
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
whiteboardfanhow do I contribute to xubuntu?11:02
brainwashthis site explains how https://xubuntu.org/contribute/11:04
whiteboardfanhi, I read the xubuntu.com/contrib page and registed on the mailing list and lunchpad.  Now how do I get assigned something to do?  Just send an email to the mailing list?11:28
whiteboardfanI would like to help in the Documentation area for now11:31
pmjdebruijnwhiteboardfan: usually people contribute changes they find useful themselves11:33
pmjdebruijnusually starting out with trivial stuff11:33
pmjdebruijnand building up from there11:33
pmjdebruijnso if you think some of the documentation is lacking or has errors, you can correct or ammend that11:35
pmjdebruijnand again, start small, build up a working relationship with the core team, before chewing off something big11:36
whiteboardfancan you suggest something small that I might start at?11:37
pmjdebruijnno particularly11:38
pmjdebruijnparticipating in an open source project really isn't about getting assigned stuff11:38
pmjdebruijnthis isn't school or business :)11:38
pmjdebruijnjust try to find something that you think is worth your time and attension11:39
pmjdebruijnand/or stick around, maybe someone else has a suggestion11:39
bluesabreif you're interested in documentation, maybe review the existing docs and see if there is any outdated info, or something not documented well enough11:40
bluesabrethere's plenty to do, and none of our stuff is really "complete" :)11:40
bluesabreand definitely stick around on the channel... our team is small but international. Some are asleep, at work, or going to bed. :)11:42
bluesabreso folks will be around with more info and suggestions11:43
brainwashbluesabre: is this correct? I don't recall the panel icons being so faint https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/?id=7f1ecefa802f073880024a57e9f440037123b36812:12
brainwashthey used to be white (100%) and not greyish (80%)12:13
TJ-Grrr; xfce4-terminal ignores the --display= option12:37
brainwashali1234: can you confirm that this one is actually a bug or limitation in xfwm? bug 142262613:05
ubottubug 1422626 in xfce4-terminal "Terminal not maximized when tiling" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142262613:05
brainwashsee the last comment13:05
brainwashjust noticed that 18.10 does not have xfwm4 4.13 yet13:09
ali1234brainwash: i remember that bug but i don't remember what the problem was. we thought it was the terminal grid at first but it was demonstrated that wasn't the problem16:57
brainwashali1234: a quick google search gives https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75136817:02
ubottuGnome bug 751368 in Backend: Wayland "wayland: gnome-terminal does not fill entire area when fullscreen or maximized due to size increments" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]17:02
brainwash"This is admittedly a violation of the size increments, but something done for years by most window managers under X11.."17:03
brainwashwell, not by his own xfwm17:04
ali1234the problem is that tiled wwindows are not maximized17:44
brainwashhalf-maximized then? :)17:57
bluesabrebrainwash: yeah, that adapts for the panel's loss of transparency option, speaking of...21:47
bluesabreochosi: is that intentional (removing panel transparency), or should greybird theme the panel to 80% opacity by default?21:47
ochosibluesabre: the background-alpha setting was removed in the 4.13 panel in favor of gdkrgba colors (previously gdkcolor)21:49
ochosigreybird never did anything about panel transparency21:49
ochosiso the expectation with 4.13 is that themes set a default transparency and if the user wants to override that, he/she has to take the panel color with the color picker and make it transparent in the color selector21:50
ochosi(would have been a bit complicated to keep the opacity setting around while still switching to gdkrgba)21:51
bluesabreochosi: alrighty, so to keep a transparent panel, should we make it 80% opaque at all times, or set the rgba?21:54
bluesabrethe first option means everything is 80%, including icons and text21:54
bluesabrethe second means that swapping themes doesn't change the panel21:54
ochosienter/leave opacity is a bad idea21:57
ochosithat way the panel will just have low contrast21:57
ochosihardcoding the rgba in our settings package might also not be great, because it would stick if people switch themes...21:57
ochosiso the best way is probably to set the opacity in greybird21:58
ochosithat way other themes will still look ok21:58
ochosipersonally i'm not sure if it's a big loss not to have the 80% transparency by default anymore22:03
ochosihaven't had this setting myself in a long tim22:03
ochosiknome: thoughts? ^22:03
ochosiin any case, the enter/leave stuff should be reverted imo: https://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-default-settings/commit/?id=7f1ecefa802f073880024a57e9f440037123b36822:03
bluesabrealrighty, np22:04
ochosihowever now is a good time to decide22:05
ochosiUIF is only two days away if i'm not mistaken22:05
ochositomorrow in (or after) the meeting i'll tag elementary-xfce and greybird for upload22:05
bluesabregreat :)22:05
ochosigot a last-minute fix from a contributor for pavucontrol22:05
ochosifinally it looks normal again...22:05

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