
CrazyLikeAFoxSo, the udate to 18.04.1LTS finished01:12
CrazyLikeAFoxand it still does the hang on normal boot thing01:12
CrazyLikeAFoxafter fs checks finish01:12
CrazyLikeAFoxit'll resume booting if I do recovery mode first, but won't directly boot01:15
CrazyLikeAFoxsomething is fubar'd :T01:15
Wayward_VagabondWell, it works well enough to do irc and web browsing01:24
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blebhow do i configure the default xfce config02:39
bleblike i just configured xfce for one particular user.  now when i log in as another user, xfce is the xubuntu default rather than the configuration i just made as the other user02:40
blebhow do i make one particular user's config be the default for all users?02:40
hans_really annoying problem with my xubuntu VMWare VM - when i resize the VM window, the window turns completely black and unresponsive - until i minimize it and restore it, then it's back to normal at the size i set it to...08:45
hans_happens on xubuntu 18.04 - does not happen on debian 9+xfce4  - both open-vm-tools and open-vm-tools-desktop  is installed on both, any idea what's happening?08:46
hans_have tried rebooting, didn't help08:46
pmjdebruijndoes it happen without open-vm-tools-desktop ?08:50
pmjdebruijnalso check your /var/log/Xorg*log08:50
hans_anything specific i'm looking for? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zr2Py5mS4T/08:51
hans_i'll try uninstalling open-vm-tools-desktop, rebooting, and see if it still happens08:52
pmjdebruijnnothing super obviously wrong there08:52
hans_problem happens even after uninstalling open-vm-tools-desktop and rebooting08:53
hans_weirdly, i'd expect resizing to not work properly at all without it, but resize worked fine (except the hang issue)08:53
hans_i suspect `apt remove --purge open-vm-tools-desktop; reboot;`  didn't do a proper uninstall08:54
hans_oh oki08:55
hans_now it only happens once per reboot it seems, dafuq08:55
hans_now it freeze on the first resize08:55
hans_but 2nd resize  + works fine08:55
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the-noobhi, can't find an answer on this... how much disk space do I need for xubuntu ?12:14
Spasshello the-noob, it depends on your needs, but see here - https://xubuntu.org/requirements/12:17
the-nooboh boi12:18
the-nooband there I was thinking this is a light option12:19
the-noobslightly offtopic then... any recommendations for a max 4GB distro ?12:19
diogenes_the-noob, AntiX OS12:20
the-noobconverting a windows media box but I still need the GUI12:20
* gnrp has Xubuntu on a 16GB hdd, with 8GB still free. And lots of stuff installed...15:03
gnrpthe-noob: Maybe Lubuntu even? Or try a Debian and then install desktop components as needed15:04
the-noobgnrp: found a solution.. upgrading the 'hdd'15:30
the-noobhttps://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/273074952706 this is what I have now15:30
the-noobgoing to buy https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/291747605907 and a 16gb SD card and that's that15:31
the-noobI am indeed tempted to go for a 'server' Debian and add the GUI after... will see what time I have available15:32
AxzercionI recommend upgrading the hdd. Apps generally don't shrink in size and a 16GB will last you a lot longer15:42
Axzercionsometimes you run into bugs that make you go "was that regression really necessary?". In this case display settings for multiple monitors. It gets reset to mirrored on every boot...15:43
gnrpindeed, an hdd upgrade is the best thing. 4gb is really low16:03
knomethe-noob, additionally, i would consider a "real" SSD to attach to your SATA rather than a memory card reader for both speed, reliability and lifespan16:16
knomeegh, not even "real"; just real16:16
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