
dxcdumb ubuntu question: Considering an upgrade from 16.04 lts to 18.04 lts and have a networking question: The 16.04 system is obviously set up with the old style networking configuration, not netplan. If I upgrade to 18.04 will I be required to switch to netplan or will it still maintain the legacy configuration? I don't want to upgrade and suddenly find my networking borked09:59
dxcah well11:06
dxcI'm out11:06
alterjsiveI can't select done with my ubuntu raid 5 setup15:47
alterjsivei'm installing ubuntu-server15:47
alterjsiveI have a / partition and swap15:48
alterjsiveI can't select to add a boot partition15:50
tomreynalterjsive: please don't cross-post. if you prefer discussing this here, please state so in #ubuntu15:50
alterjsivetomreyn, ok will so , sorry for that15:51
RoyKalterjsive: you can't boot off a raid5, if that's what you're trying to do16:03
RoyKalterjsive: explain your setup and how you want it, please16:04
tomreynalterjsive: you did not.16:16
alterjsiveRoyK, as I understand from #ubuntu, I need to mount my /boot on my hdd. I have a laptop with 3 ssd's, I tried several raid 5 tutorials and failed. now I was trying ubuntu server.16:22
RoyKalterjsive: if you have a separate drive in addition to those ssds you want in a raid, just install ubuntu on that drive16:46
RoyKalterjsive: if not, setup a separate root raid with raid-1 on partitions and boot from that16:46
RoyKit doesn't need to be big - 20 gigs will do for most16:47
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