=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [21:18] on the login screen i write the password and press Log In, then for a second i get this screen https://i.imgur.com/2qNRBCc.png then it's a completely black screen for a second, then it's back to the login screen as if i never wrote the password nor pressed "Log In" .. how do i debug that? [21:19] ah nvm i think i know what it is [21:31] hans_: and you won't tell us? [21:42] brainwash, there's something wrong with my /home/username folder, cus root can login without problems, and when i made a new account just to test that theory, the new account can also login without problems, it's specific to my main user account - but i take it back, i still don't know *exactly* what the problem is, but i'm pretty sure it's something in /home/hans [21:43] and where have i seen you before... [21:44] it does sound like this is caused by a recent change you made [21:45] hans_, someone before had a similar problem and there was something with .Xauthority file iirc [21:46] (That is, might be owned by root rather than the user.) [21:47] well whatever, i'm just reinstalling xubuntu - was used for testing a bunch of stuff without storing anything important anyway [21:48] hans_, try renaming .Xauthority and .ICEauthority [21:49] So, I can't remember how to tell synaptic to update my os to the current version [21:49] How might I go about doing this? [21:49] On xenial right now, trying to get the current LTS [21:50] those files probably didn't exist - what happened was that i tried to log in to the main user account once while the /home/ folder did not exist - that apparently broke *something*, because when i restored /home/ and rebooted, i couldn't log in to that specific user that had previously attempted to login without /home/ .. [21:50] Wayward_Vagabond, use update-manager [21:52] (i did some stuff with /home/ and forgot to restore /home/ when i was done, then tried to log in >.>) [21:52] Udate manager wants to update firefox (an update that hung on synaptic, files couldn't download for some reason), and remove some unused kernel update files [21:53] It's not mentioning a new ubuntu release- is LTS-LTS updating not supported on 18.04lts yet? [21:53] you need to have fully upgraded system then it should show you that the newer LTS version is available, also, see here: https://itsfoss.com/upgrade-ubuntu-version/ [21:54] Hmm, this firefox update may be troublesome then [21:54] Wayward_Vagabond, i'm no expert but lts-to-lts is supported now in normal Ubuntu at least.. i'd try just: apt update; apt dist-upgrade; apt autoremove --purge; reboot; do-lts-upgrade; [21:55] I seem to recall that when xenial was released, it wasn't supported for a while [21:55] correct, but it is now. [21:55] Wayward_Vagabond, what error message you got after sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade? [21:55] (for Ubuntu. idk about Xubuntu) [21:56] Ahh, update manager wants me to restart [21:56] * Wayward_Vagabond rolls eyes [21:57] Closing some stuff, then I'll be back directly.. [22:41] What do I have to hit during boot to make that screen where I can select kernel versions or memtest pop up? [22:42] went to restart, it hung with some FS errors, did an fsck and fixed em, now it just flat out stops after they finish [22:42] and isn't showing the ubuntu boot options screen [22:44] CrazyLikeAFox: tried to press the Shift key? [22:47] shift didn't seem to have any effect [22:48] aha, it did flash up this time [22:48] wonder what broke.. [22:53] in recovery mode, it hangs trying to start networking...