
pavlushkawb zaki 17:43
pavlushkawb zaki 17:44
zakity pavlushka 17:44
pavlushkazaki: have you though about it, https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1920417:45
u-la-la[ Web interface - IP Config - Raspberry Pi Forums ] - https://www.raspberrypi.org17:45
pavlushkazaki: which every router has with an underlying GNU/Linux system or BSD17:46
pavlushkatalking about the web interface17:47
zakiInteresting 18:00
zakipavlushka, they are making it complicated ? 18:19
zakiI Think 18:19
pavlushkazaki: so what is the simple one?18:23
pavlushkazaki: and yes, to me, a little18:23
zakiHow about webmin?18:24
pavlushkalets see18:25
zakiand can do even more with webmin not just ipconfig 18:30
pavlushkazaki: yeah could be, I am trying a new one, https://www.ispconfig.org/18:30
u-la-la[ ISPConfig Hosting Control Panel ] - https://www.ispconfig.org18:30
zakitried that demo 18:30
zakipavlushka, how far?18:32
pavlushkazaki: need to configure mysql-server first to setup ispconfig18:33
zakipavlushka, found this https://www.instructables.com/id/Adding-Webmin-to-manage-a-Raspberry-Pi/18:34
u-la-la[ Adding Webmin to Manage a Raspberry Pi: 14 Steps (with Pictures) ] - https://www.instructables.com18:34
zakishould be lighter18:40
zakipavlushka, good night 19:52

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