
pavlushkazaki: hey webmin is way easy and the whole system can be managed (including package management)16:29
pavlushkazaki: but will try the ispconfig though16:30
zakipavlushka, wow ! 16:31
zakiI was right :P 16:31
pavlushkazaki: I am an old webmin user, used that in 2009 with ubuntu server 9.0417:25
zakihe he :D 17:44
zakiI was at school :P 17:45
pavlushkazaki: but the sad part is I didn't grown enough in the Linux section in course time as it appears18:19
zakipavlushka, do you have old coins in your collection! 18:22
pavlushkazaki: yes, some victorian coins/ british coins18:22
zakiaha 18:23
pavlushkazaki: but not the 5-10 paisa's18:23
zakihow old is those ! 18:23
u-la-la[ /r/CoinEyeCandy: Beautiful coin photography (photos & videos) of rare and valuable collector coins ] - https://www.reddit.com18:26
zakipavlushka, ^18:26
pavlushkazaki: man, have some mercy, dont give me anything to read, সিস্টেম কনফিগারেশন পড়তে পড়তে মাথা খারাপ হয়ে গেসে18:27
zakihe he 18:28
zakiget some rest than :P 18:28
zakilankans having bad days !18:45
pavlushkazaki: good for them18:46
zakigood? :D 18:47

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