
IrcsomeBotItsMeBhai was added by: ItsMeBhai04:05
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
IrcsomeBot<Phil Linux> @acheronuk, Thanks very much! Works like a charme. I need to tell the guys at handbrake! Else it will count as one of those "see, I told you, linux does not work!"- moments for some people.07:06
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @Phil Linux, Great. Looks like the docs are maintained here: https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake-docs07:07
IrcsomeBotAbdul Rahman was added by: Abdul Rahman07:09
IrcsomeBot<Abdul Rahman> Hi guys! I'm new here. Nice to meetyou!07:12
IrcsomeBot<Abdul Rahman> Just wanted to ask that how to install all the available icon packs at once07:15
IrcsomeBot<Phil Linux> @acheronuk, Well, since I am not a developer, I do not have a github account. Was thinking more along the lines of dropping them an eMail or telegram message.07:29
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> fair enough07:29
IrcsomeBotBenedikt Abc was added by: Benedikt Abc09:40
IrcsomeBot<Benedikt Abc> Hello everyone, I just decided to give Linux a tray, after getting fed up with intrusiveness of Win 10. I decided for Kubuntu as my PC is relatively old. Dual-boot installation went smoothly, but I have a few issues to solve. Is this the correct community to ask questions?09:42
nilsdacke81Hello everyone, I just decided to give Linux a tray, after getting fed  up with intrusiveness of Win 10. I decided for Kubuntu as my PC is  relatively old. Dual-boot installation went smoothly, but I have a few  issues to solve. First I want to mount my NTFS logical drives permanently. Do I have to edit the fstab manually, or is there an automated solution for this?09:56
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:17
alekksanderhow is Your *buntu doing this fine morning?10:19
BluesKajwell, it's working :-)10:21
alekksanderby the way, are there any reasons to be worried about future of ubuntu?10:27
BluesKajnone that I've heard about10:28
BluesKajkubuntu is supported separately from ubuntu, but still uses the core system10:29
BluesKaj!blue systems10:30
BluesKajhmm, there used to be an info10:30
BluesKajalekksander, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_Systems10:31
BluesKajthat wiki is a bit outdated10:33
acheronukBluesKaj: bluesystems has no involvement with Kubuntu10:41
acheronuknot any more...10:41
BluesKajacheronuk, that's news , since when ?10:42
acheronukBluesKaj: since Harald and Johnathan went I guess10:43
BluesKajthey left blue systems ...din't know that10:46
BluesKajhaven't seen JR here in ages10:49
BluesKajor at devel10:49
BluesKajhe's there, but not active10:50
acheronukBluesKaj: no, since they left Kubuntu10:52
BluesKajthat's a bummer that they left kubuntu10:53
* acheronuk moves to offtopic10:54
BluesKaj!pm him-cesjf13:55
BluesKaj!pm | him-cesjf13:55
ubottuhim-cesjf: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.13:55
IrcsomeBotАртур М was added by: Артур М14:24
IrcsomeBot<Артур М> HI!14:24
IrcsomeBot<Артур М> Can I ask someone about automatic creation SWAP 2 GB?14:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:28
IrcsomeBot<Артур М> When I was installing KUBUTU I only choose root and /home without any SWAP (Because I don't use hibernation). … After installation I notice that I have 2 Gb SWAP! It was automatically created. I think i take 2Gb from disk sapce from root. … My question is it normal to leave all as is? Or it's better to reinstall and add partition manually 2Gb?14:33
hateballI think a new install uses a swap-file rather than a partition, does it not?14:37
hateballI havent done a clean install in very long14:37
hateballАртур, if you run "swapon -s" where does it say your swap is?14:38
hateballAnyhow, as long as you dont need to 2GB for storage, as well have a lot of RAM, it is probably good to have a little swap space in case you run out of RAM. Because otherwise your system might crash entirely14:39
IrcsomeBot<Артур М> Filename - /swapfile; Type - file; Size - 2097148; Used - 0; Priority -2. … In the root I have te foolowing files: hiberfil.sys(3.2Gb), pagefile.sys(7.3Gb) and swapfile.sys(256Mb).15:33
phoenixzHi there, how can I enable CTRL-INS in yakuake in Kubuntu 18.04? Konsole allows me to configure the shortcut for copy to clipboard, yakuake doesn't. The only alternative I have is CTRL-SHIFT-C which doesn't work for me since I've done CTRL-INS for the past 20 years and now suddenly I'm without..  I copy/past in yakuake at least once every 5 minutes, so this is a rather big dealbreaker for me :( Is there perhaps some config file or so that allows16:31
phoenixzme to configure this correctly?16:31
jaybeersis there a "proper Kubuntu way" to configure multiple displays on an Nvidia card other than running the Nvidia utility itself?  I've got 4 displays connected (3 DisplayPort and one DVI-D) and only one of them is showing up in the Displays control panel (the DVI-D one).16:32
jaybeersI mean, I don't mind running the upstream utility, just want to make sure I'm not missing something16:32
phoenixzjaybeers: system settings > display and monitor18:19
jaybeersphoenixz: appreciate the thought, but as I said the other three displays aren't showing up there18:53
jaybeersbut, it looks to be a driver issue since I ran `nvidia-settings` and they don't show up there either :)18:53
phoenixzjaybeers: Yeah, good luck with that.. I have a tripple monitor with nvidia card setup, and once driver works well, its all easy.. If the driver doesn't, then you're pretty much screwed.. You could try the nouveau driver but that would be a very long shot. Simple truth is that NVidia support for Linux is still abysmal. Hope yo ucan get an ATI video card, still.18:55
jaybeersnext step is to try the PPA and see if the latest driver version (Kubuntu's version isn't the latest) resolves the issue18:55
jaybeersI would love to support AMD in their ostensible new world of open-source drivers, but every time I've tried one of their cards it turns into a giant PITA and the performance is terrible18:56
jaybeersI don't like Nvidia's binary blobs any more than anyone else but they do work and they do give good performance.  Well, I guess I should say they always have just worked until today hehe18:57
jaybeersspeaking of being screwed, I'm also a Yakuake user and I looked into your issue earlier...unfortunately I couldn't find a solution.  Best workaround I could suggest is use copy-on-select but that doesn't address your original point of going against 20 years of muscle memory :D18:58
phoenixzjaybeers: I19:00
phoenixzjaybeers: I'm going absolutely apeshit here... I've been at it for 2 weeks now and I still use CTRL-INS every single time.. Even if I tell myself, "Now use CTRL-SHIFT-C" (which is a PITA to do with one hand), I still use CTRL-INS.. It almost looks like it is just blocked out or somehting.. Konsole can do it, yakuake just... can't, for some reason19:02
jaybeersyeah, there are several features of Konsole that didn't make it to Yakuake19:02
jaybeerswindow splitting, for example, which is the one I miss the most :)19:03
phoenixzSeriously, this might be a dealbreaker for me.. I want to use kubuntu but if I cannot use yakuake, and use it in a normal way, I'll be out19:03
phoenixzjaybeers: Window splitting is there19:03
jaybeersomg this newer version of Yakuake has that19:03
phoenixzCTRL ( and CTRL )19:03
phoenixzThat, honestly, has been htere for the past... years, I believe..19:03
jaybeersyeah, I was on the previous LTS before19:03
jaybeerswhenever I ran apt-get, dust would shoot out of the USB ports19:04
phoenixzIf you're interrested, I have a yakuake startup script that sets up yakuake with a whole bunch of tabs and window splits19:04
phoenixzI have had window splitting since.. like  kubuntu 14 or something IIRC19:04
jaybeershuh.  Well, in any case, it's in there now.  Nice!  Thanks for the offer, but splitting on startup isn't really my use case...I just like to do it sometimes on demand when I want a manpage open while I'm building a command line19:05
jaybeershave you tried guake?  It's similar to yakuake...I'm not sure if the g is for GTK or GNOME though, so it might try to pull in the GNOME mothership as dependencies19:06
jaybeersjust thinking it might have a redefinable paste key19:06
phoenixzI basically have yakuake configured to have a whole bunch of tabs and splits that start up right away doing monitoring stuff, top, dstat, mysql console, my project directories, that sort of stuff19:06
phoenixzjaybeers: Yeah, but then I'll have to run the gnome stuff as well.. There is a reason I'm on KDE :)19:07
phoenixzAnd again, a key binding, it cannot be that hard!19:07
jaybeersyeah, if it's g for GNOME and not GTK then probably not recommended19:08
valoriejaybeers: it's worthwhile talking to the yakuake people20:19
valorieI've worked with the lead devel and he's very responsive20:20
valoriealso very busy but what's new20:20
=== gesker is now known as gesker_OOO
jaybeersvalorie: good to know.  I mean, I got great response...feature got added and I didn't even ask for it (I just silently wanted it real hard)21:44
jaybeersmaybe phoenixz can hit him up over the alternate copy/paste keyboard shortcuts21:44
phoenixzjaybeers: I'm on the Yakuake IRC channel as well, have asked a couple of times, but so far no response21:45
phoenixzvalorie: Hey, long time no see, but I guess I'm back again21:45
phoenixzThat is, if I can get this @#$ CTRL-INS to work.. It's very frustrating to say the  least :)21:46
phoenixzIts weird though, there is a short cut for the preferences screen (who would ever use that?) but none for "Find", for example21:47
jaybeershmm, here's an idea21:48
jaybeersmaybe set a KDE global shortcut for it?21:48
phoenixzjaybeers: It is already there21:49
phoenixzjaybeers: that is the weird thing.. CTRL-INS works everywhere except in Yakuake, and there is no way for me to configure it in there, even though I can do so in Konsole21:50
jaybeersso, terminal programs are kind of special snowflakes when it comes to input handling, since they have to decide when to send keyboard input through to the terminal and when to catch it for themselves21:51
jaybeersso I'm guessing it's less a case of "Yakuake doesn't allow binding copy" and more a case of "Yakuake is deliberately ignoring my Ctrl-Ins and sending it through to the terminal".  Which of course doesn't change your practical problem.21:51
phoenixzjaybeers: yeah, I get a terminal code whenever I press CTRL-INS... But since Konsole does allow binding of CTRL-INS to copy, and konsole.. well, doesn't allow any binding to copy (its simply not there in the list at all, like in konsole) I'd say its a yakuake bug22:12
phoenixzGoing to see if I can leave a bug report22:12
OvermindDL1So after running adonaxis someone's monitor is stuck in low resolution on their KDE desktop afterwards necessitating a manual resolution change and all the widgets on their secondary monitor have vanished, any idea on how to restore the widgets22:15
phoenixzjaybeers: valorie: New bug 398775 in yakuake (general) filed by sven@capmega.com [NOR - normal]: Various keybindings are gone, like copy, find, "jump words in console" (https://bugs.kde.org/398775)22:27
ubottuKDE bug 398775 in general "Various keybindings are gone, like copy, find, "jump words in console"" [Normal,Unconfirmed]22:27
ubottubug 398775 in Jabberd "Router crashes when using hte PBX pipe for a user that does not exist" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39877522:27
=== gesker_OOO is now known as gesker
valoriethanks for filing that, phoenixz22:42
jaybeersI...am the dumbest person ever23:01
jaybeersI have resolved my monitor issue!23:01
jaybeersturns out monitors are much better at displaying images when they're turned on23:02
jaybeersalso, TIL the blue light at the bottom of three of my four screens means it's turned _off_23:03
jaybeersthere is one odd thing though...one of the screens is working, but doesn't seem to be "managed" by the KDE desktop.  Like, the mouse cursor shows up and if I drag a window over to it, it displays exactly what you'd expect.  But it has no wallpaper and if you right-click on the desktop, nothing happens23:10
jaybeersas it happens, that behaviour is actually fine for my use case since I was just going to drag fullscreen windows to that monitor anyway, but it's interesting that the normal KDE "desktop window" doesn't cover it23:11
=== feodoran is now known as Guest18594
=== feodoran_ is now known as feodoran
phoenixzjaybeers: Do you happen to have samsung monitors? Those are the worst.. I've had the same issue where the monitors sometimes outright refuse to show image after no-signal, you have to actually unplug the power and replug for them to turn on.. I've had quite a few problems with that23:35
phoenixzThey appear to be on and awaiting signal (sometimes even showing the "no signal" thing, but they will outright refuse to turn on once HDMI signal comes in23:36
jaybeershmm...well, we'll see what happens long-term but in this case they were literally turned off23:39
jaybeersactually, as it happens, they just went into power save so let's see what happens when I wiggle the mouse.  But yes, in point of fact they are Samsungs23:40
jaybeerslooks good so far...<fingers crossed>23:41
jaybeersthey're connected via DisplayPort though, maybe that's better-behaved23:41
pragmaticenigmaoh.. no... displayport tends to be its own animal23:48

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