
meetingologyMeeting started Sat Sep 15 19:02:07 2018 UTC.  The chair is Eickmeyer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick19:02
Eickmeyer#chair captain-tux eylul OvenWerks19:02
meetingologyCurrent chairs: Eickmeyer OvenWerks captain-tux eylul19:02
EickmeyerAnyone else here?19:02
EickmeyerHi tedge!19:03
EickmeyerJoining for our devel meeting today?19:03
tedgeyup, if that's ok19:04
eylulnew people!19:04
EickmeyerYeah, that's cool. So far just eylul and myself, and the discussion today is on the entries for the wallpaper for 18.10.19:04
EickmeyerCould probably use the third vote if you're up for it.19:04
EickmeyerAnyhow, lets get this ball rolling.19:05
eylulso how will we do this?19:05
Eickmeyer#topic Cosmic Cuttlefish Wallpapers19:05
tedgesure, how will they be selected? yes/no for each, choose favorites, etc.?19:05
eylultedge beat me to the question :D19:06
EickmeyerI'm thinking we'll go through each one, discuss, and then take a vote. We'll narrow it down to the top 20 and then let the public vote on the rest.19:06
EickmeyerEntries are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/CosmicWallpaperEntries19:06
EickmeyerThe bottom two are disqualified for using the incorrect typeface.19:07
EickmeyerI noticed the logo was wrong on a few others, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.19:07
EickmeyerSo, we'll get started.19:08
Eickmeyer#subtopic 1. First Rays19:08
EickmeyerI actually like this one. It's a decent shot with plenty of bokeh and the subject matter of the flower isn't bad.19:08
eylulI should just say that, most of my votes will be less about independent merits of the works.. and more on if I think they would work as a wallpaper or not.19:09
EickmeyerSounds good.19:09
EickmeyerDo you think this one works as a wallpaper, eylul?19:09
eylulI like this. it is not busy, which is a good thing on a background image.19:09
EickmeyerShall we vote?19:09
Eickmeyertedge_, captain-tux, anything to add?19:10
eylulwe lost tedge I believe.19:10
EickmeyerYeah, probably. Happens when people get tails.19:11
tedge_yup, lost connection19:11
tedge_tedge -> tedge_19:11
EickmeyerWell, let's go ahead and vote.19:11
Eickmeyer#vote 1. First Rays19:11
meetingologyPlease vote on: 1. First Rays19:11
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:11
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer19:11
meetingology+1 received from eylul19:11
meetingology+1 received from tedge_19:12
meetingologyVoting ended on: 1. First Rays19:12
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:019:12
meetingologyMotion carried19:12
Eickmeyer#subtopic 2. Mountain of Caves19:12
EickmeyerI'm not flipped with this one. Seems to draw too mutch attention to itself and while the subject matter is interesting, the picture itself isn't.19:13
EickmeyerThoughts anyone?19:13
eylul(I did send you PM by the way) but I am neutral on this one19:14
eylulI want to see how many we get, left and keep this or remove this depending. 19:14
captain-tuxOmg, my IRC didn't update, sorry.. gotte catch up real quick..19:14
tedge_... testing connection ...19:16
eylulwe are only at the second image19:16
eylulso maybe you can add your thoughts in :)19:17
Eickmeyertedge_: We had a brief discussion, and I hate to do this, but we don't really know who you are and we're kinda trying to keep this voting to the council, which consists of myself, eylul, OvenWerks, captain-tux, and one other that isn't here. 19:17
Eickmeyertedge_: We had set the rules at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/UserShowcase and we would be remiss if we didn't abide by them.19:18
captain-tuxSure, thanks. It's a bit busy, but as a wallpeper, I'd include it.19:18
EickmeyerWell, lets go ahead and vote on it.19:18
Eickmeyer#vote 2. Mountain of Caves19:18
meetingologyPlease vote on: 2. Mountain of Caves19:18
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:18
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer19:18
meetingology+0 received from eylul19:19
Eickmeyercaptain-tux: ?19:19
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux19:20
meetingologyVoting ended on: 2. Mountain of Caves19:20
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:1 Abstentions:119:20
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used19:20
EickmeyerOkay, moving on to the third.19:20
Eickmeyer#subtopic Ubuntu Studio - Morning Dew19:20
EickmeyerI like this, though it's busy, and it's a creative use of the COF.19:21
eylulI like that it is uniform, and it is different than other wallpapers we had before :) 19:22
Eickmeyercaptain-tux: Any thoughts?19:22
captain-tuxI like it as well.19:23
Eickmeyer#vote 3. Ubuntu Studio - Morning Dew19:23
meetingologyPlease vote on: 3. Ubuntu Studio - Morning Dew19:23
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:23
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer19:23
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux19:23
meetingology+1 received from eylul19:23
meetingologyVoting ended on: 3. Ubuntu Studio - Morning Dew19:23
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:019:23
meetingologyMotion carried19:23
Eickmeyer#subtopic 4. Love Ubuntu Studio19:23
eylulit is a wallpaper19:24
EickmeyerIt's... cute.19:24
eylulit kind of reads medical to me... :) 19:24
eylulbut I am somewhere between a neutral and positive for this one. :)19:24
EickmeyerYeah, hopefully not foretelling of flatlining. ;)19:24
captain-tuxIs thaf fine with the logo-thingy?19:25
Eickmeyercaptain-tux: You mean the heart with the COF inside?19:25
captain-tuxDon't know how Canonical feels about that19:26
EickmeyerI don't see why not. I didn't specify that we had to use the circled COF this time, so I'm letting it slide.19:26
captain-tuxAh, okay19:26
Eickmeyer#vote 4. Loe Ubuntu Studio19:26
meetingologyPlease vote on: 4. Loe Ubuntu Studio19:26
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:26
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer19:26
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux19:26
meetingology+0 received from eylul19:27
meetingologyVoting ended on: 4. Loe Ubuntu Studio19:27
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:0 Abstentions:119:27
meetingologyMotion carried19:27
Eickmeyer#subtopic 5. Journey19:27
EickmeyerThis one is unique.19:27
eylulhow so?19:28
EickmeyerI'm not flipped by it, and you can tell it's definintely tonemapped HDR, but I think I would've tried to put more blue into the sky.19:28
EickmeyerMaybe unique was the wrong word.19:28
eylulI really really like the composition and it would make a good wallpaper. but there is some very visible issues with the contrast. 19:29
Eickmeyercaptain-tux: Thoughts?19:29
captain-tuxSame pretty much, but I'd wave it through.19:30
eylul(not the contrast, but.. the wavelet based sharpening)19:30
Eickmeyereylul: Yeah, I'm not a fan of that, personally.19:30
Eickmeyer#vote 5. Journey19:30
meetingologyPlease vote on: 5. Journey19:30
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:30
meetingology+0 received from Eickmeyer19:30
meetingology-1 received from eylul19:30
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux19:30
meetingologyVoting ended on: 5. Journey19:31
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:1 Abstentions:119:31
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used19:31
Eickmeyer#subtopic 6. United We Grow19:31
EickmeyerAnother flower macro, this one is quite a bit lighter.19:31
eylulgood image, very clear, i like that the main subject is on right side (most people will have their icons on left, so that's a good thing on wallpaper)19:31
EickmeyerWould work as a wallpaper, but I'm not sure how many flowers we should include.19:32
Eickmeyercaptain-tux: ?19:32
captain-tuxIs the sharpness a little off or am I seeing weird things? (on mobile atm)19:33
eylulI think it is  a very VERY shallow depth of field19:33
EickmeyerIt's a shallow depth of field, definitely. 19:33
eylulor possibly minor editing on that right side. :)19:33
captain-tuxThat's what meant, sorry. The focus is a bit weird to me, but it's fine.19:33
EickmeyerLikely a 50mm lens with a 1.8 aperature, but I'm only speculating.19:34
Eickmeyer#vote 6. United We Grow19:34
meetingologyPlease vote on: 6. United We Grow19:34
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:34
eylulthat might be wider aperture or a macro filter on top but that's offtopic. ;D19:34
meetingology+1 received from eylul19:34
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer19:34
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux19:34
meetingologyVoting ended on: 6. United We Grow19:35
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:019:35
meetingologyMotion carried19:35
captain-tuxClose... :D19:35
Eickmeyer#subtopic 7. Orange19:35
EickmeyerThis is your classic "desaturate everything but the subject matter", but it's inconsistent. The stems on the background orange flowers were desaturated.19:35
eylulthe biggest issue for me is the edges around the flowers19:36
eylulthat reads as an error, rather than artistic choice.19:36
EickmeyerYeah. I'm not a big fan of this one.19:36
eylulagain unfortunate because I like the idea of having something of this sort in the mix.19:37
captain-tuxI actually like the saturation contrast, but othrr than that, not a huve fan, personally.19:37
Eickmeyer#vote 7. Orange19:38
meetingologyPlease vote on: 7. Orange19:38
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:38
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer19:38
meetingology-1 received from eylul19:38
captain-tuxOmg, please excuse my writing..19:38
meetingology-1 received from captain-tux19:38
meetingologyVoting ended on: 7. Orange19:38
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:3 Abstentions:019:38
meetingologyMotion denied19:38
Eickmeyer#subtopic 8. Birth19:38
eylul(I like how the poor meetingology is trying to make sense of our ranking votes ;) )19:38
EickmeyerI rather like this one, but it's another "flower macro".19:38
eylulI assume we will do a second pass19:38
eylulto finalize, so I am in favor of just going with this one for now19:39
eyluland decide if we end up with too many or uneven selections, if that makes sense?19:39
EickmeyerOkay. Sounds reasonable, but I'll have to go back through the logs to see the scores on some of them to eliminate.19:39
eylulby the way we will need to remember to add captain-tux's vote on the first one19:40
EickmeyerYeah, good point.19:40
eylulspeaking of *pokes captain-tux* thoughts?19:41
captain-tuxI feel a little undecided. It's good, but content on the "wrong" side, as eylul mentioned before..19:42
EickmeyerA good point.19:42
captain-tuxIt's a little empty on the right.19:42
Eickmeyer#vote 8. Birth19:42
meetingologyPlease vote on: 8. Birth19:42
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:42
meetingology+0 received from Eickmeyer19:42
captain-tuxJust black19:42
meetingology+0 received from captain-tux19:43
meetingology+0 received from eylul19:43
meetingologyVoting ended on: 8. Birth19:43
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:0 Abstentions:319:43
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used19:43
eyluljust because we have so many flowers19:43
captain-tuxThat too.19:43
meetingologyNo vote in progress19:43
Eickmeyer#subtopic 9. Cymbal19:44
captain-tux(OT) By the way, eylul, sorry if you've already mentioned, but I didn't see your wallpaper (the one with the blue static)?19:44
EickmeyerI rather like this one, but I'm biased as I'm a former drummer.19:44
eylulthat one is the default wallpaper captain-tux. :) 19:44
captain-tuxAh, okay! Cool.19:44
captain-tuxYeah, I likd this one too, more instruments. ;)19:45
eylulthis one is easily one of my favorites. its very content relevant to ubuntu-studio. very minimalist and smooth (good for a wallpaper)19:45
eylulagain focus is right side which is good.19:45
Eickmeyer#vote 9. Cymbal19:45
meetingologyPlease vote on: 9. Cymbal19:45
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:45
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer19:45
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux19:45
meetingology+1 received from eylul19:45
meetingologyVoting ended on: 9. Cymbal19:45
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:019:45
meetingologyMotion carried19:45
Eickmeyer#subtopic 10. Ubuntu Studio - Paper Haptic19:45
EickmeyerI'm not a fan of the "Open Creation" tagline. Yes, it fits, but no, not our tagline.19:46
eylulthere is 3 of these.. as these are community wallpapers.. I am tempted to go with it.. unless it is a tagline that belongs to something else..19:46
eylulmainly because I really like this wallpaper from a compositional standpoint19:47
captain-tuxI'm torn, because I want to value the idea, but am not a fan of the wording, either.19:47
EickmeyerWell, the third one uses the wordmark, so I'd be happier with that.19:47
eylul(and I do think that it is better than the black variant)19:47
eylulI think out of these 3 I am for the 1st and 3rd. 19:48
EickmeyerBut, yes, I like this one better than the other two from a compositional standpoint.19:48
captain-tuxYou mean the one that says improved?19:48
Eickmeyer#vote 10. Ubuntu Studio - Paper Haptic19:48
meetingologyPlease vote on: 10. Ubuntu Studio - Paper Haptic19:48
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:48
meetingology+0 received from Eickmeyer19:48
meetingology+1 received from eylul19:48
meetingology+0 received from captain-tux19:48
meetingologyVoting ended on: 10. Ubuntu Studio - Paper Haptic19:48
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:0 Abstentions:219:48
meetingologyMotion carried19:48
Eickmeyer#subtopic 11. Ubuntu Studio - Mineral Sparks19:48
EickmeyerAgain with the open creation wording, and if I had to choose between this and 13 I'd go with 13.19:49
eylulno for this one, simply because we have the ubuntuStudio variant, 2 candidates down19:49
captain-tuxYes, same.19:49
EickmeyerI also have the feeling 13 was a resubmission of this one.19:49
Eickmeyer#vote 11. Ubuntu Studio - Mineral Sparks19:50
meetingologyPlease vote on: 11. Ubuntu Studio - Mineral Sparks19:50
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:50
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer19:50
eylulit might also be variants. 19:50
meetingology-1 received from captain-tux19:50
meetingology-1 received from eylul19:50
meetingologyVoting ended on: 11. Ubuntu Studio - Mineral Sparks19:50
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:3 Abstentions:019:50
meetingologyMotion denied19:50
Eickmeyer#subtopic 12. Ubuntu Studio - Blue Pattern19:50
eylulits a wallpaper19:50
EickmeyerThis one doesn't scale well, but I like the idea.19:50
captain-tuxIt makes my display do weird things.. :P19:51
Eickmeyer¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 19:51
eylulits a very retro feeling wallpaper. Yeah I am also noticing it. 19:51
Eickmeyercaptain-tux: Same. if I scale it in it looks right, but if I scale it out it looks weird.19:51
captain-tuxSeems dangerous.19:51
Eickmeyer#vote 12. Ubuntu Studio - Blue Pattern19:52
meetingologyPlease vote on: 12. Ubuntu Studio - Blue Pattern19:52
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:52
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer19:52
meetingology+1 received from eylul19:52
meetingology-1 received from captain-tux19:52
meetingologyVoting ended on: 12. Ubuntu Studio - Blue Pattern19:52
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:2 Abstentions:019:52
meetingologyMotion denied19:52
Eickmeyer#subtopic 13. Ubuntu Studio - Mineral Sparks Improved19:52
EickmeyerI think we've discussed this one ad nauseum19:52
eylulI like the white variant cleaner,  but yeah..19:52
Eickmeyer#vote 13. Ubuntu Studio - Mineral Sparks Improved19:53
meetingologyPlease vote on: 13. Ubuntu Studio - Mineral Sparks Improved19:53
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:53
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer19:53
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux19:53
meetingology+1 received from eylul19:53
meetingologyVoting ended on: 13. Ubuntu Studio - Mineral Sparks Improved19:53
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:019:53
meetingologyMotion carried19:53
Eickmeyer#subtopic 14. Adlfo Rojas19:53
EickmeyerI rather like this one. It covers a lot of the "studio" aspect.19:54
eylulits not my favorite compositionally, but I like the concept19:55
captain-tuxIt's not my personal favourite, but I can see how somebody would use it.19:55
Eickmeyer#vote 14. Adolfo Rojas19:55
meetingologyPlease vote on: 14. Adolfo Rojas19:55
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)19:55
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer19:55
meetingology+1 received from eylul19:55
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux19:55
meetingologyVoting ended on: 14. Adolfo Rojas19:55
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:019:55
meetingologyMotion carried19:55
Eickmeyer#subtopic 15. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper Street19:55
EickmeyerI'm inclined to disqualify this one as the COF is wrong.19:56
captain-tuxThat logo is huge..19:56
EickmeyerYeah. Compare it to the official one.19:56
EickmeyerThe center circle should have a hole in the middle.19:56
captain-tuxOh wow, didn't even notice.19:56
eylulhonestly neither did I.19:57
eylulI really really like this. and that's a shame19:57
EickmeyerI didn't at first, but I don't think we can use it since the logo is wrong. :(19:57
EickmeyerOtherwise I like it.19:57
captain-tuxIs this definitive or could we reach out to the creator?19:58
eylulI think for the contest it is definitive19:58
captain-tuxOf the wallpaper I mean..19:58
eylulto be fair to everyone19:58
EickmeyerYeah. The rules were clearly outlined.19:58
captain-tuxAh okay, makes sense..19:58
captain-tuxWell then.19:58
Eickmeyer#info 15. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper Strett is disqualified: incorrect logo19:58
Eickmeyer#subtopic 16. Ubuntu Studio Contest Submission19:59
EickmeyerIt's... a wallpaper.19:59
captain-tuxI like it. :)19:59
EickmeyerVery flat, much gravity, what flame. Wow.19:59
EickmeyerWhat else can I say? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20:00
eylulI am not sure..20:01
EickmeyerYeah, not sure if this is symbolic of Ubuntu Studio "Going down in flames."20:01
eylulits mostly20:01
Eickmeyer#voote 16. Ubuntu Studio Contest Submission20:02
eylulI am not entirely certain what the shape represents. but it works as a wallpaper20:02
captain-tuxYou're being to negative.. :P20:02
Eickmeyer#vote 16. Ubuntu Studio Contest Submission20:02
meetingologyPlease vote on: 16. Ubuntu Studio Contest Submission20:02
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:02
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer20:02
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux20:02
eylulI am going to vote +1 I can be critical20:02
meetingology+1 received from eylul20:02
meetingologyVoting ended on: 16. Ubuntu Studio Contest Submission20:02
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:1 Abstentions:020:02
meetingologyMotion carried20:02
Eickmeyer#subtopic 17. Ubuntu Studio 2018 Contest Submission Part 220:02
eylulI am trying to go with: would this work as a wallpaper and how it goes with our criteria. rather than this is my personal opinion.20:03
EickmeyerI rather like this one as flat wallpapers go.20:03
eylulI really don't like this one. 20:03
* Eickmeyer nods20:03
eylulit wouldn't scale well in a large screen at all. or even a medium sized one. 20:04
eylul(this is a comment I will bring to several of the images down the line)20:04
captain-tuxNot a huge fan either, but I don't see anything wrong with it.20:04
Eickmeyer#vote 17. Ubuntu Studi 2018 Contest Submission Part 220:04
meetingologyPlease vote on: 17. Ubuntu Studi 2018 Contest Submission Part 220:04
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:04
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer20:04
meetingology+0 received from captain-tux20:04
meetingology-1 received from eylul20:05
meetingologyVoting ended on: 17. Ubuntu Studi 2018 Contest Submission Part 220:05
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:1 Abstentions:120:05
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used20:05
Eickmeyer#subtopic 18. Yellow Love20:05
EickmeyerRight side, but blurry where it shouldn't be.20:05
captain-tuxOh yeah..20:05
EickmeyerJust seems like the depth of field was too shallow.20:06
captain-tuxThis is probably a no for me, enough blossom-choices.20:07
eylulit just doesn't come across as depth.20:07
eylulbut I will still go neutral with this one20:07
Eickmeyer#vote 18. Yellow Love20:08
meetingologyPlease vote on: 18. Yellow Love20:08
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:08
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer20:08
meetingology-1 received from captain-tux20:08
meetingology0 received from eylul20:08
meetingologyVoting ended on: 18. Yellow Love20:08
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:2 Abstentions:120:08
meetingologyMotion denied20:08
Eickmeyer#subtopic 19. Fort20:08
EickmeyerInteresting subject matter, but I feel like the image is cut-off.20:09
eylulthe cut off doesn't bother me much as we have enough resolution20:09
captain-tuxLooks fine to me.20:09
eylulits not the strongest wallpaper in the bunch, but I like the composition20:09
eyluland how it would work on a wallpaper20:09
Eickmeyer#vote 19. Fort20:10
meetingologyPlease vote on: 19. Fort20:10
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:10
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux20:10
meetingology+0 received from Eickmeyer20:10
meetingology+1 received from eylul20:10
meetingologyVoting ended on: 19. Fort20:10
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:0 Abstentions:120:10
meetingologyMotion carried20:10
eylul(oh and I love the details on the foreground)20:10
Eickmeyer#subtopic 20. Adolphus' Score20:10
EickmeyerI'm kinda meh on this one.20:10
captain-tuxWhat does it play out?20:11
EickmeyerIt doesn't. The notes aren't even real.20:11
eylulit looks like a training sequence. 20:11
eylulthat's not the issue for me through. I like the idea.20:12
captain-tuxShould've taken some sheet music classes maybe. :D20:12
Eickmeyer#vote 20. Adolphus' Score20:12
meetingologyPlease vote on: 20. Adolphus' Score20:12
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:12
meetingology+0 received from Eickmeyer20:12
meetingology+0 received from captain-tux20:12
meetingology+0 received from eylul20:13
meetingologyVoting ended on: 20. Adolphus' Score20:13
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:0 Abstentions:320:13
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used20:13
Eickmeyer#subtopic 21. True Creator20:13
EickmeyerI love this one.20:13
EickmeyerIt speaks of multiple artforms.20:14
eylulI don't like this as an image, but I like this as a wallpaper if that makes sense?20:14
captain-tuxThe effects really annoy me, but it's not bad as an image..20:14
EickmeyerThat makes sense. The context of a wallpaper is the driving force here anyhow.20:14
eylulyeah the effect is why I don't like the image, but it works better when you zoom in. 20:15
Eickmeyer#vote 21. True Creator20:15
meetingologyPlease vote on: 21. True Creator20:15
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:15
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer20:15
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux20:15
meetingology+1 received from eylul20:15
meetingologyVoting ended on: 21. True Creator20:15
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:15
meetingologyMotion carried20:15
Eickmeyer#subtopic 22. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Old Camera20:16
EickmeyerThe photographer in me loves this one too.20:16
captain-tuxSo dark... perfect.20:16
eylulagain one of the strongest ones here20:16
eylulcontext relevant, works well as a wallpaper20:16
eylulnot much to say really20:16
Eickmeyer#vote 22. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Old Camera20:16
meetingologyPlease vote on: 22. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Old Camera20:16
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:16
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux20:16
meetingology+1 received from eylul20:16
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer20:16
meetingologyVoting ended on: 22. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Old Camera20:16
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:16
meetingologyMotion carried20:16
Eickmeyer#subtopic 23. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Bokeh20:17
EickmeyerToo busy.20:17
EickmeyerThe bokeh isn't really... bokeh.20:17
eylulnot my style, but it works as a wallpaper.20:17
captain-tuxIf it wasn't so bright, I feel it could've worked better.20:17
EickmeyerLooks more like paint dots to me.20:17
eylulit might be bokeh20:18
Eickmeyer#vote 23. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Bokeh20:18
meetingologyPlease vote on: 23. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Bokeh20:18
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:18
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer20:18
meetingology+1 received from eylul20:18
meetingology+0 received from captain-tux20:18
meetingologyVoting ended on: 23. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Bokeh20:18
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:1 Abstentions:120:18
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used20:18
Eickmeyer#subtopic 24. Eye Rest Minimalist Wallpaper20:18
EickmeyerI'm trying to figure out what this has to do with anything.20:18
captain-tuxSame here, haha20:19
eylulthis, like the other one is very.. 1990s and I like them for that reason20:19
EickmeyerI mean, I get mountains & trees (heck, I'm surrounded by 'em where I live), but it's very plain.20:19
captain-tuxThe tree placement seems kinda random, too. Not a huge fan tbh.20:20
eyluloh wait I am looking at the wrong one20:20
captain-tuxSince when? ;)20:20
eylulI have no issues with minimalist illustration20:21
Eickmeyereylul: You got the right one now?20:21
eylulbut I think part of the problem is that the ground is missing20:21
eylul(and yes i do)20:22
eylul(I had scrolled a bit ahead, taking notes, and got confused for a moment)20:22
EickmeyerYeah. It looks like it's trying too hard to be modern.20:22
Eickmeyer#vote 24. Eye Rest Minimalist Wallpaper20:22
meetingologyPlease vote on: 24. Eye Rest Minimalist Wallpaper20:22
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:22
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer20:22
meetingology-1 received from captain-tux20:22
meetingology-1 received from eylul20:22
meetingologyVoting ended on: 24. Eye Rest Minimalist Wallpaper20:22
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:3 Abstentions:020:22
meetingologyMotion denied20:22
Eickmeyer#subptopic 25. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Macro20:23
EickmeyerThis might be the one with the '90s look you were talking about, eylul.20:23
EickmeyerI rather like it, but it's not my favorite.20:23
eylulyou skipped one20:23
eylul24 is the macro. 20:23
eylul25 is*20:23
eylulI like this photo20:24
EickmeyerI do as well.20:24
eyluland i know we have a lot of plants, I like the colors on this one20:24
captain-tuxIt's fine.20:25
Eickmeyer#vote 25. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Macro20:25
meetingologyPlease vote on: 25. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Macro20:25
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:25
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux20:25
meetingology+1 received from Eickmeyer20:25
meetingology+1 received from eylul20:25
meetingologyVoting ended on: 25. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Macro20:25
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:25
meetingologyMotion carried20:25
Eickmeyer#subtopic 26. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Simple Grey Pattern20:25
eylulwas the one 20:25
eylulI referred as 1990s :)20:25
EickmeyerSame problem as 12.20:26
EickmeyerBut the grey makes it more subtle.20:26
captain-tuxYes, not any better than the other one..20:26
eylulagain I like it.20:26
eylulI like the pattern use20:26
EickmeyerI'd let this one pass.20:26
eylulmy main concern is that the logo is very VERY tiny20:26
eylulwhich is fine on a large screen, but it won't scale well on a laptop20:27
Eickmeyer#vote 26. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Simple Grey Pattern20:27
meetingologyPlease vote on: 26. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Simple Grey Pattern20:27
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:27
meetingology+0 received from Eickmeyer20:27
meetingology+0 received from eylul20:27
meetingology+0 received from captain-tux20:27
meetingologyVoting ended on: 26. Ubuntu Studio Wallpaper - Simple Grey Pattern20:27
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:0 Abstentions:320:27
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used20:27
Eickmeyer#subtopic 27. Piano Wallpaper20:27
EickmeyerIt's... good...20:27
eylulI really wish this was centered on the right20:27
eylulbut otherwise yes, it is good. 20:28
captain-tuxThat piano looks broken or something..20:28
EickmeyerYeah. That might be what's bugging me.20:28
eylulthe shadow.20:28
eylulof the logo20:28
EickmeyerYou're right. It's not consistent with the shadow of the piano keys.20:28
EickmeyerLooks like it's supposed to be a reflection, perhaps, but there's no perspective to tell.20:28
captain-tuxAh, that's what was bugging me...20:29
Eickmeyer#vote 27. Piano Wallpaper20:29
meetingologyPlease vote on: 27. Piano Wallpaper20:29
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:29
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer20:29
meetingology+1 received from eylul20:29
meetingology-1 received from captain-tux20:29
meetingologyVoting ended on: 27. Piano Wallpaper20:29
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:2 Abstentions:020:29
meetingologyMotion denied20:29
Eickmeyer#subtopic 28. Ubuntu Studio - Morning20:29
EickmeyerBusy, busy, busy, especially with the white wordmark.20:30
eylulbeautiful image20:30
eylulreally REALLY beautiful image20:30
eylulnot a wallpaper20:30
EickmeyerYeah. Would work as a cover photo on Facebook, but doesn't sit as a wallpaper.20:30
eylulgiant text is really not the best thing on a background.. yeah20:30
Eickmeyer#vote 28. Ubuntu Studio - Morning20:30
meetingologyPlease vote on: 28. Ubuntu Studio - Morning20:30
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:30
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer20:30
meetingology-1 received from eylul20:30
meetingology-1 received from captain-tux20:31
meetingologyVoting ended on: 28. Ubuntu Studio - Morning20:31
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:3 Abstentions:020:31
meetingologyMotion denied20:31
Eickmeyer#subtopic 29. Sunrise20:31
EickmeyerIt's not bad, but I feel like the horizon is off.20:31
eylulvery beautiful composition, and would have worked well, but serious noise issues. 20:31
eylulwhich would become very visible on desktop20:31
EickmeyerYeah, definitely oisy.20:31
Eickmeyercaptain-tux: Thoughts? Feelings? Hulllucinations?20:32
EickmeyerHullucinations. Right.20:34
captain-tuxI'd still go with it dsspite the noise.20:34
captain-tuxNot today!20:34
Eickmeyer#vote 29. Sunrise20:34
meetingologyPlease vote on: 29. Sunrise20:34
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:34
meetingology+0 received from Eickmeyer20:34
meetingology-1 received from eylul20:34
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux20:34
meetingologyVoting ended on: 29. Sunrise20:34
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:1 Abstentions:120:34
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used20:34
Eickmeyer#subptopic 3. Ubuntu Studio - Bombay Night20:34
EickmeyerI like it, except the logo looks like it's going to roll over the city.20:35
EickmeyerAnd the horizon is off.20:35
captain-tuxThat's exactly my thought.20:35
eylulnoise issues, similar slightly off angle. I like what the intention was20:35
Eickmeyer#vote 30. Ubuntu Studio - Bombay Night20:36
meetingologyPlease vote on: 30. Ubuntu Studio - Bombay Night20:36
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:36
meetingology+0 received from Eickmeyer20:36
meetingology-1 received from eylul20:36
meetingology+0 received from captain-tux20:36
meetingologyVoting ended on: 30. Ubuntu Studio - Bombay Night20:36
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:1 Abstentions:220:36
meetingologyMotion denied20:36
Eickmeyer#subtopic 31. Underwater World 120:36
EickmeyerJust keep swimming...20:36
eylulbig logo20:36
eylulthis is unfortunately what I am going to say for this and following few images20:37
eylulgreat promotional image. 20:37
eylulnot a wallpaper20:37
captain-tuxI think this could work...20:37
Eickmeyercaptain-tux: Anenomies?20:37
eylulthey are good photographs.20:37
captain-tuxErm.. :D20:37
Eickmeyer#vote 31. Underwater World 120:38
meetingologyPlease vote on: 31. Underwater World 120:38
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:38
meetingology+1 received from captain-tux20:38
meetingology-1 received from Eickmeyer20:38
meetingology-1 received from eylul20:38
meetingologyVoting ended on: 31. Underwater World 120:38
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:2 Abstentions:020:38
meetingologyMotion denied20:38
Eickmeyer#subtopic 32. Underwater World 220:38
EickmeyerIf I had to choose between the three, this is the one I'd go with. Fish circling the CoF.20:39
captain-tuxBusy, logo not centered.. :/20:39
captain-tuxOh, that's why?20:39
EickmeyerBut, compositionally, the placement of the logo makes sense.20:39
eylulunfortunately that's hard to catch a bit.. but this one really is a case of, I really wish it was just the photograph20:40
Eickmeyer#vote 32. Underwater World 220:40
meetingologyPlease vote on: 32. Underwater World 220:40
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:40
eylulbecause it is a really nice photograph that works well as wallpaper but sorry..20:40
meetingology-1 received from eylul20:40
meetingology+0 received from captain-tux20:40
meetingology+0 received from Eickmeyer20:40
meetingologyVoting ended on: 32. Underwater World 220:40
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:1 Abstentions:220:40
meetingologyMotion denied20:40
Eickmeyer#subtopic 33. Undrwater World 320:40
EickmeyerCoF is wrong. Disqualified.20:41
* Eickmeyer sighs20:41
captain-tuxWhere do they get the obe with the dot?20:41
EickmeyerLikely didn't use the resources provided but made their own.20:41
eylulthat's actually a good question20:42
eylulbecause we have seen the same thing several times20:42
eylulone sec20:42
eylulgoing to double check something20:42
eylul*is trying to find the folder where ubuntustudio wallpaper are*20:44
Eickmeyereylul: ^20:44
eylulno we don't have a precendent for it20:46
eylulthat I can find20:46
EickmeyerI couldn't find it either, which is why I'm pretty sure we can't use it.20:47
Eickmeyer#subtopic 33 & 3420:47
EickmeyerThese have the wrong wordmark /and/ wrong logo.20:48
EickmeyerSo, I didqualified them straight away.20:48
EickmeyerReally, it's the old typeface, so it would've worked 8+ years ago.20:48
Eickmeyer#topic Other Business20:49
EickmeyerI think we narrowed these down plenty, so I'll go ahead and compile them into a final form and attach a strawpoll.20:49
eylulthere is 2 things20:49
EickmeyerGo ahead...20:49
eylul1 is the google code-in20:50
Eickmeyer#subtopic Google Code-In20:50
eylulwhich we should really put some tasks in if we have any low hanging fruits.20:50
EickmeyerNot a bad idea.20:50
EickmeyerI wish OvenWerks were here to discuss that and the possibilities.20:50
eylulwe can poke over the email. 20:51
EickmeyerAnd the other topic?20:51
eylulthe other is... well...20:52
eylulI am going to be stepping down from the core council20:52
EickmeyerI understand. Is there a reason?20:52
eylulI am not going anywhere. I'll still be around the way Ross is.20:52
eylulits getting to the point where I am taking more time20:53
eylulfrom the group20:53
eylulthen contributing to it due to dragging projects20:53
eylulmy original plan was to phase out and leave a lot earlier.. but wanted to stay a little longer to help with transition, but i think its time20:53
eylulyou guys have got this. :)20:53
eylulthings are progressing20:53
eylulI might be back eventually in a more fulltime contribution, but its quickly becoming hard to even make it to the meetings at the moment.20:54
EickmeyerWell, I know that I'll miss you. You've been an immense help, and I wish there was some way we could keep you, but I understand if you need to leave.20:54
eylulI am going to be around20:54
eylulto answer questions etc20:55
eylulbut probably won't be in meetings regularly20:55
eyluland probably shouldn't be taking any active projects at least for next few months20:55
EickmeyerIt's hard for me to make the meetings as well, which is why I was considering making them monthly or something.20:55
eylulthat could be a solution20:55
eylulor weekly check-ins can be a solution20:55
EickmeyerI honestly like the weekly check-ins, and we can move it to email.20:56
EickmeyerWould that help?20:56
eylulnot for me20:56
eylulit really is a case of too many commitments issue for me20:56
EickmeyerI understand totally.20:57
eyluland I am the least useful on this one. 20:57
Eickmeyer#info eylul stepping-down from council.20:57
EickmeyerHonestly, your contribution to the artwork has been invaluable.20:57
eylulI'll probably still drop by some meetings. :) 20:57
EickmeyerAnd the epub is great, and I've just been slacking on putting it in the doc.20:57
captain-tuxNot happy to read this, but thanks for being open about it. :)20:58
eylulI did one wallpaper. I'll probably be around sporadically to contribute on that front still20:58
eylulmostly i don't want us to a) wait on me for dragging projects20:58
eyluland pretend we have someone active when we don't. b) i don't want you guys to wait on decisions for me20:58
eylulotherwise I'll still be around when I can contribute :)20:59
EickmeyerYou're the least of the problems. :)20:59
eylulwell better to step down before becoming one. ;)20:59
EickmeyerAnyhow, we need to wrap this meeting. I have to do some cleaning before the mother-in-law gets here.20:59
eylulall good20:59
eylulsorry to drop this with no warning20:59
EickmeyerIt's okay. We'll do something to lessen the burden on everyone.21:00
eylulbut figured it was better to drop this in person, in meeting21:00
meetingologyMeeting ended Sat Sep 15 21:00:38 2018 UTC.  21:00
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntustudio-devel/2018/ubuntustudio-devel.2018-09-15-19.02.moin.txt21:00
EickmeyerI've gotta get busy on cleaning. Thanks everyone!21:00
eylulbe well21:00
EickmeyerYou too21:01
tedge_hey, would now be an ok time to talk about PikoPixel?21:01
captain-tuxThank you.21:01
eylulI am here for a bit.21:01
Eickmeyertedge_: Go ahead.21:01
eylulcaptain-tux. :)21:01
tedge_first of all, thank you to the council for accepting pikopixel into ubuntu studio21:02
tedge_(I'm the upstream developer of PikoPixel, which is an app for editing & drawing pixel art)21:02
EickmeyerQuite welcome, tedge_!21:03
tedge_I've been doing some testing with a daily build of US and found a couple minor issues that I'm hoping to fix before release21:03
Eickmeyertedge_: Have you filed bug reports against those items?21:04
tedge_in order to make the testing as complete as possible, I'd like to get PikoPixel included in the daily builds (I'm currently just installing the package manually)21:04
Eickmeyertedge_: OvenWerks was going to get it in the seed, I don't know what happened after that.21:05
EickmeyerIf you lurk here, he'll probably answer after a while.21:05
tedge_They are minor issues, so I haven't filed any external reports - the plan is to put out a bugfix release, get the Debian package updated, and hopefully get it updated in Cosmic as well before it releases21:06
eylulif you can put out bug files it will help us remember21:07
eyluland to watch and poke to see if we can get the debian repo changes make it to ubuntu repos21:07
eylulso it helps. even if it is being fixed upstream.21:07
tedge_I'd still like to get the current version installed in the US seed so I can make sure there's no further issues (which might not show up with a manual install)21:08
EickmeyerWe're beyond feature freeze, so it'll need a Feature Freeze exception.21:08
tedge_yup, I've updated it before past feature freeze21:08
eylulbasically the way the whole procedure works is that21:09
eylulwe don't do the update directly21:09
tedge_also, is there anything I can help with related to integration, such as screenshots for the website, answering questions, etc?21:09
eylulexceptions go though main ubuntu repository structure. if that makes sense? :) 21:10
eylulEickmeyer can answer more, but generally what you are doing, testing. helps a lot21:11
eylulwe will be writing the release notes and writing a couple of sentences about what pikopixel is can be of help. 21:12
tedge_I'm not asking (in here) for the package to be updated - I'm just letting you know that I'm hoping to get it updated soon, and testing with an updated seed would allow me to hopefully fix any issues I find before the Cosmic release21:12
eyluloh ok21:12
eylulhonestly I think we lost Eickmeyer so I am hesitant to say more as I just stepped down21:13
eylulI'll say this through, feel free to drop to the meetings, and we can also use more contributors to ubuntuStudio, if you are interested. :)21:14
tedge_ok, thanks eylul.21:14
eylulbut yeah at this stage, 21:15
eylulwhat you are doing (testing and fixing) is a lot of help, so thank you, for getting in touch with us.21:16
tedge_sure, thanks. regarding the release notes - where can I find previous release notes, and who should I send the PikoPixel description to?21:18
eylullet me find them, one sec21:19
eylulthe 1-2 sentences would go to the blog post21:21
eylule.g. on this update we added PikoPiksel to our list of graphics software. PikoPixsel is... (one-two sentences of what the software does)21:21
eylulI can't type tonight21:22
tedge_thanks for the links. who makes the blog post when US is released?21:24
eylulone of us21:24
eylulits usually coordinated either through the US-devel mailing list. or the IRC chat.21:25
eylulare you on the us-devel mailing list?21:25
eylulrelease notes happen usually sometime around last betas and release candidate testing.21:26
eylulblog post will be drafted, around the same time. 21:27
tedge_PikoPixel has a couple social media accounts that I can use to announce PP's inclusion in Ubuntu Studio - when would that be appropriate? now, close to release, after releasE?21:27
eylulI would say after release or at least around release candidate, 21:28
eyluljust in case there is a major bug etc that prevents it from being there.. I sincerely doubt that will happen but.. :)21:28
eylulwhich platforms are you on by the way?21:29
eylul(just out of curiosity)21:29
tedge_another way of looking at it is that it might get a few more people checking out the prerelease builds, which could help find issues21:29
eylulTalk to Eickmeyer and OvenWerks21:30
eylulthey are the ones who follow closely the packages and their statuses.21:30
tedge_do you mean what platforms PikoPixel runs on, or what I use to develop it?21:31
eylulI mean the social media21:31
eylulhaha sorry21:31
eylulalright :)21:32
tedge_thanks again for your answers, eylul. sorry to hear you're stepping down - good luck with your future endeavors!21:36
tedge_I have to get going - if anyone has questions about PikoPixel or wants to get in touch, you can email me at: pikopixel (at) twilightedge (dot) com. Thanks!21:40

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