
folornso its dsdp ?00:01
A|anhans: https://www.bleachbit.org/cloth-or-something00:02
A|anChannel ubuntu lore: If you have to install the previous 32-bit version of Virtualbox, this fixes the encountered error: https://askubuntu.com/questions/920689/how-to-fix-modprobe-vboxdrv-error-in-virtualbox00:06
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psyrusHi everyone.00:17
psyrusDoes anyone know a good desktop environment I can install for my Lubuntu computer that is as minimalistic as posible so I can play my favorite video games on this old computer?00:18
psyrusand how do I do it too?00:19
FortKnightpsyrus: if you can't play games currently, it's likey you just need to get a more powerful computer with modern AMD/Nvidia GPU00:21
psyruscan anyone hear me?00:22
starfyterYou using LXQt?00:23
FortKnightsoftware won't turn a old jalopy into a Lamborghini00:23
psyrusno i dont know what I have i installed lubuntu 18.04 I think00:23
FortKnighta car was won't either00:24
FortKnightcar wash00:24
psyrusi don't know what environment it is but I remember a long time ago, I had options of different things I can start on my login and now i dont have that option00:24
psyruswhen i deleted the old linux o/s on my computer and installed the lastest one I lost everything00:24
starfyterYeah that's LXQt.00:25
FortKnightpsyrus: have you tried playing your favorite games on the current computer configuration?00:25
psyruswhat is LXQt?00:25
starfyterThey used to use LXDE but I'm not sure which would be lighter.00:25
psyrusoh yeah I have I played Xonotic many times but it gets slow sometimes00:25
pragmaticenigmastarfyter: I thought Lubuntu installed with GDK by default00:25
psyrusmy FPS gets really low like 15 or something and I want it to get a little higher  because I used to be able to play xonotic at like 50 fps on every single map00:25
starfyter18.04 says it uses LXQt.00:26
psyruswell what I am saying is I want the x-server that uses the least amount of things on it00:26
psyrusI mean it has the least amount of graphics and anything else that it might load into memory that I might not really need00:26
pragmaticenigmastarfyter: could you provide a link please? Everywhere on lubuntu.net I LXDE00:26
psyrusbut I wanna know how to get it onto my computer using the package manager because I know nothing about the terminal00:27
starfyterRight on the download page for lubuntu 18.04 it says that.00:27
pragmaticenigmapsyrus: The only way to get better performance is to upgrade the hardware. Changing the desktop environment while only inch out a little bit of performance gain, minimal at best.00:27
pragmaticenigmastarfyter: that's not what I see here: https://lubuntu.net/downloads/00:28
psyruswell.. i believe every little bit helps.00:28
psyrusbesides, I can do things like lower my resolution for instance, and that will give me like 25% faster frames00:28
pragmaticenigmapsyrus: what is your current system running for a CPU?00:28
pragmaticenigmapsyrus: and what is your current GPU?00:28
psyrusumm... i think its like around 2 ghz intel core 2 duo00:29
psyrusits a laptop00:29
starfyterHere's where I'm seeing it...  https://www.ubuntu.com/download/flavours00:29
psyrusand as for the video.. gosh i think it's really old and slow and stuff00:29
psyrusits probably one of those really old intel graphics media accelorator things for a gpu00:29
psyrusnot even HD or anything00:30
pragmaticenigmapsyrus: You are at the max performance of that machine. Changing the desktop environment will do little on that old of hardware. When you see someone proclaim breathing new life into old machine using something like Lubuntu, they're not gaming with it. They are trying to squeeze a few years of productivity (web surfing, spreadsheets, word processing) out of it. not performance like games00:30
pragmaticenigmathanks starfyter looks like there is a small discrepancy00:30
starfyterYeah, it's never going to rock at gaming.  Never again...00:31
psyrusokay fine but what other types of UI's can I stick on here besides the plain one that came with it00:31
psyrusI mean what other types of windows can i run on lubuntu and how can i install them00:31
starfyterBy nature of lubuntu, I think they are probably doing what they can to minimize...00:31
pragmaticenigmaWhat you have is all that is supported officially by Ubuntu and this channel. psyrus00:31
psyrusoh okay..00:32
pragmaticenigmastarfyter: i notice that lubuntu.net isn't the official site, it's community page... scary that is the first link to pop up with google.00:35
starfyterI really assumed it still be lxde until I saw that.  Never even tried LXQt.00:36
pragmaticenigmastarfyter: I think when I installed via the mini.iso, the option for LXQt and LXDE was available (with complimenting minimal installs too)00:37
pragmaticenigmastarfyter: from here... it appears it is still transitioning: https://lubuntu.me/taking-a-new-direction/00:38
pragmaticenigma18.10 being the first LXQt-only00:38
pragmaticenigma20.04 being the first LTS LXQt-only release00:38
starfyterThis laptop would of probably been better suited with lubuntu but I didn't plan on gaming. :)  So it's not bad with the default gnome.  Compiz was a bit lackluster though.00:39
pragmaticenigmaI run an older machine with lubuntu as well. It can't do a whole lot, but it's primary use as a client for Xforwarding apps from my desktop works out nicely00:40
pragmaticenigmastarfyter: would you like to join us on #ubuntu-discuss?00:40
psyrusis there already a 20.04 version of lubuntu now?00:40
starfyterI5 480 with 4gb and some mobile nvidia GPU00:41
Kon-No. It will be released in April 2020 psyrus00:41
pragmaticenigmapsyrus: version numbers are configured as the year and month of release. so 20.04 means release in April of the year 202000:41
psyrusooooh okay thats a long time away then00:41
Kon-It is the next LTS release of Ubuntu00:41
psyrusso there is an 18.10 then? cuz I only have 18.0400:41
Kon-18.10 comes out in October 201800:42
pragmaticenigma18.10 will not be released until next month00:42
Kon-The Ubuntu naming scheme is Year . Month00:42
psyrusoh i get it now.00:42
pragmaticenigmapsyrus: With the next releases though, Lubuntu is no longer targeting older machines. They are targeting making an efficient as possible OS instead. Meaning some system requirements may go up.00:43
starfyterI remember switching to ubuntu server from Mandrake.  Wonder what the version was back then? :)00:43
pragmaticenigmastarfyter: depending one when... that'd been around 2005... I don't think ubuntu had firmed up their versioning quite yet back then00:45
starfyterMakes sense.00:45
pragmaticenigmaIt would have been Breezy Badger or Hoary Hedgehog... they started the continuous alphabet with Dapper Drake00:46
starfyterBreezy sounds familiar.00:47
MocWho should I talk to regarding a packaging error with Ubuntu 18.04 and Nvidia driver forcing a lot of user to use a old driver (340) rather than a newer one like 390 ?00:53
pragmaticenigmaMoc: could you explain your reasoning?00:54
Mocpragmaticenigma: There is a script error in the nvidia 390 package that ignore a long list of graphic card00:55
pragmaticenigmaMoc: That would require filing a bug report00:55
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:55
MocAll bug reports I've filled over the years just stay there unchecked until someone close it because of a new release... So I don't brother doing that anymore ! If someone interested to get it fix upstream, I'll tell the few line of code to change, but if not I'll just get back to my stuff00:56
pragmaticenigmaMoc: You could try in #ubuntu-devel ... though weekends I imagine it's pretty quiet there00:58
MocI'll give it a quick try there !00:59
pragmaticenigmaMoc: Do you know if the graphics drivers PPA also does it/00:59
psyruswhich of these would be faster in your opinion, Xfce or Enlightenment?00:59
psyrusand how can I install one of them instead of what I already have00:59
pragmaticenigmapsyrus: This is really not the best place to hold polls. You might want to ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic00:59
psyrusoh okay thanks01:00
Mocpragmaticenigma: I think so.  I had the ppa installed and yet only nvidia-340 was showing up01:00
Mocpragmaticenigma: the deb builder use the README.txt file to find the list of PCI ID to identify if the driver support a certain card.  Nvidia changed the format of the .TXT file after 340 and the guy that modified the script did an error excluding a bunch of video card.01:03
MocIt probably why 340 was left in the Repo rather than fixing more recent releases01:03
starfyterI wouldn't call enlightenment light.01:04
Mocit require a simple fix in nvidia_supported script inside the package builder01:05
Thetethat’s a bit old isn’t it?01:05
pragmaticenigmaMoc: The reason I asked was it might be worth bringing directly to the contact listed on their launchpad page. as I understand it, the graphics driver team ppa is primarily worked on by ubuntu developers and might be a source used by Ubuntu proper01:06
MocI looked it up. I hope it was someone but it the main ubuntu team...01:07
Mocnever mind, found someone01:08
krytarikMoc: I'd be curious to see a diff on that btw.01:11
Mockrytarik: sure, 2 sec01:12
Mockrytarik: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nfxsvy228tgvt18/nvidia_supported.diff.txt?dl=001:15
Mocwould still require a few touch up.01:15
=== BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman
MocNvidia provided additional PCI ID details in the readme which we could add in the alias check rather using the current wildcard01:16
krytarikMoc: Thanks.01:21
Mockrytarik: It just a matter of changing that script and rebuilding the package and making it available on a local repo for Ubuntu Software tools to detect the version and install it01:24
=== em is now known as emma
MocIt working much better than that old 340 driver ! That a 2014 driver Ubuntu is still using !!!01:25
Kon-Moc, 340 isn't even available in 18.04. It uses 39001:29
MocWee, I got hardware h264 acceleration now ! lol01:36
MocOnly reason why I started checking into it is because I tried to run Davinci Resolve and it complain that CUDA was not found...01:40
qwebirc52664Hey people,  i had a question01:41
qwebirc52664I just installed ubuntu over windows 8 and after taking my disk out, it is stuck on the boot part of mok01:42
qwebirc52664Anyone alive?01:43
Kon-You installed from a CD?01:44
qwebirc52664 Yeah I burned it01:45
Kon-When you say "over Windows 8," do you want a dual boot or Windows gone completely?01:45
qwebirc52664Windows gone completely. I have no need for dual01:46
qwebirc52664I like monogamy in my os01:46
starfyterCute. :)01:46
Kon-What is "mok?"01:47
qwebirc52664The mok management01:47
qwebirc52664If I hit f12 it'll take me there but it'll either stall while counting down or I hit a key and it won't let me continue boot01:49
starfyterAh.  EUFI01:49
qwebirc52664That thing01:49
Kon-Ah, I don't have UEFI so I'm not familiar with mok. But is this your problem? https://askubuntu.com/questions/950395/mok-management-will-not-load-on-boot01:50
qwebirc52664Kinda the same thing but I didn't do any of that stuff they did(at least not to my knowledge)01:51
qwebirc52664 But yeah it won't let me press enter on the continue boot but I can go in and screw with the other settings. I just don't know what they do01:53
starfyterDidn't ask you to create a key or something?01:53
qwebirc52664I can either continue boot, reset mok, enroll key from disk or enroll hash from disk01:54
starfyterThe continue doesn't work?01:55
qwebirc52664Nah. It hangs up just like if I had let it count down on the first screen01:55
starfyterIf it was me, I'd just disable it in the bios.01:57
starfyterbreak into the boot sequence to get into your bios, disable secure boot.  reboot...01:58
qwebirc52664So disable secure boot control?01:58
starfyterYep.  You will probably have to reload ubuntu.  YMMV01:59
qwebirc52664 Did it. I've got the ubuntu screen now02:02
Wayward_VagabondSo, I have two (I think) unrelated issues on this install02:11
Wayward_VagabondIf I try to boot up, it hangs after doing FS checks. If I boot into recovery mode, the chose to continue with a normal boot, it'll boot the rest of the way02:12
Wayward_VagabondThe other is that graphics drivers seem to be in an odd state, opengl works enough for minecraft to start, but not opengl 2.0, and it fails quite spectacularly at rendering blocks/the world02:14
Wayward_VagabondI recall seeing a warning that some graphics drivers require a full graphical boot to work properly, so the latter problem may only be a symptom02:24
MocKon-: 340 is available in 18.04.  You must use a more recent video card that isn't supported by 34002:32
Wayward_VagabondFor refference, I'm on xubuntu 18.04lts that was just updated from 16.04lts- that had the same issue02:32
nurupohow can i check what versions of chromium-browser and firefox are in Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04?02:42
nurupoi used to do that using https://packages.ubuntu.com but it claims there are no chromium-browser and firefox packages in Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.0402:42
nurupoe.g. chromium-browser shows up only in Bionic and Cosmic https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=all&searchon=names&keywords=chromium-browser02:43
Bashing-omnurupo: ? Works for me: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=firefox&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all02:44
nurupoand neither xenial or xenial-updates list it in their packages02:44
nurupohttps://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/allpackages?format=txt.gz https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial-updates/allpackages?format=txt.gz02:44
nurupoBashing-om: that shows only Bionic to me02:45
nurupoi'm looking for Trusty and Xenial02:45
nurupo14.04 and 16.0402:45
Bashing-omnurupo: Ouch .. so true ..mo listing for xenial :(02:46
Bashing-om!info firefox xenial02:46
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 62.0+build2-0ubuntu0.16.04.4 (xenial), package size 45338 kB, installed size 171920 kB02:46
nurupodoes that bot reply to pms?02:47
nurupocool, it does02:47
nurupothat will do for now02:47
Bashing-om!info chromiim-browser xenial02:47
ubottuPackage chromiim-browser does not exist in xenial02:47
nurupoBashing-om: thanks!02:48
Bashing-omnurupo: ' /msg ubottu firefox trusty ' will do so in private .02:49
qwebirc8934This is for whomever it is that develops the updates, kernel: 4.15.0-34-generic has been listed as having a bug. I found it o Google search. Are you aware it has a bug and won't allow the computer to boot?02:49
qwebirc8934I found 3 bug reports on it.02:50
kk4ewtand the mainstream kernel is now on 4,1902:55
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
=== deathonater is now known as Smeef
qwebirc8934kernel: 4.15.0-34-generic bug listed here:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1792612  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1791874   https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1792703  There, I pasted it in for you.03:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1792612 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "dkms: ERROR: kernel package linux-headers-4.15.0-34-generic is not supported " [Undecided,New]03:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1791874 in initramfs-tools (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-4.15.0-34-generic 4.15.0-34.37 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/initramfs-tools exited with return code 1" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1792703 in grub-legacy-ec2 (Ubuntu) "package linux-image-4.15.0-34-generic 4.15.0-34.37 failed to install/upgrade: run-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/x-grub-legacy-ec2 exited with return code 1" [Undecided,New]03:07
Wafficushey there, question, is there a way to run "Rogue" in an Ubuntu terminal?03:16
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stephenmevening all03:23
Wafficushey does anyone know if I could play Rogue in terminal on ubuntu?03:24
stephenmnever tried sorry Wafficus03:33
stephenmbut I03:33
stephenmwell actually looking it up you might since it was created in a Unix-like system.03:34
nisankhindiaRogue : https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/bsdgames-nonfree03:36
nisankhindiaInstall it using : sudo apt-get install bsdgames-nonfree03:36
nisankhindiaGuide for Rogue : http://www.rots.net/rogue/guide.txt03:36
psyrushey guys I have a major problem... I was in my ubuntu login and I selected this one called "UKUI" and the screen is blank with only a firefox i cant get back to my regular lubuntu now i need help03:49
^Mike\bIn the standard desktop environment (https://news-cdn.softpedia.com/images/news2/ubuntu-18-04-lts-bionic-beaver-daily-builds-now-available-to-download-518451-3.jpg) what do we call the bar at the left with the program icons? And the bar at the top that says "Activities" and has the clock and stuff?03:52
^Mike\b(this is for a bug report so people know what I'm talking about)03:55
psyruscan someone tell me how to get out of ukui  becuase it is broke i cant log out of it back to lubuntu03:56
psyrusi managed to get to a terminal a few times but it wont accept my password03:56
=== Dreaman is now known as BgLamersTeam
QBRTpsyrus: do you use auto-login? are you using gdm for login?03:58
psyrusyes it is setup to autologin03:58
psyrusi dont know what gdm is03:58
Bashing-om!syrq | psyrus03:58
psyrusugh I don't know what that means03:59
Bashing-om!sysrq | psyrus03:59
ubottupsyrus: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key03:59
QBRTdoes switching to other tty sessions work04:00
psyrusi don't know how to do that either04:00
QBRTctrl+alt+f2 for example04:00
psyrusoh lemmi try that04:00
QBRTshould bring up a terminal04:00
QBRTthen sudo nano etc/gdm/gdm.conf and remove autologin - ctrl+o to save and ctrl+x to exit then reboot04:02
QBRTnot sure if that works on lubuntu though04:02
nisankhindiaif you are using UKUI desktop environement set Lightdm as your default DM04:03
nisankhindiabring up the terminal and type command04:03
nisankhindiasudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm04:03
nisankhindiaand select Lightdm04:03
nisankhindiaif GDM is not installed use command04:04
nisankhindiasudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm04:04
nisankhindiaand selcet lightdm04:04
psyrushey i had to reset my computer.04:07
psyrusi was able to use the terminal i realized i had to type my username first and then my password04:07
nisankhindiain lubuntu autologin can be stoped here /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf04:07
psyruswell if i am in the terminal can i log out from there and get back to the screen where it lets me login and change desktops?04:07
nisankhindiareconfigure you display manager ( set it to Lightdm ) and edit the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file to stop auto login , than restart the system04:08
psyrusi dont know how to do any of that... i'm very bad at using linux04:09
nisankhindiareconfigure DM using command04:10
nisankhindiasudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm or sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm than select the lightdm04:10
nisankhindiato stop auto login edit file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and remove these two lines04:10
jwasham i correct in assuming that if I'm using a vpn client that the person who owns this router won't be able to see what website's I'm ocnnecting to?04:12
nisankhindia@jwash if your VPN can offer proper DNS leak protection than yes04:13
nisankhindiawon't be able to see04:13
jwashnisankhindia PIA - Private Internet Access04:14
nisankhindia@jwash it depends on many factors , proper DNS privacy , DoH or DoT setting or Both etc etc04:16
nisankhindiaif your provider has such configuration behind its servers than others can not see the traffic04:16
nisankhindia@jwash if you want privacy like nobody should see what website your are accessing than you can be sure by configuring your firefox web browser trr values04:18
nisankhindiafirefox now a days comes with DNS over HTTPS capabilities04:18
gt8ost4lBashing-om: i really need your help every now and then (30 mintues) the sound on my headphones stutter it becomes very choppy04:20
nisankhindiaopen firefox , type about:config than search for value trr and replace values as below04:22
nisankhindia" network.trr.mode " change this value to 204:22
nisankhindia" network.trr.uri " change this value to https://mozilla.cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query04:22
nisankhindiathan search for peer ( to remove RTC leak )04:22
nisankhindia" media.peerconnection.enabled " and set value to false04:22
Bashing-omgt8ost4l: Sirry - no experience with sound .. do not use it on this work station - never have .04:22
nisankhindia@jwash after connecting VPN use etherape or dig or kdig to test DNS leak .. ( reliable ) , online leak test can be helpfull but i wont trust online dns leak test result04:25
gt8ost4lcan anybody help me i havent found any posts online with people who have the same model of my laoptop i have a Intel Corporation Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series High Definition Audio Controller and am using ubuntu 18.0404:29
nisankhindia@jwash or you can set up your own DNS over TLS setup along with DNS over HTTPS while using VPN to ensure 100% NO DNS leak this way https://ibb.co/fqqh9z04:30
gt8ost4lthe kernel is  4.15.0-34-generic04:30
nisankhindia@gt8ost4l whats the issue ???04:31
gt8ost4lafter more than 30 minutes my sound stutters04:31
nisankhindiakill the pulseaudio daemon once04:32
nisankhindiaand start pulseaudio as deamon04:32
nisankhindiausing -D04:32
nisankhindiaor -d04:32
gt8ost4lnisankhindia: its the sound onmy headphones it sceeches after a certain amount of time04:32
nisankhindiaif it wont work check some other headphone with the same device04:33
psyrusokay I made progress y'all04:33
psyrusi was able to get to the terminal. log on okay, and then I figured out to type "startx"04:33
nisankhindiapulseaudio -k or pulseaudio --kill04:33
gt8ost4lnisankhindia: its not the headphones its the os04:34
psyrusfrom here how can I go back to the main login where it lets me switch desktops ? it is blured out if i go to logout from here04:34
psyrusor how can i make it so it doesn't autologin when i reboot the computer04:34
psyrusnisankhindia, how do i make it again so it doesn't log me on automatically?04:35
Aaronpsyrus: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:35
psyruswhat does that do?04:35
nisankhindia@psyrus resinatll your desktop environment if you are facing issue with04:35
psyruswhich one is better the sudo apt-get update or sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:36
nisankhindiaand edit the configuration file as i have mentioned , if your default Desktop environment using the lightDM ( as you are using lubuntu ) than the /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf will contain the configuration which is reponsible for autologin04:37
nisankhindiaLightDM configuration is provided by the following files:04:38
psyrusokay i fouind the lightdm.conf i opened it with leaf pad so what do i edit?04:38
nisankhindialook for auto login04:38
psyrusi see04:38
nisankhindiathere will be mentioned04:38
psyruswhat do i change the autologin-user=my username what do i change it to04:39
nisankhindiacomment them04:39
nisankhindiameans add a # sign before the lines04:39
psyrusoh okay04:39
nisankhindiaautologin user and time04:39
psyrusthis is what it looks like now :04:40
nisankhindiait may not work if accountsservice is active04:40
nisankhindiadon't change anything else04:40
nisankhindiajust the autoloin - user thing with autologin time04:41
psyrusI just added a # to the autologin-user=04:41
psyrusand tookay I did04:41
psyrusso now i save it and reset my computer?04:41
nisankhindiarestart the system04:41
psyrusit says it can't open file to write04:41
psyruswhen i try to save it04:42
nisankhindiayou need to open the file in privilege mode04:42
nisankhindiauser mode only can open for read only04:42
psyrushow do i open it in privalidge mode?04:42
nisankhindiasudo vi /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf or sudo nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf etc etc04:43
psyrusomg .. okay i will try this then thankyou nisankhindia04:44
nisankhindiait should be like this04:48
nisankhindia# autologin-user=username04:48
nisankhindia# autologin-user-timeout=delay04:48
nisankhindiamay be you need to add/update another Seat in the config04:48
psyrusi know but i opened the thing twice by mistake and i can't close one of them now i thought if i hit the x04:48
psyrusugh this is awful...04:48
nisankhindiawhich editor ???04:49
psyrusthe vi04:49
psyrushow do i exit it if i closed the window though04:49
nisankhindiaohh vi , escape key tha : and than wq! for write and quit04:49
psyrusit says it's still open04:49
nisankhindiaEsc --- : --- wq! ( press enter )04:50
=== capella|away is now known as capella
cfochhello what is the package name for XFCE4?05:23
cfochI try apt install xfce4 but not in repos05:23
lotuspsychje!info xfce4 | cfoch05:24
ubottucfoch: xfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.12.4 (bionic), package size 4 kB, installed size 16 kB05:24
cfochI have Ubuntu server 18.0405:24
lotuspsychjecfoch: tell us what you are trying to do, whats your endgoal on your server please?05:25
cfochnvm, solved, thanks :)05:26
cfochI have Ubuntu server in GNOME Boxes05:26
cfochI need to introduce commands an it is a pain in the neck to type commands because I can't copy&paste.05:27
cfochI was thinking on using a connection via SSH, but I had no success05:27
cfochI think I need bridge-utils installed in my host, but I don't have it and I can't install it.05:28
tnewman1need some help setting up pasv mode in vsftpd05:28
tnewman1i can connect in 'active' mode05:28
mousescfoch: is the server on the same LAN as whatever client you are using to try to SSH in?05:28
tnewman1ut as soon as i switch to pasv, the connection drops05:28
cfochyes, because it is on a VM, however the server is not in the same network of my host05:29
mousescfoch: You'll need to resolve that first.05:29
cfochyes, but I need a bridge for that I think05:29
mousesDepending on what type of VM software you are using, it likely has config options to take care of these things for you.05:30
cfochGNOME Boxes05:30
mousesDon't really futz with much except KVM/qemu myself, so not too sure :(05:30
cfochand GNOME Boxes inside flatpak05:30
cfochI did this before but I don't remember exactly how, or maybe by that time I was able to install bridge-utils05:31
lotuspsychjetnewman1: be carefull with ftp, its a security risk these days05:42
mouseslotuspsychje: yeah ^^  tnewman1 - I'd strongly consider SFTP as a alternative - same thing but with security and encryption and modern good things.05:44
psyruswell I gave up and reinstalled the danged thing05:44
psyrusi spent more time trying to get my autologin turned off than it would have tqaken me to just reisntall it05:44
psyrusnow i have to do all the updates again, install all the lost programs... and i lost all my saved files too05:45
psyrusthanks for all the  help nisankhindia I appreciate you trying to get it fixed for me05:45
lotuspsychje!cookie | nisankhindia05:46
ubottunisankhindia: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:46
psyrusinstead of installing hex chat I tried out this other one called polari i wonder if a lot of people use it05:46
psyrusit was featured in the software app cuz i needed to install chrome again05:47
psyrusi learned a few things now at least when you were guiding me through the different things i could try to do05:47
psyruswhat does that cookie do ?05:48
nisankhindiameanwhile for self awareness read docs and books from here for better understanding about LINUX https://doc.lagout.org/operating%20system%20/linux/05:48
nisankhindiano matters what distro you do use or familiar05:49
psyrusokay I'll look at it , thanks05:49
lotuspsychjepsyrus: cookie is for volunteers that helped out nicely05:50
psyrusooh okay, thankyou for giving the cookie05:51
orhanenginokayGoodmorning everyone05:51
psyrusdo i just type add the filename to the end of that url to read one of them?05:51
nisankhindiadownload or view using browser05:52
psyrusi see all the text files in there05:52
psyrusooh  yes I see thankyou! I will bookmark this page05:52
nisankhindiacollection of many years along with from many sources put together as Pdf , chm etc etc05:52
lotuspsychjemorning orhanenginokay05:52
nisankhindia@psyrus some books may be outdated but can give you idea about systems ...05:54
psyrusi am a DOS (windows) person... it's far less complicated than the terminal , when i see this terminal i feel like im writing code (which I really have no idea how to do but...) it's like programming in some sort of computer language05:55
nisankhindia@psyrus give yourself time to be familiar with changes05:56
psyrusa LOT of time :)05:56
Triffid_Hunterpsyrus: well yeah, modern shells are very powerful.. see 'man bash' for some description of the language ;)05:56
nisankhindia@psyrus same happend to me in 200205:56
orhanenginokay@psyrus terminal better than msdos :P05:56
nisankhindiathe first time i used Linux system ....05:56
nisankhindiait's not a war who/which better than what , all are best at its own purpose ,no comparison05:57
nisankhindiaaal come out through a process of development and all learned from each others advantages and disadvantages during the period of developements05:57
nisankhindiaDOS / Terminal / Bash etc etc all are best at their own place05:58
psyrusat least this time when i reinstalled , i made sure to not click the autologin option.05:59
orhanenginokayyeah thats right but In my opinion terminal is a bit easier than msdos05:59
nisankhindia@psyrus now hope you are ready with your system and learned few new things today !!!06:02
psyrusyes and thanks again nisankhindia06:03
psyrushave a great rest of your morning (or night) IDK i'm in EST so it's a little after 2 am here for me. I gotta go!06:04
psyrusgoodbye :)06:04
orhanenginokaycya, take care06:04
nisankhindiafrom india but live in russia , bye06:05
friendlyGoat1howdy! may i ask for help with something kind of small?06:34
TxRaspPisure....i will try to answer06:35
friendlyGoat1long story short i uninstalled something that turned itself on when i turned on my terminal and now whenever i turn on my terminal i get the message06:35
friendlyGoat1"bash: (previously mentioned uninstalled file): No such file or directory" and i have no idea how to resolve it06:35
friendlyGoat1haha sorry if its something really small but i have no idea what it is06:36
friendlyGoat1i cant find anything on it which is what made this molehill a mountain06:37
guivercfriendlyGoat1, have a look for something in ~/.bash_profile (it is run every time you open a shell)06:38
kernel-3xpor .bashrc06:38
TxRaspPiit may be hidden06:38
EdicoAny idea why all my NTFS filesystem are mounted as fuse in ubuntu 18.04?06:39
tomreynEdico: where do you see this?06:40
tomreynntfs-3g is a fuse driver, so this is not actually incorrect.06:41
EdicoWhen I click properties with nautilus06:41
tomreynif you run "mount" on a terminal you should see 'ntfs', but it's still fuse mounted06:42
friendlyGoat1~/.bash_profile said: bash: /home/my name/.bash_profile: No such file or directory06:42
friendlyGoat1and .bashrc said command not found06:42
brondiffriendlyGoat1 bleachbit is good in deleting junk files06:42
kernel-3xp.bashrc in your home folder06:42
friendlyGoat1it still says command not found06:44
tomreynfriendlyGoat1: copy and paste this, tell us what it returns:  ls -l ~/.{bash*,profile}06:45
friendlyGoat1-rw------- 1 jonah jonah  618 Sep 17 01:29 /home/jonah/.bash_history06:45
friendlyGoat1-rw-r--r-- 1 jonah jonah  220 Jul 12 22:50 /home/jonah/.bash_logout06:45
friendlyGoat1-rw-r--r-- 1 jonah jonah 3785 Sep  6 15:43 /home/jonah/.bashrc06:45
friendlyGoat1-rw-r--r-- 1 jonah jonah  807 Jul 12 22:50 /home/jonah/.profile06:45
friendlyGoat1sorry for being kind of dense06:46
tomreyn!paste and in the future, please do this, friendlyGoat106:46
ubottutomreyn: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:46
tomreyn!paste | and in the future, please do this, friendlyGoat106:46
ubottuand in the future, please do this, friendlyGoat1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:46
friendlyGoat1ahh okay sorry bout that06:46
Edicotomreyn: all my NTFS filesystems are mounted as fuseblk06:47
Edicotype fuseblk06:47
tomreynfriendlyGoat1: no problem. now run "gedit /home/jonah/.bashrc", look for "(previously mentioned uninstalled file)", and remove and save it if its there. then run "gedit /home/jonah/.profile", look for "(previously mentioned uninstalled file)", and remove and save it if its there.06:48
tomreynEdico: because they are.06:48
tomreyn!fuse | Edico06:49
ubottuEdico: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems06:49
friendlyGoat1thanks! it worked perfectly! thats been really bothering me06:50
Edicotomreyn: in windows they are seen NTFS06:50
friendlyGoat1i have one more question about something completely different06:50
friendlyGoat1i have an SD card and it works perfectly on windows but when i try using it on ubuntu its read only for a little bit but once i go a few folders deeper it just shows a ? folder and one other normal looking folder and i just cant go deeper06:51
tomreynEdico: often file systems which are not well documented and thus have to be reverse engineered are implmented through fuse on linux. this is also the case for ntfs. it is a complex, not properly documented, proprietary, file system. which ubuntu provides good enough but not complete support for, thanks to an immense reverse engineering effort, and a mostly but not fully complete implementation as a fuse file system.06:52
EdicoThing is I lost all my data created on my usb hard drive (which is seen as fuse in ubuntu and NTFS on windows), while I was using ubuntu, after booting into windows. Data was corrupted, having input/output errors ...06:53
tomreynEdico: input / otput errors rather points at a corrupt partition table and / or pyhsical errors, meaning the storage may be (possibly unrecoverably) broken.06:55
EdicoAnd I don't know yet if it is because of the filesystem or because of the usb hard drive06:55
tomreyn!smart | Edico06:55
ubottuEdico: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools06:55
nisankhindiausers should use a universal file system for USB flash drives or other media so that this kind of data loss never do take place06:55
nisankhindiaFAT32 is good but can not handle large data by volume as well as single file . so exFAT format is good for users who often do use USB media ( NTFS is good for preventing data corruption as FAT is not a journal file system )06:57
tomreynEdico: use smartmontools to determine the state of this usb hard drive. you can also try to connect it to a different (maybe different USB version?) connector. try one on the opposite side of the computer.06:57
tomreynnisankhindia: exfat is hardly a "universal file system"06:58
nisankhindiabut before using msartmontools do check S.M.A.R.T option in your BIOS or is it supported by the system06:58
tomreynnisankhindia: S.M.A.R.T support by the BIOS is only really relevant during the few seconds before the OS starts.06:59
nisankhindiaas far as i do aware from PCTechGuide's page on S.M.A.R.T. (2003) comments about the technology has gone through three phases , enable SMART in BIOS is the first step07:02
lotuspsychje!who | nisankhindia07:02
ubottunisankhindia: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)07:02
nisankhindia@ubottu sure , i have returned in this platform after a half of decade :) so i forget few things in IRC07:05
nisankhindia@tomreyn exFAT supports Linux via FUSE or non mainline kernel as well as osX , windows and android07:11
tomreynnisankhindia: there are implementations for linux, but exFAT is patent and license encumbered, so it can't be part of the linux kernel, and it wont be a universal file system until microsoft changes their mind about those.07:15
Edicothanks tomreyn I will try that07:16
gloomyHi there :-)07:29
gloomyI want to remap some keys on my keyboard (at low level). What's the current way of doing that?07:30
gloomyI read about Xmodmap but some places say it's not the best?07:30
gloomyI mostly want to map the cmd (apple) key to ctrl so that I can use the shortcuts I'm used to (cmd-a to select all, cmd-c/cmd-v, etc.)07:31
gloomySome places say to change /etc/default/keyboard instead07:32
BSC_hi everyone! I am quite new to Ubuntu 18 (18.04) and noticed that it (or rather Nautilus) does not seem to properly follow symlinks that I created in my home dir. The target of the symlink is on another partition btw, which seems to generally confuse Nautilus07:40
Ben64BSC_: can you elaborate07:41
FortKnightBSC_: do you get any error?07:42
FortKnightBSC_: how did you create the symlinks? show your command "verbatim"07:42
tmch2Hi! I have a mini PC with several usb ports. When I plug something into certain ports, the computer won't boot up. I've tried booting it up with "acpi=off" to turn off power management, but that didn't help. Are there any other ways that can possibly fix it?07:44
BSC_Ben64: It's actually 2 things. The first issue (which is more annoying): I can't download directly from e.g. Chrome to the pre-defined Downloads target anymore. I moved that to another partition (disk space related) and created a symlink in my homedir like so "ln -s [dir on that other partition] Downloads". That used to work flawlessly on my 16.04 installation.07:45
BSC_FortKnight: see my response to Ben6407:45
viranwhat's the deal with python 3.6-dev ? isnt supported? cant find an offical package for ubuntu07:46
BSC_On 18.04, though, Downloads has disappeared from the list of pre-defined places in Nautilus and it's not accessible when I want to save a file from e.g. Chromium to that place07:46
tomreynBSC_: as a workaround, you could try calling the symlink something else (or just add another), such as 'My Downloads' and set a bookmark in nautilus.07:51
gloomySo after some digging it seems xkb replaced xmodmap07:51
tomreyntmch2: canyou be more specific regarding "wont boot up"?07:52
gloomybut the documentation on it is quite terse :(07:52
geirha!info python3.6-dev07:53
ubottupython3.6-dev (source: python3.6): Header files and a static library for Python (v3.6). In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.5-3 (bionic), package size 499 kB, installed size 517 kB07:53
geirhaviran: It's there, in main ^07:53
virangeirha: is it available for Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS ?07:54
tomreynnot from ubuntu07:55
geirhaviran: no, 16.04 has python3.507:55
viranso how do I get 3.6?07:56
geirhaupgrade to 18.0407:56
virannot so easy :)07:56
virannever mind, ill compile from source07:57
geirhaor go docker07:58
folornif anyones up that might be able to help with this module error i get installing vmware-player into ubuntu that be huge heres the vpaste  http://vpaste.net/SoFaJ08:00
BSC_tomreyn: yeah, i think i have to somehow work around that. sad!08:02
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tomreynBSC_: actually, it works fine with the symlink approach here.08:06
tomreyni closed nautilus, then moved ~/Downloads out of the way (renamed it), then: mkdir /tmp/foo; ln -s /tmp/foo ~/Downloads; ls -l ~/Downloads08:08
tomreynwhen i started nautilus again, it still had 'Downloads', and it pointed to /tmp/foo, which i verified by creating a directory 'bar' in this directory and verifying it existed using the terminal.08:09
tomreynBSC_: this is ubuntu 18.04.1 amd6408:09
Edicotomreyn: At this moment I put the problem on the usb port. My external hard drive is USB 3.0 and my ports are USB 2.0. I switch on another port, as you said, and untill now I haven't received the same problem. Still is too soon to say for sure this was the cause of the problem, I have to wait more time.08:10
gloomySo, apparently gnome uses its own keyboard manager which is separate from xkb? can anyone confirm this?08:11
* gloomy is thoroughly confused08:11
tomreyn!who | gloomy08:11
ubottugloomy: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:11
gloomyuh, can /anyone/ confirm this?08:12
tomreynEdico: usb 3.x doesn't always downgrade to usb 2.x reliably08:12
gloomyI wasn't speaking to someone in particular :-)08:12
tomreyngloomy: may point there is: maybe if there's no one around who feels liek they can help you it's not so useful to keep discussing it here.08:14
BSC_tomreyn: but you moved within the same partition, right? you could try to move to another one, if possible, because I have done exactly the same as you did apart from the partition thing08:16
BSC_tomreyn: I am also on 1804 amd6408:16
tomreynBSC_: /tmp is a differnet partition here08:16
BSC_tomreyn: mhh, ok. then it must be some magic, as usual ;-)08:16
tomreynBSC_: have you verified that the symlink was properly created?08:17
BSC_tomreyn: it's usable from the shell08:17
BSC_tomreyn: only nautilus and the download dialogues of chromium seem to have issues with that ..08:17
tomreynBSC_: so you can "touch ~/Downloads/test" ?08:18
BSC_tomreyn: sure08:18
Tin_mangloomy, i found this link on the subject. >>> https://askubuntu.com/questions/1040642/how-to-stop-gnome-from-overriding-xkb-layout08:18
tomreynBSC_: 18.04.0 or .1 ?08:18
tomreyni.e. fully updated?08:19
gloomytomreyn: Hmm, considering the amount of people on this channel, I'm hoping someone who can help will eventually look at it, in which case it's nicer to give updates on my progress rather than have them answer an old question...08:19
gloomyTin_man: that question has no answer :-]08:20
Tin_mannot giving a answer, just info on the subject of xkb and gnome.08:20
BSC_tomreyn: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS08:20
Tin_mani see that, bummer08:21
BSC_tomreyn: I made all of it once again (moving Downloads, symlinking etc), no it's working in Nautilus. But Chromium won't still download to that place.08:21
tomreyngloomy: my remark is no longer relevant now08:21
tomreynBSC_: you could try a bind mount instead, or update the download location in chrome preferences08:22
BSC_tomreyn: Chromium is installed as a Snap here (hooray for introducing snaps! :-x), it does not seem to by default be allowed to save to other partitions than the one it was started from08:23
tomreynBSC_: you'd probbaly need to adjust some configuration for this snap to allow it to r/w the updated download location (bind mount may also work)08:24
BSC_tomreyn: probably, but I am done with tweaking around files for today, thanks for your help!08:26
Tin_mangloomy, what are you trying to do? switch keyboard layout? or ??? I found this, it did have a few answers :-) >>> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/316998/how-to-change-keyboard-layout-in-gnome-3-from-command-line08:29
gloomyI'm trying to remap the command key (apple) to behave like ctrl08:30
gloomyhmm, there's some good info there, thanks :)08:32
Tin_mangloomy, after looking around the most help is trying to use a PC keyboard on a MAC, and then remapping the CMD key to CTRL key, there is quite a bit of info on that. Anyway good luck..08:40
gloomyThanks :-) I'm getting there08:48
zambaif you were tasked with the mission of setting up an ftp service that should be available at all times.. how would you go about doing that?08:51
lotuspsychjezamba: ftp is insecure these days, lookup another more secure protocol08:53
zambalotuspsychje: that was not part of the question, i'm afraid08:54
gt8ost4llotuspsychje: are the commands  in the line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"in the grub file parameters?08:55
tomreynzamba: it's still kind to point it out in case you're not aware, isn't it.08:55
lotuspsychjezamba: how about you explain what you really want to do to the channel, your end goal? volunteers might try to help08:57
tomreynzamba: a cluster seems like the right approahc to me. i just assume that's not much fun with the ftp protocol. this person seems to have setup (or attempted to setup) a vsftpd cluster with haproxy on centos: https://serverfault.com/questions/663855/haproxy-for-load-balancing-vsftpd-servers08:59
zambaso then it's a headache with shared storage, synchronizing and all that stuff08:59
tomreynzamba: file storage should be a network file system mounted on the vfstp server09:00
tomreynif you want to use a better protocol, use a better protocol ;)09:01
zambaso then i need to make sure that the backend storage is redundant as well09:05
tomreynif you dont like SPOF there, sure.09:05
gt8ost4ltomreyn: can you help me do you know kernel boot parameters?09:10
tomreynzamba: in addition to actual data you'd also need to keep the ftpd's configuration in synch. but hopefully that's just read-only.09:10
gt8ost4lcan i put it like this quiet splash nolapic_timer clocksource=jiffies intel_idle.max_cstate=109:10
tomreyngt8ost4l: they're documented here: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/admin-guide/kernel-parameters.txt09:12
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gt8ost4ltomreyn: is it possible to combine two parameters?09:17
tomreyngt8ost4l: yes, sure09:21
gt8ost4ltomreyn: how much time do you got09:24
gt8ost4li have something i wanna tell you09:24
john_ramboI am using 18.04 .....How do I uninstall the snap packages that are installed by default and replacce them this .deb ?09:27
guivercjohn_rambo, `snap list` will list the installed snaps, if you want to remove snap called 'blah', `sudo snap remove blah` will remove it.. to install a deb `sudo apt install blah` will install it (this assumes it has the same name for snap & deb package) -- general info only; i don't know what snaps are default-installed, haven't looked, thus don't know how wise it is (I'm not on 18.04 currently)09:30
john_ramboguiverc, I just did sudo apt autoremove --purge snapd.... 119 MB of disk space freed09:31
dragerI have some weird behavior with my laptop screen, I have dual screen setup. The thing is that my laptop screen randomly fades into transparent black. Looks like some kind of animation fade or something. Any ideas? Running 18.0409:32
dragerSo it's blinking from default to transparent black09:32
guiverci wouldn't have removed it; a number of packages only come as snaps (they are looking at replacing chromium deb's with snaps only for example; it's less work for devs as debs need packaging for multiple versions..)09:34
guivercjohn_rambo, also I just looked at gnome-logs (18.04) - the snap you have contains a later version than you can get using debs...09:37
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tomreyngt8ost4l: if you have an ubuntu support question, just ask09:52
gt8ost4ltomreyn: sorry09:52
gt8ost4lthis time i am gonna be discribtive09:53
gt8ost4ltomreyn: i  have a Atom Processor Z36xxx/Z37xxx Series High Definition Audio Controller sound card with a snd_hda_intel driver every couple of seconds youtube video pauses or when i listen to music i hear screeching im on ubuntu 18.04.109:58
gt8ost4ltomreyn: that is all i have09:59
tomreyngt8ost4l: post dmesg + syslog after it happened.10:00
gt8ost4lno but i checked the logs its a os problem10:00
tomreynok, so without info, i can't help.10:01
FortKnightgt8ost4l: Do you have the same symptoms when you use other linux distros?...if you are really convinced it's a OS issue no logical reason to object to doing so10:02
FortKnightwell besides being those people that like to complain about something but not take any actions to do anything about it10:03
gt8ost4lFortKnight:  its all linux except windows10:03
gt8ost4ldo you want me to check youube again10:04
FortKnightgt8ost4l: do you have the same symptoms in other linux distros? yes or no10:04
gt8ost4li told you already scroll up10:04
FortKnightgt8ost4l: what other linux distros exhibit the same symptoms? name the ones you've tried "verbatim"10:06
gt8ost4ldebian linux mint and kubuntu10:07
FortKnightgt8ost4l: sounds like you should use windows then10:07
gt8ost4li cant i got all my information on this distro10:08
FortKnightgt8ost4l: those little "netbooks" aren't very  powerful...and bringing up windows is a apples vs oranges comparison10:08
FortKnight"you can't" eh?....then sounds like you're SOL10:09
pinky-booHi. How can I disable touchpad (Ubuntu bionic)10:11
SimonNLI'm guessing in system settings, mouse and touchpad pinky-boo10:12
pinky-booDone. thanks10:13
SimonNLguest correctly I reckon.10:14
murthyI like to share something about the recent spam in ubuntu irc channels, whom should I talk to?10:14
poltergeesemaybe take it up to drone or sigyn?10:15
SimonNL#freenode I guess again10:15
pinky-booSimonNL: you did :)10:15
murthypoltergeese: Is drone a spam blocking bot?10:16
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:17
murthySimonNL:  freenode channel?10:17
poltergeesei don't know murthy10:17
murthyBluesKaj: omg you, so long10:17
JimBuntumurthy, there are bots here that silence people for various reasons.10:17
poltergeeseall i know is that there's drone and sigyn up there and they seem to be in charge of this channel10:17
BluesKajhey murthy10:17
murthyJimBuntu: ok10:17
murthyBluesKaj: how are you10:18
SimonNL[Drone] (unit193@ubuntu/bot/drone): Ubuntu antispam bot, contact #ubuntu-ops     murthy does this help ?10:18
poltergeesei'm relatively new to this whole irc business tbh10:18
BluesKajfine here murthy, and you?10:18
Styilhmm, anyone using VLC on 18.04?10:18
murthyBluesKaj: I am too, glad to see you after a long time10:19
Styiland having issues10:19
poltergeeseStyil: i am10:19
SimonNL[Sigyn] (sigyn@freenode/utility-bot/sigyn): #freenode-sigyn for details    or this murthy10:19
poltergeesewhat issues exactly?10:19
Styilsegfaults :/10:19
poltergeesehave never experienced that10:19
poltergeesei'm using vlc 3.0.3 btw10:19
BluesKajmurthy, nice to see you too10:19
murthySimonNL: I have already seen that10:20
poltergeeseStyil: what were you doing that caused vlc to segfault?10:20
murthySimonNL: but could you recommend anyone else10:20
Styilplaying a video10:20
Styilwell upon asking vlc to load a video10:21
SimonNLthose channels murthy10:21
Styilit segfaults10:21
murthySimonNL: ok10:21
SimonNLI think10:21
poltergeeseeh, can't say i have experienced that. xubuntu 18.04.1 running vlc 3.0.3 here, pretty sure i've been using it to watch my cartoons and i have never come across any major problems10:22
murthyStyil: hi10:23
poltergeeseother than that it can feel a little sluggish but that's to be expected since i'm running on intel pentium lol10:24
murthyStyil: can you one a terminal?10:24
murthyStyil: can you open a terminal?10:24
Styilof course10:24
tomreynStyil: i had soem issues with VLC failing after upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04. removing ~/.config/vlc fixed it for me.10:24
murthyStyil: you have installed vlc from normal repository or by a snap package?10:25
Styilnormal repo10:25
Styilwell, just used apt10:25
Styilchecked if its updated10:25
Styillatest version, 3.0.310:25
poltergeesei installed mine from ubuntu software center10:25
poltergeesesame thing, isn't it10:25
murthyStyil: in the terminal run vlc10:26
StyilI am running it through terminal10:26
murthytomreyn: you point is valid, we will come to that step next10:26
Styilterminal logs are what tell me its a segfault10:26
murthyStyil: is there any message before that?10:27
poltergeeseoh, lemme try running it through a terminal as well and see what happens10:27
Styilwell running it in verbose mode tells me it crashes right after trying to resize it10:27
Styil[00007f3148001370] main vout display debug: VoutDisplayEvent 'resize' 1280x72010:27
Styilbut nothing in the logs throws an error10:28
Styilit just segfaults10:28
murthyStyil: did you change any settings in the preferences before this started happening?10:28
Styilfresh install, even took the liberty of reinstalling it10:29
Styilfirst time I've used vlc on this distro10:29
murthyStyil: what is the graphics card you have?10:29
StyilR9 390, running amdgpu as its driver10:29
Styilcould be it to be honest10:30
Styilamdgpu isn't exactly the most stable thing at the moment10:30
tomreynStyil: just: rm -r ~/.config/vlc10:30
murthyStyil: drivers installed from where?10:30
Styiltomreyn, tried it, still fails10:30
Styilapt repo10:30
murthytomreyn: he says it is a fresh install10:30
tomreynStyil: oh ok, i idnt see you writing this10:30
tomreynmurthy: of vlc, yes, but it may have been instaleld before10:30
murthytomreyn: no, his OS is a fresh install10:31
tomreynoh ok10:31
murthyStyil: can you run glxgears and see if it works10:31
Styilworks fine10:32
tomreyni think there were issues with smdgpu and southern islands10:32
tomreynmay still apply to ubuntu's 4.1510:33
murthyStyil: can you disable your graphics driver and see if it works?10:33
poltergeeseon the topic of vlc: i'm getting several "buffer deadlock prevented" messages - is this something i have to worry about?10:34
ubottuFreedesktop bug 91880 in Drivers/Gallium/radeonsi "Radeonsi on Grenada cards (r9 390) exceptionally unstable and poorly performing" [Critical,Needinfo]10:34
murthyStyil: after installing your graphics driver did you restart?10:34
Styilwell its not that new of an install, yes, I have rebooted10:35
FortKnightStyil: are you chatting from the computer right now?10:36
murthyStyil: please clarify about the installtion10:36
murthyStyil: please clarify about the installation10:36
FortKnightStyil: open terminal>   sudo apt install inxi pastebinit10:37
Styilits otherwise stable10:37
FortKnightStyil: let me know when done by simply saying "done"10:37
FortKnightStyil: in terminal>   inxi -Fxxprzc0|pastebinit10:38
FortKnightStyil: share url/link here10:38
FortKnightStyil: if you do not get a url/link...say so10:38
tomreyni'd try "amdgpu.cik_support=1 amdgpu.modeset=1 amdgpu.dc=1 amdgpu.dpm=1" as per the bug report.10:40
Styildoubt it will help with a segfault though10:41
Styiltomreyn, I've been through those issues, before, they were largely why I have installed ubuntu several times. They have been recently patched, look through the bug report10:42
tomreynoh you run an outdated mainline kernel10:42
murthyStyil: other video players work?10:43
tomreynStyil: the bug report is where those suggestions stem from, but they were targetted at 4.1510:43
murthyStyil: for example smplayer10:43
Styilthe stock player does not but it gets further, the video freezes within 3 seconds of playing, smplayer does work however10:43
Styiltomreyn, its been fixed as of 4.1710:43
murthyStyil: are you using a bluetooth headset?10:43
Styildont know how bluetooth would cause a segfault10:44
murthyStyil: not segfault but freezes the video10:44
tomreynmaybe install linux v4.18.8 (non rc) and see if it helps10:45
murthyStyil: if the bluetooth audio devices is problematic then the video freezes for me10:45
murthyStyil: do you have snap?10:45
FortKnightStyil: in vlc are you using HW acceleration / overlay in VLC preferences?10:45
FortKnightStyil: has the symptom always existed or did it just begin to occur?10:46
Styilthis is my first time running vlc on this computer10:47
Styiltrying to disable hw acceleration now10:47
Styilbut anyways the folks over at #videolan told me to submit a bug report so I will probably do that10:47
murthyStyil: can you install vlc from snaps10:48
FortKnightStyil: the question was to determine the current state of acceleration...prior to you doing any further tweeking10:48
Styilhold on10:48
FortKnightbut i digress10:48
Styilit worked10:48
FortKnighttake care10:48
Styilseems snap install has a slightly newer version than apt10:48
poltergeesethat's good to know. so probably faulty drivers?10:48
Styilinstalled it and it seems to work10:49
poltergeeseor does the problem lie with vlc itself?10:49
poltergeesetoday i learned10:49
Styilnot sure but I didnt disable hardware acceleration10:49
murthyStyil: Then it is surly a graphics issue or a config issue, most probably its the graphics one10:49
poltergeesewhat do you mean the snap version has a slightly newer version than apt?10:49
murthypoltergeese: snap packages are packaged soon after release10:50
Styilinstalling via the command snap gives 3.0.4, while apt (which is just the backend of your Ubuntu Software app) gives 3.0.310:50
poltergeeseah, i see10:50
murthyStyil: snap package of vlc comes packaged with its own graphics package10:51
Styilthats probably it10:51
murthyStyil: If vlc was at fault then smplayer should have worked10:51
Styilsmplayer did work10:51
StyilI said it did10:51
murthyStyil: for 3 sec10:51
Styilno that was the stock ubuntu video software10:52
Styilnot smplayer10:52
murthyStyil: smplayer worked properly?10:52
Styil<Styil> the stock player does not but it gets further, the video freezes within 3 seconds of playing, smplayer does work however10:52
murthysorry misread10:53
Styilits all good10:53
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murthyStyil: as FortKnight said it could be the hardware acceleration issue, in the recent versions of VLC hardware acceleration is enabled by default. But i guess hardware acceleration in smaplayer is not. I guess bad driver could cause the vlc to crash10:55
murthyStyil: have you tried disabling the driver?10:55
Styilno, though I am aware that amdgpu isnt perfectly stable on my card10:56
Styilthough since the june/july/august update of it, it has been pretty kind to me10:56
murthyStyil: have you head of gdb?10:57
murthyStyil: If you are interested in debugging, take a look at it10:58
Styilinteresting, either way, ill take a look at it later11:00
Styilspent too much time trying to figure this out that I don't have the time to watch the video I wanted to11:01
Styiltime for bed11:01
murthyStyil: good night11:01
TJ-Do we have any i386 18.04 images anywhere? I know we don't have ISO installers, but VM images maybe? My search-fu failed me11:18
JimBuntuTJ-, beta 1 had 32bit iso's... as far as I know though, after that, no more 32bit anything11:27
JimBuntumaybe the mini11:27
oerheksmini iso 32 bit, you will need wired networking11:29
TJ-yeah; I recall there are some 'cloud' VM images for i386 (not installers) but couldnt' recall where to find them11:30
oerhekshi TJ-11:30
* TJ- waves :)11:30
oerheksor Lubuntu .. https://lubuntu.net/downloads/11:31
guivercxubuntu still has 32bit installs (both xubuntu & lubuntu have 32bit for 18.10 desktops)11:35
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john_ramboWhen I click on a .ods file I want libreoffice calc to open inside firejail sandbox ....How can I do this ?11:47
TJ-guiverc: that's it - I knew there were some :)11:57
JimBuntujohn_rambo, is it safe to say that you received the desired help in ##linux ?11:57
TJ-john_rambo: you'd likely need to create a custom .desktop file and set it to be the default used by xdg-open11:57
EightyninePlease, help me. Ubuntu is working bad on my PC. Sometimes Gnome lags, long boot time, Chrome crashes.11:58
john_ramboJimBuntu, No it seems a bit complicated11:59
john_ramboTJ-, PLease tell me how to do that11:59
TJ-john_rambo: I've not done it myself, but .desktop files have an Exec= line so you'd customise that to start LO within firebase, however that is done. You'd then set that .deskstop entry as the default application for .ods files, which can be done via the desktop environment usually12:02
john_ramboTJ-, OKay ... I will try12:02
Hanumaanjust upgraded from 16.04.5 to 18.04.1 but unable to login into GUI, created a new user and with new user able to login. Probably some old setting files are conflicting which are those confugration files? Probably I can delete them12:05
EightynineWhat can I do? I tried new Xorg/Mesa, my PC works better but far from ideal.12:06
cfhowlettEightynine, how much ram?12:06
Eightynine4 GB.12:06
TJ-Eightynine: have you checked if there are disk I/O errors being reported in /var/log/kern.log ?12:07
EightynineNo. How can I read logs about boot time and crashes?12:07
TJ-Eightynine: open a terminal, then use "less /var/log/kern.log" - press 'h' to get help on how to navigate the file12:08
Wafficushi there question about rogue likes in the terminal. is there a multiplayer rogue like for ubuntu that uses internet fkr multiplayer?12:08
ioriaHanumaan, login in what session ?  gnome-shell or unity ?  i'd try to backup /home/user/.cpmpiz  and .config12:09
EightynineLess? I tried gedit and it worked too. May I drop pastebin link here?12:09
phraktylEightynine, you can `journalctl -xe` for boot logs12:09
EightynineThank you guys.12:09
Eightyninegoogle-chrome.desktop[2310]: [2310:2334:0917/151022.333028:ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(1050)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -10112:13
Hanumaanioria, gnome-shell was already installed in 16.04, I moved .gnome and .gnome2 folder and I'm able to login now12:14
ioriaok, good12:14
EightynineAny ideas on those issues and logs?12:19
TJ-Eightynine: nothing useful in that one, no12:23
TJ-Eightynine: when people report slowness at boot time it can sometimes be caused by failure to read the disk, but that gets reported as I/O errors, which you don't appear to have12:23
EightynineI I don't remember Ubuntu working so bad on my PC. It was crashing and had problems with Plymouth but I could solve that updating drivers and system.12:24
TJ-Eightynine: you can check the boot-time hold ups with "systemd-analyse critical-chain" and systemd-analyze blame"12:25
EightynineMaybe I should replace I/O scheduler?12:25
TJ-Eightynine: I cannot imagine that an issue; not for freezes and crashes. That sounds more like data corruption, either on-disk or via RAM12:26
EightynineIt says there's no systemd-analyze and asks to install it. I used this command previously.12:26
EightynineI burned ISO to flash drive using imageusb under Windows. I had problems after installation (could reboot only after pressing Reset button). Maybe I didn't burn it properly? Writing and veryfiing was succeslful according to that software.12:28
lefreuthey there, anyone familliar with fbterm escape sequence?12:28
cfhowlettEightynine, 2 possible corruption points: the ISO and the flashdrive.  cure: md5sum chekcs12:29
cfhowlett!md5sum | Eightynine12:29
ubottuEightynine: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM12:29
lefreutbasically i'm trying to show the time with a white font, and a changing background color, in the term12:31
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Eightyninemd5sums are OK.12:39
iorialefreut, like this :  echo " $(tput setab 4)$(date) $(tput sgr 0)"12:42
ioriaEightynine, systemd-analyze  is part of systemd, i doubt you don't have it12:45
EightynineI know such command (systemd-analyze), but systemd-analyse critical-chain doesn't work.12:47
EightynineStartup finished in 5.714s (firmware) + 11.513s (loader) + 2.184s (kernel) + 34.077s (userspace) = 53.490s That's too long for SSD.12:48
ioriaEightynine, verbatim, please :  systemd-analyze critical-chain12:50
EightynineThat worked. Someone gave me that command with typo on the firs time.12:57
EightynineAgain all those bugs and lags are because of those damn snaps and lvm. I didn't ask my system to create lvm partitions.13:00
furaidiWhy am I so nervous, when Ubuntu works great?)13:00
Eightyninefuraidi Because you afraid it'll begin work bad eventually :D13:01
furaidiTRUE! ))13:01
furaidimaybe I need to switch to unstable repos?13:02
furaidiNo, not today)13:02
EightynineJust like on my PC. What hardware and Ubuntu flavor do you have?13:02
EightynineYou will be laughing but all those issues are on LTS version.13:02
furaidimy laptop is a great platform to mess with AMD drivers :]13:03
furaidisometimes I want to make injury to myself, while video drivers putting it's fingers in my eyes13:04
furaidiEightynine: Lenovo G505s with AMD set of crap13:06
EightynineAMD? That's why your system works better. Intel is shit.13:07
nate_hannonKinda wish broadcomm would develop Linux drivers....13:09
furaidiCPU is good, that is true, but GPU (HD 7460g) was good while fglrx was in repos, but now I have only radeon drivers, while amdgpu not supporting it...13:10
furaidilast release with fglrx was 16.04, if I'm correct13:11
FortKnightrib eye steak13:58
lotus|NUCFortKnight: can we help you?13:58
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kumoolwhat's the best browser for a battery powered laptop?14:01
kumoolfirefox is a hog, and so is chrome14:01
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lotus|NUC!info laptop-mode-tools | kumool try this14:03
ubottukumool try this: laptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.71-2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 83 kB, installed size 378 kB14:03
lotus|NUCkumool: for lightweight fast browsing lookup you could try links2 aswell14:04
avukumool: modern browsers with all they have to support to run stuff on the web kind of need to be monsters like this, so the only options like (e)links(2) or w3m or lynx will significantly reduce your experience (but they might be enough depending on your actual use cases for the web)14:05
avukumool: you might also be interested in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_lightweight_web_browsers14:06
kumoolavu, i used netsurf before upgrade but now i can't install14:06
avukumool: although note that their definition of "lightweight" might be slightly questionable. Browsers that are lightweight frontends to things like QtWebKit aren't really more lightweight at their core than Chrome or Firefox14:07
avukumool: Dillo might be a nice option14:08
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cukierHello! Every time I shut down my computer, chromium thinks it was closed unexpectedly. Is there something I could do to prevent popups about it come up when I open it after boot up?14:24
gpunkclose chromium before closing your session14:25
pragmaticenigmacukier: make sure that chromium is closed properly before shutting off the computer. Try opening chromium, closing the app, then reopening and closing again14:26
cukier:( I don't want to close it manually :(14:26
pragmaticenigmacukier: then you live with your decisions14:26
cukierThank you for answering my question :)14:28
kumoolavu, do I have to run sudo laptop_mode to enable it?14:30
ChaiTRexcukier: You can make a script to shut down Chromium with `killall /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromium-browser`14:31
kumoollotus|NUC, do i have to run sudo laptop_mode to enable it?14:31
ChaiTRexcukier: Then make a shutdown action with https://askubuntu.com/a/795406/61645114:31
cukierOh! Thank you!14:31
kumoolsorry avu, thanks, have installed them all :)14:31
ChaiTRexcukier: This assums you're on 16.04 or later.14:31
cukierI'm on 18.04 :)14:32
ChaiTRexcukier: Ahh, goo.14:32
pragmaticenigmaChaiTRex: They will still get the error message they don't like. The message they receive is because chromium isn't closed properly. ( cukier )14:32
ChaiTRexpragmaticenigma: killall will close it as if the close button was pressed.14:33
ChaiTRexpragmaticenigma: It's different from killall -914:33
pragmaticenigmaChaiTRex: I thought killall defaulted to kill 9 applications14:33
ChaiTRexpragmaticenigma: No, it works like kill, only with an application name.14:33
pragmaticenigmagood to know14:34
ChaiTRexpragmaticenigma: "killall sends a signal to all processes running any of the specified commands.  If no signal name is specified, SIGTERM is sent."14:34
widpIs there a way for the package manager to undo the last operation, rolling back previous changes etc..?14:55
widpalso I am setting up a 2 user server. Do packages installed always have to be installed in the system, or could they be per user installs?14:57
pragmaticenigmawidp: what was the last operation performed?14:57
widppragmaticenigma: nothing has happened, yet. I just got a ubuntu server and I am trying to set it up.14:58
widpIt's for 2 users, so I was wondering how to limit resources/ setup package installations etc..14:58
lotus|NUCwidp: detail what you are doing mate, so volunteers can try to help14:59
pragmaticenigmawidp: You can easily uninstall packages that were installed with the package manager. You cannot roll back versions that were updated. Package managers install all software where it is available to all users. As far as I know, there isn't a way to isolate an application to only have it available to one person, when installed through the package manager.15:00
widplotus|NUC: I have a lot of questions, mostly related to server adminstration best practices.15:01
widpis there a wiki or something where I could read about these kind of things?15:02
pragmaticenigmawidp: that all depends on what you are attempting to do.15:02
widpfor instance, I was also wondering about resources limiting per user, someone on #linux recommended I take a look at cgroups.15:02
tonyyarussowidp: Packages from apt are system-wide.  There do exist other types of package management, such as pip for Python, that can be per-user.15:02
tonyyarussowidp: If you want to do granular separation stuff, that gets into container technology, like LXC/LXD.15:03
pragmaticenigmawidp: most wiki/articles regarding server best practices, are in an effort to harden the server against attack from the Internet. Your questions so far have been very general, so it's difficult to send you in a direction best suited for your needs15:04
widptonyyarusso: makes sense.15:04
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widpmy specific question is whether I can give another user a sudo'er right off the bat.15:10
widpare there measures I can put into place to make sure things don't break...15:10
widpprobably still a little vague, I know :).15:11
hggdhwidp: yes, you can give sudo rights to any user, in varying details. See man sudoers15:13
widphggdh: thank you!15:16
HurricaneHarrywidp: since ubuntu is a debian derivate maybe https://debian-handbook.info/ is of interest to you.15:20
lotus|NUCHurricaneHarry: please no debian manual in the #ubuntu support channel15:21
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widpHurricaneHarry: definitely useful.15:23
lavinhogood afternoon15:24
HurricaneHarrywidp: do take note it is not 100% the same.15:24
widpI understand.15:24
lavinhoi am a problem signature ubuntu15:24
lavinhohow to olved?15:25
tomreyn!pt | lavinho15:27
ubottulavinho: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:27
FuraiHey, anyone knows what these errors are about? BAR 13: no space for [io  size 0x2000]15:27
FuraiSomething about assigning PCI devices?15:27
tomreynFurai: which ubuntu version (lsb_release -ds), which kernel version (cat /proc/version) and boot options (cat /proc/cmdline)?15:30
lavinhohelp me please15:31
tomreynlavinho: it's not clear what you need help with.15:32
FuraiLet me get the info, but latest ubuntu, latest kernel from stable 4.18.x and uefi mode. Will get specific outputs in a second.15:32
FuraiUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS || Linux version 4.18.8-041808-generic (kernel@gloin) (gcc version 8.2.0 (Ubuntu 8.2.0-6ubuntu1)) #201809150431 SMP Sat Sep 15 08:33:36 UTC 2018 || BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.18.8-041808-generic root=UUID=3c37b288-2818-45eb-9d9c-af3454a531f5 ro quiet splash vt.handoff=115:33
tomreynFurai: does it happen with ubuntu's default kernel? does it happen with a mainline kernel from kernel-ppa?15:33
lavinhoerror signature grub64-efi15:33
Furaitomreyn, will check now, be back in a moment.15:33
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tomreyn!details | lavinho15:34
ubottulavinho: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.15:34
lavinhowhen I install anything gives grub signature error15:35
tomreynlavinho: show ubuntu version (lsb_release -ds), command you run and its output (use a !pastebin)15:40
lavinhobios options customize signature15:47
cousteauUsing Ubuntu xenial.  What's the keystroke to change to another desktop?15:50
cousteauCtrl-Alt-arrows ain't working15:51
furaidilavinho: your ubuntu starts normaly?15:51
lotus|NUC!hotkeys | cousteau15:51
ubottucousteau: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2209015&seqNum=315:51
lavinhobut i installed refind on usb15:51
cousteau...well, they're totally enabled.  Weird.15:52
furaidiI had the same problem, but it dissapired somehow15:53
cousteauSo it must be some setting or something messing with the shortcuts... Thanks anyway!  At least now I know it *should* work.15:55
pragmaticenigmacousteau: Are workspaces enabled? By default they're disabled on fresh installs15:57
BoFbuen dia alguien con experiencia en galera cluster?15:57
cousteauYep, I can switch with the workspace button15:57
furaidilavinho: there was a SSD issue, I've changed it to usual HDD with same partitions15:58
lotus|NUC!br | BoF15:58
ubottuBoF: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:58
pragmaticenigma!es | BoF15:58
ubottuBoF: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:58
cousteauBoF: try #ubuntu-es or English15:58
cousteau(#ubuntu-es is lately quite empty though)15:58
lavinhogpt ?15:58
BoFhi all, i need help about galera cluster , any with experience?15:58
furaidinow gpt+HDD15:59
cousteauBetter :) (but I don't know about that software)15:59
pragmaticenigmaBoF: Please elaborate on what specifically you need help with... If someone has an answer, they will reply15:59
cousteaupragmaticenigma: workspaces are enabled, I can switch using the button, but not the kb shortcut16:00
Furaitomreyn, I've tried default and mainline kernel, both have the same issue. I don't know what is this about but it might have been there for years and I have never really noticed any problems with any device.16:01
cousteau(ah wait, I already said that... my bad)16:01
BoFI have 3 clients, but each one has different storage capacity, cluster galley merges them as a single unit ?, example: Client1 5BG, Client2 10 GB and Client3 2GB, with cluster gallery my total would be 17GB?16:01
furaidilavinho: efi - 512Mb, root - 40 Gb, home - 112Gb16:01
furaidithat mine partitions16:01
BoFI have 3 clients, but each one has different storage capacity, cluster galera merges them as a single unit ?, example: Client1 5BG, Client2 10 GB and Client3 2GB, with cluster gallery my total would be 17GB?16:02
Furai@BoF, ask in #maria16:03
pragmaticenigmacousteau: It's alright, I might have missed it. About the only things I can think of is potentially another program has defined the same hotkeys and is intercepting them, or I have had hotkeys mysteriously do weird things and a log out and log in restores them16:03
tomreynFurai: i'm not sure what exactly it means either, it seems to be related to PCI device I/O memory regions.16:03
tomreynFurai: if there's no problem, i guess we don't need to spend tim eon it. but if you'd like to, can you show all of dmesg?16:04
Furaitomreyn, anyway, thanks for the ideas with kernels. I'll start monitoring and check if something actually does not work. Thank you for your time.16:04
FuraiSure, gimme a sec.16:04
tomreynFurai: it'd also be interesting to see whether this still occurs after a fully power cycle (cold boot)16:05
FuraiSent you over PM.16:05
FuraiCan't really do that, as my integrated battery won't allow that.16:05
FuraiToday I've actually done full repasting of my laptop. It was disassembled to pieces.16:06
FuraiI've also examined syslog from previous days.16:06
FuraiThe same error was there.16:06
FuraiSo I think I had the "cold boot" today.16:06
ioriacousteau, Super + Home (End) not working ?16:06
tomreynFurai: i don't normally accept private messages, if you can't post it here, please resend (i've set a temporary exception).16:07
FuraiSent again.16:07
FuraiDid it work?16:08
FuraiI guess dmesg isn't a big deal but I'd rather send it over PM. Sorry if that bothered you.16:09
Furai(AFK for a bit, need to cook some food. I'll be checking here in meanwile.)16:10
cousteauioria: nope16:14
aleksa123987anyone online ?16:17
cousteauMeh, I give up.  It's not my PC after all but a laptop at work.16:17
ioriacousteau, are you on 16.04 or 18.04 ?16:20
cousteauAnyway since it is a work laptop I don't discard the possibility of some setting having been set that interferes with it16:21
ioriacousteau, check in systemsettings -> keyboard -> shortcuts (Navigation i guess)16:21
cousteauAll enabled.16:22
aleksa123987guys i've got a question i cant seem to find the solution to online16:22
aleksa123987does anyone know how to change the color of left click drag on desktop16:22
ash_worksiare you supposed to add ClientAlive{Interval,CountMax} to /etc/ssh/sshd_config to set ssh connection timeout length or is there a more ubuntu-specific way of doing that?16:22
tomreynFurai: so this is indeed about reservation of memory regions for communication (I/O) with PCI devices. This shortage can be caused by broken BIOSes, it's possible that the nvidia driver also impacts this (reserving more regions than it needs, or regions where it should not). Using "pci=nocrs" may be a counter measure, but may also have side effects. Another option may be to activate 'above 4G' addressing for PCI devices in BIOS (effectively16:22
tomreynadding more memory regions which are available for PCI I/O). If your PCI devices currently work fine (I assume those your laptop has are limited and dont change much) then you can probably just ignore this.16:22
aleksa123987highlight area if you know what i mean16:22
tomreynFurai: A newer BIOS version is *not* available for this device.16:23
ioriacousteau, check pressing the Win key that they are the default ones16:24
cousteaualeksa123987: I don't think it can be changed easily16:24
aleksa123987cousteau: meh thats kinda lame16:26
cousteauGah, the more I use this the more I feel tempted to install XFCE which is the one I'm used to16:26
cousteaualeksa123987: maybe there's a setting somewhere.  Only not readily available that I could see.16:26
cousteauPretty sure XFCE did have an option to change colors.16:27
cousteaualeksa123987: the selection color doesn't even seem to be consistent.  In Nautilus it is orange, in the desktop it is gray16:30
HenryCHHi, has anyone else had trouble installing the .net core sdk on 18.04? following the ms instructions i get "unable to locate package dotnet-sdk-2.1" when trying to install16:31
gemclipRunning 18.04 I am playing around with the LAMP stack. I issue "sudo service apache2 stop" and it looks like it works but when i run "apachectl status" apache is still running. Any idea why?16:31
Furaitomreyn, yeah, I'm aware there no newer bios for it.16:32
cousteaualeksa123987: so I'm not sure if the way to go would be to make a custom desktop style, changing a gconf setting, or if it can be done at all.  Maybe XFCE or another desktop environment supports it.16:33
tomreyngemclip: use "sudo systemctl stop apache2" instead, "sudo systemctl status apache" to inspect its state and recent logs.16:33
cousteauAnyway gtg16:33
gemcliptomreyn: those work. I was jsut wondering why service doesnt16:34
tomreyngemclip: i don't know. 'service' was used to manage upstrart jobs. normally there should be backward compatibility measures in place to still make it work. but since 18.04 uses systemd, you should really use its service management utilities instead.16:36
tomreyngemclip: maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers will help you getting into it.16:37
gemcliptomreyn: I'll look at that. Thank you16:37
aleksa123987@cousteau: i've already tried changing the shell and app theme. tried the dconf-editor16:41
aleksa123987i cant seem to find it anywhere16:42
tomreyngemclip: i should have said that 'service' is meant to work with any init system, it is not specific to 'upstart'. still, since only systemd is used on 18.04, i'd recommend getting yourself comfortable with and start using exclusively systemd's management utilities.16:42
aleksa123987i dont like the orange color but it seems like im stuck with it16:42
tomreynaleksa123987: there's gnome-tweaks16:43
aleksa123987yup ive searched there already16:43
aleksa123987by the way how do you tag people haha ?16:43
aleksa123987first time using this16:44
tomreynaleksa123987: you're trying to do what exactly? change the color of the mouse pointer? on gnome-shell (gnome3) / ubuntu 18.04?16:44
aleksa123987noo not the color of mouse pointer16:44
aleksa123987when you click and drag on desktop16:44
gemcliptomreyn: This is my first go with linux. I was following a tutorial online and the presented the service way. I am reading the link you suggested now and ill replace their references with the systemctl instead16:45
aleksa123987the orange box that shows what area is selected16:45
tomreynaleksa123987: not sure what you mean by tagging people, maybe you're referring to me starting a line with your nickname?16:45
ctjctjHello.  I am running 18.04LTS on a Linode.  Linode gives me a public IP via dhcp4.  I also have a private IP.  What is the correct way to pull that public via DHCP and set the static?  Netplan doesn't seem to have anything that allows dhcp PLUS static on the same interface.16:45
aleksa123987yea that. i tried just typing out the name16:45
aleksa123987but i dont know if that works16:45
tonyyarussoctjctj: There's documentation on Linode's site for that.16:47
ctjctjtonyyarusso, Let me find it!  Thanks.16:47
FortKnightctjctj: sounds like you need to pony up for some linode consultation and or support16:47
tonyyarussoAt least there was once upon a time...16:48
tomreynaleksa123987: i think thmemes -> applications defines it. themes in gnome3 are actually just HTML + CSS, i think, so you should be bale to edit them nicely.16:48
aleksa123987tomreyn: yea i figured that out but didnt know what to search for in css file16:49
tonyyarussoctjctj: Looks like the "Network Helper" thing does it automatically.  https://www.linode.com/docs/platform/manager/remote-access/#adding-private-ip-addresses16:50
tomreyngemclip: actually this is a better intro to systemd than the one on the ubuntu wiki i pointed you to previously: https://wiki.debian.org/systemd16:50
tomreynaleksa123987: maybe head over to #gnome - i'm afraid i'm really not that much into GUIs.16:50
ctjctjtonyyarusso, thanks again.  I'm looking into it now.16:50
gemcliptomreyn: I'll look at that. Thank you16:51
aleksa123987tomreyn: allright thanks for the help :D16:51
tomreynyou'Re both welcome. ;)16:51
ctjctjYeah, everything I'm reading suggests going back to ifupdown instead of netplan.  Netplan doesn't currently support "aliases" so I can't configure eth0:0. It does have some magic to allow multiple static IPs on a single interface.16:52
Sven_vBI have the usual rootkit hunter issue with /dev/.udev/rules.d/root.rules as described in https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/101017 . In my case the block device IDs are MAJOR=182 and MINOR=66387. I've no idea what device that could be, and neither syslog nor dmesg know the MINOR number. There currently isn't a /dev/root symlink either, so… is there any reason to keep that rule file?17:03
tomreynhave you considered no longer using rkhunter?17:04
Sven_vBnot yet. why? did it annoy you?17:04
Thesaurusare they removing gnome system utilities from software manager and going back to traditional packages17:05
lotus|NUCThesaurus: what do you mean?17:06
lotus|NUCSven_vB: see also lynis, a nice system checker17:06
Sven_vBlotus|NUC, thanks!17:06
tomreynSven_vB: it resembles properties of anti virus software. the main strategy is to identify whether a system is compromised after a possible compromise has taken place. other systems (change monitoring) would try to detect the fact by the time it takes place.17:07
Thesaurustoday my gnome-system-monitor and gnome-characters were both missing the icons for the apps and system monitor stopped working altogether, so I just installed them from apt and they're back17:07
Sven_vBtomreyn, oh, so you mean to use a better tool instead? which would you suggest?17:08
tomreynSven_vB: so it has its uses and it's good that development seems to have continued last year after a 3 year break. but i'd recommend against relying on it alone.17:08
Thesaurusnow I have two gnome-characters in my utilities folder17:08
lotus|NUCThesaurus: some packages are snaps by default, meaning when getting snap updates your icons get a change17:09
Thesaurusyeah but they just went missing17:09
Sven_vBtomreyn, yeah, looks like it can only check file systems anyway, so it wouldn't protect against memory-resident malware.17:09
Thesauruseven on a fresh install the gnome calculator was missing the icon on the dock so I had to remove the snap and install it from apt17:10
lotus|NUCThesaurus: yes, im also noticing calculator has changed back to default here17:10
Thesaurusthis whole snap thing is really stupid imo17:11
tomreynSven_vB: ossim, aide, tripwire ... all of these still produce plenty of false positives and you need to get used to working a little more carefully to keep them happy, but it can be worth it.17:11
Thesaurusit creates so much fragmentation17:11
Thesaurusthe eclipse in apt is broken but the one is the software center works17:11
Sven_vBtomreyn, thanks!17:11
zferToday I was upgrading from 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS but something fails about systemd-shim.17:11
zferPlease, how can I fix?17:11
zferNow, for example: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/58178217:11
lotus|NUCThesaurus: gnome software is going to major revamp soon, so keep up with us17:12
lotus|NUCThesaurus: also, if you find a new !bug please report it17:13
ThesaurusI'm fine with gnome software it just seems that we spilt half of the system software across two distribution methods now17:13
ThesaurusI think the worst part of snap is that the more software you install the slower you system boots17:14
Thesaurusevery piece of software needs it's own virtual partition?17:14
lotus|NUCThesaurus: yes17:14
Oolthere are appimage too :P17:14
lotus|NUCThesaurus: dev/loop17:14
tomreynzfer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd-shim/+bug/177385917:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1773859 in systemd-shim (Ubuntu Bionic) "upgrades to 18.04 fail" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:15
smellsLikeGoatSphello everyone, after the usual trial and error I am yet to find the correct driver to run nvidia on my dell inspiron 7537..can you guys perhaps shed some light over which version will work?17:15
zfertomreyn: thank you17:15
HelenahAnyone here use nbd17:15
lotus|NUCsmellsLikeGoatSp: ubuntu-drivers list shows you wich are available17:16
lotus|NUCHelenah: ask your real question please17:16
HelenahI am not understanding why nbd keeps falling back to the oldstyle protocol despite reading proto.md17:16
Helenahlotus|NUC: I just did17:16
Thesaurusyeah I understand that they need a squash fs or whatever but trading off boot time for user software seems moronic to me17:16
Thesaurusthis whole snap thing seems like a huge step backwards17:17
Oollaptop perhaps with optimus ?17:17
lotus|NUCThesaurus: can we continue this discuss in #ubuntu-discuss please?17:17
HelenahYet... boot time is almost instant...17:17
hggdhwidp: /whois Helenah17:17
HelenahSo what are you getting at?17:17
smellsLikeGoatSplotus|NUC>: I can see what is available in software and updates too, but they wont necessarily work once installed17:17
widpI don't know hggdh :P17:17
lotus|NUCsmellsLikeGoatSp: please tell us wich versions your system show?17:17
hggdhwidp: my bad, did not notice the partially-filled buffer17:17
HelenahI haven't traded off anything. My computer is slow to get past the BIOS anyway.17:18
Thesaurusit just seems like we are making things worse than better and my boot time is fairly slow on this computer and watching it mount software I haven't even started yet it's boggling my mind17:18
smellsLikeGoatSplotus|NUC>: nvidia-396 nvidia-384 nvidia-340 nvidia-390, my machine runs 16.0417:18
HelenahThesaurus: Though, I did come here to ask how to do this.17:18
HelenahNot to be told "Don't do it, it's slow"17:18
tomreynzfer: so according to the last sentence on the fbug summary (first post) you should be able to commetn out line 6 of /var/lib/dpkg/info/systemd-shim.postrm ad this should allow ti to continue.17:19
lotus|NUCsmellsLikeGoatSp: try 390 from the ubuntu drivers ppa, if your 390 version doesnt work well17:19
zfertomreyn: thank you17:19
smellsLikeGoatSplotus|NUS: ok, I ll give it another go.17:20
smellsLikeGoatSplet's see17:20
tomreynzfer: actually the entire if statement (i.e. lines 5-7)17:21
gemcliptomreyn: Like I said earlier im a total noob on linux. Where would you suggest I go to learn it from the ground up? I am a member of lynda.com and pluralsite but I'd be ok signing up dor a different service if needed17:23
ioriagemclip, what do you need exactly ?17:27
nyc-h0stany netplan gurus here?17:30
gemclipioria: Looking to learn Linux at a tech level. I was looking for recommended learning material to work toward a professional level with it17:31
tomreyngemclip: i dont have a good recommendation, i'm afraid. you could try qualifying for some of the LPIC's, this might push you in the right direction. but i'm sure there are better ways to learn, there's manuals provided by ubuntu you could look at, too.17:33
smellsLikeGoatSplotus|NUC: so it turns out 396 was also available after I updated ppa. I installed that driver. on first boot nvidia prime opened and allowed me to select integrated graphics, after loggin out and back in again nvdia prime would not open anymore. just like with all the other drivers I  tried17:36
aidrocsidI'm trying to uninstall Torment: Tides of Numenera, but it's not showing up in the software manager and I'm not able to use dpkg and grep to see anything with torment in the name. Any ideas?17:36
gemcliptomreyn: yeah looking at CompTIAs Linux+ and the LIPC 1 & 2 right now17:37
nisankhindiagemclip : try to cover RHCE modues , and if you want some self learning materials go for https://doc.lagout.org/ and choose anything from Operating system --- linux17:38
AppAraathello, on Ubuntu 16.04, how (or with what arguments) is PulseAudio started when user is logged in?17:39
nisankhindiagemclip: you can also try to read modules like RHEL - RH033 , RHEL - RH13317:40
OolAppAraat: ps aux |grep pulseaudio  isn't what you're looking for ?17:40
AppAraatOol: I have a bit of a different setup here so I was wondering how it was on a stock system.17:41
gemclipnisankhindia: Thanks17:42
nisankhindiagemclip: RH133 and RH033 modules are older version of redhat sys admin training modules with server and network administration so compare the new codes with REDHAT trainig modules ( my modules based on REHL 5 )17:43
smellsLikeGoatSpis bumblebee an option again?17:47
gmhTwo finger scrolling on fujjitsu laptop goes crazy (shaking so bad you cant read text) if there is horizontal scrolling possible on a webpage. Any way to fix?17:48
gmhUbuntu 18.0417:48
Oolbefore if in the bios settings you put optimus OFF, you just use the nvidia card and ubuntu-drivers work… but with optimus ON I don't know, bumblebee seems outofdate17:50
gmhI do not have the one finger point issue you get when googling this. Pointer is dead still using one finger, clicking etc. Also scrolling up and down when horizontal scrolling is not available works good. As soon as I get horizontal scrolling available tho I can't scroll (up / down) and hold the position without the webpage shaking intensly.17:50
friendlyGoati have another thing i have a question about that i cant find anything for.17:52
friendlyGoatfor some reason when im using windows, my SD card works fine and i can see everything. but when i boot into ubuntu my SD card seems normal but once i go a folder or two in, one of the folders becomes a ? and if i click it i cant get to anything while the other folder is a read only of something thats not even normally there.17:54
zferOn 18.04 LTS is there any widget to get multi desktop, to organize running application on each desktop?17:56
tomreynfriendlyGoat: which file system is on there?18:05
friendlyGoatone second i'll check after i finish someting up18:06
ELFrederichIs there an "upstream" for this package?  https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/finger18:07
friendlyGoatits FAT3218:07
pragmaticenigmazfer: have you enabled workspaces?18:07
pragmaticenigmaELFrederich: What specifically are you looking for?18:07
zferpragmaticenigma: not yet. Where I can find the control to enable them?18:08
ELFrederichpragmaticenigma: was looking to file a bug.  Doesn't make sense to just file it against Ubuntu.  It should get fixed upstream18:08
tomreynzfer: some of the gnome-shell-extension-... packages probably offers what you're looking for18:08
zfertomreyn & pragmaticenigma: thank you18:08
tomreynzfer: also gnome-tweaks18:09
ELFrederichpragmaticenigma: actually, it looks like someone already reported the bug I wanted to report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bsd-finger/+bug/46135418:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 461354 in bsd-finger (Ubuntu) "finger doesn't support utf8 characters" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:09
Paddy_NIHmm... I think my system might be b0rked18:09
ELFrederichreported in 2009, wasn't touched for almost a decade.18:09
tomreynfriendlyGoat: unmount it, then do a file system check18:09
pragmaticenigmazfer: This might help send you in the right direction. I was trying to find out how to enable workspaces, but not having luck at the moment: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/shell-windows.html.en18:09
hggdhELFrederich: see http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/b/bsd-finger/bsd-finger_0.17-15.1/copyright18:10
Paddy_NIGot the notification that 17.10 is no longer supported, so would I like to upgrade to 18.04.1.   The "Distribution Upgrade" tool/GUI has been stuck at "Failed to get load state of whoopsie.service: Connection timed out" for the past 30 minutes18:10
ELFrederichI created a user via.... sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -m -k /etc/skel 🦄18:10
Paddy_NIShould I cry yet...18:10
ELFrederichlots of tools work just fine.  lsof, top, htop, whoami, w, who, etc.... but finger doesn't work ;-)18:11
ELFrederichhggdh: okay... so it truly is a fork then?  I guess each Linux distro does the same since there is no real upstream18:12
OolELFrederich: not more easy with adduser ?18:13
patrick_My VPN was connected, I disconnected it so my last comment here was "<Paddy_NI> Should I cry yet..."18:13
patrick_Perhaps the VPN being connected was the issue, can I salvage this?18:13
tomreynfriendlyGoat: only do this after you have recovered all data off it (probably using windows, since you can ready data off it fine there): sudo fsck.vfat -avV /dev/BLOCKDEVICE   # replace BLOCKDEVICE by the block device identifier as listed by lsblk -o +LABEL,MODEL18:13
pragmaticenigmaELFrederich: finger is a really really old tool. I'm not certain it's really there other than for old old school admins, who wouldn't be using the new fangled emoji's in their usernames18:13
ELFrederichOol: I dunno which was preferred.  Maybe next time I create a user the top Google result will be something different ;-)18:13
OolELFrederich: useradd is a low level utility for adding users. On Debian, administrators should usually use adduser(8) instead.18:14
Oolon the man18:14
* ELFrederich likes to use emoji everywhere. I especially like: git checkout -b 💩18:15
pragmaticenigmaELFrederich: Or consult the official documentation of the linux distribution you are using for the preferred way of that distro to add users18:15
ELFrederich.... and I like seeing how other tools deal with it.  Like GitLab for instance18:15
=== patrick_ is now known as Paddy_NI
Paddy_NIOh please tell me there is hope?18:19
Paddy_NI<-- Idiot18:19
Paddy_NI<-- Probable Idiot18:20
Paddy_NII guess it's nuke and pave18:21
pragmaticenigmaHello RandomGeek ... what can we help you with?18:28
RandomGeekI'm trying to install edimax nano on Ubuntu.. It gives me a tar.gz file with stuff like makefile and other in it..18:28
RandomGeekHow do i install the wireless USB adapter drivers?18:28
pragmaticenigmaRandomGeek: ... is there an install.sh in the decompressed folder?18:30
RandomGeekBut there is a makeinstall file..18:30
RandomGeekHow do i use that to make a install.sh?18:30
pragmaticenigmaYou don't RandomGeek18:30
pragmaticenigmaI'm trying to troubleshoot18:31
pragmaticenigmaRandomGeek: What is the model with model number of the wireless adaptor?18:31
RandomGeekEdimax nano18:31
tewardif I remember right that works out of the box for Ubuntu18:32
tewardi have a few Edimax NANOs that just work18:32
tomreynshould be usb id 7392:781118:32
tomreynRandomGeek: in a terminal, what does running this return? lsusb -d 7392:781118:33
folorngood afternoon folks18:33
pragmaticenigmaRandomGeek: As teward mentioned... since 2015, Ubuntu has had support for the wireless adapter built in. There is no need to manually install drivers. If you are having trouble getting connected, let us know and we can help get you up and running18:34
RandomGeekWell ubuntu isn't using the USB at all.18:34
RandomGeekEdimax states on the driver too its required..18:34
RandomGeeklsusb says its rtl8188cus18:35
tomreynRandomGeek can yuo show the full line please copy and paste should work18:35
RandomGeekI think a fire is about to happen on the PC..18:36
RandomGeekJust heard a loud POP18:36
RandomGeekand the power to the PC died..18:36
RandomGeekand it won't turn back on..18:36
tomreynsounds like you might need a new power supply18:36
teward^ this18:37
tewardloud pops usually indicate the power supply decided to explode a capacitor inside there (and NOBODY does repairs on that, it's cheaper to buy a new PSU)18:37
SwedeMikeyeah, people only re-cap older computers, if it's fairly recent just buy a new PSU.18:38
badloopis there a way to assign a new system UUID to a running system?18:42
khronosschotyhi how do I set to boot by default in grub a custom kernel in ubuntu18:43
khronosschotyI did some duckduckgo18:43
khronosschotybut I failed18:43
khronosschotyI'm using ubuntu 18.0418:43
gem-catkhronosschoty, did you look at https://launchpad.net/grub-customizer18:45
khronosschotyno thanks18:45
Paddy_NIOkay so I am opting for the nuke an pave, my system became completey unusable18:45
Paddy_NITotally my fault18:45
khronosschotyoh I can't do it over gui18:46
gem-catkhronosschoty, https://www.tecmint.com/rescue-repair-and-reinstall-grub-boot-loader-in-ubuntu/18:48
HelenahI am not understanding why nbd keeps falling back to the oldstyle protocol despite reading proto.md18:51
khronosschotythere has to be an easier way to add a custom kernel to grub18:51
pragmaticenigmabadloop: can you be more specific on where the UUID is that you are asking about?18:51
khronosschotyI mean for grub to boot18:51
poltergeesequick question, what kind of topic/discussion #ubuntu-offtopic is for? "community related non-support discussion", but what does "community related" mean exactly? sorry i'm new18:51
poltergeesei'm not sure if this channel is even the right channel to ask about it18:53
gem-catsome time back i started to install lamp stack but now i have a mess I need to reinstall or reconfigure something18:54
pragmaticenigmakhronosschoty: did you install the kernels with dpkg after compile?18:54
khronosschotyno I just moved it manually18:54
khronosschotyI know how to manage kernels18:54
khronosschotyI just don't know how to manage frub18:54
stephenpi am attempting to run the bionic beaver minimal image under virtualbox on an osx host and cannot get it to work.  i have attempted the "cloud boot" style by creating a seed.iso with cloud-ds and converting the img to vdi and making a bootable vdi with extlinux.18:55
khronosschotyif it was lilo on the other hand18:55
khronosschotyI'd be done18:55
tomreynkhronosschoty: does the custom kernel show up on the grub menu, yet?18:55
khronosschotyI don't know how to add it18:55
stephenpthe first one does _nothing_ I get no output from virtual box even on the serial port18:55
tomreynkhronosschoty: run: sudo update-grub18:55
pragmaticenigmabadloop: You can change the machine id with the drive mounted but not booted with systemd-firstboot. I havn't been able to find the exact documentation on how to do it though18:55
khronosschotyI ran that tomreyn but no go18:55
stephenpthe second one kernel panics.18:55
khronosschotyprobably different naming scheme?18:56
tomreynkhronosschoty: whats the file names?18:56
stephenpmost of the posts I'm finding are quite old (2011-2015) - has there been an update to the minimal cloud image that would obviate these instructions?18:56
pragmaticenigmapoltergeese: Your question is the perfrect question to ask in #ubuntu-offtopic and the reason behind #ubuntu-offtopic. This channel is primarily interested in Support question for the Ubuntu OS and configurations.18:57
khronosschotythat did the trick18:57
khronosschotyjust renamed the kernel18:57
khronosschotynow I guess the next bit is how to pick the default I bet I figure that out18:58
poltergeesepragmaticenigma: right, i'll do that ricky-tick, thanks man18:58
gem-catgood job khronosschoty18:58
Jordan_Ukhronosschoty: Make sure that your initramfs image follows the same naming scheme as the kernel.18:58
tomreynkhronosschoty: https://askubuntu.com/questions/216398/set-older-kernel-as-default-grub-entry18:58
pragmaticenigmakhronosschoty: I asked, only because I thought maybe dpkg would recognize the kernel and auto update grub for you. I wasn't intended to question your knowledge on kernel building18:59
gem-catso would there be a better channel to ask about the lamp stack19:01
pragmaticenigma!alis | gem-cat19:03
ubottugem-cat: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"19:03
geniigem-cat: The closest channel which is an official Ubuntu support channel would most likely be the #ubuntu-server channel19:05
gem-catthank you genii19:06
jhaveIs MC missing from the 18.10 repo ?19:09
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | jhave19:09
ubottujhave: Cosmic Cuttlefish is the codename for Ubuntu 18.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+119:09
jhaveSorry i mean 18.04 :D19:11
jhaveMy Fail19:11
pragmaticenigmajhave: what is "MC" ??19:11
jhavePackage mc is not available, but is referred to by another package.19:11
jhaveThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or19:11
jhaveis only available from another source19:11
jhaveE: Package 'mc' has no installation candidate19:11
tomreyn!info mc | jhave19:11
ubottujhave: mc (source: mc): Midnight Commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:4.8.19-1 (bionic), package size 513 kB, installed size 1613 kB19:11
pavlosmidnight commander19:11
leftyfbjhave: it's in the Universe repository19:12
tomreyn!sections | jhave19:12
EriC^^jhave: try "sudo apt-add-reposity universe && sudo apt-get update"19:12
tomreyn!section | jhave19:13
ubottujhave: Please see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-archive.html#s-subsections for a list of valid sections that you can use in your debian/control file, for debian packaging19:13
tomreynuuh that's wrong, sorry19:13
jhaveHmm :S19:13
tomreynthat's what i get for mixing sections and components19:14
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.19:14
tomreynthanks :)19:15
ioriajhave,  you 're running the ubuntu server edition ,i suppose19:15
jhaveioria, yes :)19:15
ioriajhave,  do what EriC^^ suggested19:15
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tomreynthis is bug 178312919:19
ubottubug 1783129 in subiquity "Only "main" component enabled after install" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178312919:19
stephenpanyone have any experience with booting ubuntu cloud images on virtual box?19:27
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pavlosstephenp: does this help? ... https://gist.github.com/smoser/606620419:42
stephenppavlos: I followed this script - but I literally get zero output from anything here - there's not even any output to the console.19:49
stephenpthe console serial port that is.19:50
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pavlosstephenp: I had a script from last year, take a look ... http://termbin.com/tl3d the network is bridge so you can access via ssh20:02
BarnabasDKpavlos, a script to bootstrap an image to do testing of other related software I suppose?20:03
stephenppavlos: I will try this one right now20:03
pavlosBarnabasDK: yes, create a VM with cli, ssh to it and test things20:04
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badloopso, dmidecode is not in sync with what is in my /etc/machine-id ... dmidecode pulls from /dev/mem, but even after updating /etc/machine-id and rebooting, dmidecode still shows the old machine id20:04
sayo-great, the Displays menu won't open20:05
sayo-I really wonder why ubuntu hates me so much20:05
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rfmbadloop, after reading the machine-id man page, I don't see that /etc/machine-id has any relation to the dmi info at all.  Why did you think it would?20:13
FortKnightbadloop: is that really the problem or issue you're having that's stopping "the show"?20:15
BarnabasDKhi there20:29
StatelessCatI love the default GUI of the new 18.04. Thanks guys for the work :)20:29
BarnabasDKGnome .. Not exactly new ..20:29
StatelessCatMaybe I'll switch from kubuntu to ubuntu soon ^^20:29
BarnabasDKbut imho a clear improvement over unity20:29
noah1101StatelessCat: How is KDE on Ubuntu?20:30
StatelessCatBarnabasDK: my last Unity version tested was... far ago... I was upset about unity and switched to KDE and i3wm...20:30
BarnabasDKwell unity was ok, I just did not like the way it worked20:30
BarnabasDKas a user20:31
BarnabasDKgnome has always been it for me20:31
StatelessCatnoah1101: beautiful, fast, a little more greedy on RAM than Unity, but there is sometimes littles annoying bug when you play with multiples screens20:31
noah1101What version are you using? 5.12?20:31
StatelessCatBarnabasDK: yeah, but now you're using the default "Unitied" Gnome session?20:32
BarnabasDKStatelessCat, but with the amount of ram on modern hw, because of gaming, then I do not belive gnome is anywhere near being heavy20:32
StatelessCatnoah1101: KDE Plasma 5.12 LTS20:32
BarnabasDKStatelessCat, maybe20:32
noah1101Ah ok20:32
BarnabasDKwhat is it :-)20:32
StatelessCatBarnabasDK: yeah, if you have more than 4GB of RAM and a recent Intel integrated graphics or more, you don't need to worrie about using KDE ^^20:33
BarnabasDKthe load a common gnome glx puts on a gpu is nearly not messuable as compared to say .. battlefield20:33
StatelessCat-battlefield +overwatch xDD20:34
BarnabasDKam not using kde20:34
BarnabasDKkde cool too20:34
StatelessCatBarnabasDK: sorry i was talking to noah110120:34
BarnabasDKkde best windows alternative20:35
BarnabasDKgnome probably for the apple ppl20:35
BarnabasDKlike both kinds20:35
BarnabasDKdid not like unity20:35
StatelessCatand gnome for grandmas and childs ^^20:35
noah1101I've used GNOME and test driven KDE a few times. I really like the blur effect they added in 5.13.20:36
BarnabasDKif ease of use is your argument - yes20:36
BarnabasDKarh all the effects things20:36
noah1101Before I went Linux I used Windows 7 and 10. Both of which had blur effects20:37
BarnabasDKdidn't we all grow past that with earlier versions of ubuntu20:37
StatelessCatnoah1101: and what you think about the wormbly windows ? this is a must-have for any KDE user xD20:37
StatelessCatmove the window, ... flop ** flop ** flop **20:37
noah1101Fun to use but probably useless20:37
StatelessCatlike jelly ^^20:37
BarnabasDKhey we are openly debating stuff in the ubutu channel20:37
BarnabasDKand not getting kicked20:37
BarnabasDKare ppl asleep?20:37
noah1101A lot of the time people idle in IRC20:38
BarnabasDK#ubuntu-unregged if you wanna continue20:38
BarnabasDKwould love it20:38
BarnabasDKbut for now I stop here20:38
StatelessCatWhat about default fonts hinting on Ubuntu? are you happy with font hinting ? You think(like me) that the default font hinting in Windows 10 looks better on a standard DPI 1920*1080 LCD ?20:39
noah1101What about #ubuntu-offtopic?20:40
StatelessCat#ubuntu-offtopic seems more appropriate20:40
BarnabasDKjust as cool20:40
hggdhBarnabasDK: #ubuntu-unregged is just a channel where we route freenode-unregistered users. It is NOT a usable channel for anything else.20:45
TelendrithHelp request: I'm trying to install ubuntu server 18.04.1 on dedicated and I get thrown an error: [Firmware Bug]: the BIOS has corrupted hw-PMU resources (MSR 38d is 330) on booting usb.20:46
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BarnabasDKhggdh, cool but at least personal chatter does not belong here20:49
hggdhBarnabasDK: indeed it does not20:50
pakcjoHello, I have an odd situation, I just installed glibmm-2.4 and ended up with a broken symbolic link in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglibmm-2.4.so20:52
naccpakcjo: no such ubuntu package20:53
pakcjonacc: libglibmm-2.4-dev20:54
naccpakcjo: what version of ubuntu?20:54
pakcjonacc: 18, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libglibmm-2.4.so -> libglibmm-2.4.so.1.3.020:54
pakcjodpkg-query lists the libglibmm-2.4.so but not the so.1.3.020:55
pakcjook, after reinstalling libglibmm-2.4.-1v5 I have it20:58
pakcjoit's odd because dpkg said that libglibmm-2.4-1v5 was already installed, had to use the --reinstall20:58
pakcjoand I'm having the same issue with libsigc++2.020:59
pakcjoand libgtkmm-2.421:00
naccpakcjo: something else is going on, i think21:01
pakcjohmm yes, but not sure what21:01
naccpakcjo: are you possibly using a PPA that's broken?21:04
max-mHey, any idea why Team Fortress 2 runs like crap? nVidia blob 390.87, even on lowest settings at 1080p it struggles to keep 30 FPS on my GTX 460 while the nVidia settings report 99% GPU usage. Those settings should yield way more than 100 FPS. I’ve tried downgrading the driver but that changed nothing. It gets playable at 720p, so fillrate limited? The main menu pushes 300 FPS and kill cams 100. :(21:08
max-mOh, Ubuntu 18.04, Unity 7.21:08
pnwiseughhh anyone have any idea why newly created user wont switch to its home dir?21:08
pnwiseI have checked permissions, deleted and created it again - same thing21:09
pnwisemax-m, that is old ass gpu21:11
pnwiseI have 650ti boost and it runs somehow ok on 1440p21:11
pnwisethink it was around 100 frames21:11
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max-mI know that the GTX 460 is old, but TF2 runs on a potato ;)21:12
max-mIt works fine on Windows, but the OpenGL Linux version just doesn’t want to run properly anymore.21:13
pnwiseTry opening the nvidia driver21:15
pnwiseand on the power mizer switch to preffered mode:preffer maximum perfomance21:16
pnwisewhen you play21:16
pnwisealso if you crank the settings to max might not run so well21:16
pnwiseespecially things  like shadows21:16
pnwiseDoes anyone knows why adding new user is so broken?21:18
pakcjonacc: no, I don't have any custom or 3rd party repositories21:18
nplusHi - I have a dual-boot system (Ubuntu bionic + Win 10) overall no issues. I installed some updates the other day and now after the BIOS POST, I'm getting a black screen with some display artifacts at the top of my screen and that's it - I assume it's grub that's failing. Windows 10 is still bootable via BIOS boot menu. Any ideas?21:23
ntdanyone else find that various built-in gnome extensions are not working on bionic? (window list for one)21:26
IarlaA1200Latest update on 16.04 doesn't support my WiFi (kernel 4.15.0-34, -33 is okay). How can I blacklist that kernel from being used at boot?21:36
tomreynIarlaA1200: you can apt-mark hold the -33 and set the -33 as preferred as discussed at https://askubuntu.com/questions/216398/set-older-kernel-as-default-grub-entry21:43
tomreynIarlaA1200: and please file a bug report21:43
tomreynthis would seem to be a regression21:44
IarlaA1200tomreyn, many thanks. That'll do nicely. Yes, it seems to be a regression.21:45
stephenppavlos: that helped a lot - I am now getting output over the console socket for the kernel panic preventing me from booting :)21:54
pavlosstephenp: glad it helped21:54
tomreynIarlaA1200: be sure to take note of the steps you so you can undo them later when the bug is fixed. you don't want to hold onto this kernel version forever.21:54
stephenpany ideas what "VFS: Cannot open root device "PARTUUID=f9cf6b3d-523b-4bf3-bf36-8b67674a34fb" or unknown-block(0,0): error -6" this means?21:54
stephenpthat is _definitely_ the partuuid of the partion on the cloudimg.21:55
stephenps/couldimg/cloud image21:55
ComnenusWhen I clone ubuntu 18, it's giving me the same MAC.  I don't see a udev rule to delete to get this regenerated, though.  Where is the proper way to do this now?22:00
pragmaticenigmaComnenus: What are you cloning? A virtual machine or something else? Ubuntu doesn't set the MAC address, that is usually encoded on the network card itself22:01
Comnenuspragmaticenigma: a disk image under RHV.  Actually I see now that it is a different MAC, but for some reason it's getting the same IP.  Thinking this is not a problem with the image at all.22:02
pragmaticenigmaComnenus: only if the source of the image had an IP statically configured. I don't think the DHCP server would assume they're the same isntance22:03
Comnenuspragmaticenigma: it's using DHCP, so maybe it's seeing the same hostname and giving it the same IP?  That's all I can think of.22:04
igoryonyaHello, I've upgraded ubuntu from 16.04 to 18.04 and opened youtube on FireFox. The video is crawling like a slideshow and FireFox is slow responding, while I am playing video. Everything was fast on 16.0422:07
pragmaticenigmaComnenus: That'd be odd though, since it would cause issues if the same machine connected via two devices to the same network (often the case with laptops using ethernet while their wifi is enabled)22:08
Comnenuspragmaticenigma: yeah, I'm kind of puzzled on this one.  I changed both hostnames to something else with hostnamectl, they're still getting the same IP.  It's set to DHCP, I don't know what's going on.22:09
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hggdhComnenus: are the MAC addresses on both servers the same?22:13
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hggdhComnenus: reason is most DHCP servers will remember a MAC address, and will try to serve the same (already provided) IP in the DHCP request22:14
pragmaticenigmahggdh: The two machine have different MAC22:15
hggdhthat is really weird22:16
pragmaticenigmaI've been seeing this a lot lately here... seems a lot of imaged Ubuntu machines end up with IP conflicts when they boot the images22:16
pragmaticenigma*here being this channel22:17
pragmaticenigmaComnenus: Is it possible to set a static IP with the router for the mac address and see if the machine picks it up?22:18
Comnenusset the static IP of the router?22:19
pragmaticenigmaComnenus: No... configure the router to assign a specific IP to the machine22:19
ComnenusI'm going to talk to NetEng tomorrow and see what they say.  But if there seems to be a lot of IP vm issues in here, could very well be a bug.  Not all that surprising since it's the first release using netplan.22:20
pragmaticenigmaComnenus: the only other thought I had is if netplan was caching the provided IP address somewhere... and the image captures that as well, and it's within the DHCP lease time22:21
rfmpragmaticenigma, Comnenus how did you determine that the clone has a different MAC? virtualbox for one is happy to give a clone the same mac as original22:22
ComnenusDoes it do that?  I'm not familiar with netplan at all22:22
Comnenusrfm: I checked in the VM settings.22:22
Comnenusthey're unique (and they should be)22:22
Comnenuswhen RHV clones from a template it generates a new MAC22:22
pragmaticenigmaComnenus: It's only a potential idea... it doesn't make much sense to me for a dhcp client to store it's assigned IP through a power/reboot cycle. Just a potential avenue to check22:23
ComnenusThank you, I'll see what I can figure out.22:24
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igoryonyaI've figured out, that it's not my Firefox is crawling, but my OpenGL is working 2 frames/sec22:34
igoryonyaAfter I've upgraded to ubuntu 18.04 from 16.04, my OpenGL is crawling 2 fps, which makes all programs, that use OGL acceleration, to crawl22:35
igoryonyaHow to fix it?22:39
igoryonyaI am sorry, my connection has dropped, please, if anybody answered to my question about OpenGL crawling, can you duplicate it?23:01
duoihey, so i logged in and scaling on my hidpi screen is really broken. it was working fine before and it works fine if i log in with Ubuntu on Wayland23:02
duoiany ideas?23:02
igoryonyaduoi, strange, wayland works worse, on my system.23:03
igoryonyawyland is really buggy and has a lot of artifacts23:03
igoryonyaon my system23:03
duoiigoryonya, i definitely experience a performance hit on wayland. but the hidpi scaling isn't broken.23:03
duoiright now, anyway. prior to an hour ago everything was fine.23:03
igoryonyaOn default ubuntu desktop, it I have a better graphics experience23:04
igoryonyaI am having problem with OpenGL after upgrading to 18.0423:06
igoryonyaMy OpenGL is 2 fps23:06
igoryonyaI am on Radeon23:06
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pragmaticenigmaigoryonya: Did you install AMD drivers when you were using 16.04?23:38
Wayward_VagabondSo, anybody know what might cause a weird booting issue I have?23:42
Wayward_VagabondThe system hangs after the filesystem check completes- just totally stops23:43
Wayward_Vagabondthe splash shows during the check with a prompt to press ctrl+c to skip it23:43
Wayward_VagabondIf I boot to recovery mode first, then continue to boot from there, it starts up23:43
Wayward_VagabondI'm on xubuntu 18.04lts, that was upgraded from 16.04lts last night- it had the issue before the update, and the update I needed to do regardless didn't fix it23:44
naccWayward_Vagabond: this doesn't seem like a software issue, in that sense (an upgrade wouldn't have fixed it)23:48
naccWayward_Vagabond: you should try editing at the grub menu, your boot options, to remove 'quiet splash'23:49
naccWayward_Vagabond: it should boot more verbosely and you might be able to see what fails after the fsck23:49
Wayward_VagabondAll my partitions seem to be mounted correctly, at least via the roundabout boot method23:49
naccWayward_Vagabond: booting to recovery mode and then continuing bypasses some things, like required checks, I believe23:50
Wayward_Vagabondnacc: I noticed my graphics drivers are a touch ..off23:50
naccWayward_Vagabond: yes, it's never intended to be the 'normal' system usage23:51
Wayward_VagabondI'm not convinced that it's unreated- opengl acts really strage, but works enough for minecraft to start it as an old version23:51
Wayward_Vagabondinstead of 2.023:51
naccWayward_Vagabond: honestly, i wouldn't assume anything you get as 'normal' until you can boot normally23:52
Wayward_VagabondEr, do I edit grub from the OS, or at boot time? :s23:52
Wayward_VagabondTbh, I don't think I've ever touched it myself23:52
xamithanat boot time it'll give you an "e" for edit option23:54
naccWayward_Vagabond: what xamithan said23:54
xamithanProbably have to hit or hold spacebar to see the menu23:54
naccor Esc, iirc23:55
naccWayward_Vagabond: you can do it from the OS, but this is meant to be debug it, not a permanent thing anyways23:55
xamithanOh its shift,  not spacebar,  sorry.23:55
Wayward_Vagabondlemme get my phone connected so I can pass on anything I see that looks interesting23:56
naccxamithan: yeah, i mean spacebar might do something to, if you hvae the menu set to display :)23:56
CrazyLikeAFox< Wayward_Vagabond23:58
CrazyLikeAFoxUSB OTG adapter and wireless keyboard. woo23:58
Wayward_Vagabond19:49 < nacc> Wayward_Vagabond: you should try editing at the grub menu, your boot options, to remove 'quiet splash'23:58
Wayward_Vagabond19:55 < xamithan> Oh its shift,  not spacebar,  sorry.23:59

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