
ahasenackcpaelzer: I'm looking at the pcre3->pcre2 bug, apache2 specifically11:57
ahasenackcpaelzer: pcre2 has multiple libraries: 8bit, 16bit, 32bit, posix11:58
ahasenackcpaelzer: know anything about that/11:58
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cpaelzer_ahasenack: on experience on pcre14:18
evitIs Ubuntu vulnerable to https://www.cisecurity.org/advisory/multiple-vulnerabilities-in-php-could-allow-for-arbitrary-code-execution_2018-101/16:45
RoyKomg - another php bug16:47
RoyKevit: it's vulnerable, yes, but I don't know if the bug is fixed yet16:47
evitRoyK, You have something dripping off of you16:48
evitevit, sarcasm =P16:48
evitAhh, I see16:48
evitRoyK, You are right PHP isn't my fav either16:48
RoyKevit: I asked on #debian if anyone knew there - a lot of ubuntu fixes comes to debian first16:50
tomreynevit: find out their CVE IDs, then you can look them up on https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/16:53
RoyKbut where the fsck is the CVE?16:54
evitWhere FSCK indeed16:55
tomreynany responsible software developer would request one and list it on their bug tracker. e.g. https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=7677816:55
tomreyn"CVE-ID: None"16:55
tomreynthat is, if securit yimplication is assumed16:56
tomreynhttps://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=76582 got one.16:57
tomreyni suspect the php folks dont consider memory leaks to have security impact.16:58
sdezielUbuntu syncs PHP from upstream17:00
sdezielI'll open a bug for it17:03
evitsdeziel, Thanks =)17:08
sdezielevit: LP: #179298717:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1792987 in php7.2 (Ubuntu) "[MRE] Please update to latest upstream release 7.0.32 / 7.2.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179298717:18
adacHi there! How can I clear up the /var/cache/davfs2?17:18
adacIt gets pretty huge and takes a lot of disk space17:19
tomreynadac: this path doesn't seem to be managed by any (official) ubuntu package in any of the supported releases.17:23
adactomreyn, actually I'm using autofs in combination with the davfs2 package17:25
adacand I'm on 16.04 LTS17:26
tomreynadac: sorry, i dont know then. this software doesn't look like it's in a great state, though, judging by the bug tracker.17:29
adactomreyn, ok I see. Yes I will probably simply replace that and mount the directry simply via fstab or so17:29
adacor mount it only when I do a backup17:30
tomreynit seems to lack proper garbage collection, looses data when transfers are interrupted, transfers are slow.17:30
sdezielevit: and the same for php5 LP: #179299117:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1792991 in php5 (Ubuntu) "Please apply security fixes from PHP 5.5.36 to 5.5.38" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/179299117:31
DammitJimhow do I hold back dist-upgrades for a series of packages?19:25
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:26
DammitJimthanks genii19:26
DammitJimis it normal to have to do pinning?19:26
DammitJimI'm having an issue where rabbitmq-server requires erlang19:26
DammitJimwell, erlang's suggested upgrade through apt-get dist-upgrade is saying to go to version 2119:26
DammitJimwell, the version of rabbitmq suggested is not compatible with erlang 2119:26
DammitJimand needs to stay with erlang 2019:27
tewardDammitJim: do you have additional repositories enabled?19:27
geniiPinning is useful if for instance a normal particular package from regular repositories is doing something odd like pulling in a different dependency from an unexpected place like a PPA19:27
tewardbecause erlang 20 is the only version in Ubuntu (and PPAs are... headaches)19:28
DammitJimoh yeah, thanks for pointing that out... I just noticed that there is a source for dl.bintray.com for erlang19:28
DammitJimoh man!19:28
geniiIf a dependency is stated like =(exactversion) it will usually use the specific one it really wants but some also have like >=(some minimum version)19:29
DammitJimgenii, thank you for giving me the keyword... I just searched for pinning and that turned out a bunch of results on how to deal with this for rabbit and erlang users19:29
DammitJimbut what a pain! I'm sure you guys are more used to this19:30
JanCPPAs are fine if they are maintained by people who know what they do  :)19:31
JanClike, not put random libraries in it that clash with existing libraries19:31
DammitJimok, I think I'm about to break the internet19:33
DammitJimhow about if I want to change the source where the packages come from19:33
naccDammitJim: what do you mean?19:36
naccDammitJim: you add repositories, and use pinning to change their priorities19:36
DammitJimit seems that rabbit is now suggesting to go from deb https://packages.erlang-solution.com/ubuntu xenial contrib to deb http://dl.bintray.com/rabbitmq/debian bionic erlang-20.x19:36
DammitJimthis is so confusing! what a pain! why can't the developers just work with the version of rabbit and erlang that ubuntu provides from repos!!!19:37
naccDammitJim: 'rabbit is no suggesting'?19:37
DammitJimyeah, the documentation has changed19:37
naccDammitJim: 1) those are for two different releases19:37
naccDammitJim: that's a question for the developers, not for us :)19:37
DammitJimI know nacc...  just complaining19:39
DammitJim /join #complains19:39
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naccDammitJim: :)20:52
linuxperiaHi. I have php version "PHP 7.2.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.2" and phpinfo prints out this info here "Configuration File (php.ini) Path /etc/php/7.0/apache2 Loaded Configuration File /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini" My Question is how i can change the settings in apache on my ubuntu server so it start uses the newest installed version 7.2 instead of this strange version here 7.0! I tryed this here but it did not work. "update-alternatives --set php20:53
linuxperia/usr/bin/php7.2" Thanks in advance for any helpfull tips to resolve this ubuntu apache problem.20:53
nacclinuxperia: what version of ubuntu are you on?20:54
linuxperianacc: 18.04.220:54
nacclinuxperia: given that doesn't exist yet, please clarify20:55
linuxperiawell php has this version when i do php -v  "PHP 7.2.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.2"20:56
linuxperiaso 18.04.0220:56
jellylinuxperia: try "lsb_release -r" instead20:56
jellyor lsb_release -a20:57
nacclinuxperia: that's a substring in a package version20:57
nacclinuxperia: not related, necessarily, to your ubuntu version20:57
linuxperiajelly: nacc: lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Release:18.04 Codename:bionic20:59
linuxperiai need apache to work with my newest installed php7.2 version instead of 7.021:01
nacclinuxperia: `apt-cache policy libapache2-mod-php` in a pastebin21:01
jellythen figure out which php ABI apache uses, that php.ini path suggests mod_php21:01
jellyand then make sure versions of php-cli and mod_php match, because as you can see they can be completely separate21:02
* jelly thought everyone switched to php-fpm 21:03
linuxperianacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WFr73RwnmP/21:04
nacclinuxperia: ok, `apt-cache policy libapache2-mod-php7.0 libapache2-mod-php7.2` ?21:05
linuxperianacc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CBZWtXWwpS/21:06
nacclinuxperia: how did you upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04?21:07
linuxperianacc: think it was dist-realease upgrade but it stoped after some time so i had to do then apt-get upgrade to finish it21:08
nacclinuxperia: ... right, that's what borked things then21:09
nacclinuxperia: is it possible that libapache2-mod-php7.0 is autoremovable? `sudo apt-get autoremove` ?21:09
linuxperiayes had some problems with the upgrade that is true21:09
linuxperiaokey will try21:09
linuxperiayes i can autoremove it! should i ?21:10
linuxperiai guess is good will try it out thanks a lot for debugging the problem21:10
linuxperialets see21:10
nacclinuxperia: yes, so your release upgrade didn't finish21:11
nacclinuxperia: you are still have packges from 16.04 intalled, such as that one21:11
nacconce you clean it up, i imagine things will fix themselves21:11
linuxperiayes the autoremove went without problems. this is the ouput: Module php7.0 disabled.21:12
linuxperiaapache2_invoke prerm: Disable module php7.021:12
linuxperia apache still works. will test now phpinfo and see if apache works with the newest version.21:12
linuxperianacc: Woowww Yuppiee you solved the Problem! Big Compliments to you Man! you helped me a lot after the upgrade strugle. Thank you very much! If you are from canonical then i will keep going my ubuntu server on the Google Cloud and support like the last years canonical the same way.21:15
linuxperiaI am saved. All problems with the ubuntu server disapeared. Thanks a lot i feel very happy now :-)21:18
nacclinuxperia: glad to hear21:24
linuxperianacc: i just remembered why the upgrade of my ubuntu server 16.04 got dirsupted. For some weired and bad reason the main database package mariadb 10.2 is not available for 18.04. Neither for Debain nor for ubuntu exist the stable release mariadb 10.2 for 18.04 however for 16.04 it existed and i did used it. Becouse tthe ubuntu database package is dis-functional my upgrade of the server crashed. Everyone that has ubuntu server running with22:12
linuxperiamysql/mariadb database 10.2 will endup with a crashed ubuntu server system. see here more info of mariadb package build failure. I could without any problem compile and install amriadb 10.2 from sources on ubuntu. Not sure why ubuntu and debian have such big problems getting mysql databse 10.2 packaged. https://launchpad.net/~mysql-ubuntu/+archive/ubuntu/mariadb-10.2/+packages22:12
linuxperianacc: this is something the canonical people need look into it if they dont want lose customers because the most vital part of the ubuntu server aka the stable release of the database is broken and crashes any system when upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 not only on ubuntu but also on debian. i already thinked to switch over to RedHat in the hope to avoid such a stupidity again. when i do build mariadb 10.2 from github on ubuntu however it gets22:18
linuxperiacompiled and installed without any problems. so it is a packaging problem and not a source problem.22:18
nacclinuxperia: reading22:45
nacclinuxperia: mariadb-server 10.2 was never in ubuntu22:45
nacclinuxperia: afaict, 16.04, 18.04 all have 10.122:46
nacclinuxperia: so, presumably, you were running some non-ubuntu mariadb on 16.04.22:46
nacc!info mariadb-server xenial22:46
ubottumariadb-server (source: mariadb-10.0): MariaDB database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component universe, is optional. Version 10.0.36-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (xenial), package size 12 kB, installed size 61 kB22:46
nacc!info mariadb-server bionic22:46
ubottumariadb-server (source: mariadb-10.1): MariaDB database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:10.1.34-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 12 kB, installed size 64 kB22:46
nacclinuxperia: I don't work for Canonical.22:47
nacclinuxperia: and presumably you're not paying Canonical either, so I'm not sure why you think they are losing you as a customer?22:47
nacclinuxperia: if you are you should pursue your official support contract, if you want22:47
nacclinuxperia: you also chose to use a PPA (not a great thing) for something entitled "MariaDB 10.2 Testing" which implies it is not stable.22:48
naccA PPA that hadn't received *any* updates in ... 2 years?22:48
nacclinuxperia: final point, mariadb-server in Ubuntu is in universe, which means it is community supported.22:50
linuxperianacc: i use ubuntu server on the google cloud and by this pay canonical for the providing of the certified ubuntu server images => https://blog.ubuntu.com/2014/11/03/certified-ubuntu-images-available-on-google-cloud-platform i did not use any testing ppa i used the mariadb official ppa to get 10.2 running on ubuntu. Okey thanks a lot for the Information. I find it very strange that we have already the stable release of mariadb 10.3 but23:01
linuxperiadebian and ubuntu are on 10.2 max. this is a little lame for ubuntu/debian as database is a vital part of a server. Okey thanks for the clarifications and help again. wish you a great time. Best regards.23:01
RoyKlinuxperia: mariadb is available in all the recent versions from https://downloads.mariadb.org/ - distros like debian and ubuntu lag behind, which is normal, because they want to know that things work before they push a new version23:19
RoyKlinuxperia: just grab the packages from https://downloads.mariadb.org/ and stop complaining23:19
nacc!latest | linuxperia23:21
ubottulinuxperia: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.23:21
RoyKsee "!sns" in #debian as well ;)23:21
nacclinuxperia: also ... "mariadb official ppa"?23:21
nacclinuxperia: if by that you mean what RoyK is referring to, then that's your own issue to figure out. Not an Ubuntu problem.23:22
* RoyK thinks linuxperia should run debian sid to experience the true joy of living on the bleeding edge for a while23:23
nacclinuxperia: i think you really need to step back and think about what you are running, and what is reasonable expectations. Have a nice day.23:30

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