
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
cjwatsoncoreycb: I don't think anything has changed there in years06:45
juliankcjwatson: archive seems to be rolling backwards07:06
juliankcurl http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/cosmic/InRelease | grep Date07:06
juliankDate: Fri, 07 Sep 2018  8:28:14 UTC07:06
juliankthat's from 10 days ago07:07
juliankoh seems to be going on for some time now07:09
juliankmy local file was from Sep 1507:09
juliankoh it's a local mirror07:11
juliankand it hijacks all the archive.u.c urls07:11
juliankxnox: ^07:12
alkisgWow, launchpad builds now can show the changelog in update-manager, thanks for that! :)08:04
coreycbcjwatson: maybe it's a database issue. i'd noticed it for a while so I recently made a copy from before/after and noticed the total uploads number remained the same, the 2 most recent uploads were added, and 2 others were deleted.08:09
cjwatsoncoreycb: I don't really know this page particularly well.  Maybe a bug report with whatever specific examples you have would help?08:14
coreycbcjwatson: sure, let me submit one08:15
cjwatsonIt goes through a cache table so it's possible there's something odd with that08:15
coreycbcjwatson: here you go: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/179287908:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1792879 in Launchpad itself "+uploaded-packages is not correctly tracking uploads" [Undecided,New]08:29
cjwatsoncoreycb: Hm, isn't that just that we only show the most recent version for any given package/series pair?08:43
cjwatsonIt's meant more as a "these are the packages you work on" view, not as an audit log, AIUI08:45
coreycbcjwatson: maybe!08:45
coreycbcjwatson: i obviously misunderstood that. fee free to reject :)08:46
cjwatsonOK :)08:47
coreycbcjwatson: now i can focus on important things. thanks for your time.08:51
cjwatsonthanks for chasing it up08:58
xnoxjuliank, yes, we highjack dns at sprints, because bandwidth.10:21
xnoxjuliank, is that your surpise?10:21
cjwatsonaccording to telegram the mirror was a bit broken10:21
cjwatsonbut IS is/was sorting it10:21

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