
cpaelzergood morning04:52
lordievaderGood morning06:29
cpaelzerhi lordievader06:51
lordievaderHey cpaelzer09:51
lordievaderHow are you doing?09:51
cpaelzergood as always :-)09:53
cpaelzerI'm not dragging you down by complaining :-)09:53
cpaelzerand you?09:53
lordievaderBusy, but good :)10:09
rbasakcpaelzer: has the git ubuntu importer been dead since 4 Sep?10:41
rbasakIn the screen I saw just a prompt10:41
cpaelzerI have had it recovering for some time, maybe it died again10:52
cpaelzeryes, seems like it10:52
cpaelzerrbasak: ^^10:53
cpaelzerI had it recovering like 8 days when we found it dead10:53
cpaelzerit was funny that was the day after I asked if I should keep the screen open10:53
cpaelzerand you said, no need to do so10:53
cpaelzerthe day after it crashed and only when andreas was missing an import we relaized10:53
cpaelzerso I started it with the right offset to recover all of it and that worked10:54
cpaelzerso it seems to be the second time in 4 weeks not that the main process died10:54
cpaelzerwhich is odd10:54
cpaelzerbut exactly the reason why andreas and I added a sprint topic for it to discuss how we continue10:54
cpaelzerit is like "make usdi a real service" or so10:54
rbasakcpaelzer: OK. Restarted, thanks.11:09
rbasak+1 for sprint topic11:09
rbasakDoes anyone actually use backuppc?12:31
rbasakLooking at bug 1723392, it looks like it's struggling for maintainership in Debian (kicked out of testing atm) though that might pick up depending on a new volunteer.12:31
ubottubug 1723392 in backuppc (Ubuntu) "Please update backuppc to 4.x release (now 4.2.1) - major improvements and lots of bugfixes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172339212:31
rbasakIs there any value in keeping this package in main in Ubuntu?12:32
rbasakcpaelzer: one for you I think, if you haven't seen it already: bug 1788334. server-next because there's a patch provided?12:37
ubottubug 1788334 in qemu (Ubuntu) "'Less than' (<), 'more than' (>), and 'pipe' (|) can't be typed via VNC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178833412:37
rbasakThe patch needs your review I think though. It is noted as a hack by upstream.12:38
cpaelzerrbasak: yeah I know that one from other reports, I'll need to tag some Dup's it seems12:42
cpaelzerrbasak: consider that bug handled by me12:49
cpaelzerif only the tests on the qemu in cosmic would let it migrate this could go on :-)12:55
* cpaelzer is cursed by the autopkgtest-murphy on some flaky tests12:55
kstenerudDEBUG:Executing: /usr/bin/lxc launch -e 5b4f8a0c86d1 loving-weevil14:47
kstenerudThat's gotta be the best name yet!14:47
kneekiHey all, in my attempts to create a systemd service that ensure apache2 is always running I seem to have broke the entire systemd shabang. When executing 'sudo systemctl list-unit-files' I'm given the error: Failed to list unit files: Not a directory --- Google hasn't been any help. Any ideas?17:16
ChmEarlkneeki, your new service should be installed in /etc/systemd/system, not in the primary systemd tree17:19
kneekiThat's where I put it. I actually did this: sudo systemctl enable /var/www/website/services/apache2-stayalive.service17:20
kneekiIt ended up handedly breaking apache2 like a champion actually. So I need to fix that.17:20
ChmEarlkneeki, I've never seen a full path to a service file in that command... its not required17:22
ChmEarlsystemd has a reserved path17:23
kneekiWell it seemed to have work well enough. Is there a systemctl command that rebuilds the systemd services? Even after remove+purge+install of apache2 the services aren't working.17:24
ChmEarlsystemd likes you to run `daemon-reload` and errors from that command get logged17:24
ScottESince apache is already shipped with systemd unit files, why not just do a dropin? I.e. if the service that's run is /lib/systemd/system/apache2.service, then create /etc/systemd/system/apache2.service.d/override.conf with Restart=always in a [service] stanza17:28
sdezielthat ^17:28
kneekiYeah tried that - same error when I try to list the loaded services. Here's a list of all the systemd entries in syslog from yesterday: https://paste.laravel.io/23315bf0-95f5-4b62-ba0d-590264e59ddb17:28
sdezielto create the drop-in, "sudo systemctl edit apache2" is handy too17:28
kneekiScottE, Okay, I'll look into that17:28
ScottEAnd "systemctl cat apache2", too to see the fully resolved configuration17:29
kneekiScottE, Here's the result of 'systemctl cat apache2': https://paste.laravel.io/185d7c7a-0f1a-4633-9518-c7dbef75d15d17:30
kneekiI created the override before issuing that command.17:31
sdezielkneeki: you don't need to repeat Type= and RemainAfterExit=17:43
kneekiOkay, removing that17:46
kneekiApache is running again after deleting my custom service, adding the override, then daemon-reload. Let's try to reboot17:48
kneekiSo apache2 isn't starting automagically after rebooting.17:51
kneeki'systemctl enable apache2' gives me: Synchronizing state of apache2.service with SysV init with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install...17:53
kneekiExecuting /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable apache2 --- let's see how that goes. =]17:53
kneekiNeat. Seems that worked!17:54
blackflowkneeki: you do know you're not required to use the distro default sysvinit shim?  you can define your own service for apache and benefit from all the systemd facilities for process management.17:59
blackflowdistro defaults are teribad.18:00
kneekiI think that's probably beyond my ability/scope at the current time. I'm still trying to get everything the way it was before I broke it.18:00
Epx998does debian-installer for ub have any sort of vnc similar to redhat/centos?18:35
tomreynthw alternate server installed (which is based on the debian installer) can be setup to start an openssh server so that you can carry out the installation remotely.18:42
tomreynEpx998: ^ does this help?18:42
arooniis it bad practice to set /var/log/fpm-7.0-log ownership to www-data:www-data so nginx can write to it?21:05
aroonibecause i dont seem to be getting error logging working correctly with 16.04 + php7-fpm21:06
arooniis there something i'm missing in the error logging of the official ubuntu package?21:17
sarnoldmaybe www-data:adm if you want adm users to be able to read it without sudo21:17
sarnoldare you sure fpm is set up correctly though? I thought it was supposed to run different scripts as different users or something similar21:18
sdezielarooni: I'd think the fpm log is not written to by nginx but more by php-fpm itself. Both runs as www-data by default but that might not be your case?21:24
Jimmy06Im trying to install server 18.04 and keep getting this error "Unexpected error while running command blkid -o full /dev/"21:24
aroonisarnold: thats a good idea to set group to adm.  i thought it was set up until now21:25
aroonii dont see any output in the log file it has acess to21:26
kstenerudI think I may be doing something wrong with my ppa update to logwatch...21:41
kstenerudI've made these changes: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/4GbWmJvwBX/21:41
kstenerudgit ubuntu build-source -v --lxd-image 5b4f8a0c86d1 --sign21:41
ksteneruddput ppa:kstenerud/cosmic-logwatch-syslog-1199511 ../logwatch_7.4.3+git20161207-2ubuntu3~ppa1_source.changes21:42
kstenerudThen inside my container, add-apt-repository -y ppa:kstenerud/cosmic-logwatch-syslog-119951121:42
kstenerudBut when I install from the ppa, none of my changes show up21:42
kstenerudDo I need to do something special for things in the debian directory?21:42
Jimmy06I just want to install it lol21:44
dpb1kstenerud: apt-cache policy <package>21:45
dpb1what's it show21:45
Jimmy06me ?21:45
kstenerudshows only the 2ubuntu2 version, not 2ubuntu3~ppa121:45
kstenerudapt update is hitting my ppa21:46
kstenerudHit:3 http://ppa.launchpad.net/kstenerud/cosmic-logwatch-syslog-1199511/ubuntu cosmic InRelease21:46
dpb1kstenerud: go to your ppa on the web21:46
dpb1kstenerud: click on 'package details'21:46
dpb1you'll notice the change you uploaded is still building21:46
kstenerudI see "2 successful"21:47
dpb1look at the packages21:47
dpb1see the little gear icon?21:47
dpb1that means building21:47
kstenerudah ok21:47
dpb1and the status is 'pending'21:47
dpb1also, expand the expander thing on the left21:47
dpb1you will need the status to be published, *and* a green check on the left for it to be really there21:48
kstenerudok, so it's currently built but not published?21:48
Jimmy06That's my drive setup21:59
Jimmy06This is the error I get after confirming it22:00
dpb1Jimmy06: I'm looking22:12
dpb1rharper: you know what is going on there? ^22:13
dpb1bug worthy?22:13
Jimmy06its a 146GB 15k SAS drive if that means anything lol22:17
dpb1Jimmy06: switch to another terminal22:20
dpb1you know how to do that?22:20
dpb1get back with22:20
Jimmy06I will haeve to go to the server hang on22:20
Jimmy06I will have to go to the server hang on22:20
dpb1and run blkid -o full /dev/sda222:21
dpb1what happens22:21
dpb1and just blkid22:21
dpb1blkid -o full22:21
Jimmy06sec funning it now22:21
Jimmy06lol funning, Running22:21
Jimmy06doesnt error22:22
dpb1what about blkid -o full22:23
dpb1what's the output22:23
dpb1what about lsblk22:24
Jimmy06its a HP Raid controller22:26
dpb1idk, I'd need rharper or smoser to take a peek, but it's late for them.  They'll likely poke their head back in22:26
dpb1Jimmy06: only advice I have is general.  look through dmesg, /var/log/syslog, see if there is any error jumping out to you22:26
dpb1but let's see what they say when they look22:27
* dpb1 -> afk22:27
Jimmy06I will just add this here incase it helps22:29

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