
lubotKeiganTroutt was removed by: KeiganTroutt15:28
=== havenstance_ is now known as havenstance
dn1987pHello, I'm having trouble with one of my external monitor which gets detected but just keeps saying "no signal", what can I try?19:38
dn1987pOS is Ubuntu 18.0419:38
obrown2Hi, since I installed lubuntu 18.04, my laptop becomes very hot and shutsdown by itslef. What could be the problem?22:08
DelarnCan I install the distro on a flash drive22:21
lubot<HMollerCl> @dn1987p [<dn1987p> *Lubuntu], How do you know it is detected? Can you post the output of xrandr?23:16
lubot<tsimonq2> Unfortunately, not a lot of people actually stick around.23:37
lubot<tsimonq2> They'll ask a question and leave without an answer :(23:37

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