
=== Scytale90 is now known as Scytale89
lubotinnerdev was added by: innerdev16:51
lubot<innerdev> Hello. Can you help me with HiDPI somehow? I have 15'' laptop with 1920x1080. All elements are way too small. What can I do besides font size increase?16:51
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Have you seen if lubuntu recognized the correct resolution?16:53
lubot<innerdev> Yes, it is. Resolution it's fine. I have HD and it detects as HD. I mean, i just want to make all interface bigger. HD is too small on 15'' for me.16:54
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Have you tried this: https://code.luasoftware.com/tutorials/linux/enable-hidpi-scaling-on-lubuntu/16:56
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> No Hdpi in lubuntu by default16:57
lubot<innerdev> Not tried yet, thank you a lot! I'll try right now.16:57
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> Ok16:57
WafficusHi there, question about autostart programs17:09
Wafficusfor the "Add" button17:09
Wafficusdo I have to specify the path of the specific program?17:09
WafficusI compiled a program called "Cool Retro Term", and I'd like it to startup whenever I startup the computer17:10
wxlas a general rule, i'd advise specifying the full path but if it's in your default $PATH you should be fine, wafficus17:11
Wafficusso its compiled in a separate folder on my desktop17:12
Wafficusdo I have to move the entire folder into somewhere on my /etc directory?17:12
Wafficuslike its in a folder called "Cool Retro Term"17:12
Wafficusthe current directory aka pwd is:17:12
wxlso it's probably not in your path then17:14
wxlunless you see /home/sbpc/Desktop in $PATH17:14
Wafficuswhere should I move it to then if I want it in my path?17:14
wxlis it a standalone file?17:14
Wafficusah so move it in a folder called "$PATH"?17:14
Wafficuseh more like a directory17:14
wxldo you have a ~/bin?17:14
Wafficusbut yeah it has an executable file17:14
wxl$PATH is a variable17:14
wxldo `echo $PATH`17:15
wxla ~/bin is a good thing to have if you do a lot of scripts (i do a done)17:15
wxlso just mkdir ~/bin17:15
Wafficusecho $PATH:17:15
wxland then in .bashrc add something like `export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin`17:16
WafficusI found bin17:16
Wafficusso should I move a copy of that directory in it17:16
wxland then create a softline to your cool-retro-term like so: `ln -s $HOME/Desktop/cool-retro-term-master/cool-retro-term $HOME/bin/cool-retro-term`17:17
Wafficusmove the entireity of it17:17
wxlnote by ~/bin i DO NOT mean /bin17:17
WafficusI cd'd outside of my default directory17:17
Wafficusaka "sbpc"17:17
Wafficusand then on that top directory17:17
wxlyou can move it in /bin if you want17:17
WafficusI found /bin17:17
Wafficuswould that mean I could execute it by name if i did that17:17
wxlit's just you have to sudo your way to it whcih is one extra step you don't necessarily need17:17
Wafficuslike "cool-retro-term"?17:17
Wafficusah gotcha17:18
wxlbut if you did everything i mentioned above you could do the same thing without sudo17:18
Wafficusgood point about sudo17:18
Wafficusok lemme read what you said then one sec17:18
Wafficusappreciate it17:18
wxlto be clear we're creating a "bin" folder in your $HOME folder17:18
wxland then we're adding that to your $PATH17:19
lubot<innerdev> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/vz6O9Dm.jpg Well, I have done this guide. But now... Look at the bottom. What?.. O_o How to fix it?..17:19
wxlso that anything in that $HOME/bin folder can be executed directly without specifying the path17:19
Wafficusbut I have to ultimately pick17:19
wxlthe final step is making a link from $HOME/bin to your folder17:19
Wafficusif I want bash to only point to that $HOME/bin folder right?17:19
Wafficusotherwise all other scripts will be screwed up right?17:19
wxlthe value in that is that assuming that is under source control, you can continue to keep it updated without having to move things around all the time17:19
Wafficuslink huh17:20
Wafficusmaybe I'm too much of a newbie for now17:20
Wafficushere's an idea17:20
wxlthe `export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin` basically says "add $HOME/bin to the end of the $PATH variable`17:20
Wafficusbut then that's the default one from now one right?17:20
wxlso it's not going to screw anything up17:20
lubot<innerdev> I have to idea how to google it...17:22
WafficusI tried cp cool-retro-term-master/ $HOME17:22
Wafficusapparently that didn't work17:22
wxlyou can do that too, but the way PATH works, it's not recursively searched17:22
WafficusI just wanted to make a copy so I don't screw up17:22
Wafficusit was super hard to build this terminal emulator tbh17:22
wxlso you'd need to copy ONLY the executable into $HOME/bin/17:22
Wafficusah gotcha17:22
wxlif you had $HOME/bin/cool-retro-term-master/cool-retro-term you'd actually need to add $HOME/bin/cool-retro-term-master to your $PATH in order to run cool-retro-term without specifying the full path17:23
wxlactually that looks pretty easy to compile. you at least have all the build depends listed out for you :)17:24
wxlbut if you're new to it compiling is just hard period17:24
Wafficushey im back17:25
Wafficusso I created a bin directory under $HOME17:25
Wafficusplaced cool-retro-term in there17:25
Wafficusso now I have to go to my bash rc file right?17:25
wxledit $HOME/.bashrc17:25
lubot<innerdev> Without scaling it work fine, look17:25
wxlbtw what version of ubuntu are you on?17:25
lubot<innerdev> (Photo, 1280x720) https://i.imgur.com/YmT0Nlk.jpg17:26
wxl*L*ubuntu sorry :)17:26
Wafficushey back17:26
wxlbtw what version of ubuntu are you on?17:26
Wafficuscould you state what to do one more time17:26
WafficusI wasnt in tmux again :/ so sorry17:27
Wafficusyou said to edit the bash file right?17:27
wxledit $HOME/.bashrc ...... but i just realized we might be able to do this a LOT easier. you know there's a PPA, right?17:27
Wafficusyeah I tried the ppa17:27
Wafficusit wasnt working tbh17:27
wxlwhat version you on?17:28
Wafficusidk tbh17:28
Wafficusprobably most recent17:28
wxl`lsb_release -a`17:28
Wafficus18.04.1 LTS17:28
wxland how do you know the PPA didn't work?17:29
WafficusI tried it a couple weeks ago tbh17:29
wxli would really advise you use the PPA as it will keep itself updated and keep you from having to compile17:29
wxl`sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vantuz/cool-retro-term && sudo apt update && sudo apt install cool-retro-term` and you should be done17:30
wxlby the way i'm starting to envision the silly scheme you have in mind trying to autostart this thing XD17:30
WafficusI can that sudo command17:31
Wafficuswaiting on terminal17:31
Wafficusonce it gets the ppa correctly like you said17:31
Wafficusthis might be easier tbh17:31
wxlwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier17:31
wxland all that path business is taken care of17:32
WafficusI'm still pretty a beginner dev tbh17:32
WafficusI've written some Python based webcraerpers17:32
Wafficusfor my website, musimatic.net17:32
Wafficusits been fun though17:32
Wafficusi'll be back in a sec17:33
Wafficusit didn't give me any errors17:33
Wafficusso i'll see if it worked17:33
wxlwell if you want to contribute i'm sure we could find a place for you in lubuntu17:33
Wafficusooh nice17:33
wxlwe have a couple things we've built out of py17:33
WafficusI've tried an open source project called Pybee so far17:33
Wafficusand I've ran a couple tests for them17:33
Wafficusbut its been a day or two between responses on their Gitter17:33
Wafficusafter work that is you know17:33
wxl!info pybee17:33
ubottuPackage pybee does not exist in bionic17:33
Wafficusbut yeah where could a beginner like me contribute to Lubuntu?17:34
Wafficustake a look at musimatic.net17:34
Wafficussee what I've done so far17:34
Wafficusand see if its worth while tbh17:34
WafficusI appreciate the idea tbh17:34
wxlwell, for one, join #lubuntu-devel and the mailing list is lubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com17:34
Wafficusok, I'll do both17:34
Wafficusone sec I'll be back wxl17:35
wxlwe'll probably need to teach you packaging but that's relatively simple17:35
wxli'm working on a better tutorial17:35
Wafficushi back17:38
Wafficusso I tried that ppa on their site17:38
Wafficusand "cool-retro-term" doesn't work17:38
WafficusI saw a couple 404 errors during the install17:38
Wafficushence the install on my end tbh17:38
lubot<innerdev> @Marcelo Pugliesi [Ok], Thank you any way. After reboot it works (i hope) properly.17:38
Wafficussudo add-apt-repository ppa:bugs-launchpad-net-falkensweb/cool-retro-term17:39
Wafficussudo apt-get update17:39
Wafficus^ that's what I did17:39
wxlnot sure where you got that from17:40
wxl`sudo add-apt-repository ppa:vantuz/cool-retro-term && sudo apt update && sudo apt install cool-retro-term` and you should be done17:41
wxlNOT bugs-launchpad-net-falkensweb but vantuz17:41
lubot<Marcelo Pugliesi> OK Dmitry. Glad it worked17:41
wxladmittedly there is another ppa17:42
wxlbut they don't publish anything for bionic17:42
wxlgeneral advise: don't use ppa's unless they're recommended by the upstream developer17:43
wxlcuriously that second ppa you mentioned is owned by tom chiverton who also added the link to the OTHER ppa (not his) upstream https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term/commit/7325835c3f6946c2bd701514052b237c6817ff7117:45
wxlah here's the distinction: vantuz is for new releases and tom's is for old ones https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term/issues/442#issuecomment-38323560417:47
lubotinnerdev was removed by: innerdev17:53
lubotinnerdev was added by: innerdev18:16
Wafficushey im back18:18
lubot<tsimonq2> For official Lubuntu announcements, usually just blog posts: https://t.me/LubuntuOfficial23:47

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