
dgadomskihey cyphermox, do you know if fix for bug #1749289 is going to be backported to xenial?09:05
ubottubug 1749289 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Xenial) "Installer stops after pressing Cancel on Select a language screen during OEM install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174928909:05
xnoxdgadomski, the verification you did of the bionic image, would appear to be incomplete for me.09:48
xnoxdgadomski, before choosing to reboot the second time, did you enable proposed and upgrade all packages from proposed?09:49
xnoxdgadomski, cause the new ubiquity with fixes is only in bionic-proposed, and not bionic-updates yet09:49
dgadomskixnox: nope, oem configuration seemed not to work at all for me for bionic (unlike xenial)09:49
dgadomskiI've reported a separate bug about it09:49
xnoxdgadomski, with alternate installer, you should be booting with apt-setup/proposed=true kernel cmdline option09:49
xnoxdgadomski, i am talking about the separate bug you filed09:50
xnoxdgadomski, can you please attach all of /var/log/installer logs from the https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1789920 case?09:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1789920 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Bionic) "Installation in OEM mode broken on bionic" [Undecided,New]09:50
dgadomskixnox: ack, will try that09:51
xnoxdgadomski, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed#line-95 same applies to alternate installer09:54
didrocksbdmurray: hey! So my theory for the apport regression is in https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/apport/handle-older-reports/+merge/354692. If you +1 on it, I'll upload to cosmic and reupload a bionic version11:39
rbasaktsimonq2: why did you sync mysql-5.7?12:54
rbasaktsimonq2: AFAICT it's now stuck due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mecab/+bug/178152912:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1781529 in mecab (Ubuntu) "[MIR] mecab" [High,New]12:55
psusipitti: gnome-disks is failing to unmount for me.  It seems it has a race condition where it issues the unmount command to udisks, then looks to see if there are still any mount points left and tries to unmount them.  The property hasn't updated yet so it tries to unmount the same location a second time, which fails.13:04
psusipitti: is there a proper dbus way if you expect a property to change, to make sure you wait for it to do so?13:04
psusihrm... I found udisks_client_settle(), but it didn't seem to help...13:18
michael-vbHello there.  I have been seeing a minor quirk in the 18.04 dash/dock, where the icon for VirtualBox is not shown correctly until the screen locks and unlocks.  VirtualBox is an X11 application and I am running a Wayland session.  Who should I poke?14:02
cpaelzercjwatson: hi, since you do 99+% of openssh changes I wanted to ask if bug 1790963 is on your radar?14:51
ubottubug 1790963 in openssh (Ubuntu) "Unable to connect with openssh 7.8 client and certificates" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179096314:51
cjwatsoncpaelzer: not really.  maybe it should be taken upstream14:54
cpaelzeronly affecting RSA certs I'm not even sure enough to triage the severity14:54
cpaelzercjwatson: I had the impression that "Scott Emmons" that updated the bug might be upstream - is that a name known to you?14:54
cjwatsonthis sounds churlish, but I'm afraid I find Ubuntu openssh bugs increasingly hard to follow since there's always a support firewall that gets there before me14:55
cjwatsonnot AFAIK; don't know where you got that idea14:55
cpaelzermisinterpretation in between his lines :-)14:55
cjwatsonsince it's affecting other distributions, I think it'll probably just be a matter of cherry-picking an upstream fix eventually14:56
cjwatsonhm, though on reading more it sounds like we need to backport a correction to the server-advertised key types list?14:58
cjwatsonhave you checked whether the people reporting this have modified PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes/HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes in their sshd_config?15:00
cjwatsonor indeed in the ssh client config15:01
cpaelzercjwatson: no I have not15:01
cjwatsonworth checking both ends15:01
cpaelzerI just have seen a few updates on the bug and desperately tried to reach someone with more experience on the matter => you :-)15:02
cpaelzerI could tomorrow try a debian/ubuntu container test with differen setups to confirm the issue for us15:03
cpaelzersince Debian is on 7.8 already that should be easy15:03
tsimonq2rbasak: Ah, sorry :/ want me to revert the dep?15:13
rbasaktsimonq2: yes please. I don't think the MIR will land any time soon. The security team have a rather large backlog of MIR reviews I believe, and mecab isn't a high priority.15:15
tsimonq2rbasak: ack, will do this afternoon US time.15:17
tsimonq2Thanks for letting me know.15:17
Skuggentsimonq2: I'll prepare an upload for it once we've finalized a fix for #179101015:38
Skuggen5.7, I mean15:38
tsimonq2Skuggen: ack, I'll be happy to sponsor if you can't upload.16:14
SkuggenGreat, thanks!16:15
SkuggenI've started making a ppu application, but need some sponsors for that too :P16:16
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slangasekkees, stgraber: TB meeting?19:06

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