
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Unit193bluesabre: The elementary-xfce bug has nobody 'important' assigned.08:38
bluesabreUnit193: ah10:13
SpassWhisker Menu search field doesn't take launcher's keywords under consideration at all, is that right?12:28
SpassI've tried adding "Thunar" as a keyword in MenuLibre to the "File Manager" launcher trying to solve this issue - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/177404612:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1774046 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Thunar should show up by name, if user searches the app by typing in 'thunar' in whiskermenu" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:30
Spassbut I guess keywords are ignored12:30
bluesabreSeems so12:37
bluesabreone solution might be to patch whiskermenu to display hidden launchers if the full binary is entered12:37
brainwashjust don't hide thunar12:50
Spasstoo bad, I think searching for keywords also would be a good thing12:50
bluesabrebrainwash: we hid it after folks complained about having 2 file managers13:09
bluesabreeither way, folks will complain13:09
Spassbluesabre, and what's your opinion about adding "keyword search" capability to Whisker? should I suggest that to the WM's dev?13:15
Spassthat could potentially solve that kind of complains13:15
bluesabreSpass: certainly, I think it'd be a welcome option13:21
Spassok, I'll suggest that later to Graeme on the Bugzilla14:13
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brainwashbluesabre: it would be listed as "Thunar File Manager" in the whisker menu16:56
brainwashjust like "Web Browser" and "Firefox Web Browser"16:56
brainwashxubuntu does not hide firefox16:57
bluesabrebrainwash: that's a good point17:46
ochosibluesabre, knome: if someone uses the symbolic setting of the statusnotifier plugin the wifi icon in the panel and the one in the menu will be visually inconsistent20:16
ochosispecifically the signal strength20:16
ochosiin the original upstream theme, they have switched to three waves instead of the four we currently feature20:17
ochosiit actually does look a bit better or more balanced, especially in smaller sizes20:17
ochosii tried making a 4 waves symbolic icon, but with 16px that's hard, it simply looks crappy (you can actually see in nm-applet's menu how crappy and distorted that looks)20:18
ochosiwhat's your take, shall we switch to the three waves instead of four to make things consistent again?20:18
ochosiflocculant: sorry to hear that... thanks for your time and effort! and all the best! (yeah, i know you'll stick around for the rest of the cycle, but still...)20:19
brainwashSpass: why make these changes xubuntu specific? bug 179278820:32
ubottubug 1792788 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "[Suggestion] Adding more elements to Atril's toolbar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179278820:32
Spassbrainwash, I was told to submit my proposition there, Atril is a MATE application, I'm not familiar with MATE development, so I mostly care about the defaults in Xubuntu20:37
brainwashso, MATE or any other users would not benefit from having additional toolbar elements?20:38
Spassbrainwash, I guess you're suggesting to submit that here also - https://github.com/mate-desktop/atril20:45
brainwashright. only if the MATE devs refuse to expose more elements by default, it may be worth to consider changes in (x)ubuntu20:47
SpassI see, then I'll try that and I'll wait for the upstream devs' response in that matter20:49
brainwashin any case it would help to have their opinion on that matter20:50
bluesabreochosi: 3 seems fine to me... the only time I care about the bars is when there is 1 or 0 :)21:13
ochosibluesabre: heh, i agree. the signal strength is overrated anyway, it's never really *that* accurate (and doesn't tell you much about throughput, latency etc)21:16
ochosialright, i can try to prep a branch pulling in stuff from upstream21:17
ochosiprobably loads of icons, maybe i'll wait for knome's feedback21:17
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: Release 18.10.1 @ http://git.launchpad.net/xubuntu-artwork/commit/?id=8dcc679049d8db559da76004a4856a74f86648e7 (by Sean Davis)21:48

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