
cim209anyone getting issues of software updater disappearing? or when you open it up, it fails to load?00:58
cim209here's the pastebin https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/xqsZZ5WydW/01:02
stevenmis there any issues with indicator icons being too big/oversized so that their top/bottom bits get cut off?06:15
stevenme.g. if the program (in this case the nextcloud client) is is proving an image file larger than the area,... is the indicator applet meant to size it down - or is the thing that's trying to use the applet meant to do that?!  is this is a bug with the indicator applet basically or the thing using it?06:16
=== Scytale90 is now known as Scytale89
stevenmhey so I've got a new laptop here which has a stupidly big resolution of 3200x180016:43
stevenmso some in-built thing must realise this because it doubles the size of all the programs showing16:43
stevenmsome programs don't like this so look like big windows with tiny objects/text in them - but whatever i can live with that16:44
stevenmi'm not sure what the technical term for this process is though16:44
stevenmbut what I have realised - is when i connect 2 x 1080p monitors (it's a thunderbolt 3 port that supports 2 monitors) - all the apps stay *double* sized - on the external monitors16:44
vkarehstevenm: it's HiDPI, so this is GTK scaling16:44
stevenmwhich looks crazy16:45
stevenmok so is there a way to say don't scale on the external monitors when a window is dragged over or opens on them?16:45
vkarehstevenm: so, your monitors are _not_ HiDPI, but your laptop is. Scaling only works on the entire display, not on a per-monitor basis16:45
vkarehstevenm: your options are: disable HiDPI when you connect the monitors, or use xrandr to scale the monitors down16:46
stevenmright so when my boss is opposite me with his stupid surface book pro 2 and windows 10 - and i see it change the scale of the windows as he moves stuff around...16:46
stevenm... basically that's not doable in linux land yet?16:46
vkarehstevenm: correct16:47
stevenmso essentially make my laptop use 1600x900 (half the res) and disable hidpi and everything on all monitors will look normal?16:47
vkarehstevenm: I have a HiDPI laptop and a single monitor attached to it, using xrandr to down-scale the monitor works for me - that way I get a HiDPI laptop display, and a normal monitor16:47
vkarehstevenm: yes, that's option 116:48
stevenmok confused you just said you couldn't do it on a per monitor basis16:48
vkarehstevenm: not from the GTK scaling itself, no - but you can trick the monitor into scaling itself down directly on X1116:48
vkarehI don't know if it will work on two monitors, though...16:49
stevenmdown scale the external monitor?16:49
vkarehit should, but you would have issues with the position16:49
stevenmbut it doesn't need down scaling - it's already at the right res of 1080p16:49
stevenmjust what is showing on it is double sized16:49
stevenmi feel like i'm missing something here16:49
vkarehstevenm: do something like `xrandr --output HDMI1 --scale 2x2` in your terminal (change the HDMI1 part with whatever device name your monitor is) and it will scale just that monitor16:50
vkarehthe problem is that when you do that, the position of the monitor gets all messed up, so you would need to do something like `xrandr --output eDP1 --pos 3840x1080` or something like that to get your laptop monitor to be in the "right" position16:51
stevenmok so that looks confusing16:52
vkarehstevenm: really, it's a pain, unfortunately :/16:52
stevenmone monitor looks right now - and the other looks like it shows a section of the first at bad scaling16:52
vkarehmost people end up just lowering the laptop resolution to 1600x900 and be done with it :/16:52
stevenmoriginal output from xrandr... https://pastebin.com/raw/Mvhszzf616:52
vkarehstevenm: yeah, now try the same command but on the other monitor16:53
stevenmso i ran... xrandr --output DP-2-1 --scale 2x216:53
stevenmbut if i run... xrandr --output DP-1-3 --scale 2x216:53
stevenmxrandr: screen cannot be larger than 8192x8192 (desired size 8960x2160)16:53
vkarehoh wow, okay that's unexpected16:53
stevenmi could try other ports though - basically this laptop has a thunderbolt 3 40gbps connection to a dell dock16:54
vkarehsorry I've never done two monitors at once, I'm wondering if it has to do with the position (notice how i'ts 5120x0 on DP-1-3, maybe it thinks it's off bounds or something16:54
stevenmand the dock has like 1 hdmi, 2 dp's (one mini one not) and 1 hdmi16:54
stevenmoh and a vga16:55
vkarehthat vga sounds kinda useless there! ;)16:55
vkarehI guess for office projectors :P16:55
stevenmyeah but i'm using it - it's what DP-1-3 is16:55
vkarehhah, crazy okay16:55
stevenmtbh the monitor does hdmi too - but i cba find a cable yet16:55
stevenmi will when i can16:56
stevenmso what does this option do?  does it compress a 3200x1800 image into the space of a 1600x900 ?16:56
vkarehah, yeah my external is on HDMI, works fine with this script: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/R9RPBmqyPD/16:57
vkarehstevenm: yeah, pretty much16:57
stevenmand that is meant to look ok?16:57
vkarehthat script works for a single monitor on top of the laptop16:57
vkarehstevenm: not really, if you compare before/after, the down-scaled monitor will look a bit off - different monitors look different, based on its tolerance (and yours, really). I'd say try it and see if it looks bad for you16:58
vkarehstevenm: for me, my external looks slightly less crisp than if it were just all non-HiDPI, but it's minor enough that having the HiDPI laptop makes up for it16:59
stevenmoh yeah when i move the cursor really slowly - you can see it blurring16:59
vkarehbut again, ymmv16:59
stevenmthat's what i've have expected16:59
stevenmso the GTK scaling... does that mean stuff which isn't written with GTK+ won't look right?17:00
stevenmand is that scaling done in the window manager (in my case, marco i think)17:00
vkarehthis is one of the issues of using X11, which is a 30+ year-old display server... Wayland _should_ give us all the nice things and then some, when it works, but MATE is way too integrated with X11, so that'll be a while17:00
vkarehstevenm: not necessarily - GTK2 things will look bad, GTK3 things will look good, but there's a flag in gsettings to synchronize the settings with QT apps so that they scale along with GTK17:01
stevenmok this sounds horrible already :)17:01
stevenmbut i guess none of these gtk2/3/qt workarounds will be needed with wayland?17:01
vkarehstevenm: no, the scaling is done directly in GTK... marco scales itself based on the GTK scaling, as well as all GTK apps17:01
vkarehstevenm: not quite, Wayland only means that scaling can be done at the monitor level... the toolkit still needs to support HiDPI (which gtk2 does not)17:02
stevenmok - i think i'm gonna opt for disabling hidpi17:03
stevenmi'm (hopefully) barely ever going to be looking at the laptop screen anyway17:03
stevenmmy boss wants me on a laptop - but i hate laptops - which is why i have the dock so i can forget it is one17:03
stevenmi don't need 3 screens :P17:03
vkarehstevenm: yeah if you expect to use the monitors more than the laptop, that's probably the best idea... unfortunately17:03
stevenmwhats the official way to turn off hidpi then?17:03
vkarehgo to MATE Tweak and in the Windows section, set the HiDPI to "Regular"17:04
stevenmhow do i undo this scaling xrandr first - just reset it as 1x2 ?17:04
vkarehstevenm: or run this in your terminal: `gsettings set org.mate.interface window-scaling-factor 1` (it's the same as the tweak window)17:05
vkarehxrandr --output blah --auto (I think)17:05
vkarehor xrandr --output blah --scale 1x117:05
stevenmok think that has worked17:07
stevenmhexchat looks bizzare with lots of gaps  -but i'm guessing it'd need relaunching anyway17:08
vkarehstevenm: yeah, restarting hexchat usually fixes it for me :)17:08
vkarehstevenm: oooor.... tell your boss to get you two new shiny HiDPI monitors ;)17:12
stevenmvkareh, yeah i thought that too :) very tempted to just use the company ebay account17:30
stevenmanyway off home now17:30
stevenmthanks for the help vkareh  :)17:30
vkarehstevenm: you're welcome! good luck :)17:33
kriebzI don't get tooltips (mouse over summary) on my System Monitor panel applet, and I don't know why20:24

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