bane500 | hey guys... attempting to mount an smb share using kerberos authentication. I see that I have a valid kerberos ticket if i issue: klist - however, when i attempt to mount the share via cifs, i receive the following error: "Required key not available" | 00:00 |
bane500 | any ideas? | 00:00 |
Dice | is it possible to reach my router's admin page through ssh without using x11? | 00:08 |
Dice | (using a browser) | 00:08 |
tomreyn | Dice: this is not exactly an ubuntu support topic, unless you're trying to reach the router, from outside your LAN, by hopping through an ubuntu system in its LAN? | 00:11 |
Dice | tomreyn: yes exactly | 00:16 |
tomreyn | Dice: what does the client run? | 00:18 |
Dice | tomreyn: what do you mean? | 00:19 |
tomreyn | Dice i understand that you want to connect like this: your current computer, somewhere remote from your home LAN <-- internet --> <-- your home router --> your ubuntu system (portforwarded ssh) <-- your home LAN --> your router | 00:21 |
tomreyn | if this is correct, what does "your current computer" run? | 00:22 |
tomreyn | which operating system | 00:22 |
Dice | tomreyn: putty on windows 8.1 | 00:22 |
tomreyn | Dice: do you know the LAN IP address of your home router? | 00:23 |
Dice | tomreyn: yes | 00:24 |
tomreyn | Dice: create a new profile in putty (or edit the editing one) to connect to your ubuntu system in your LAN. make sure it works. then edit this profile to make it look as seen here | 00:26 |
tomreyn | i.e. make sure you end up with D8080 in the this large box | 00:27 |
tomreyn | this is a dynamic port forwarding on port 8080 | 00:27 |
Dice | thanks | 00:28 |
tomreyn | Dice: once that is done, save this profile and start the connection (it will look exactly as before). now start your web browser, access its settings / preferences and configure the following SOCKS5 proxy: host port 8080 | 00:29 |
tomreyn | Dice: finally, point your web browser to the ip address of your home router, as if you were at home in its LAN. | 00:30 |
Dice | tomreyn: adding something to the box doesn't work | 00:30 |
bencc | is there a metrically equivalent font to calibri-light? | 00:30 |
tomreyn | Dice: you need to use the options below the box to add to it. | 00:30 |
bencc | I know that carlito is equivalent to calibri but I can't find anything to replace calibri-light | 00:31 |
Dice | tomreyn: destination is then? | 00:31 |
tomreyn | Dice: i think you can omit the destination, just need the port | 00:31 |
Dice | ah i see | 00:32 |
tomreyn | so source port=8080, destionation=(empty), [X] Dyanmic, [X] Auto | 00:32 |
tomreyn | then press Add | 00:33 |
Dice | now I'm connected | 00:33 |
tomreyn | so configure the web browsers' proxy settings next, as discussed above | 00:35 |
Dice | I don't know where to find them, I only know how to use the gui | 00:35 |
Dice | It's firefox | 00:35 |
tomreyn | press alt and release to bring up the menu. then select edit -> preferences | 00:36 |
Dice | I'm only able to use the terminal | 00:36 |
tomreyn | Dice: on windows? | 00:36 |
tomreyn | Dice: you're supposed to reconfigure the proxy server settings on your current computer. | 00:38 |
Dice | ok got it, then I'm using chrome | 00:38 |
tomreyn | those of the web browser specifically | 00:38 |
tomreyn | so access the menu, then settings, or open a new tabl and go to this url: chrome://settings/ | 00:39 |
tomreyn | scroll down, click on advanced, scroll down further. under system, you should see a way to configure proxy settings. | 00:39 |
Dice | yes | 00:41 |
Dice | tomreyn: what are the proxy settings? | 00:41 |
tomreyn | what i said they are: <tomreyn> Dice: [..] now start your web browser, access its settings / preferences and configure the following SOCKS5 proxy: host port 8080 | 00:42 |
Dice | Set it up and it says the proxy server refused the connection | 00:43 |
tomreyn | then i guess the putty configuration didnt succeed | 00:44 |
tomreyn | check the profile you're currently using there | 00:44 |
tomreyn | make sure it says D8080 like on the image | 00:45 |
tomreyn | and that you connected to your server at home using this profile | 00:45 |
tomreyn | i mean your computer at home, not necessarily a server | 00:46 |
Dice | it does but I had port problems earlier so I think I have to solve that first | 00:46 |
tomreyn | Dice: okay. this is pretty much off topic here most of the time (it's about configuring software running on your windows system), so maybe just ask in ##windows. | 00:50 |
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jwash | hi everyone, i've got a problem with 18.04 where X locks up but I can still use the mouse. I have to do alt+sysreq+R,E,I,U,S,B to restart | 01:56 |
jwash | how do I go about diagnosing the issue? | 01:57 |
jwash | clicking with the mouse does nothing, and I still have the audio of my video by the video is just frozen | 01:58 |
adam4567 | Does Youtube-dl really work? It seems the only option now that etc refuses to DL any music or related mp4's | 02:01 |
jwash | works like a charm | 02:03 |
tomreyn | jwash: /var/log/gpu-manager.log , /var/log/syslog* and ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.*.log* | 02:03 |
jwash | tomreyn, ty | 02:03 |
jwash | i'll look now | 02:03 |
bneff | Can anyone tell me what package is responsible for the keyboard audio control on Ubuntu 18.04 ? | 02:05 |
adam4567 | jwash: yt-dl works like a charm? | 02:13 |
jwash | yea man | 02:13 |
adam4567 | jwash: OK thx | 02:13 |
jwash | I've used it alot | 02:14 |
jwash | this is what I have set up | 02:14 |
jwash | alias yt='youtube-dl --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" -i' | 02:14 |
adam4567 | Its just a pity about the German plugin, that was quick click no command line. | 02:14 |
adam4567 | I see your alias - nice. Thanks. | 02:15 |
jwash | I think the -o let's it skip not found songs | 02:15 |
jwash | tomreyn, none of the files had a clue | 02:18 |
jwash | i've switched to the proprietary nvidia driver and I'll see how it goes | 02:19 |
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obrown | Hi, after upgrading to 18.04, I got a black screen when booting. Safemode works, but the graphic resolution is pore | 03:09 |
obrown | poor* | 03:09 |
obrown | I think it could be related to the graphic cars drivers but not sure, it worked well before upgrading | 03:10 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: whats your graphics card chipset, driver version and ubuntu version please? | 03:12 |
obrown | it's an Intel GMA 950 | 03:14 |
obrown | ubuntu 18.04 | 03:15 |
obrown | for the driver version, I'm not sure when to find it | 03:15 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: ok thank you, whats happening at wich point please? | 03:15 |
obrown | When I boot, I can see the ubuntu logo with the little dots below (loading), then the screen freezes and becomes black | 03:16 |
obrown | I does now make it to the loggin screen | 03:16 |
obrown | not* | 03:16 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: and you came from 16.04 upgrade? | 03:17 |
obrown | yes | 03:17 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: ok good, is your system up to date to latest? | 03:17 |
obrown | yes, every updates are done | 03:17 |
lotuspsychje | !nomodeset | obrown lets try this first as a test | 03:18 |
ubottu | obrown lets try this first as a test: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 03:18 |
obrown | ok one moment please | 03:19 |
obrown | lotuspsychje: I will go to the grub menu and try to change the nomodeset | 03:24 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: good luck mate | 03:25 |
obrown | lotuspsychje: ok so with the nomodeset setting, I can now loggin to ubuntu | 03:34 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: aha, good news | 03:34 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: now, before we make a bug, can you test a liveusb 18.04 and see if you can enter the desktop too? | 03:35 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: can you also check uname -a please? | 03:36 |
obrown | yes, one moment | 03:36 |
obrown | I just write this line in the terminal? | 03:37 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: yes please | 03:37 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: you can paste the output here | 03:38 |
obrown | lotuspsychje: 4.15.0-35-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 12 10:37:13 UTC 2018 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux | 03:43 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: that doesnt seem right, 18.04 kernel is currently .34 | 03:44 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: have you been playing with mainline kernels? | 03:45 |
obrown | no, I don't know how to do that | 03:45 |
obrown | is there a way I can fixe this? | 03:45 |
Bashing-om | lotuspsychje: IRT obrown i686 GNU/Linux | 03:46 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: lsb_release -a please | 03:47 |
obrown | No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.01.1 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic | 03:50 |
linuxliam | hi o/ | 03:51 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: 18.01 does not exist, are you making this up? | 03:51 |
pantatoe | I have a USB audio device passed through to a VM and whenever I turn the VM off, gnome automatically switches my audio output device to that USB card. Is there a config file I can edit to tell gnome to not automatically switch to a newly plugged in audio device? | 03:51 |
obrown | sorry typing mistake 18.04.1 LTS | 03:52 |
obrown | I'm on my cellphone since I could not boot | 03:52 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: is your system 64-bit capable? | 03:52 |
linuxliam | why are so many screenshots missing for apps in the software store, what can i do to help? | 03:52 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: you said you can boot into ubuntu with nomodeset? | 03:52 |
lotuspsychje | !contribute | linuxliam | 03:53 |
ubottu | linuxliam: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see and | 03:53 |
obrown | now yes, but I could not when we started this conversation | 03:53 |
lotuspsychje | linuxliam: perhaps take a look also at the gnome-software launchpad | 03:54 |
lotuspsychje | linuxliam: also mind, the gnome guys are planning to makeover software completly soon, perhaps join this group? | 03:54 |
lotuspsychje | linuxliam: | 03:55 |
obrown | lotuspsychje: my processor is not 64 bits capable | 03:56 |
Bashing-om | linuxliam: Ya might find this of interest: | 03:56 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: for ubuntu 18.04 there are no 32bit images anymore, sorry | 03:56 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: perhaps go for 16.04 32bit? | 03:57 |
linuxliam | it would be cool if they allow for user contributed screenshots | 03:57 |
obrown | can I type a command to do this without loosing my home files? | 03:57 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: or lubuntu | 03:57 |
pantatoe | nevermind, i figured it out. I had to comment out some usb stuff in /etc/pulse/ | 03:58 |
pantatoe | was pretty straight forward | 03:59 |
lotuspsychje | obrown: wich command? | 04:01 |
systemd0wn | Question: Why would chown say ownership retained as user:user, but when I stat the file it's owned by root? | 04:01 |
linuxliam | is Thunderbird being updated to 60 in 18.10? | 04:02 |
lotuspsychje | !chown | systemd0wn can this help? | 04:02 |
ubottu | systemd0wn can this help?: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at | 04:02 |
lotuspsychje | linuxliam: not at this time | 04:03 |
linuxliam | lotuspsychje: do you know why it hasn't been updated in a while? | 04:03 |
lotuspsychje | !latest | linuxliam | 04:04 |
ubottu | linuxliam: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. | 04:04 |
systemd0wn | ubottu: no. That wasn't helpful. Thank you though. | 04:04 |
ubottu | systemd0wn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:04 |
obrown | thanks | 04:05 |
guiverc | systemd0wn, the context of why you got the message you asked about, may help us to provide more useful information | 04:12 |
JZA | hi how can I search the repos for a file. | 04:23 |
JZA | looking for openssl/aes.h' | 04:23 |
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pauletin | | 04:24 |
nacc_ | JZA: apt-file locally, as well | 04:31 |
gagan662_ | Hi, anyone know method to unlock encrypted partition at boot? | 05:31 |
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tomreyn | gagan662_: assumign this is a dmcrypt-luks encrypted partition, it should normally happen automatically. | 05:37 |
EriC^^ | !ping | 05:39 |
ubottu | pong! | 05:39 |
gagan662_ | tomreyn: It prompt me for password for every boot. | 05:42 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: so it works properly. then what are you trying to accomplish? | 05:47 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: are you trying to remove the full disk encryption layer (thus storing your data plain and unencrypted on the storage)? | 05:48 |
gagan662_ | I want do it automaticaly without the need of entring password manually. | 05:49 |
gagan662_ | tomreyn: ^ | 05:49 |
gagan662_ | Can i remove the password encryption without reformatting the HDD. | 05:50 |
gagan662_ | ? | 05:50 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: according to its man page (i never did this, do not know if it works, and whether ti works without data loss) "cryptsetup-reencrypt --decrypt" can be used to remove the dmcrypt-luks encryption layer off a given block device. be sure you have complete and proven recoverable backups. | 05:54 |
gagan662_ | tomreyn: ok. I've two disk it does not show any sub partition like /dev/sd[ab][12] | 05:57 |
gagan662_ | only /dev/sd[ab] | 05:58 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: okay, and you're telling me this because? | 05:59 |
=== HappyHotDog is now known as JudgeHotDog | ||
gagan662_ | tomreyn: why is it like that there is no /dev/sda[12] | 06:01 |
gagan662_ | I'm new to this RAID/LUKS. Don't know much | 06:01 |
guiverc | gagan662_, sda & sdb will be drives, sda1, sda2, sdb1 etc are partitions on drives | 06:01 |
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gagan662_ | exactly there is only /dev/mapper/isw_blaw | 06:02 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: i don't know. maybe you have file systems directly on these driver, or you have some other kind of block device layer on them which you have not readied, yet, so it does not yet show up. | 06:02 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: oh that's an intel fakeraid you have there | 06:02 |
gagan662_ | yes | 06:02 |
gagan662_ | | 06:02 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: if you already know, why make us guess? :) | 06:03 |
gagan662_ | this article refers to /dev/sdb1. When i looked for it there is no partitions either on sda or sdb | 06:03 |
tomreyn | this article is about how you can prevent having to type multiple passphrases on boot. you can then just enter one passphrase and then unlock the other encrypted block devices automatically. using this approach makes no sense, however, if you only have a single crypto container. | 06:05 |
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tomreyn | if you only have a single crypto container, you should either ocntinue to enter the decryption passphrase manually on boot, or decide to remove the crypto container, storing your data unencrypted on the disk. | 06:07 |
gagan662_ | thinking of doing so tomreyn | 06:07 |
gagan662_ | It's a pain when i want to restart my work computer remotely | 06:07 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: not if you have a networked serial console attached, granting you out of band access. | 06:09 |
gagan662_ | ^^ never heard of that tamaros | 06:15 |
gagan662_ | ^^ never heard of that tomreyn | 06:15 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: you can also run an ssh server from initrd to allow you to enter the decryption password remotely. | 06:22 |
tomreyn | (the putty ssh server is usually used for this) | 06:23 |
gagan662_ | tomreyn: yep yep that what i found. may be i need to install dropbear | 06:34 |
gagan662_ | tomreyn: Any guide to do configure that? | 06:36 |
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conjo | hello all was hoping someone could help out am running 18.04 (vanilla-stock standard) and one of my usb keeps being hijacked by a bluetooth pairing i made in the past(ps3 controller and bluetooth dongle pairing|not working as a normal usb anymore/does work now and then but intermittently how can i work out whats actually going on with the problem usb from ubuntu so i can fix it ) | 07:22 |
conjo | i was thinking lsblk perhaps | 07:22 |
conjo | but not sure what to look for after that | 07:23 |
conjo | i meant to say lsusb | 07:31 |
Ghosthree3 | which package is python 3 on xenial? 'python' seems to be 2? | 07:35 |
Ghosthree3 | oh there seems to be a python3, weird that it didnt come up at all when i searched for it on the website | 07:37 |
tomreyn | gagan662_: | 07:42 |
mIk3_08 | Ghosthree3: check this out. | 07:52 |
Ghosthree3 | why though | 07:52 |
JimBuntu | Ghosthree3, You should be able to find it with something like apt-cache saerch python3 | 07:57 |
JimBuntu | I simply grabbed the sources, builts and installed from there though.. thinnk it's 3.7 now | 07:57 |
Ghosthree3 | i just needed >=3.4 installed for a build | 07:58 |
prsstnt | what's a good way for me to identify the source of a program crash? | 08:03 |
prsstnt | run it frmo terminal? | 08:03 |
Ghosthree3 | thats always a good start | 08:03 |
prsstnt | the crashing is very unpredictable | 08:04 |
prsstnt | so it will take me a few days or weeks to get a result :/ | 08:04 |
mouses | prsstnt: you can always do something from the terminal like nohop &>> ~/ & | 08:05 |
mouses | prsstnt: and then when you get a crash check that log | 08:05 |
prsstnt | nohop? | 08:06 |
xet7 | Maybe it's "nohup" | 08:07 |
mouses | nohup lol sorry | 08:07 |
* mouses has not had enough coffee | 08:07 | |
prsstnt | none of these are recognised | 08:07 |
prsstnt | should that be in deb coreutils? | 08:08 |
prsstnt | maybe cause im on lubuntu i dont have it | 08:08 |
ducasse | it's in coreutils, yes | 08:12 |
conjo | whats a good way to find out why a usb port in not working | 08:28 |
lotus|NUC | conjo tail -f /var/log/syslog and plugin your device in the usb port | 08:32 |
MoL0ToV | hi to all, i have a problem with cups, the page localhost:631 doesn't appears comeone cah help me? | 08:46 |
lotus|NUC | !cups | MoL0ToV | 08:52 |
ubottu | MoL0ToV: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 08:52 |
MoL0ToV | hi to all, i have a problem with cups, the page localhost:631 doesn't appears someone cah help me? | 09:18 |
MoL0ToV | the service is not running | 09:18 |
MoL0ToV | i tryed to apt-get purge and install but don't work for me | 09:18 |
MoL0ToV | bye | 09:23 |
lotus|NUC | MoL0ToV: enable the service? | 09:23 |
grumbel | Is there a grep-like tool that does glob pattern matching instead of regex? | 09:33 |
hans_ | i *know* it's going to fail anyway, how do i tell it "stop trying" without waiting the full 5 minutes and 10 seconds? | 09:34 |
mikepapa | Hello. I want to limit my kid from using apps, so I thought I will change binaries ownership to some groups, let's call them "adults_only" and "kids_allowed", then add adult's users to both, and kid | 09:43 |
mikepapa | kid's to "kids_allowed". | 09:43 |
illuminated_ | on ubuntu i'm writing a shell script that uses ffmpeg to create video files with spaces and using cp to copy video files with spaces. for some reason in the ls output one set of files has a ' ' around them and the other has " " around them. any idea why? | 09:43 |
mikepapa | It works fine, but Now I need to change all apps ownerships. Any idea how to do it not one by one? | 09:44 |
mikepapa | And possibly change default ownership of new installed apps? | 09:44 |
Alina-malina | what is the badass code editor for ubuntu 16.04 one would recommend me? not sure which one to pick up between sublime, atom, vstudio or w.e.? perhaps emacs? please point me a direction so i feel comfortable with my code writing | 09:45 |
enzotib | illuminated_, when there are spaces, ls use '' to delimit, but you should not use ls output, is for humans | 09:45 |
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mikepapa | Alina-malina, check all jetbrains products. Those are cool. And eclipse is cool also. | 09:47 |
Alina-malina | hmmm oh you mean like intelijidea? | 09:47 |
mikepapa | Alina-malina, depends on what language you want to code in. | 09:48 |
Alina-malina | well thats the problem because i do work with many languages lol...i used to work in terminal nano, but now i got nice powerful laptop with cool gui of ubuntu, but i never used those editors | 09:48 |
dxc | Hi folks, dumb ubuntu question: Considering an upgrade from 16.04 lts to 18.04 lts and have a networking question: The 16.04 system is obviously set up with the old style networking configuration, not netplan. If I upgrade to 18.04 will I be required to switch to netplan or will it still maintain the legacy configuration? I don't want to upgrade and suddenly find my networking borked | 09:49 |
hans_ | illuminated_, dunno but try asking ##linux | 09:50 |
Alina-malina | mikepapa, also i am not sure how i am going to restore the .iso that system offered me to backup, is there any tutorial on this? this is very important for me | 09:50 |
mikepapa | try eclipse. It's huge enviorement made for variuous languages and frameworks. I use both. Eclipse for C and microcontrollers programming, and PyCharm from jetbrains for python. I love PyCharm for how it's integrated with popular python's frameworks. | 09:51 |
hans_ | illuminated_, (i don't think that ls behaviour is ubuntu-specific) | 09:51 |
lotus|NUC | mikepapa: i think there are ubuntu kiosk software out there | 09:51 |
lotus|NUC | mikepapa: perhaps you could also make a seperate kids user and lock everything with chmod? | 09:51 |
Alina-malina | hmmm alright thanks mikepapa i will install both | 09:51 |
mikepapa | lotus|NUC, I believe so, but I don't want to be that restrictive to make a kiosk. | 09:52 |
mikepapa | lotus|NUC, I want to lock everything with chmod, it's just pain to do it one by one. I'd like to change all apps with one command, and I'm not sure how to do it without killing the system. ;) | 09:53 |
mikepapa | lotus|NUC, something like "chmod o-x /usr/bin/*"? But | 09:53 |
hans_ | Alina-malina, lots to choose from, personally i use eclipse for just about everything these days (C/C++/PHP/HTML/CSS/javascript), but back in the 16.04 days, i used Code::Blocks for C/C++ (but in 18.04, codeblocks has become unreliable/unstable for me, random segfaults, and autocomplete randomly freezes/stops working, so yeah..) | 09:54 |
Alina-malina | hans_, alrighty, what about intelijidea? do you have experience with it? | 09:54 |
mikepapa | I remeber using Code::Blocks for AVR C as well. It was fine. | 09:54 |
hans_ | Alina-malina, nope | 09:55 |
dxc | anyone? :o | 09:55 |
lotus|NUC | dxc: networking will work fine normally, nut never say never on upgrades | 09:56 |
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lotus|NUC | dxc: most users have sucessfully LTS upgraded to bionic | 09:56 |
dxc | ok | 09:56 |
lotus|NUC | dxc: dont forget to make backups right | 09:57 |
dxc | I don't wanna have to go and sacrifice a chicken to get my ipmi working :p | 09:57 |
mikepapa | Alina-malina, Jetbrains products are great. Out of the box integration with frameworks, VCSes, support for template languages, support for accompanying languages (like js for web frameworks). Cons: those are not free. PyCharm has free community version with limited functionality. | 09:57 |
Edisto | anyone having problems getting stuck in loop with kernel | 09:57 |
dxc | it doesnt like connecting sometimes for some reason | 09:57 |
hans_ | dxc, you will not be required to set up netplan, but i'm not 100% sure if the ubuntu updater will manage to keep your existing network config intact, you may have to re-configure it post-upgrade (probably not, but i'm not 100% sure), so backup your current network config | 09:57 |
lotus|NUC | dxc: are you on desktop or server? | 09:57 |
dxc | server | 09:57 |
Alina-malina | oh | 09:57 |
lotus|NUC | dxc: then you best join #ubuntu-server mate, ask for known issues | 09:58 |
dxc | I haven't run ubuntu desktop in ages | 09:58 |
dxc | kay, ty | 09:58 |
dxc | I actually run it on a NUC :D | 09:58 |
mikepapa | I'm srtuggling to install Unifi Controller on 18.04 :( | 09:58 |
dxc | (but not the system in question) | 09:58 |
lotus|NUC | nice1 dxc | 09:58 |
dxc | I'll go ask 'em :D | 09:58 |
dxc | yeah I bought it when my old fileserver/ubuntu-screwaround box died | 09:59 |
dxc | its surprisingly snappy | 10:00 |
lotus|NUC | dxc: feel free to share specs in #ubuntu-discuss | 10:00 |
dxc | probably because of the nvme drive | 10:00 |
dxc | k, I'll pop over there | 10:00 |
mikepapa | So anyone has any idea howto make "chmod o-x" on all existing apps and make it default for new installed? | 10:00 |
lotus|NUC | !chmod | mikepapa perhaps check here | 10:04 |
ubottu | mikepapa perhaps check here: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at | 10:04 |
mikepapa | ubottu, I do understand how permissions can be manipulated, I just believe doing "chmod o-x -r /*" might not be the best idea. So I need to do it for non-system binaries only. Unfortunatelly those are not gathered in one place. Even /usr/bin contains multiple links, that need to be followed to get to the related binary. It seems like huge work to be done. | 10:12 |
ubottu | mikepapa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:12 |
mikepapa | lol | 10:12 |
Eightynine | Please, update kernel at least to 4.16. Kernel version 4.15 causes Chrome crashes and YouTube freezes on Skylake CPUs. | 10:12 |
Eightynine | Ubuntu 18.10 will be with Gnome 3.30? | 10:15 |
enzotib | mikepapa, why do you want -x for others? | 10:18 |
lotus|NUC | !mainline | Eightynine | 10:19 |
ubottu | Eightynine: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at | 10:19 |
Eightynine | Thank you. Another problem is Gnome Boxes doesn't work. Shows "Unable to run (distribution name), when restarting Boxes it automatically removes all virtual machines. | 10:21 |
Eightynine | Can I use UKUU? I tried to remove older kernels yesterday and it froze and then made system to logoff. | 10:24 |
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Eightynine | Where can I find Chrome crash logs? | 10:25 |
mikepapa | enzotib, So I will ten only specific users run specific apps. I want binaries to be in either "adults_only", or "kids_allowed" groups. Adults' users will be in both groups, kids' users only in latter. It works fine, but it's a pain to change permissions one by one. | 10:36 |
mikepapa | ..I will allow* not "ten" I have no idea where "ten" came from. | 10:37 |
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glitchd | is there a known problem with the sudo file in 18.04? | 10:49 |
enzotib | mikepapa: you could try to play with ACL (access control list), see the GUI eiciel | 10:52 |
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mikepapa | enzotib, tnx. I'll check it | 11:17 |
Mattia_98 | Hey, does anyone know why php-fpm is in universe rather that in main? | 11:19 |
Mattia_98 | *than | 11:19 |
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ppf | i'm looking for a solution for multiroom audio streaming | 11:23 |
pikapika | What is a good short book for learning kernel for an absolute beginner? | 11:23 |
ppf | anyone got any experience with that or can recommend a solution? | 11:23 |
ppf | i'm thinking about connecting some pis with speakers and the wifi | 11:25 |
ppf | how would i _generally_ go about streaming audio to multiple devices? | 11:34 |
ppf | i tried doing it natively in pulse, but it turned out stuttery and flaky | 11:34 |
dreadkopp | hey community! i run a virtualization host (qemu/kvm) based on ubuntu 18.04 LTS. the machine has 192GB ram, the vms eating about 58 of those. free -mh tells me that only 5,8GB are used in cache ... is there any way to force the system into using more ram for fs caching ? | 11:40 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 11:48 |
greenEarth | Do you know how to connect to WhatsApp without a smartphone? | 12:16 |
medfly | I apparently updated perl to 5.28.0 and now I need to manually set PERL5LIB=/usr/share/perl5. since that's a system thing, I assume that's a package being misconfigured? | 12:16 |
medfly | repro: echo "use String::Escape" |perl | 12:19 |
medfly | nvm, I got another perl in my path, nvm | 12:20 |
medfly | *sigh* | 12:20 |
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ntd | that opt-in data collection bionic. is there a way to disable it globally, instead of not opting in at every new user sign-in? | 12:22 |
tomreyn | greenEarth: there's a website you can use from ubuntu | 12:30 |
tomreyn | | 12:31 |
tomreyn | dreadkopp: you could reduce swapiness, which should have this effect | 12:33 |
dreadkopp | for now i set vfs_cache_pressure=50 which let the cache eat up to 10GB for now. will test lower values soon | 12:35 |
dreadkopp | there is no swap defined on the host | 12:35 |
tomreyn | oh then your approach is actually better | 12:38 |
bencc | how can I substitute "Calibri Light:Bod" with "Carlito:Regulat" ? | 12:40 |
hans_ | ntd, what data collection? do you mean popularity-contest? | 12:44 |
ntd | no, ubuntu-report | 12:45 |
ntd | there's a prompt at every new gnome sign-in | 12:45 |
hans_ | just a guess but have you tried `sudo apt remove --purge ubuntu-report` ? | 12:45 |
ntd | well, that also purges ubuntu-server et al | 12:46 |
ntd | thinking that might have an unfortunate outcome down the road | 12:46 |
tomreyn | it's a systemd service, which you can probably disable? | 12:47 |
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hans_ | ln -s /bin/false $(which ubuntu-report) then? :p | 12:48 |
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hans_ | chmod -x $(which ubuntu-report) ? | 12:48 |
tomreyn | gmm, Unit ubuntu-report.service could not be found. | 12:48 |
OnkelTem | Hi all | 12:49 |
OnkelTem | Linux has let me down one more time now | 12:49 |
hans_ | 👍 | 12:49 |
OnkelTem | It's eaten up all the RAM and just hanged. Again. | 12:49 |
hans_ | OnkelTem, neat, how much ram r we talking about? | 12:50 |
tomreyn | ntd: so i guess my suggestion about disabling the service may have been wrong. | 12:50 |
OnkelTem | hans_: 10 years ago when I had much less RAM I didn't experience such problems. It's called development I believe... | 12:50 |
OnkelTem | hans_: 16GB | 12:50 |
hans_ | OnkelTem, cool, maybe it's some sort of a record! could you see which process ate the ram? | 12:51 |
tomreyn | purging ubuntu-report workjs fine, here (an ubuntu 18.04 desktop), though | 12:51 |
OnkelTem | hans_: no I cannot - it had hanged. | 12:51 |
OnkelTem | But let me guess... Google Chrome? This bastard is always eating up all what you have | 12:51 |
hans_ | OnkelTem, well, reboot it and run `dmesg | pastebinit`, what do you get? | 12:51 |
ntd | tomreyn, ok. you should purge apport, whoopsie and popularity-contest while you're at it | 12:51 |
hans_ | wait a sec | 12:52 |
tomreyn | ntd: i don't need to, if they behave as they say they do. | 12:52 |
hans_ | OnkelTem, sec, does it do anything if you press ctrl+shift+...F10 was it? | 12:52 |
OnkelTem | hans_: | 12:52 |
hans_ | doh | 12:52 |
ntd | tomreyn, at least take out whoopsie | 12:53 |
hans_ | is dmesg automatically reset on reboot? | 12:53 |
OnkelTem | hans_: sure I tried to switch to tty1 and it had switched, but then I couldn't log in. After entering my credentials the shell prompt never appeared | 12:53 |
OnkelTem | which is quite expected as it waste all my RAM on something else | 12:54 |
tomreyn | ntd: unless i learn otherwise, i will assume that whoopsie reports are only sent over secure connections to canonical, and do not contain unique ids. do you know otherwise? | 12:54 |
BluesKaj | OnkelTem, ctrl+alt+F2? | 12:54 |
ntd | well, i caught it making connections when trying out xenial | 12:55 |
ntd | never asked me, so away it went | 12:55 |
OnkelTem | BluesKaj: I switched to tty1, didn't try tty2. Is it different? | 12:55 |
tomreyn | ntd: sure, it will report crashes in the background, that's its purpose | 12:56 |
ntd | not without god dang asking | 12:56 |
BluesKaj | nowadays F1 doesn't normally bring up a vt/tty | 12:56 |
OnkelTem | BluesKaj: I noticed yeah, but this time it worked | 12:57 |
BluesKaj | OnkelTem, there's no differnce between the vt/ttys | 12:57 |
tomreyn | ntd: i agree that defaulting to on is bad. | 12:58 |
OnkelTem | BluesKaj: I got just the normal login prompt, I could type letters - hence the PC didn't hang really - but then when it instantiates the shell - this failed | 12:58 |
OnkelTem | and my HDD was working constantly (the lights were blinking) and I waired for 10 minutes and then I restarted and got a message from UEFI that CPU temperature is too high (it was 75 celsius to be specific) | 13:00 |
OnkelTem | I believe it'd been working hard to free up some RAM LOL | 13:00 |
Swyper | hi | 13:01 |
Swyper | so I have the iso image named ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso on my usb | 13:02 |
OnkelTem | This is really weird to face such situations. Isn't it clear that you should allocate some space for possible root login prompts? Odd really odd | 13:02 |
Swyper | and im trying to boot it up but its not working, so what im doing is pressing f2 than setting my boot priority to the usb. but my normal OS keeps loading | 13:02 |
Swyper | how do I install ubuntu than? | 13:03 |
hans_ | OnkelTem, btw if a kernel thread is stuck in IO (a harddrive or soemthing that never responds), that could cause similar issues to what you're describing | 13:03 |
stevenm | hey how is someone meant to diagnose network manager? i.e. turn on max debug/verbose/etc... it's a VPN i want to get working but it's not providing very useful output - just says it disappears :S | 13:03 |
tomreyn | Swyper: how did you write the iso file to the usb storage? | 13:04 |
OnkelTem | hans_: thanks for sharing this. But how can someone detect it to undertake some... something? | 13:04 |
hans_ | OnkelTem, check your drive's SMART data, nothing interesting there? | 13:04 |
hans_ | (everything looks healthy?) | 13:05 |
Swyper | tomreyn: I downloaded the iso file from ubuntu's site than moved it to my usb from my downloads folder | 13:05 |
OnkelTem | the last time I did it, hans_ , it was clear. But let me try one more time | 13:05 |
OnkelTem | hans_: honestly I'm not a good s.m.a.r.t reader :) | 13:06 |
tomreyn | Swyper: i see. well that's not the right way. iso files are like file archives, in a special format. they need to be unpackaged and written to the usb storage in a special way. there are applications which can do this. is such an application | 13:06 |
tomreyn | (there are several others) | 13:06 |
OnkelTem | hans_: | 13:06 |
OnkelTem | How does that look for you guys? It's a SMART report | 13:07 |
OnkelTem | (ssd) | 13:07 |
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tomreyn | Swyper: see also | 13:07 |
Swyper | tomreyn: is this a tutorial that will give me what im looking for? | 13:08 |
Swyper | what I'm looking for is to create a partition with ubuntu on it | 13:08 |
hans_ | OnkelTem, laptop? | 13:09 |
OnkelTem | hans_: no. A desktop | 13:09 |
tomreyn | Swyper: sorry, wrong tutorial, i meant | 13:09 |
Swyper | tomreyn: :P that is the one I linked | 13:10 |
tomreyn | Swyper: note this one also links to similar tutorials for creating an installer usb stick on windows and os x | 13:10 |
tomreyn | Swyper: no it's not | 13:10 |
Swyper | o | 13:10 |
tomreyn | Swyper: but if you're on windows, then you got the right one already | 13:11 |
hans_ | OnkelTem, the drive looks ok. the only disturbing line was " 13 Soft_Read_Error_Rate 0x0032 052 052 000 Old_age Always - 1995252/137069159" - but given that Raw_Read_Error_Rate is at zero, it has never truly failed.. probably | 13:11 |
hans_ | OnkelTem, that doesn't happen often, right? the freeze thing? | 13:12 |
tomreyn | Swyper: does this put you into the position to create the usb installer and boot off it? | 13:13 |
Swyper | tomreyn: im trying it out now will report the results back asap :P | 13:13 |
tomreyn | alright, let us know if there are any issues | 13:14 |
tomreyn | stevenm: there is nmcli to manage network manager. NM logs to syslog which is at /var/log/syslog | 13:15 |
stevenm | tomreyn, well the logs are useless i already looked there | 13:25 |
stevenm | tomreyn, all i get back is "Error: Connection activation failed: The VPN service stopped unexpectedly" | 13:25 |
stevenm | if i connect manually using the tool openfortivpn (which I'm guessing NM is calling) then it works... | 13:26 |
stevenm | get NM to connect using a connection file... | 13:26 |
stevenm | and i just get that vague message | 13:26 |
stevenm | I'd love to see what exact command NM is actually running to compare | 13:26 |
tomreyn | stevenm: is this a fortigate 'ssl-vpn' then? | 13:28 |
stevenm | yup my employers | 13:28 |
stevenm | so package network-manager-fortisslvpn-gnome and network-manager-fortisslvpn and openfortivpn | 13:28 |
stevenm | if you grab that first package it basically pulls in the other two | 13:29 |
stevenm | from the normal ubuntu 18.04 repo - no ppa's needed | 13:29 |
tomreyn | i see, i haven't used this very client before. have you checked whether these packages contain configuration files or manuals which describe how to increase log verbosity? | 13:29 |
stevenm | can't find anything no | 13:30 |
stevenm | i was hoping NM had some more general options for that | 13:30 |
tomreyn | these effectively work like plugins, NM becomes rather dumb when using plugins, just passes the configuration and control commands to the plugin | 13:32 |
tomreyn | stevenm: so openfortivpn contains /etc/openfortivpn/config and /usr/share/doc/openfortivpn/ and "man 1 openfortivpn" | 13:34 |
tomreyn | s/contains/provides/ | 13:34 |
stevenm | tomreyn, sure but I know the issue isn't with that - as the first pastebin shows | 13:34 |
stevenm | when i use it directly - works fine | 13:34 |
tomreyn | stevenm: sorry, i missed the first paste | 13:35 |
stevenm | ah ok :D | 13:35 |
tomreyn | stevenm: so does it work if you dont specify the password in the connection profile? | 13:36 |
stevenm | tomreyn, nope tried that | 13:36 |
tomreyn | stevenm: does this error message go away then, though? | 13:36 |
stevenm | same message | 13:36 |
tomreyn | s/error/warning/ | 13:37 |
stevenm | doesn't matter if choose to have the password saved for my user... all users... or not saved and need it to ask | 13:37 |
stevenm | "Error: Connection activation failed: The VPN service stopped unexpectedly" | 13:38 |
crised | Added this line in '/etc/hosts': ' mobo'. However, when I 'dig mobo' I get a response from with a different IP address. How may I fix this? Ubuntu 16.04 here | 13:38 |
tomreyn | stevenm: | 13:40 |
stevenm | hmm well that debug helper python script doesn't seem to exist in ubuntu 18 | 13:42 |
tomreyn | stevenm: you're right, but there are other options still | 13:43 |
stevenm | well i've added a [logging] section to NetworkManager.conf and level=TRACE | 13:44 |
tomreyn | let's hope you have sufficent disk space on /var/log/ | 13:45 |
stevenm | it's just a VM i'm testing in for now | 13:46 |
stevenm | i can rollback a snapshot if it all goes wrong | 13:46 |
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stevenm | it's how i try any new software on ubuntu before i then commit to putting it on my main machine | 13:46 |
tomreyn | stevenm: i think you can also change log verbosity on the fly like so: | 13:48 |
stevenm | | 13:48 |
jcdutton | Does the latest ubuntu desktop have a global menu? | 13:48 |
stevenm | just a lot of vague messages | 13:48 |
BluesKaj | jcdutton, guess it depends on which DE | 13:51 |
tomreyn | jcdutton: there's the "show applications" button on the top left corner. which brings up a search utility (which can search for installed and available applications) and lists (complete, frequently used) of installed applications. | 13:51 |
tomreyn | stevenm: what does "nmcli general logging" say? | 13:52 |
jcdutton | tomreyn, i mean like ubuntu 16.04 has. where the application menu is merged with the top line | 13:52 |
stevenm | LEVEL DOMAINS | 13:52 |
stevenm | so i'm guessing that means *everything* :D | 13:53 |
tomreyn | stevenm: i'd think so, too, yes. is TRACE > DEBUG? i assume so, but not certain | 13:54 |
stevenm | according to the docs yeah | 13:54 |
jcdutton | stevenm, have you installed a vpn plugin? | 13:54 |
stevenm | indeed - read up | 13:55 |
tomreyn | stevenm: so i assume what'd need to be more verbose is the VPN implementation specific helper (i.e. the plugin), and its log verbosity cannot be controlled by these configurations | 13:55 |
jcdutton | stevenm, i only joined this channel just now, so don't have the history | 13:56 |
stevenm | jcdutton, package network-manager-fortisslvpn-gnome which brings in... network-manager-fortisslvpn and openfortivpn | 13:56 |
stevenm | jcdutton, when using openfortivpn directly it works... | 13:56 |
stevenm | jcdutton, when using via an NM connection file... | 13:57 |
stevenm | "Error: Connection activation failed: The VPN service stopped unexpectedly" | 13:57 |
stevenm | turned on TRACE mode on NM... logs are still just as useless :) | 13:57 |
stevenm | caught up? :D | 13:57 |
jcdutton | stevenm, i thing vpn logs go elsewhere, not in nm logs. | 13:58 |
stevenm | tomreyn, yeah i'm thinking that too | 13:58 |
jcdutton | stevenm, I don't have fortissl, but with my VPN the log files for the VPN are separate | 13:58 |
stevenm | and so does jcdutton it seems :D | 13:58 |
stevenm | jcdutton, like - where do yours go? might give me a clue | 13:58 |
stevenm | do you mean like /var/log/openvpn/ that kinda thing? | 13:59 |
stevenm | because there is no /var/log/openfortivpn/ | 13:59 |
jcdutton | For example, if I use Cisco VPN plugin, the log files appear in the plugin defined location. | 13:59 |
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tomreyn | $ /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-openvpn-service-openvpn-helper --debug | 13:59 |
tomreyn | Missing debug arguments (requires <LEVEL> <PREFIX_TOKEN>) | 13:59 |
tomreyn | ^ stevenm i assume your plugin may be able to do so, too | 14:00 |
tomreyn | i'm looking at | 14:00 |
stevenm | well i've got -auth-dialog and -service for fortisslvpn, but no -helper | 14:01 |
tomreyn | stevenm: try the service with just --debug | 14:02 |
stevenm | tried "/usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-fortisspn-service --debug" whilst trying to connect - didn't output anything | 14:02 |
tomreyn | stevenm: had you edited / reviewed /usr/lib/NetworkManager/VPN/ beforehand? | 14:03 |
stevenm | no such file exists | 14:03 |
jcdutton | stevenm, Do you have to use fortis? Maybe another will work? | 14:04 |
tomreyn | :-/ okay, then i'm out of suggestions. | 14:04 |
stevenm | ah no my bad it does - two secs | 14:04 |
stevenm | so am I adding --debug on to that program= line | 14:04 |
stevenm | ? | 14:04 |
tomreyn | stevenm: i think the idea is to allow multiple instances of the service there, then kill the existing service, then run your own instance in the foireground (as root) | 14:05 |
stevenm | ah i kinda see | 14:05 |
tomreyn | ...and setup the connection using the gui (or cli) | 14:05 |
stevenm | well supports multiple connection is true already | 14:06 |
stevenm | jcdutton, afraid so - not my choice | 14:06 |
stevenm | ah set it to false i see | 14:06 |
stevenm | aha! i have debug | 14:08 |
stevenm | err maybe not | 14:08 |
stevenm | it's just an iteration of what is in the connection file | 14:08 |
tomreyn | stevenm: bad luck, that's all i could think of in terms of debugging it. now i guess you can look for a newer option of the plugin (sometimes there are ppas, but be sure you trust them enough), and fortigate provides their own (proprietary) gui client for ubuntu, too. | 14:11 |
stevenm | yeah the old FortiClient SSL VPN program sucked balls tbh - and was only available from their contract-only support site under the firmware section | 14:12 |
stevenm | but it does seem a new full-fledged FortiClient (version 6) now exists for Linux with all the antimalware/virus stuff thrown in too | 14:12 |
tomreyn | | 14:12 |
stevenm | yeah seen it already | 14:13 |
stevenm | I'll be using that anyway most likely (to keep my employers happy that there is some kind of anti-virus running) | 14:13 |
stevenm | but having the VPN stuff built into network manager would be nicer | 14:13 |
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BluesKaj | been using PIAvpn for 3 yrs and it's excellent, and they own freenode :-) | 14:14 |
stevenm | BluesKaj, lol why would you repeat that nonsense? :D | 14:14 |
stevenm | or not... i thought this was myth being shared via bots using PM ? | 14:15 |
BluesKaj | ok, so you don't was a general comment | 14:15 |
ppf | anyone quickly know how to enable avahi in ufw? | 14:15 |
BluesKaj | stevenm, | 14:17 |
stevenm | BluesKaj, yeah just been reading that | 14:17 |
BluesKaj | nonsense eh? | 14:17 |
stevenm | I already use PIA anyway - but this is all besides the point | 14:17 |
stevenm | my VPN woes are to do with a company VPN for work | 14:17 |
jcdutton | stevenm, won't the company fix it for you then? | 14:18 |
stevenm | HA! :) | 14:18 |
stevenm | I'm the "token Linux guy" | 14:18 |
stevenm | they wouldn't have a clue | 14:18 |
stevenm | there fix would be for me to use Windows instead | 14:18 |
stevenm | *their | 14:18 |
tomreyn | stevenm: i went through the same set of experiments with (formerly juniper) pulse secure / ssl-vpn client, it'll be okayish as long as all of the following conditions are met: the specific open source VPN client works, the specific VPN NM plugin works, the VPN NM plugin is compatible to the NM version, the VPN NM plugin is compatible to the VPN protocol version spoken by your VPN server. and all of this needs to remain working during the entire | 14:18 |
tomreyn | service contract lifetime. | 14:18 |
BluesKaj | hence the choice they made :-) | 14:19 |
jcdutton | do you have the source code for the fortis client? | 14:19 |
stevenm | jcdutton, what we're been talking about so far is *NOT* FortiClient | 14:19 |
stevenm | FortiClient is proprietary | 14:19 |
stevenm | we've been on about OpenFortiVPN and it's network manager plugin and gnome/gtk interface | 14:20 |
dreadkopp | +1 openvpn :) | 14:20 |
stevenm | all that is open source | 14:20 |
jcdutton | look in the openforti source for where it sends the logs | 14:20 |
tomreyn | stevenm: so i ended up deciding this is impossible to service, i'd either need to use the proprietary linux client provided by the vendor (which loves to break, but $employer would have someone else to blame), or use the open source client as CLI only. | 14:21 |
OnkelTem | hans_: sorry, was afk, errands. Yes, that doesn't happen to frequent now as I got used to track RAM manually. Yeah, sounds a little bit ridiculous - why couldn't OS do that, right - but w/o manual monitoring I'd get it evert day | 14:21 |
stevenm | jcdutton, as already discussed that isn't where the issue is | 14:21 |
OnkelTem | hans_: I try to not run to PhpStors at the same time for example, I close tabs in Google chrome. And that - with 16 GB of Ram. I should add that I run few docker containers as well, but I cannot reduce their consumption or just shut them donw | 14:22 |
OnkelTem | two* | 14:22 |
jcdutton | stevenm, does the open source one work from the command line? | 14:23 |
tomreyn | stevenm: i guess the situation with the proprietary fortigate client being available via apt is actually a lot better than what i was facing, so this could actually be usable. | 14:23 |
stevenm | jcdutton, yes i've already given you the pastebin showing that | 14:23 |
tomreyn | <stevenm> if i connect manually using the tool openfortivpn (which I'm guessing NM is calling) then it works... | 14:24 |
stevenm | tomreyn, true - but I'm stubborn :) | 14:24 |
tomreyn | stevenm: good, talk to the package maintainer, open bugs where needed, build yor own modified pluigin, maintain it if needed. | 14:24 |
stevenm | like i said I'll be installing/using the proprietary FortiClient *anyway* as out company policies require some kind of realtime antivirus anyway | 14:25 |
stevenm | so far I've been using the free sophos one - but it doesn't make sense to now that Fortinet have finally got their finger out their bum and make a FortiClient for Linux | 14:25 |
stevenm | but still - having the VPN stuff integrated into NM is still a nicer-to-have than FortiClient anyway | 14:25 |
jcdutton | stevenm, have you tries any other SSL VPN clients, they might just work. E.g. openconnect, type is the same params and see what happens | 14:26 |
jcdutton | from the error messages in NM, it looks to me to be running into a segfault | 14:27 |
stevenm | jcdutton, it's not the same - i think i tried that a few years back | 14:27 |
tomreyn | jcdutton: that's a different protocol how would this work? | 14:27 |
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stevenm | different protocol | 14:27 |
jcdutton | stevenm, for example, NM might be calling a function with 4 params, and the openforti client might be older, and only have 3 params, or something like that | 14:29 |
stevenm | right but i've yet to find which log would contain the info on what the NM plugin is actually passing | 14:30 |
stevenm | i know what params work (as I can run it manually bypassing NM) - so i want to compare my params against the ones NM/plugin is passing | 14:30 |
stevenm | that's what this whole thing has been about | 14:30 |
jcdutton | stevenm, so, I would start by looking at the openconnect source code, and comparing it with the openforti source code, and check that the calls from NM all have the same params | 14:30 |
stevenm | i don't see how openconnect is remotely relevant | 14:31 |
stevenm | or how looking at openfortivpn is even related | 14:31 |
stevenm | it is NM / the NM plugin and what it passes that is the issue | 14:31 |
stevenm | openfortivpn WORKS | 14:31 |
jcdutton | stevenm, I think the problem is the API between NM and the plugin. If there is a mismatch, it might result in what you are seeing. | 14:31 |
stevenm | tomreyn, dejavu? | 14:32 |
tomreyn | stevenm: yes. :) the open source CLI "openconnect" client worked fine. | 14:33 |
stevenm | tomreyn, openconnect? | 14:33 |
jcdutton | stevenm, openconnect works with NM, so the API between NM and openconnect is correct. You can use that to see if there is an API mismatch with the openforti plugin | 14:33 |
stevenm | do you mean openfortivpn? don't confuse him!! :P | 14:33 |
tomreyn | stevenm: that's the the counter part to openforti for the protocol i was using | 14:34 |
jcdutton | stevenm, are you using this: | 14:38 |
stevenm | jcdutton, yes - it is already packaged and available in the ubunto main repo though | 14:39 |
stevenm | not like i've had to compile anything or anything | 14:39 |
tomreyn | | 14:41 |
tomreyn | (see the EDIT) | 14:41 |
stevenm | tomreyn, already seen that one | 14:41 |
stevenm | i'm not using any cert files - or in fact any files at all | 14:41 |
stevenm | it's all user/pass based | 14:42 |
jcdutton | stevenm, looking in the source code for network-manager-fortisslvpn... | 14:42 |
jcdutton | * swallowed by pppd. One way to see them is using strace. */ | 14:42 |
stevenm | since the fortigate has a self-signed cert though - i did tell it which cert to trust (but that is just a hash ID) | 14:42 |
tomreyn | so the SSL certificate fingerprint you specify in your configuration file is that of the remote server, i suppose? | 14:42 |
jcdutton | Note that in the current from, the messages from pppd-plugin are | 14:42 |
jcdutton | swallowed by pppd. One way to see them is using strace | 14:43 |
stevenm | tomreyn, yeah | 14:43 |
jcdutton | stevenm, so it appears that the only way to see the logs, is using strace!!! | 14:43 |
stevenm | tomreyn, just so it doesn't complain about the self signed cert basically | 14:44 |
tomreyn | stevenm: i see. | 14:44 |
stevenm | tomreyn, you can see i specified the same thing when doing openfortivpn directly - and that worked | 14:44 |
tomreyn | stevenm: right, and hopefully the NM plugin would not run such checks by itself. | 14:46 |
greenEarth | tomreyn, via this web you must have a smartphone to connect to WhatsApp. | 14:52 |
stevenm | tomreyn, i might just wait a month for 18.10 and then backport some newer version | 14:52 |
tomreyn | greenEarth: yes, it's the same for signal (which whatsapp is a partial fork off) | 14:55 |
greenEarth | tomreyn, ok. | 14:56 |
tomreyn | stevenm: i'd suggest working towards ensuring that a newer version will land in 18.10 now then. | 14:56 |
greenEarth | Does anybody works for free software with a salary? | 14:56 |
tomreyn | (newer, and with the changes you need) | 14:56 |
tomreyn | !ot | greenEarth | 14:57 |
ubottu | greenEarth: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:57 |
greenEarth | tomreyn, ok | 14:57 |
OnkelTem | @s | 14:58 |
OnkelTem | oops sorry | 14:58 |
mpo | Hello good people of #ubuntu. I have an issue with fancontrol. It seems the order of the devices changes between reboots, so that in effect the config file /etc/fancontrol leads to unmanaged fans and the cpu fan runs at full speed after every reboot. Is there a way to make fan configuration persistent? | 15:11 |
mpo | Adding to this, I have four hwmons 0-3, and this numbering is frequently changing. | 15:13 |
mpo | The CPU fan sometimes is hwmon2, sometimes hwmon3, and so on. | 15:13 |
tomreyn | stevenm: not sure it'll help, but worth a try: (see the "other versions" drop-down) | 15:19 |
tomreyn | mpo: i wont be able to help, but i recommend you discuss the ubuntu version you're referring to. | 15:21 |
mpo | Oh, sure. It's an out-of-the-box 18.04 Ubuntu. | 15:22 |
mpo | I could add hardware details, too. Give me a second, please. | 15:22 |
lovepopsickle | anyone familiar with apparmor? I thought the command sudo aa-exec -p /path/to/profile would read it on the fly similiar to firejail but I keep getting the error /path/to/profile is not a profile but it is is a profile and does not seem to want to read it | 15:26 |
ppf | anyone ever used snapcast? | 15:26 |
oerheks | snapcast - It's not a standalone player, but an extension that turns your existing audio player into a Sonos-like multi-room solution. | 15:33 |
oerheks | interesting | 15:33 |
lowkeycoat1 | hey help please? im running 16.04, im having troubles with an sd card, multiple times ive used it to transfer files between my phone and my computer and today i plug it into my computer and its not registering dmesg says error -110 failed to initilize... i can send the out put which site am i sopose to use to paste ? | 15:40 |
alterjsive | I'm having trouble installing raid 5 using ubuntu server | 15:44 |
alterjsive | can anyone help me here? | 15:44 |
ppf | oerheks: yes, it works really well | 15:45 |
ppf | except i can't figure out how to set up my firewall :) | 15:45 |
oerheks | that depends on the port the music player uses to stream ? sudo ufw allow <port>/utp | 15:47 |
tomreyn | alterjsive: which installer and ubuntu version are you using, what doesn't seem to work, or is unclear? | 15:48 |
ppf | oerheks: the server talks to the music player through a pipe, i'm talking about the server and the clients | 15:48 |
tomreyn | !paste | lowkeycoat1 | 15:48 |
ubottu | lowkeycoat1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:48 |
ntd | alterjsive, dont! | 15:48 |
ntd | never, ever, use raid5 | 15:48 |
ntd | well, unless you *really* know the consequences and what you're doing | 15:49 |
ntd | look up raid6 or raidz2 | 15:49 |
ppf | oerheks: it appears to use zeroconf, but opening 5353 isn't sufficient | 15:50 |
tomreyn | alterjsive: please don't cross-post. if you would prefer to discuss this in #ubuntu-server, please state so here. | 15:50 |
pavlos | ppf: could this help? | 15:51 |
ppf | pavlos: indeed! :) | 15:54 |
ppf | now all this needs is a UI! | 15:54 |
lowkeycoat1 | having issues with my sd card. im running 16.04 this is dmesg > | 15:55 |
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pavlos | lowkeycoat1: lines 849,850 mmc0: probably a bad SD card | 16:02 |
alterjsive | ntd whats wrong with raid 5> | 16:03 |
alterjsive | ntd, can you help me with a ubuntu server install using raid 5? | 16:04 |
ducasse | alterjsive: you need to provide details, like what is the problem? | 16:05 |
lowkeycoat1 | pavlos: it still works in my phone, just not the computer, is ubuntu that sensitive? | 16:06 |
alterjsive | I have a laptop with 3 ssd's and one hdd, I tried to do a manual mdadm installation and failed when installing the bootloader. So now It | 16:07 |
alterjsive | so now I wanted to try ubuntu server but I can't create a boot partition when I select my 3 ssd as a raid volume | 16:07 |
ducasse | alterjsive: pretty sure /boot can't be on a raid5 | 16:09 |
alterjsive | ducasse thx, ok that explains it | 16:11 |
alterjsive | ducasse, ok I selected my hdd as a boot device but i still can't select done to go to the next step | 16:12 |
alterjsive | ducasse, ah I must mount a local partition as boot | 16:14 |
ducasse | alterjsive: yes, put /boot on the hdd | 16:15 |
alterjsive | ducasse, thx | 16:16 |
pavlos | lowkeycoat1: do you know the filesystem on the SD card? | 16:20 |
oerheks | if it can be used in a phone, i guess fat32 | 16:26 |
pavlos | lowkeycoat1: you might need to install this ... sudo apt install lib32stdc++6 | 16:28 |
Eightynine | My system takes long to boot because Plymouth takes 20s of boot time. Why is that? | 16:34 |
rfm | Eightynine, afaik plymouth just the thing that shows the splash screen so it's running all during boot, but it's just waiting for everything else to finish.. | 16:38 |
lowkeycoat1 | i do not know what file system it has.. im going to try the install piece | 16:38 |
Eightynine | I always had problems with Plymouth, sometimes I could fix that by updating kernel and replacing drivers. Now it doesn't help. | 16:39 |
pavlos | Eightynine: systemd-analyze blame gives some info | 16:40 |
Eightynine | I know, but I don't know what to do next. | 16:40 |
lowkeycoat1 | pavlos: couldnt find any package by regex lib32stdc++6 | 16:41 |
pavlos | Eightynine: can you paste the top 10 lines? | 16:41 |
Eightynine | | 16:43 |
pavlos | lowkeycoat1: available in xenial ... | 16:45 |
Eightynine | Is that possible to update Gnome to 3.30? | 16:46 |
pavlos | Eightynine: in your /etc/default/grub do you have this, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" | 16:47 |
mpo | Is there a GUI-way to change the system font in Ubuntu? | 16:48 |
Eightynine | Just turn Plymouth off? Is that impossible to fix it? I saw problems with it in Ubuntu-based distribution. | 16:48 |
pavlos | Eightynine: no, it will stop displaying boot info. I dont know why plymouth takes 20s | 16:49 |
Eightynine | Me too. That's strange. | 16:49 |
lowkeycoat1 | pavlos: im new to seeing pages like that but from what im gathering is that the lib file is for a 64 and i have a 32 | 16:49 |
pavlos | lowkeycoat1: you have 32bit ubuntu 16.04 installed? | 16:50 |
lowkeycoat1 | yes | 16:50 |
Eightynine | When will HWE become available for 18.04? | 16:52 |
Ben64 | after 18.10 exists | 16:52 |
Eightynine | Thank you. And Gnome 4 will be in 20.04? I think so. | 16:54 |
oerheks | Eightynine, nope. as 20.04 will be LTS, i think it will have stable 3.x | 16:55 |
ppf | on xenial, alsamixer returns 'cannot open mixer: No such file or directory' | 17:09 |
ppf | why's that? | 17:10 |
Paddy_NI | I am using a dual monitor setup with ubuntu 18.04 (GNOME Desktop). The second display is to the left of my primary display (sometimes I have to reconfigure this when GNOME Shell invariably crashes. I have noticed that on the very left edge of my primary monitor (to the left of the vertical ubuntu dock I can see content from the other display. Just a sliver of it running down the entire left edge | 17:14 |
Paddy_NI | My mouse also has difficulty sometimes moving from the right monitor to the left | 17:15 |
Paddy_NI | if I press the "super key" then I can move the mouse over in the overview or activities view mode | 17:15 |
oerheks | Paddy_NI, seen that before, resetting the monitors with its own buttons/menu to factory default might help | 17:15 |
oerheks | ( for the overlapping edge, that is) | 17:16 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, I have done that several times on both monitors | 17:16 |
oerheks | oke, what videocard/drivers are you using? | 17:16 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, No idea, how do I check? | 17:16 |
Paddy_NI | fyi it does this for both my graphics card and onboard gfx | 17:17 |
Paddy_NI | Onboard is intel, card is ati | 17:17 |
oerheks | systemsettings > details, first page gives hardware overview | 17:17 |
oerheks | or terminal: lspci | grep VGA | 17:18 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, AMD® Rv710 | 17:18 |
Paddy_NI | Old card | 17:18 |
oerheks | driver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' | 17:18 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, radeon | 17:19 |
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oerheks | looks like the standard driver, i have no clue there.. | 17:20 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, Yeah, sure it does it with the onboard intel graphics too | 17:20 |
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Paddy_NI | oerheks, Thanks for the help all the same :-) | 17:21 |
oerheks | why don't you use the ati solely? a mix wth onboard and pcix might be the culprit | 17:21 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, It is used solely | 17:22 |
Paddy_NI | I meant it does it when I remove the ATI card and just use the onboard intel | 17:22 |
Paddy_NI | And when I use the ati card | 17:22 |
Paddy_NI | I am not using both | 17:22 |
Paddy_NI | I don't even think that would work to begin with | 17:22 |
oerheks | it could work, if you set the onboard as primairy. not for all boards. | 17:23 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, It's a fairly cheap board | 17:23 |
oerheks | maybe ##hardware guys have a clue | 17:23 |
Paddy_NI | Yeah possibly, I might hit them up tomorrow | 17:23 |
oerheks | :-) | 17:24 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, THanks for the tips | 17:24 |
Paddy_NI | :-) | 17:24 |
oerheks | yw | 17:24 |
Paddy_NI | I wonder if it might have something to do with the gnome shell session | 17:25 |
Paddy_NI | How would one run a clean vanilla session | 17:25 |
Paddy_NI | Yet retain their current one | 17:26 |
Paddy_NI | :-) | 17:26 |
Paddy_NI | Probably a big ask | 17:26 |
genii | Usually something like xnest or xephyr | 17:28 |
genii | ( to run a different X session within the current one ) | 17:28 |
Paddy_NI | genii, Oh I mean just at the login prompt | 17:28 |
Paddy_NI | A vanilla session option | 17:29 |
Paddy_NI | And hi!! | 17:29 |
Paddy_NI | :-) | 17:29 |
genii | It's not usually possible to run concurrent dms | 17:29 |
Paddy_NI | genii, I don't want concurrent sessions | 17:29 |
Paddy_NI | Just the option for a stock gnome session at the login prompt | 17:30 |
Paddy_NI | ha! | 17:31 |
genii | For gnome, I forget the dotfile name to backup ( I normally am in Kubuntu where it would be the .kde file in ~ ) | 17:31 |
Paddy_NI | sudo apt install gnome-session | 17:31 |
Paddy_NI | X-D | 17:31 |
Paddy_NI | Well here we go... brb | 17:33 |
Exterminador | erm. sorry for the noob question, but how do we send the content of a file to termbin? I don't remember the syntax :/ | 17:39 |
jje | cat file | nc 9999 | 17:41 |
Exterminador | ^^ thanks! | 17:42 |
scx | Hello | 17:49 |
scx | Can you show me result of this command (from Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)?: apt-cache list flatpak | 17:50 |
oerheks | !info flatpack | 17:51 |
ubottu | Package flatpack does not exist in bionic | 17:51 |
oerheks | !info flatpak | 17:51 |
ubottu | flatpak (source: flatpak): Application deployment framework for desktop apps. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.7-0ubuntu0.1 (bionic), package size 624 kB, installed size 3206 kB | 17:51 |
pragmaticenigma | scx: Is there an issue that we can help you with? | 17:51 |
scx | pragmaticenigma: seems to be broken | 17:51 |
scx | | 17:51 |
scx | And I need to know if Ubuntu 18.04 actually provides flatpak >= 1.0 | 17:52 |
pragmaticenigma | scx: flatpak is in the universe repository, not updates | 17:52 |
scx | pragmaticenigma: Whatever. Links are broken: | 17:53 |
oerheks | !info gnome-software-plugin-flatpak | 17:53 |
ubottu | gnome-software-plugin-flatpak (source: gnome-software): Flatpak support for GNOME Software. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.28.1-0ubuntu4.18.04.3 (bionic), package size 55 kB, installed size 189 kB | 17:53 |
prsstnt | lubuntu drives me crazy that when i name a folder it goes over two lines | 17:54 |
oerheks | you might want to use a PPA, , but carefull with ppas | 17:55 |
scx | pragmaticenigma: anyway, it seems to me that there is a bug in that site. It doesn't see snapd neither | 17:55 |
scx | oerheks: I was asking about flatpak package in official Ubuntu 18.04 repository, not PPA. | 17:56 |
pragmaticenigma | scx: yeah, the site is having issues right now... doesn't list any packages for anything | 17:56 |
pragmaticenigma | apt list gives me: flatpak/bionic-updates 0.11.7-0ubuntu0.1 amd64 | 17:57 |
scx | pragmaticenigma: so, it is 0.11.x, right? | 17:57 |
scx | pragmaticenigma: ok, thanks | 17:57 |
oerheks | it installs fine here, flatpak | 17:57 |
ioria | scx, it's fine for me, try again | 17:57 |
oerheks | update properly first, i guess | 17:57 |
scx | ioria: Still no luck: | 17:58 |
pragmaticenigma | oerheks, ioria: the issue wasn't the ability to install, as much as I believe their researching | 17:58 |
pragmaticenigma | s/their/they're/ | 17:58 |
ioria | scx, i mean this: | 17:58 |
pragmaticenigma | ioria: the links on that page all lead to error pages | 17:59 |
scx | ioria: Yes, it works, but it doesn't provide info about package version. Moreover, links here are broken. | 17:59 |
oerheks | Version 0.11.7-0ubuntu0.1 (bionic) | 18:00 |
ioria | scx, yep, maybe it's updating | 18:00 |
scx | oerheks: Thanks, That's all I wanted to know. | 18:01 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, Hey I have figured something out | 18:09 |
Paddy_NI | oerheks, So monitor two which is not my primary "good" monitor is on the left. However if I leave it on the right (as it is by default when you enable "joint displays" the overlap is not present on either monitor | 18:11 |
Paddy_NI | Annoying as hell | 18:11 |
Paddy_NI | The bug is specifically to do with moving monitor "two" to the left | 18:11 |
Paddy_NI | brb.. Wife is calling | 18:12 |
Paddy_NI | Yeah so, time to search for bugs to do with having a secondary monitor to the left on Ubuntu | 18:19 |
Paddy_NI | :-) | 18:19 |
lenny_lemon | has anybody tried apt-fast ? what is it about? | 18:20 |
Paddy_NI | lenny_lemon, Is that the P2P apt? | 18:20 |
TheWild | hello | 18:24 |
TheWild | "Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." | 18:24 |
TheWild | now what? | 18:24 |
TheWild | I wish apt developer had a little more experience in communicating with other humans. | 18:24 |
lotus|NUC | TheWild: did you add external ppa's of any kind to your system? | 18:25 |
TheWild | yup | 18:25 |
TheWild | the built-in repos have way too old versions of some software | 18:25 |
lenny_lemon | Paddy_NI, i don't know that's why i'm asking ... | 18:25 |
ca-on-adam | Hi, I get a GPG CRC error while trying to confirm my launchpad gpg key. The email that I "save as..." from thunderbird as an .eml file will not decrypt, even if I delete all the lines outside of the GPG block. | 18:35 |
ca-on-adam | However if I copy-paste the block of ASCII into a terminal with nano, it works. Any idea what is wrong with the email's source? Is it, for some god-awful reason, being encoded with DOS CrLf line endings or something? | 18:36 |
tomreyn | ca-on-adam: how would we know? | 18:38 |
ca-on-adam | Because this would be the source text of the email, so the formatting of the email would be because of the way's email server is sending it. | 18:39 |
tomreyn | ca-on-adam: oh this is about an e-mail you received from launchpad. there is #launchpad where there may be launchpad support. | 18:40 |
tomreyn | and you can run 'hd' against your .eml file to inspec the line endings (or just 'file', should also tell) | 18:41 |
leonardus | Whenever I boot into Ubuntu, my other drive is only loaded when I click on it in the file manager. How can I have it automatically loaded? | 18:42 |
tomreyn | leonardus: you could configure it with a static mountpoint in /etc/fstab, having it mounted there automatically on boot. | 18:43 |
leonardus | also one more thing, my configuration isn't loaded until I sign in. So my monitor order is swapped, and the login prompt is on my right monitor instead of the left. | 18:44 |
leonardus | Is there a way to have that loaded automatically? | 18:44 |
TheWild | how I can list apt repositories I've added? | 18:45 |
tomreyn | TheWild: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy | 18:46 |
TheWild | it doesn't list ppa:ondrej though | 18:47 |
tomreyn | TheWild: then that's not active | 18:47 |
TheWild | it has to. I have installed PHP 7 anyway and it's not available in the "built-in" repositories. | 18:48 |
leonardus | how long ago | 18:49 |
tomreyn | TheWild: maybe you removed the repository since? | 18:49 |
mezod | Hello, I have a couple of cronjobs that execute a script that make an SQL query every hour. After a few hours I'm getting ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR: Too many connections. I assume each time a cronjob calls the script a new connex is opened but not closed, and so I should find a way to close the connex within the script. Is this assumption correct? | 18:50 |
geirha | mezod: sounds like they never get closed, yes | 18:51 |
geirha | but it could also be something else making lots of connections, and that the cronjob just happens to run at a bad time | 18:52 |
tomreyn | TheWild: you can paste the output of the above commands like so: sudo /bin/true; pastebinit <( sudo apt-get update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; ) | 18:52 |
mezod | geirha: I think the problem is that before I had a script with a setTimeout that'd execute the same query every hour but probably one script = 1 connex. But now every time the cronjob calls each script it is a new connection, so 1 cronjob = * connections | 18:52 |
mezod | I see | 18:53 |
geirha | well, at least make sure you properly close the connection in the script | 18:54 |
TheWild | | 18:55 |
tomreyn | mezod: this is really two misconfigurations. both your sql client should fail the connection if the process is not done after a realistic period, such as some secondads or minutes at most, and your sql server should also kill stale connections after less than an hour. | 18:55 |
TheWild | ^^ tomreyn | 18:55 |
geirha | TheWild: have you recently upgraded from 17.10 or 16.04 ? | 18:56 |
tomreyn | TheWild: right, so you have only the default sources active. you may have other packages installed, but those would then be leftovers, without an upgrade path | 18:56 |
TheWild | geirha: yes | 18:56 |
geirha | because all PPAs get disabled in the process, and you have to re-add them manually | 18:56 |
tomreyn | (and it says so, too) | 18:56 |
TheWild | tomreyn: ah, I got it. The repositories got reset after update | 18:56 |
mezod | tomreyn: yeah hmm, just started using AWS RDS so I need to figure it out | 18:57 |
tomreyn | mezod: you're not the first one to run into issues with connection snot getting closed by the server side there. but i'm sure this can be tweaked or worked around. | 18:59 |
TheWild | tomreyn: so for now I assume that command works. Thanks. | 18:59 |
tomreyn | TheWild: which command? those i provided? i'm sure they do. | 19:00 |
mezod | tomreyn: yeah, aws means constant sysadmin struggles lol | 19:00 |
TheWild | apt-cache policy | 19:00 |
mezod | worst biz decision I've done in a long time | 19:00 |
tomreyn | :-/ | 19:01 |
RDaneel01ivaw | hi everyone, I'm having a new issue that just started on it's own this morning. I've had chromium installed forever, but just today the mouse pointer has changed ONLY on chromium so it's not the same as all other apps. It's some weird black pointer. Any ideas on how to get this pointer cursor to be like the rest of the entire OS? I tried the usr/share/icons edit and that did not help. | 19:05 |
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ccha | hello, someone use x2go on 18.04? what type of session I should select ? Gnome not working... problem with 3.28? | 19:06 |
lotus|NUC | !info x2go | 19:06 |
ubottu | Package x2go does not exist in bionic | 19:06 |
lotus|NUC | ccha: where di you get that please? | 19:07 |
ccha | ppq | 19:07 |
ccha | ppa | 19:07 |
lotus|NUC | ccha: ask the maintainer mate, we cant support external ppa's here due to security risks | 19:07 |
tomreyn | !info x2goclient | 19:07 |
ubottu | x2goclient (source: x2goclient): X2Go Client application (Qt5). In component universe, is extra. Version (bionic), package size 1308 kB, installed size 2609 kB | 19:07 |
tomreyn | !info x2goserver | 19:07 |
ubottu | x2goserver (source: x2goserver): X2Go server. In component universe, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 69 kB, installed size 392 kB | 19:07 |
lotus|NUC | or install the version from apt tomreyn found :p ^ | 19:08 |
tomreyn | i think there's #x2go | 19:08 |
ccha | o I try that | 19:08 |
lotus|NUC | ccha: please before installing software on ubuntu, try the repos first | 19:09 |
lotus|NUC | nite nite guys, movietime | 19:12 |
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billythekido7 | Hey guys | 19:34 |
HurricaneHarry | anybody noticed this ? | 19:35 |
HurricaneHarry | disk encryption support - shared library nested under amazon with update-manager today ? | 19:35 |
HurricaneHarry | | 19:35 |
billythekido7 | I'm running steam on linux and the problem is that various games create various config folders all over the system. This fills up my ~ with garbage. Is it possible WITHOUT logging out, to run steam with itsown user so that any random file is generated at /home/steam? | 19:36 |
lowkeycoat1 | i cannot get an sd card to reggister at all any more please help, im using 16.04 32bit, fdisk -l and dmesg >> | 19:37 |
burakcank | Hey, can someone tell me what is the logic behind separating python standard library module "venv" from the python3 package itself ? | 19:39 |
marlinc | Why does Ubuntu's iostat miss the -n option (to get NFS statistics)? | 19:45 |
bencc | where is the libreoffice-script-provider-python in bionic? | 19:45 |
bencc | | 19:46 |
HurricaneHarry | @lowkeycoat1: your sdcard device should be /dev/mmc0 according to your dmesg, try fdisk -l /dev/mmc0 | 19:47 |
slimschwifty | does anyone have a solid resource for touchscreen stuff? specifically the on screen keyboard? I've got it working in Gnome, but it only works for the DE it seems, not in apps like Firefox or Chrome | 19:49 |
pragmaticenigma | marlinc: are you running with other options? does it work with -n standalone | 19:50 |
marlinc | pragmaticenigma, I checked the man page and the -n option is not there and when just using -n it prompts me with the help output | 19:50 |
lowkeycoat1 | hurrican: says no such file or directory | 19:51 |
pragmaticenigma | marlinc: If -n isn't in the man page... then it would mean it's not an option | 19:51 |
marlinc | pragmaticenigma, in the Ubuntu version yes... unfortunately. I was looking to troubleshooting some NFS delays and found multple posts online talking about the -n option and even found in this online man page | 19:52 |
pragmaticenigma | slimschwifty: You might want to ask in #ubuntu-touch ... that channel is dedicated to touchscreen | 19:52 |
marlinc | So it appears to be a thing, just not in Ubuntu unfortunately.. | 19:52 |
pragmaticenigma | marlinc: When packages are compiled, there are many options for what is and isn't included ... There is probably a reason the Ubuntu developers decided to not include it, which might be it's deprecated or a better tool exists | 19:53 |
HurricaneHarry | marlinc: use nfsiostat, | 19:54 |
pragmaticenigma | marlinc: we might be able to suggest a different tool if we knew what information or purpose you needed to the tool for | 19:54 |
pragmaticenigma | HurricaneHarry seems to have it's replacement | 19:55 |
pragmaticenigma | HurricaneHarry: per your previous comment... all context is lost when you cut out so much of the window... since there is no package name, it's hard to know what that is for | 19:55 |
marlinc | pragmaticenigma, currently I have a very high sys CPU time on a few Kubernetes nodes | 19:56 |
pragmaticenigma | HurricaneHarry: could also be a simple rendering bug, where the listing accidentally got indented | 19:56 |
marlinc | pragmaticenigma, I just managed to at least figure out that a lot time is spend in the futex system call, at least in the 96% time range. I'm not sure if that' s the reason for the high sys CPU time | 19:57 |
HurricaneHarry | pragmaticenigma: probably right with rendering bug, just looked strange and wanted to mention it. | 19:58 |
pragmaticenigma | HurricaneHarry: when I see strange stuff in the gui updater like that... I usually go to terminal and manually run from there to see what packages are present | 19:59 |
marlinc | pragmaticenigma, for example | 19:59 |
HurricaneHarry | pragmaticenigma: I had no further problem with the updates as such... | 20:00 |
HurricaneHarry | lowkeycoat1: try ls /dev/mmc* to find the right device | 20:04 |
pragmaticenigma | marlinc: I'm not familiar with those things | 20:04 |
firelegend | Hi all. | 20:07 |
firelegend | So I managed to get ubuntu 18.04 too boot with acpi=off in grub | 20:07 |
firelegend | however, this command makes the touchpad not work | 20:08 |
firelegend | Without it, ubuntu freezes on the logo | 20:08 |
slimschwifty | pragmaticenigma, thank you! | 20:08 |
slimschwifty | pragmaticenigma, but it's invite only :( | 20:09 |
pragmaticenigma | slimschwifty: It is not invite only, you need to register your nick | 20:09 |
pragmaticenigma | !register | slimschwifty | 20:09 |
ubottu | slimschwifty: For information on registering your IRC nick, see - For any further help, ask in #freenode. | 20:09 |
pragmaticenigma | slimschwifty: also, it appears to redirect to #ubports | 20:10 |
slimschwifty | pragmaticenigma, I'm registered, so I'm not sure what's up | 20:37 |
slimschwifty | -NickServ- You are now identified for slimschwifty. | 20:37 |
pragmaticenigma | slimschwifty: I think I typo'd something .. I'm not sure... try #ubports though | 20:38 |
slimschwifty | must be, I'm in #ubports now | 20:38 |
slimschwifty | I still get " You have been kicked from #ubuntu-touch by ChanServ (Invite only channel)" but this'll work I hope | 20:39 |
pragmaticenigma | here's hoping slimschwifty ... only caveat ... it is the weekend, many of these channels are more active during the week | 20:41 |
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slimschwifty | pragmaticenigma, they directed me back here. That's for a mobile port, not touchscreen laptops | 20:45 |
pragmaticenigma | slimschwifty: are you running in wayland mode? | 20:46 |
mach1 | Hi all. Anyone here running ubuntu on an msi gs series optimus notebook? Dual graphics (GTX970m and intel). | 20:50 |
pragmaticenigma | !ask | mach1 | 20:51 |
ubottu | mach1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 20:51 |
mach1 | !ask Hi all. Anyone here running ubuntu on an msi gs series optimus notebook? Dual graphics (GTX970m and intel). | 20:52 |
ubottu | mach1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:52 |
pragmaticenigma | mach1: What is your support question? | 20:52 |
mouses | mach1: if you describe the actual issue you are having in some detail someone may be able to help you | 20:52 |
slimschwifty | pragmaticenigma, I get the same behavior with xorg or wayland | 20:56 |
pragmaticenigma | slimschwifty: are you attempting to use the on-screen-keyboard application, or the one that should appear when you swipe up from the bottom of the screen/ | 20:57 |
pragmaticenigma | nm slimschwifty ... | 20:58 |
slimschwifty | pragmaticenigma, I was expecting it to appear automatically when selecting a text field like it does when I tap on the search under Activities | 20:59 |
slimschwifty | pragmaticenigma, it does come up with a swipe up, thohg. I didn't actually know it did that so thanks | 20:59 |
pragmaticenigma | slimschwifty: i found it while googling for your issue | 21:00 |
Kwizats | Hi all, looking for some help with calibrating my Toughbook touchscreen. xinput-calibrator isn't doing anything. | 21:43 |
Kwizats | (also have 2 other bugs, but am working with alsa team on sound... and I'll get to the screen brightness not working later) | 21:44 |
lovepopsickle | how come aa-exec don't work with apparmor? | 21:52 |
firelegend | How come ubuntu does not show battery level of laptop? | 21:58 |
firelegend | Is it related to me disabling acpi? | 21:58 |
oerheks | that would be a logical conclusion, yes | 21:59 |
tomreyn | firelegend: pretty sure it is. | 22:00 |
firelegend | Well otherwise it doesnt boot without acpi=off | 22:00 |
firelegend | it simply freezes and this is the only workaround | 22:00 |
tomreyn | which ubuntu version, hardware (laptop or mainboard) model, bios version? | 22:01 |
firelegend | Ubuntu 18.04.1 but with updated kernel to 4.18.8 | 22:01 |
firelegend | laptop is lenovo legion y530 | 22:01 |
firelegend | Without acpi=off, I can see some errors related to ACPI. Says something along the lines of ACPI Bios error | 22:02 |
tomreyn | which is why i'm asking about the bios version | 22:03 |
tomreyn | dmesg -t | grep ^DMI: | 22:03 |
oerheks | i read about i915.alpha_support=1 for those machines, not sure 4.18 needs this | 22:04 |
oerheks | | 22:04 |
firelegend | I added it just in case | 22:04 |
firelegend | Yeah I did that | 22:05 |
firelegend | but....doesnt boot without acpi=off | 22:05 |
firelegend | Also my revision is a bit different | 22:05 |
firelegend | Just a moment waiting for it to boot | 22:05 |
firelegend | for that dmi command | 22:05 |
oerheks | hmm, are you in xorg or wayland session? | 22:06 |
firelegend | It says BIOS 8JCN23WW | 22:07 |
firelegend | 05/25/2018 | 22:07 |
tomreyn | | 22:07 |
tomreyn | 8JCN43WW - 09 Aug 2018 - Urgent | 22:07 |
oerheks | nice find, tom | 22:07 |
firelegend | Probably related to meltdown/spectre or l1tf | 22:08 |
firelegend | As I was about to mention | 22:08 |
firelegend | when ACPI=off even the touchpad doesnt work | 22:08 |
firelegend | if it is off, it works, but then ubuntu freezes on the logo | 22:09 |
tomreyn | the changelog for *this* version doesn't mention meltdown/spectre/intel-sa-* | 22:10 |
firelegend | I could try updating, hopefully it resolves it | 22:10 |
firelegend | although I am a bit skeptical about it | 22:10 |
tomreyn | note there is also a similar model, Legion Y530-15ICH-1060 (the "-1060" is the special part here) | 22:11 |
firelegend | Mine is the 1050 model | 22:11 |
firelegend | for gtx 1050 | 22:11 |
tomreyn | then i *guess* the first link is correct. you can verify this by searching by your serial # | 22:13 |
obrown2 | Hi, since I installed lubuntu 18.04, my laptop becomes very hot and shutsdown by itslef. What could be the problem? | 22:14 |
tomreyn | obrown2: what were you running previously? | 22:14 |
obrown2 | tomreyn: Ubuntu 14.xx (don't remember the exact version) | 22:16 |
tomreyn | obrown2: and there your laptop did not run very hot and did not shutdown by itself? | 22:16 |
obrown2 | tomreyn: no, not at all | 22:17 |
obrown2 | tomreyn: it's the first time it does that | 22:17 |
pragmaticenigma | obrown2: what applications, if any where you running prior to it shutting down? and was lubuntu a fresh install or an upgrade to 18.04? | 22:18 |
obrown2 | pragmaticenigma: it was a fresh install from the usb, and I was downloading Anaconda (for python), nothing else was running (as far as I know) | 22:20 |
tomreyn | obrown2: then it's likely that linux has since learnt to do things to do with your hardware it previously couldn't, but by being able to make better use of your hardware it now runs into a situation it would not run into previously. broken ACPI tables can cause this. you can post your kernel log online using "dmesg | pastebinit" so we may have a look at what may be wrong. | 22:20 |
firelegend | The bios update utility needs at least 30% so...I will have to wait for it to charge up | 22:21 |
firelegend | Meanwhile | 22:21 |
firelegend | these are the error messages I get without acpi=off | 22:21 |
obrown2 | tomreyn: | 22:23 |
tomreyn | firelegend: as it says, this suggests BIOS bugs. | 22:23 |
firelegend | I am skeptical the update will fix them,but I just need a bit more charge | 22:23 |
pragmaticenigma | firelegend: you would be surprised at what a BIOS update can fix | 22:24 |
firelegend | Lets hope it does | 22:24 |
pragmaticenigma | obrown2: What happens if you boot the system and let it sit after login... do nothing with it... does it shutdown without any user interaction? | 22:25 |
Kwizats | anybody know where I should look for help with touchscreen problems? | 22:27 |
firelegend | Yep it probably is related to ACPI | 22:28 |
firelegend | I can see in Windows in device manager that the PCI device enumeration is similar | 22:28 |
firelegend | of the touchpad to the one in the ubuntu error messages | 22:28 |
tomreyn | obrown2: so this laptop is 11 years old? it might be about time to replace it. 32-bit CPUs are probably not going to be supported much longer. intel wont provide security patches for yours. | 22:29 |
obrown2 | pragmaticenigma: no it stays open when I let it sit | 22:30 |
firelegend | It really would be...interesting/sad to see 32-bit CPUs no longer be supported | 22:30 |
obrown2 | tomreyn: do you think I could do something to fix it till I change it? | 22:31 |
pragmaticenigma | 32bit support is not ending anytime soon, firelegend ... Canonical is not making install images anymore. You can still install 32bit versions of Ubuntu using the network installer from the mini.iso | 22:31 |
tomreyn | obrown2: note lines 79 + 80 of your paste. there is a newer bios version available for your system, too. it's a single version update only, but it might fix the acpi bug. or you could try to work aroun dit as discussed on the paste, by booting with acpi_apic_instance=2 | 22:32 |
tomreyn | 2 GB RAM is definitely not much for a desktop computer nowadays. | 22:33 |
Kwizats | or maybe just someone who knows more about xinput and the post-17.04 changes that sometimes break solutions involving xorg.conf edits? | 22:34 |
adam4567 | ssh opens a local distant laptop, copy using scp, but how to access local dirs just to list ll or dir? | 22:42 |
pragmaticenigma | adam4567: to see local directory listing, use lls | 22:43 |
pragmaticenigma | adam4567: to change local directory it lcd | 22:43 |
firelegend | Guys, I updated the bios, it didn't help. | 22:44 |
firelegend | Now what? | 22:44 |
tomreyn | firelegend: can you post dmesg | pastebinit ? | 22:44 |
adam4567 | pragmaticenigma: No command 'lls' found, did you mean: | 22:44 |
adam4567 | Command 'fls' from package 'sleuthkit' (universe) .. etc | 22:44 |
Gnunix | Just use BSD. | 22:44 |
adam4567 | pragmaticenigma: but thanks, I'll look into lls lcd etc - beaut. | 22:45 |
pragmaticenigma | adam4567: oh... you're using scp | 22:45 |
pragmaticenigma | adam4567: those commands are sftp | 22:45 |
firelegend | tomreyn: I need to reboot the machine, but it likely wont show the error with acpi=off | 22:46 |
firelegend | So is there a way to somehow save the boot log somehow? | 22:46 |
tomreyn | firelegend: then dont use acpi=off | 22:46 |
firelegend | Yeah but I can't boot | 22:46 |
firelegend | it simply freezes on the ubuntu log | 22:46 |
firelegend | logo | 22:46 |
tomreyn | firelegend: not even to recovery? | 22:46 |
firelegend | Although I can move the mouse | 22:46 |
firelegend | so the touchpad works | 22:46 |
firelegend | but the ubuntu logo stays indefinitely | 22:47 |
tomreyn | firelegend: do you know how to access grub menu and boot to recovery? | 22:47 |
adam4567 | pragmaticenigma: two Ubuntu 16.04 machines local this side of router | 22:47 |
firelegend | Yes, in fact I get to grub directly | 22:47 |
firelegend | seems to load | 22:49 |
firelegend | but then asks me to select something from the recovery menu | 22:49 |
adam4567 | pragmaticenigma: I have to open ssh with as distant machine name doesn't work. Need to config Hosts or ssh_config I guess. | 22:49 |
firelegend | perhaps the root shell prompt? | 22:49 |
tomreyn | firelegend: so, are you able to boot to recovery, spawn the shell and run: dmesg > /var/tmp/dmesg | 22:50 |
firelegend | yes I am able to | 22:50 |
pragmaticenigma | adam4567: scp isn't really meant for handling local file operations, it makes the assumption you know the local system. | 22:50 |
firelegend | Seems like I need to remount for rw | 22:51 |
tomreyn | firelegend: okay, once you did, press ctrl-d and resume the boot, see if it continues fine. if it doesn't press ctrl-alt-del and reboot into your default acpi=off boot | 22:52 |
tomreyn | acpi=off is a really harsh measure, though, not a good idea to use unless there is really no other option. | 22:52 |
adam4567 | pragmaticenigma: Understood. I'll try detailing local path to known file, see how we go. That makes sense. Just am a little lost at a command prompt without easy access to local files. But OK. | 22:53 |
pragmaticenigma | adam4567: scp was made with the idea that you issue everything in one command, not interactive. though it has that ability | 22:54 |
firelegend | It booted! | 22:54 |
firelegend | from recovery mode it boots fine | 22:54 |
firelegend | touchpad works | 22:54 |
firelegend | and even shows battery level | 22:54 |
firelegend | Now how can I replicate this with normal grub booting? | 22:54 |
tomreyn | we might be able to tell you after you did: dmesg | pastebinit | 22:55 |
firelegend | alright | 22:55 |
tomreyn | most likely you want to remove acpi=off, you should probably also remove 'splash' and 'quiet', maybe you need to use !nomodeset | 22:56 |
firelegend | | 22:57 |
firelegend | But nomodeset probably means no drivers for the GPU? | 22:57 |
pragmaticenigma | adam4567: I would recommend looking into sftp command... it's designed for interactivity... see "man sftp" for more | 22:58 |
adam4567 | pragmaticenigma: Noted. Am thrilled to be first time out on ssh, will see how we go. | 23:00 |
adam4567 | pragmaticenigma: Seems it couldn't find the local file. | 23:05 |
adam4567 | pragmaticenigma: scp /home/user1/Documents/afile.txt user2@ | 23:06 |
adam4567 | /home/user1/Documents/afile.txt: No such file or directory | 23:06 |
tomreyn | !nomodeset | firelegend | 23:06 |
ubottu | firelegend: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See on how to use this parameter | 23:06 |
tomreyn | firelegend: apparently you're already booting with nomodeset | 23:07 |
tomreyn | at least you were when you recorded this dmesg | 23:07 |
firelegend | I recorded from within recovery | 23:08 |
firelegend | otherwise it's quiet splash acpi=off | 23:08 |
firelegend | I could change it to remove those | 23:08 |
tomreyn | oh right recovery does set 'nomodeset' | 23:09 |
michagogo | Is packages.u.c broken atm? | 23:09 |
michagogo |§ion=all should have other versions too | 23:09 |
michagogo | | 23:10 |
michagogo | er, | 23:10 |
michagogo | argh, | 23:10 |
tomreyn | i'd remove "quiet splash" temporarily just to see what is printed on screen during normal boot. i would definitely remove "acpi=off" generally. i would then boot without nomodeset, so a normal boot, and see which errors occur. then see about how to work around them. | 23:10 |
tomreyn | firelegend: ^ | 23:10 |
michagogo | and | 23:10 |
firelegend | thanks | 23:11 |
conjo | hi all | 23:11 |
tomreyn | michagogo: someone else reported that it's misbehaving earlier today. the right hing to do about this is to file a bug report, the bottom of these pages should say how. | 23:11 |
michagogo | 👍🏽 | 23:12 |
conjo | id like some suggestion (terminal) commands i can google the manual of so that i can investigate a usb port problem im having; the port isnt working all the time | 23:13 |
conjo | running ubuntu 18.04 | 23:13 |
bazhang | conjo, hardware problem? | 23:14 |
conjo | my ports problem is that it doesnt always want to work and when it does it does so slowly | it was the port i used to pair a long deleted pairing between a ps3 controller and a bluetooth dongle | 23:15 |
bazhang | how are you measuring the 'slow', conjo | 23:15 |
conjo | this was on windows and now im fully linux and all other partitions and mbr are deleted | 23:15 |
Kwizats | anybody know where I should look for help with touchscreen problems? | 23:16 |
oerheks | usb2 and usb3 ports can give different results | 23:16 |
bazhang | conjo, there has to be a mbr | 23:16 |
conjo | not by a metric | i use the port now and then for the connection of my keyboard and mouse (if it decides it wants to work that is | 23:17 |
bazhang | Kwizats, ubuntu touch device? | 23:17 |
bazhang | conjo, so more of a 'gut feeling' slow as you have not measured the actual slow | 23:18 |
conjo | sorry the winds mbr has beeen long since deleted and a new one being created. I dd random it out | 23:18 |
conjo | from terminal | 23:18 |
conjo | to try fix the usb problem | 23:18 |
conjo | then installed ubuntu | 23:18 |
bazhang | how would the mbr have affected the usb | 23:18 |
conjo | yes as in the key board is frequently non responsive after a sleep state | 23:19 |
conjo | and after some time works | 23:19 |
bazhang | how again is that a mbr issue | 23:19 |
conjo | but not on any other port but that partic port | 23:20 |
conjo | same with an external hdd on only that port | 23:20 |
conjo | or a wifi modem | 23:20 |
conjo | on only that port | 23:21 |
bazhang | conjo is this a usb hub with so many things attached to a single usb slot | 23:21 |
conjo | or a usb connected controller (ps3 dual shock-which works on every other port | 23:21 |
conjo | no | 23:22 |
conjo | a port | 23:22 |
Kwizats | bazhang: it's a toughbook cf19 running ubuntu 18.04 | 23:22 |
Kwizats | touchscreen worked fine under windows 7 | 23:22 |
pragmaticenigma | adam4567: what does "ls /home/user1/Directory/afile1.txt" tell you? | 23:22 |
bazhang | conjo, do you mean actual port, such as a firewall might use, or a usb 2.0/3.0 slot | 23:23 |
tomreyn | firelegend: so, since this dmesg was still full of acpi issues, you might want to give TJ's trick a try: | 23:23 |
conjo | one port doesnt work well period after i paired it with a ps3 controller and bluetooth dongle when i was running windows, i dont run windows anymore only ubuntu 18.04 and i have from terminal dd randomed my sdd and mbr then reinstall to try fix usb port prob no success yet | 23:24 |
conjo | 2.0/3.0 usb port | 23:24 |
pragmaticenigma | Kwizats: Windows and Ubuntu are very different and use different software to access the devices in your computer. One of the caveats is that driver for the touch screen of that particular computer may not have open sourced or provided any documentation on how to write drivers for it. In short, the touch screen of your computer may not have support in Ubuntu or any Linux distribution. | 23:24 |
conjo | slot sory sory | 23:24 |
bazhang | that's not a port conjo unless you mean usb slot | 23:24 |
=== QBRT90 is now known as QBRT | ||
Kwizats | I'm aware. I provided that info to rule out hardware problems. | 23:25 |
conjo | one of therse ports isnt working well all the time | 23:26 |
conjo | | 23:26 |
Kwizats | i've already tried running xinput-calibrator, to no avail, and editing the xorg.conf.d files as the calibrator directs does nothing. | 23:26 |
Kwizats | | 23:27 |
Kwizats | is where I am in this | 23:27 |
conjo | im assuming its port 4 | 23:27 |
conjo | nope its this one (which i have my wifi dongle plugged into atm | 23:29 |
conjo | Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0cf3:9271 Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271 802.11n | 23:29 |
pragmaticenigma | Kwizats: does the calibration tool actually allow you do touch the calibration points? | 23:29 |
Kwizats | yep | 23:29 |
conjo | so right now its working but it will often wigg out and stop working (regardless of what is plugged into it) | 23:30 |
pragmaticenigma | Kwizats: and the output has been copied to the xorg.cond.d/ folder ? | 23:30 |
conjo | or not work at all | 23:30 |
pragmaticenigma | Kwizats: what is the contents of your xorg.conf.d folder? Please paste to | 23:31 |
Kwizats | yes. has to be in usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/[filename], because when I tried it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d it caused a login loop. | 23:32 |
pragmaticenigma | where did you find documentation that it goes there? because that's not right | 23:33 |
pragmaticenigma | Kwizats: ^ ^ | 23:33 |
Kwizats | one sec | 23:34 |
Kwizats | | 23:35 |
conjo | bazhang, sorry missed ur msg above not sure that it was but just mentioning that i had done a fresh install since i first noticed the prob appear | 23:36 |
Kwizats | or on ubuntu: | 23:37 |
pragmaticenigma | Kwizats: where did you find did you find documentation of placing thing in /usr/share/X11 | 23:37 |
conjo | and that the mbr had been deleted in case it had anything to do with causing or allowing the problem to persist accross fresh installs of os's | 23:37 |
Kwizats | it's directly from the output text of the calibrator. | 23:38 |
Kwizats | --> Making the calibration permanent <-- | 23:38 |
Kwizats | copy the snippet below into '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf' (/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ in some distro's) | 23:38 |
Kwizats | tried it in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d first, and it caused the login loop until I logged into a wayland session and deleted it. | 23:39 |
pragmaticenigma | Kwizats: okay... after the calibration... did you reboot? | 23:39 |
Kwizats | yes | 23:39 |
conjo | the problem only appeared after i paired usb blutooth and a dualshock on windows with motionjoy (but i no longer run windows) i just want to investigate the issue from terminal and am looking for help re what commands would be helpful to investigat potential probs with a usb port | 23:40 |
conjo | i dont know what manual to google can i have some search term suggestions from the linux community to google please | 23:41 |
conjo | MO=to investigate usb port problems from terminal | 23:41 |
conjo | i am newish to terminal | 23:42 |
conjo | not well versed by any stretch but can use for many purposes | 23:42 |
bazhang | hw usb problems wont be searched or fixed from ubuntu conjo | 23:42 |
conjo | cant linux do that kind of stuff or at least tell you where a problem exists? | 23:43 |
conjo | eg ls -a filename tells you all about a file properties | 23:44 |
bazhang | conjo, you are discussing an atheros wifi not working, thats software not a usb issue, no idea why you would ever talk about mbr | 23:44 |
conjo | surely there is a file all about working usb ports that i can cat | 23:45 |
bazhang | plug something into it and run dmesg | 23:45 |
conjo | no im not mon...its the port that doesnt work well and that i wanna investigate (it dont matter what i plug into that port i have issues with it be it a wifi card or a hdd or a blutooth dongle | 23:46 |
pragmaticenigma | Kwizats: I'm out of ideas... if those are you bugs/discussions on launchpad, I think that is the best place for getting your answers | 23:47 |
conjo | atheros wifi card is just plugged in atm i could plug anything into 'THAT' port and itd mis-behave | 23:47 |
Kwizats | blargh. Yeah, that's my bug report/question. | 23:49 |
bazhang | conjo, thats not a port | 23:49 |
Kwizats | a'right, thank you for your time | 23:49 |
conjo | lol is the term i should use slot | 23:49 |
bazhang | try dmesg after plugging something into it | 23:50 |
conjo | you the man | 23:51 |
conjo | you the woman | 23:51 |
conjo | what ever this is the avenue i was looking for | 23:51 |
conjo | thank you | 23:51 |
bazhang | super | 23:52 |
bazhang | no prob | 23:52 |
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