
rud0lfwhat is an easiest way to print an image? Ristretto has no "Print" option08:43
rud0lfto open it in www browser?08:44
rud0lfmaybe i'm missing something obvious like a print center, i'm about to buy my first printer08:44
diogenes_rud0lf, try gimp08:45
rud0lfoh ok, thanks08:46
diogenes_but install plugin08:46
deskwizardsorry, got distracted :P13:47
deskwizardI'm having issues with xRDP, I've looked around for a solution, but I can't seem to find a working one... I can connect, but all I get is a blank screen, anyone has an idea?13:47
deskwizardit's on 18.0413:48
dreamon_is there a keystroke I dont know. windowframe is not shown by maximizing window. if I move the windows by pressing alt + mouseclick I see its still there but after maximize its gone..15:37
Spassdreamon_, check your xfwm4-tweaks-settings options, 3rd tab, "Hide frame of windows when maximized" - https://docs.xfce.org/_media/xfce/xfwm4/xfwm4-tweaks-accessibility.png15:59
Spassif enabled, disable it15:59
diogenes_dreamon_, is it after the famous dream in by Aerosmith?16:00
diogenes_dream on*16:00
dreamon_;) no16:01
diogenes_then dream until you dreams come true :)16:02
dreamon_Spass, do I have to reboot. it was enabled. but it didnt changed a thing.16:02
Spassdreamon_, reboot shouldn't be needed, but yeah, if it doesn't work now try to reload your session16:04
dreamon_Spass, I think it works. Upper frame isnt shown, but in lower position see the frame now. think after reboot its fine. Is there a option to toggle it with a keystroke?16:09
Spassdreamon_, go to that settings again, 3rd tab, I think that I pointed you to the wrong setting, look for something like "Hide window tittle when maximized"16:13
Spassand enable "Hide frame of windows when maximized", sorry for that16:15
Spassthat screen from the official docs confused me, because it shows older version without that "hide tittle" option16:16
Spass"Hide title of windows when maximized" to be exact16:18
dreamon_Its like you told me.. It works.16:21
Spassok, cool16:21
dreamon_Spass, Very nice options. I wish I could toggle it by pressing a key. I have much more vertikal high16:24
Spassdreamon_, I don't think that there's an easy way to toggle that, by you could try binding "xfconf-query" commands to some keys, that should work16:26
Spassxfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/titleless_maximize -s true16:29
Spassxfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/titleless_maximize -s false16:29
Spassyou could try binding those command to some keys to enable/didable that options, try in "Keyboard" settings, Appliacation Shortcuts tab16:31
dreamon_can I read out what state is now. and make a little bash that toogle state.. ?16:31
Spassmaybe? :) I;m not good with scripts, but "xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/titleless_maximize" command shows you the state16:33
dreamon_Spass, Super. Thank you very much. Now I can do it without problems. Thanks!!16:33
Spassno problem, btw probably "xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/titleless_maximize -v" is a better command to show the state16:34
dreamon_Spass, pse tell me, where did you get "/general/titleless_maximize" ? I want to toggle frameless too16:44
Spassdreamon_, you can see all the xfwm4 options using "xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -lv"16:45
Spass"xfconf-query" shows you all the available channels16:46
Spassalso, there's a GUI tool for that - xfce4-settings-editor16:46
dreamon_ /general/borderless_maximize → Thats it. Thank you - I learned a lot!!16:47
Spass"xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/borderless_maximize -v" is probably what you're looking for16:47
Spassyup :)16:48
deskwizardsorry to ask again, but I was away, just in case someone new's here20:02
deskwizardI'm having issues with xRDP, I've looked around for a solution, but I can't seem to find a working one... I can connect (w/ remmina), get a black screen for a (very long) while, then a less then useful error message (https://i.imgur.com/399AbBV.png), then I get the login screen enter my credentials, login as my user... then all I get is the same thing but with a light blue screen instead... anyone has a clue where I can start trying to20:14
deskwizardfigure that one out ?20:14
deskwizardmkay, if I choose "Xvnc" as  on the login screen, it let's me in, but the rest is the same, the nearly 4min of black screen before the error message...20:53

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