
flocculantochosi: seen 2 people complaining about that so far00:21
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ochosiflocculant: about the lack of transparency in the panel you mean?06:03
flocculantochosi: yea07:11
knomeochosi, will that mean there is no possibility to get transparency on panel?07:46
knomei'm a bit lost on what this whole discussion even relates to07:46
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::platform:: Seed gce-compute-images-packages for CPC. @ http://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/platform/commit/?id=7a1662c04853f9ee7f1df1dc5cda6e38ba02b8f5 (by Dimitri John Ledkov)12:09
ochosiknome: no, the mechanism changed from 4.12 to 4.1313:15
ochosipreviously it was a setting, now you have to either set a custom background color or define it in the theme13:17
ochosisetting a custom background color is not good for distributors, as it will have effect with any theme13:18
ochosiso we can only define this mraningfully in greybird13:19
knomeand the user can't change that setting?13:52
knomei mean, without changing the theme or custom bg color?13:52
knomewhich requires, i assume, editing a file?13:52
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: tumbler 0.2.3 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-tumbler-0-2-3-released-tp51782.html (by Ali Abdallah-4)14:09
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
brainwashjust noticed this new bug in 18.10 https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1468518:15
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14685 in General "Right mouse click in thunar will not display icons for custom actions only" [Normal,New]18:15
brainwashalso in xfdesktop's context menu18:16
ochosiknome: the user can change the bg with the panel dialog still20:44
ochosibut yes, there is no global transparency setting anymore that is isolated from the custom color selection20:44
ochosibluesabre: just tagged a new greybird release for you: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/releases/tag/v3.22.921:32
ochosibluesabre: and a new elementary-xfce release: https://github.com/shimmerproject/elementary-xfce/releases/tag/v0.1321:36
ochosiall just in time for UIF21:36
ochosisorry that i won't make it to the meeting tonight21:37
ochosii know it starts soon but i direly need the sleep21:37
ochositried to take care of the basics for the next release, let's see if we can still squeeze a xfce4-settings release in21:37
ochosiother than that i don't have many updates21:37
ochosi(btw, the greybird release includes an 80% transparent panel)21:38
ochosibrainwash: yeah, annoying, i also noticed https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1468521:39
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14685 in General "Right mouse click in thunar will not display icons for custom actions only" [Normal,New]21:39
ochosii guess we can only hope the glib patch makes it into 18.1021:39
ochosi(or we have to poke ubuntu devs to include/cherrypick it)21:39
ochosinight everyone!21:40
ochosioh, and one thing i haven't pulled into elementary-xfce is the new thunderbird icon21:42
ochosiplease lemme know if we want/need that21:42
bluesabreevening all21:44
bluesabreochosi: thanks for the releases21:45
Spassjust a user's opinion - new Thunderbird icon is too flat and IMHO the current one fits elementary better :)21:51
bluesabrebut it does match firefox better :)22:00
bluesabre!team | Starting the meeting in a few22:00
ubottuStarting the meeting in a few: akxwi-dave, bluesabre, dkessel, flocculant, jjfrv8, knome, krytarik, ochosi, pleia2, slickymaster and Unit19322:00
bluesabre(running a bit behind, getting notes together)22:01
bluesabreSuppose I can go ahead and kick it off22:02
bluesabre#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting22:02
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Sep 13 22:02:08 2018 UTC.  The chair is bluesabre. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.22:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick22:02
bluesabreWho's here? :)22:02
slickymasterhey you two22:03
bluesabrehey krytarik, slickymaster 22:04
bluesabrewelcome :)22:04
bluesabre#chair krytarik22:04
meetingologyCurrent chairs: bluesabre krytarik22:04
bluesabre#chair slickymaster22:04
meetingologyCurrent chairs: bluesabre krytarik slickymaster22:04
bluesabreMight be a quiet meeting22:05
bluesabre#topic Open action items22:06
slickymasterwe're the only ones around, apparently22:06
bluesabre#subtopic bluesabre to continue getting Xubuntu Core patches merged22:06
slickymasteryour floor bluesabre, go for it22:07
bluesabreSadly, no updates here at this point. There's one person who handles these patches... and he hasn't been interested in doing them. We might look at the minimal ubiquity option that the other flavors adopted in 18.04.22:07
bluesabre#info No progress on merging Xubuntu Core at this time22:07
slickymastersad news22:07
bluesabre#action xubuntu-team to discuss minimal ubiquity install option22:07
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-team to discuss minimal ubiquity install option22:07
bluesabreMight be all we can do for this at this time22:08
slickymasterare you thinking in taking this to the m/l?22:08
bluesabreYeah, going to have to22:08
bluesabreHard to herd the whole team at once :)22:08
krytarik#nick xubuntu-team22:08
bluesabre... And that's it for open action items.22:09
bluesabre#topic Updates and Announcements22:09
bluesabreHope you are all ready to start wrapping up this cycle...22:09
bluesabre#info Feature Freeze was on August 23rd22:09
bluesabre#info User Interface Freeze is today22:09
bluesabre#info Documentation String Freeze is September 20th22:09
bluesabre#info Beta Freeze is September 24th22:09
bluesabre#info In case you want to see updates from August, I documented quite a few on my blog, https://bluesabre.org/2018/09/07/xubuntu-development-update-september-2018/22:10
bluesabre(not intentionally a plug)22:10
bluesabreAnybody else have any updates or announcements?22:10
slickymasternothing here22:11
bluesabrekrytarik: ?22:11
bluesabre#topic Discussion22:11
bluesabre#subtopic Update on Xfce 4.13 plans22:11
bluesabre#info So far, we've added the following Xfce 4.13 components to Cosmic: thunar, xfdesktop4, xfce4-panel, xfce4-screenshooter, xfce4-settings, xfconf, xfce4-taskmanager, xfce4-terminal22:12
bluesabre(thanks Unit193 for all the work)22:12
bluesabreThere's probably more, but that's a good list to work from for testing22:12
slickymasteryes, a handful :)22:12
Spassbluesabre, one question - any news about the GTK3 bug with scrolling lists in new xfce4-settings?22:13
bluesabreSpass: nothing yet. I still need to get that forwarded to the GTK bug tracker.22:14
bluesabreIt's annoying, so I am totally ready to get it fixed22:14
bluesabre#subtopic QA Plans for Cosmic and DD (flocculant)22:15
bluesabreflocculant isn't around... so I'll leave this to him to get this communication out one way or another :)22:15
bluesabre#nick flocculant22:15
bluesabre#action flocculant to communicate QA Plans for Cosmic and DD22:16
meetingologyACTION: flocculant to communicate QA Plans for Cosmic and DD22:16
slickymasteryep, better postpone this one22:16
bluesabre#subtopic Open discussion22:16
bluesabreAnything folks want to discuss or questions need asked?22:16
bluesabreEasy meeting :D22:19
slickymasteryou got lucky bluesabre :P22:19
bluesabre#topic AOB22:19
Spassprobably too late to add it to cosmic, but I think that reconfiguring Atril's Toolbar would be a good thing, like adding some additional elements to it, like Search22:19
bluesabre(what's AOB mean?)22:19
bluesabreSpass: it's not too late. Feel free to submit a bug report on LP and link it here so we can consider it22:20
Spassok, great22:20
bluesabre(doesn't have to be squeezed into this meeting)22:20
bluesabre"AOB" means "Any other business"22:20
bluesabreeducational meeting :)22:20
bluesabreSo, anything else?22:21
slickymasternothing from mr22:21
slickymasterme even22:21
ondondilIs there a possibility for change in default custom commands in whisker menu? I think adding something like catfish --path=~ --start %s would be nice because whisker menu lacks file search functionality22:21
bluesabreondondil: certainly :)22:21
bluesabresame thing I said for Spass, feel free to file a bug report against xubuntu-default-settings so we can consider it22:22
Spasswill do22:22
ondondilOkay, thanks22:22
bluesabreanything else?22:22
bluesabrealllllrighty :)22:24
bluesabre#topic Schedule next meeting22:24
bluesabreslickymaster: I actually stole this meeting slot from you... would you like to schedule a docs meeting soonish?22:24
slickymastersure thing, bluesabre 22:24
bluesabre#action slickymaster to schedule next meeting22:25
meetingologyACTION: slickymaster to schedule next meeting22:25
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Sep 13 22:25:16 2018 UTC.  22:25
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2018/xubuntu-devel.2018-09-13-22.02.moin.txt22:25
bluesabreThanks everyone who joined in :)22:25
slickymasterthanks bluesabre 22:25
Spassthanks blue, btw, great job with your dev blog posts lately, very informative for a curious user like me22:27
bluesabreSpass: sure thing... they're fun to write and help me remember what we've done :)22:30
bluesabreMinutes updated at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings22:30
bluesabreGotta push out package updates for elementary-xfce, greybird-gtk-theme, xubuntu-artwork, and xubuntu-default-settings tonight for UIF, fun stuff22:33
Spassis the new wallpaper for cosmic ready?22:36
bluesabredon't think so22:37
bluesabreso UIFe on that if we'er doing one (knome?)22:37
Unit193Well, here now.22:38
bluesabrehi Unit193 22:40
bluesabreWelcome to the after-meeting22:40
bluesabreGetting ready to run out now... do you have the updated packaging for elementary-xfce?22:41
Unit193Yeah, pretty simple though.22:45
knomebluesabre, yeah, i can do the UIFe paperwork22:57
knomei have something drafted, but not good to go yet..22:57
knomeand with that, good night!22:57

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