
pavlushkazaki: o/15:56
zakipavlushka, hei 15:56
pavlushkazaki: be here until I return :p15:57
zakiwhere are you going? :D 15:57
zakiokay I will be here . 15:58
pavlushkawb zaki 16:48
zakipavlushka, electricity problem :3 16:48
pavlushkazaki: -.^16:49
pavlushkaTuhin: o/16:52
Tuhinhi 16:53
Tuhinhow r u doing16:53
pavlushkaTuhin: doing good, thanks16:54
Tuhinu live in rangpur or sylhet ?16:54
Tuhinhow is the tea garden running16:55
pavlushkaTuhin: good, in Rangpur region16:56
pavlushkazaki: anything up?16:57
zakihello Tuhin 16:57
zakipavlushka, watching Cricket 16:57
pavlushkaTuhin: So you are from windows I guess 16:57
Tuhinyes win1016:58
pavlushkazaki: oh I was about to ask you that ha ha16:58
zakion web 16:58
pavlushkaTuhin: and in linux, you endorse Mint, right?16:59
Tuhinwhat abt u all16:59
Tuhintried manjaro?16:59
pavlushkaI am all all GNU/Linux16:59
Tuhin tried manjaro?17:01
pavlushkaa laptop, a desktop, 2 RPI3s, running Lubuntu, Parabola, raspbian and mate bionic17:01
Tuhinwhat u do in all these same time?17:02
pavlushkaTuhin: parabola is a arch derivative, no didn't tried Manjaro coz I don't need help to configure Arch17:02
Tuhini was wondering if i should try raspberry pi17:03
Tuhinmanjaro in now at top at distrowatch17:03
pavlushkaTuhin: you should17:03
Tuhinit took number 1 position from mint17:03
pavlushkaTuhin: still, I can configure Arch :p17:04
Tuhinwhat u do in pi?17:04
pavlushkaTuhin: u-la-la is hosted on a pi17:04
pavlushkaTuhin: tinkering17:04
Tuhinhm bot17:04
pavlushkaTuhin: yeah, sometimes17:05
zakipavlushka, I never Used Mint 17:05
pavlushkaTuhin: like Mate Bionic is not for RPI3 yet but I updated to that17:05
pavlushkaTuhin: I tried even arch on pi, and android too17:06
Tuhinwhich is better according to u guysl debian/arch/ubuntu17:06
pavlushkaTuhin: really, each one has its purpose, they are great in their own right17:07
Tuhinhey zaki enjoying th ematch 17:07
zakiha. 17:07
Tuhinhm, i was wondering if i should try manjaro 17:07
Tuhinhow Rasp can be ysefull to me17:07
Tuhincan i make it control some relays with Pi easily ?17:08
pavlushkaTuhin: it could be a second pc to you without the second pc cost17:08
Tuhinrasp pi costs about 3600 tk17:09
Tuhini have couple spare PCs17:09
zakiTuhin, Without that transparent case?17:09
pavlushkaTuhin: you can test everything before applying it to your work machine almost if your work machine is linux one17:09
Tuhincan i make it control some relays with Pi easily ?17:10
Tuhinzaki yes i think17:10
Tuhini asked th price at a shop, didnt open the box17:10
pavlushkaTuhin: if you need a single service running all the time, you can use a RPI to do that istead of a real resource hungry machine17:11
Tuhini need pi/arduino to keep record of how long a Relay was turned On17:11
pavlushkaTuhin: sorry I didn't get you17:12
pavlushkaTuhin: I dont know what you are meaning by a relay17:12
Tuhinrelay is used to turn on electrical stuff on/off17:12
Tuhinarduino can control relays17:13
TuhinI need arduino/rasp to show how long a relay was ON position17:13
pavlushkaTuhin: and yes, you can, RPI has those GPIO specially for17:14
pavlushkapavlushka: I never tried tgough17:14
u-la-lapavlushka meant to say: pavlushka: I never tried though17:15
Tuhinhm la la17:16
Tuhinpi can run Lubuntu?17:17
pavlushkaTuhin: technically, yes17:17
Tuhinslow i guess17:17
Tuhinzaki u used pi?17:18
zakiYes 17:18
pavlushkaTuhin: it can run mate, so lxde would be faster than that17:18
zaki2 friend and a RPI :D 17:18
Tuhinmate on ubuntu?17:18
pavlushkalol @ zaki 17:19
pavlushkaTuhin: yes17:19
Tuhinwhat u do in ur Rasp?17:19
zakipavlushka, lxde is okay 17:19
pavlushkaTuhin: hobby, will do something someday, lol17:19
pavlushkaTuhin: I love small things17:20
Tuhingood hobby17:20
Tuhinwhere did u buy it from?17:20
pavlushkaTuhin: local shop17:20
TuhinBD tech shops sells stuff overpriced17:20
Tuhinat rangpur? how much ? which model17:21
pavlushkaTuhin: RPI3B17:21
Tuhinzaki where u live?17:21
zakiএখান থেকে নিছি https://store.roboticsbd.com/17:21
u-la-la[ Robotics Bangladesh - RoboticsBD Store ] - https://store.roboticsbd.com17:21
zakiChittagong :)17:22
zakiI see Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is available now there 17:23
Tuhinok, tell me what new tech stuff u guys have been trying recently17:23
Tuhinyes they r asking 200tk more than what I saw at a shop at stadium market @ dhaka17:24
Tuhinmaybe i can get for less if i look at other shops+bargain17:24
zakiTuhin you from Rangpur? 17:24
Tuhinliving in dhaka17:24
Tuhinfrom noakhali17:25
Tuhinnever lived at noakhali though, sometimes i visit 17:25
zakihei RemonShai 17:29
zakiBangladesh doing great 17:29
RemonShaiআপনারা আছেন তাহলে !17:29
zakiRemonShai, হাল চাল কি? 17:31
RemonShaiসিনেমা দেখতেছি।17:31
Tuhinwhat font is that17:31
Tuhincant read17:31
TuhinHi RemonShai 17:31
RemonShaihi Tuhin , 17:31
Tuhinwhere r u from17:32
pavlushkaTuhin: Bengali writing, you dont have that support as it looks like17:32
RemonShaiTangail, BD17:32
Tuhini have avro and BIJOY INSTALLED IN WIN1017:32
zakiTuhin, I was asking RemonShai about 17:33
pavlushkaTuhin: can't help you on that :p17:33
RemonShaiTuhin: from ??17:34
zaki:D 17:34
Tuhinnoakhali, living in Dhaka17:34
pavlushkaTuhin: but I guess you have to have Bengali local support installed for that in regional settings or language settings may be17:34
zakiRegional Setting 17:35
Tuhinyes i saw bengali support17:35
pavlushkain winxp, it was called "complex script"17:35
Tuhinyes i will add bengali17:36
Tuhin what new tech stuff u guys have been trying recently17:36
pavlushkaTuhin: ask RemonShai , he is using Manjaro17:36
Tuhinhm , how is manjaro? i was asking abt manjaro to pavlushka 17:37
RemonShaiow, that's great.... any problem Tuhin ?17:37
Tuhinno, i wanted to kow which is easier? mint or manjaro17:38
RemonShaimanjaro is simply good. but easier mint.17:38
Tuhineasy= evthing already configured 17:38
Tuhinwhy u r using manjaro17:39
Tuhinit have support of all kind of apps?17:39
RemonShainothing special .17:39
RemonShaiyes, why not..17:39
Tuhinin mint its v easy to install apps17:40
Tuhinis it the same in manjaro17:40
RemonShaino... manjaro is few difficult...17:40
Tuhinok. when i read manjaro is based on aech, i thought it must be for advanced users17:40
Tuhinthen i read its for new users too17:41
RemonShaiyea, that's true...17:41
Tuhinwill give it a try17:41
Tuhinwhat other technical stuff u all work on? electronics etc?17:42
RemonShaiarch is not easy to install....17:42
Tuhinmajaro made it easier like mint i guess17:42
RemonShaia little....17:42
RemonShaiwhat are u using now ? Tuhin 17:44
TuhinWin10  :D used Mint before17:44
pavlushkaTuhin: zaki does17:44
Tuhinany here tried/thought about making/buying 3D printer17:45
zakiTuhin, Once I tried to control an online ups using SNMP. 17:46
zakiand that's require SNMP card 17:46
zakilike this 17:46
u-la-la[ Mini-SNMP Card for UPS Connectivity - DELTA ] - http://www.deltapowersolutions.com17:46
zakiTuhin, Thought about making one. someday :P 17:48
zakidinner time 17:49
pavlushkawiat what? it was zaki's dinner time why Remonshai quit?17:53
* pavlushka kidding17:53
zakiha ha :D18:11
zakiu-la-la, wb18:17
zaki:D 18:17
zakioh my 18:23
pavlushkaha ha ha18:24
zakiBD won by 137 run 18:34
pavlushkazaki: \o/ we won ^^19:21
zakiyeah, 19:21
zakiGood Night :) 19:41

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