
lubot<ctisme> is there any lubuntu apps that support bluetooth ?01:16
wxlis this about lxqt or lxde @ctisme?01:16
lubot<ctisme> lxqt here01:16
lubot<ctisme> how to prove im on lxqt btw wxl01:17
wxlyou're not sure if you are? which version of lubuntu are you on? `lsb_release -a`01:18
lubot<ctisme> oh im on lxqt-session ... :::bash ... $ ps aux | grep lxqt | awk '{print $11}' | grep -v grep ... lxqt-session ... /usr/bin/ssh-agent ... /usr/bin/dbus-launch ... openbox ... pcmanfm-qt ... lxqt-globalkeysd ... lxqt-notificationd ... lxqt-panel ... lxqt-policykit-agent ... lxqt-runner ... lxqt-powermanagement01:19
wxland what about lsb_release?01:20
lubot<ctisme> $ lsb_release -a ... No LSB modules are available. ... Distributor ID: Ubuntu ... Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS ... Release:        16.04 ... Codename:       xenial01:24
lubot<ctisme> how to bash syntax highlight on telegram btw01:24
wxl@ctisme well that's kind of before lubuntu really started supporting lxqt. in fact, we haven't even released a version with lxqt. that said, bluetooth is really dependent on the kernel, so you've got that covered. beyond that, you need apps to help with setting things up. the standard utilties will work. we haven't necessarily come up with a good qt-specific solution yet.01:27
lubot<ctisme> noted, for your information ... [253347.385909] usb 3-7: Product: BCM43142A0 ... [253347.385911] usb 3-7: Manufacturer: Broadcom Corp ... [253347.385912] usb 3-7: SerialNumber: 342387E8C4BA ... [253347.494491] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: chip id 70 ... [253347.510404] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM43142A ... [253347.510410] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM (001.001:42
lubot01.011) build 0000 ... [253347.510427] bluetooth hci0: Direct firmware load for brcm/BCM.hcd failed with error -2 ... [253347.510429] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Patch brcm/BCM.hcd not found ... [253349.516155] Bluetooth: hci0 command 0x1003 tx timeout01:42
lubot<ctisme> it looks like BT v4.0 ... https://www.broadcom.com/products/wireless/wireless-lan-bluetooth/bcm4314201:42
wxl@ctisme broadcom is always a problem. might want to head over to #ubuntu and get more eyes on the probelm as this should not be lubuntu specific especially when you have errors from the kernel01:43
lubot<ctisme> noted01:43
lubot<ctisme> is #ubuntu on telegram channel too?01:44
wxlnot that i'm aware of01:44
wxlbut you could easily get there with matrix01:44
wxl /la01:47
lubot<ctisme> @wxl [<wxl> but you could easily get there with matrix], is this what you mean https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix.to02:31
wxl@ctisme i mean you can use that. basically you use some matrix app to join #freenode_#ubuntu:matrix.org02:58
wxlusing matrix.to it would be https://matrix.to/#/#freenode_#ubuntu:matrix.org … but you still need to have a matrix app installed02:58
nurupothe alternate download is 715MiB, my CD-R disk's capacity is 702MiB so K3b can't burn it as it doesn't fit... is this some kind of a joke?03:22
nurupothat's lubuntu-18.04-alternate-i386.iso03:23
nuruponeed to install that on a 20 year old PC that can only read CDs, no DVD reader03:24
nurupobut the freaking image doesn't fit on CD :\03:24
nurupohm, looks like ubuntu also has 715MiB isos03:27
* nurupo tries using another blank disk03:29
wxlnurupo: net install03:30
nurupothat one too is 702.8 MiB03:31
ballI miss the days when I used to carry a NetBSD install on an 8cm CD03:31
ballWhat was that, 128 MB?03:31
wxlCDs have gotten to the point where they're basically unusable for most distros03:31
wxlor rather distros have gotten to that point03:31
wxlno USB on this thing?03:32
ballDoes Lubuntu fit on an 8cm DVD-R? :-)03:32
nurupoi think it has usb 1 or something03:32
nurupoi don't have any usb drives though03:32
wxlthose are surprisingly cheap03:33
ballSome older machines, even if they have USB ports, can't necessarily boot from them.03:33
ball(also some newer machines {grumble})03:33
nuruposo, you are sugesting ubuntu netinst and then install lxqt-desktop package or something?03:33
nurupodoes ubuntu even have netinst images?03:34
wxlwell 18.04 isn't lxqt03:34
nuruposo 18.04 will always use lxde?03:36
nuruposounds good03:37
nurupoi'm installing that for an elderly person, wouldn't want to surprise them with a DE update :D03:37
ballI resemble that remark.03:38
nurupowhat's the lxde desktop tasksel package?03:38
wxlwell, that's lubuntu at least03:39
nurupodoes `aptitude install ~t^desktop$ ~t^lubuntu-desktop$ ~t^standard$` sound good?03:40
wxldon't use aptitude, sorry03:40
ballAre "apt" and "aptitude" related?03:57
wxlyeah. everything's basically a dpkg frontend03:58
ballIs aptitude graphical?03:59
ball...or just a different set of commands?03:59
wxlno. it's a TUI (text user interface)03:59
ballAh, something like curses?03:59
* ball is aware of curses.04:00
wxlwhat about poxes?04:01
nurupothat aptitude command was adapted from how i usually install my Debian system. it sounds like just `apt install lubuntu-desktop` would be enough on Ubuntu though04:05
nurupocan't really test though, the pc has no internet connection yet, would need to carry the pc and the giant CRT monitor to the router to plug it into ethernet first04:07
ballThat's why PCs should have 9" b&w CRTs built in. ;-)04:07
nurupothe monitor is as heavy if not more than the pc itself04:08
ballb&w monitors tended to be lighter than colour ones.04:09
ball...though once you got up to 19" they were still nontrivial to move about.04:09
* ball suddenly remembers the Wyse 70004:09
ballThat was a b&w monitor with a colour CRT in it.04:10
ballDamn weirdos.04:10
krytariknurupo: https://askubuntu.com/questions/252056/should-i-use-tasksel-tasks-in-apt-or-install-regular-metapackages - might find this useful.04:11
ballI should give up and turn in.04:13
ballGoodnight everyone.04:13
remzalphi! lximage in default settings has in menu black text ob black background. Error?18:57
remzalp* black on black18:58
lubotBigDaddyLinux was added by: BigDaddyLinux22:41
WafficusHi guys, how do I install fonts in Lubuntu?23:24
WafficusI'm trying to install the "Ahem" font for an open source project23:24
wxlthere's a bunch of font packages but if you have a specific font, you should be able to throw them into ~/.local/share/fonts and then rebuild the font cache with `fc-cache -f -v`23:26
wxl`fc-list` will give you a list of installed fonts if you want to be extra sure23:26
Wafficusoh wait23:26
WafficusI can just use the package manager right, wxl?23:26
WafficusI should have thought about that ha23:26
wxlIF the font is in there23:26
Wafficusthanks I'll try that first23:26
Wafficuslets see if it is before I have to compile it myself lol23:26
wxlWafficus: our most urgent things are here https://phab.lubuntu.me/T5323:27
Wafficusthanks for the right direction, will stay on here. Btw lemme know what beginner type cases you need help on since I'm home from work and have free time23:27
Wafficusthanks Wxl :)23:27
wxlif you don't mind delving into Qt/C++, you might try the "additional drivers" business23:27
wxlmoving this to -devel btw23:27

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