
PaulePanterHi. How do I disable the *audio* notifications?06:46
PaulePanterUbuntu 18.04 with GNOME.06:46
PaulePanterUnder settings and then *notifications* I have them turned off, but they are still there. (I guess that’s only for visual notifications.)06:47
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jameshrobert_ancell: is this likely to be a too old gnome-software? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/i-can-not-install-many-snaps-from-snapstore-in-gnomesoftware/740207:20
oSoMoNdoko, would you mind retrying https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/test-rebuild-20180911/+build/15398106 ?  the build failure appears to be caused by FS corruption07:43
tjaaltonwillcooke, seb128: hi, filed a FFE for mesa 18.2 just to be on the safe side :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/+bug/179287307:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1792873 in mesa (Ubuntu) "FFE: 18.2.x for cosmic" [Medium,Triaged]07:49
seb128tjaalton, hey, great, thx07:49
tjaaltonI've been running a rc for some weeks now without any issues on intel kbl07:49
dokooSoMoN: yes, once the initial build is finished07:50
seb128RAOF, hey, I fixed the colord build, took the liberty to move the change to a quilt patch but I'm happy to revert that if you prefer it otherwise, I just wanted to fix the error introduced by my sponsoring08:47
seb128RAOF, also can you write content for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/colord/+bug/1792356 ?08:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1792356 in colord (Ubuntu) "[ffe] Update to 1.4.3" [Wishlist,Triaged]08:47
jameshkenvandine[m]: https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gtk-common-themes/issues/109:46
gitbotUbuntu issue 1 in gtk-common-themes "Suru icon theme symlink doesn't work" [Opened]09:46
tomreyncan you remind me where whoopsie sends its data to and what the process is (if one still exists) for 3rd parties to gain access to the results?10:21
tomreyni think there used to be some process allowing OSS developers to gain access to their applications' crash reports free of charge?10:22
Wimpresswillcooke robert_ancell https://github.com/cprov/section_ops/pull/2212:02
gitbotcprov issue (Pull request) 22 in section_ops "Create a section for the Ubuntu first run wizard" [Open]12:02
WimpressI've just spoken to Celso and he will merge the above later today.12:02
WimpressThe new section id is `ubuntu-firstrun`12:03
jibelwillcooke, on vbox I get bug 179293213:04
ubot5bug 1792932 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg assert failure: Xorg: ../../../../dix/privates.c:384: dixRegisterPrivateKey: Assertion `!global_keys[type].created' failed." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179293213:04
Wimpressjibel: I can reproduce that. I've +1'd the bug.13:23
jibelkenvandine[m], https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html13:40
jbichaLaney: the pango/armhf failure with new Cantarell is odd https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/p/pango1.0/cosmic/armhf13:48
jbichapango_layout_set_markup_with_accel: Error on line 2 char 27: ?\u000c<? is not a valid name13:49
jbichathe broken utf thing differs in different runs13:50
andyrockjbicha: hey! do you know if we can drop GTK_IM_MODULES=ibus in cosmic?14:01
andyrockjbicha: it's creating several issues and unsetting it does not seems to affect ibus14:02
jbichaandyrock: there was some discussion of problems on bug 176155414:06
ubot5bug 1761554 in im-config (Ubuntu Bionic) "[bionic] Extended characters in GNOME screen keyboard don't get entered" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176155414:06
jbichaI think it's early enough we could do that for cosmic this week. GunnarHj ^14:07
andyrockjbicha: osk does not show up on wayland because of that variable14:08
jbichaGunnarHj: there was a complaint about the fonts-noto-cjk fontconfig change in Debian bug 90799914:08
ubot5Debian bug 907999 in fonts-noto-cjk "fonts-noto-cjk: Unable to use system fonts in Firefox after #907048" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/90799914:08
andyrockdoes not show on X neither but that's a "different" issue14:09
jbichaandyrock: oh, reading 1761554 says that we *did* drop that but it was reverted because it did cause some other issues :(14:10
andyrockjbicha: libreoffice crashing?14:11
jbichayou should probably work with Gunnar on that issue; I'm not working on that one these days14:12
kenvandineTrevinho, i created a docker image to use for CI builds of snaps14:30
kenvandineincludes the PPA already, plus build-essentials and libgtk-3-dev14:30
kenvandinebased on snapcore/snapcraft:stable14:30
kenvandineTrevinho, shaves about 20 minutes off CI builds14:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1792932 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Xorg assert failure: Xorg: ../../../../dix/privates.c:384: dixRegisterPrivateKey: Assertion `!global_keys[type].created' failed." [Undecided,Confirmed]14:35
jibelseb128, ^14:36
jibelseb128, bug 179109014:36
ubot5bug 1791090 in linux (Ubuntu) "Xorg fails to start with radeon (kernel rejects radeon command stream from Xorg)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179109014:36
seb128tjaalton, ^  that seems an xorg issue, could you have a look?14:36
seb128the second one as well14:37
kenvandinedidrocks, you might be interested in that docker image as well14:41
Laneyjbicha: did you try in lxd on your machine?14:43
LaneyI suggest that14:43
tjaaltonseb128: ok14:46
duflurobert_ancell, https://trello.com/c/i3JvebJ914:48
dufluwillcooke,  ^14:55
dufluwillcooke,  ^^14:55
tjaaltonseb128, jibel: the vbox thing is probably a mesa bug, should be fixed in 18.2.014:55
seb128tjaalton, thx14:58
seb128tjaalton, can you comment on the bug saying that? (and maybe assigned/set status as appropriate)14:58
tjaaltononce I have that on a ppa to test14:59
GunnarHjandyrock, jbicha: I already tried to drop "GTK_IM_MODULES=ibus" (for wayland) but had to revert it due to a regression. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1761554/comments/1815:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1761554 in im-config (Ubuntu Bionic) "[bionic] Extended characters in GNOME screen keyboard don't get entered" [High,Triaged]15:20
GunnarHjandyrock, jbicha: So it would indeed be desirable for osk, but there is apparently more into it.15:22
andyrockGunnarHj: what if we get libreoffice fixed?15:22
andyrockGunnarHj: libreoffice works fine on fedora without that enviroment variable15:23
GunnarHjandyrock: Sure, but there may be more than LO; see also comment #17. I was surprised by that regression, since GNOME does not set that variable upstream.15:26
andyrockgnome-shell search bar should not be affected by that variable15:27
GunnarHjjbicha: We are most likely not affected by that Debian fonts-noto-cjk bug. Our config is even more aggressive... But I will do some testing to confirm it.15:28
GunnarHjandyrock: Ok.. I didn't test that myself. The LO issue was serious enough.15:29
GunnarHjandyrock: Will we switch to wayland as default this cycle?15:29
andyrockGunnarHj: nope but would be nice to have the osk fixed in wayland15:33
andyrockGunnarHj: it's broken in X11 eleven too but I'm working on it15:34
GunnarHjandyrock: Ok. Any idea how to fix it in LO? Setting the variable specifically for LO or something?15:35
GunnarHjandyrock: When I reverted the first attempt, I had the thought to do it the other way around, i.e. unsetting the variable for GNOME Shell, but keeping it globally. Would that make sense to you?15:45
GunnarHjHey seb128, Do you know how to build the thing at https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/rancell/accountsservice/tree/ubuntu ? I downloaded the tarball, added the existing debian/ folder and changed the format to 1.0, but debuild() failed.15:55
seb128GunnarHj, hey, no sorry I don't know. How did it fail?15:56
GunnarHjseb128: Don't remember, to be honest. (Did it yesterday.) Guess I'd better ask Robert, then.15:56
seb128yes, I can try asking him15:57
GunnarHjseb128: Is he in Europe?15:57
seb128yes, we are having a sprint in Brussels15:58
seb128oh, he's on IRC, I didn't notice :p15:58
GunnarHjHey robert_ancell, any hint on how to build your accountsservicer wip? ^15:59
jbichakenvandine[m]: did you make it there ok too?15:59
robert_ancellGunnarHj, I'm trying to remember :)15:59
robert_ancellGunnarHj, I'm pretty sure I was just building locally, I'll have to make an updated packaging branch that uses the new patches16:05
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: That would be great. Can you make a note on the bug report when you have done it?16:06
andyrockGunnarHj: that will not work, we need to make sure gtk applications do not start with that enviroment variable16:07
andyrockGunnarHj: on wayland gtk-applications use Wayland Text Input Protocol16:08
andyrockGunnarHj: that variable is forcing them to use ibus16:08
kenvandinejbicha, yeah, how bad was it where you live?16:08
jbichaI'm in FL now so we got nothing. I used to be in Columbia SC, they only got 2.5 inches of rain so not too bad16:09
jbichaIrma last year was plenty16:09
andyrockGunnarHj: because they use ibus, gnome-shell cannot communicate with them because it is expecting to communicate with them using the text input protocol16:09
GunnarHjandyrock: I see. I can reinsert the im-config change anytime, but we'd better do the LO fix simultaneously.16:10
andyrockGunnarHj: sure, we need to understand why LO is broken before16:11
andyrockGunnarHj: I'll keep you updated16:11
GunnarHjandyrock: Ok.16:11
kenvandinejbicha, it was pretty nasty at the airport when i left16:11
kenvandinevisibility was terrible16:12
kenvandinebut we survived :)16:12
jbichaseb128: I think your indicator-messages build failure is https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/issues/1513 fixed in glib 2.58.116:23
gitbotGNOME issue 1513 in glib "GIcon regression?" [Gicon, Closed]16:23
jbichawell I don't know if it fixes it, but it's related at least16:24
seb128jbicha, you read Trevinho's comment on trello I see :)16:31
jbichano, but that issue is blocking glib from Debian Testing16:33
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