can core finish though?16:36
pedronisit would have the same problem no?16:37
pedronisah, because there's no old core tasks16:37
pedronispstolowski: how does core itself avoid getting stuck ?16:37
pstolowskipedronis: that's a good question. i see everything is undone, so it's hard to say what happened. I only see repeated 'retry' messages on gopkg auto-connect task16:38
pedronispstolowski: because core hits the find symmetric logic ?16:39
pstolowskipedronis: for core i only get " "2018-09-11T09:21:48Z INFO Requested daemon restart.",16:39
pstolowski            "2018-09-11T09:23:40Z INFO Requested daemon restart (undo classic initial core install)"16:39
pstolowskifrom link-snap16:39
pstolowskipedronis: right, probably that16:40
pedronispstolowski: anyway,  it seems we need to make the logic robust against  self-blocking but we also need to rethink whether we can move where we put the auto-connect16:40
pedronisin these cases16:40
pstolowskipedronis: indeed, i'll work on the latter tomorrow morning16:43
pstolowskiand probably conflict/retry messages should be tweaked to actually point at the real cause16:45
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
ijohnsonIt seems like this is the case, but the github issue is what's affecting gopkg.in, correct? (I can't run snapd unit tests cause I need to update the dependencies, which fails on gopkg.in packages)16:55
mvopstolowski|afk: nice one, thank you17:03
Chipaca$ snap list bofh17:08
ChipacaName  Version  Rev  Tracking  Publisher  Notes17:08
Chipacabofh  0.1      1    latest    chipaca    -17:08
ChipacaWARNING: There are 1 new warnings. See 'snap warnings'17:08
zygaoh, my :)17:09
Chipacaand with that, I EOD17:09
zygawatch out Chipaca  ;)17:09
* zyga hugs Chipaca 17:09
zygaChipaca: and ngettext :/17:09
mupPR snapcraft#2260 closed: build providers: allow setting ram and disk size <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2260>17:18
mupPR snapcraft#2257 closed: meta: take charge of environment used to run commands <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2257>17:21
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5818/files17:32
mupPR #5818: cmd/snap: handle "snap interfaces core" better <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5818>17:32
mupPR snapd#5818 opened: cmd/snap: handle "snap interfaces core" better <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5818>17:33
mupPR snapd#5810 closed: rfc: restore "core" as the API-level host for implicit slots <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <Closed by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5810>17:37
xnoxmvo, hey18:06
xnoxmvo, i think implementing that generator in C is all nice and dandy18:06
xnoxmvo, but clearly no worky18:06
xnoxmvo, my examples are were in shell..... and i'm got tricked by this18:07
xnox# unset PATH; echo $PATH; echo ${PATH}; /bin/sh -c 'echo ${PATH}'18:08
mupPR snapcraft#2262 opened: schema: add "legacy" adapter type <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2262>19:34
xnoxmvo, so i think we need to make generator to print nothing if PATH is not set19:36
xnoxmvo, cause otherwise it cleans it.19:36
xnoxmvo, /bin/sh has a built-in PATH which may or may not be right ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/1792004 )19:37
mupBug #1792004: built-in PATH seems to have sbin and bin out of order; and inconsistent <apt (Ubuntu):New> <bash (Ubuntu):New> <busybox (Ubuntu):New> <dash (Ubuntu):New> <dpkg (Ubuntu):New> <pam (Ubuntu):New> <systemd (Ubuntu):New> <bash (Debian):Unknown> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1792004>19:37
xnoxmvo, and i.e. built-in paths are broken in /bin/sh on e.g. suse.19:37
xnoxmvo, and i need to fix systemd, to pass manager->environmnet and call envrionment generators with execve rather than just execv19:37
mvoxnox: ok, thats fine19:59
mvoxnox: so the advice is - no PATH if path is unset? thats also not ideal because then the aim of the generator is not reached20:00
mvoxnox: shouldn't we make it use a default path in that case (maybe the one from /etc/environment)? but I guess the problem is then that not all distros agree on the default path20:00
mupPR snapcraft#2261 closed: build providers: inject the base for classic <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2261>20:01
mvoxnox: anyway, this is a can of worms, I guess the safest option for now is to not print anything is PATH is unset and wait until the dust settles. but I need to call it a day, lets talk tomorrow20:06
xnoxmvo, yeah, talk tomorrow20:08
xnoxmvo, i hope to fix systemd....20:09
mvoxnox: so the plan is: fix systemd, until then our generator just does nothing on an unset path?20:09
xnoxmvo, yeap20:09
mvoxnox: sounds good to me20:09
mvoxnox: is there a open systemd bug that I can refer to in my commit?20:11
xnoxmvo, not yet20:16
mvoxnox: ok, I updated the pending PR with the suggested fix (to print nothing) we can sync up further tomorrow but that should fix the worst damage and on non-lxd systems things should be improving with that20:19
mvoxnox: but need to gtg now, see you tomorrow20:19
xnox* mvo has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)20:19
xnox* smoser (~smoser@ has joined #snappy20:19
xnoxjust missed him20:19
NickZkyrofa: hey, we are using snaps in production now and all of our backend is snapped and is being orchestrated through juju21:58
kyrofaNickZ, hey, that's amazing!23:27
kyrofaSounds like case-study material!23:28
NickZkyrofa: yeah, we'd be down for that when we launch23:30
NickZsnapcraft is still missing a few features that I'd like to see, like being able to run daemons as an unprivileged user, and granular network permissions; I know that the former is on the roadmap23:36
NickZthe latter seems to be blocked by this very old bug in apparmor: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/79658823:37
mupBug #796588: Fine-grained network mediation <aa-feature> <aa-kernel> <kernel-net> <AppArmor:In Progress> <apparmor (Ubuntu):Triaged> <linux (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/796588>23:37
mupPR snapd#5815 closed: client: catch and expose logs errors <Simple> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5815>23:43

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