
WafficusI forked it, and im gonna git clone it right now, and look at the source code00:00
Wafficusok so I looked at a few things00:08
Wafficusfor one, this is probably C++ or C hence the .cpp or .h files00:08
wxldid you find the modules directory?00:08
WafficusI kind of get it though, looking at the source, and have only got up to pointers in C++ way way way long ago in high school (got a C+ in that class), I can see that this program basically makes sure that it runs without error00:09
wxlthis is the module https://github.com/calamares/calamares/tree/master/src/modules/netinstall00:09
Wafficusthe .h files contain headers im assuming that dictate the functions as well00:09
Wafficusyeah I forked the entire calamares directory00:10
Wafficusis the net install different?00:10
Wafficus*repository rather00:10
Wafficusfound the modules directory00:10
wxlthe README should explain it all00:10
Wafficusyep, reading through it now00:11
Wafficusah hence you were talking about qt, gotcha00:12
WafficusI tried pyqt, but thought it was damn hard tbh, but I tried some Arizona State open source guide to PyQT00:12
Wafficusmight be different this time I guess00:12
lyoriantsimonq2: is the cron setup to build off the LXDE branch of lubuntu manual I never got an answer to that as if it gets turned on and I start pushing changes to launchpad master 00:12
wxlluckily in this case, you probably won't need to know more than yaml XD00:12
Wafficusi'll keep reading00:12
Wafficusbut again, let me know what you need me to know, and I can try my best00:13
wxllyorian: it's broken right now anyways and we need to re-figure it out, so just go for it00:13
lyoriantbh I found yaml harder than pyqt but I know I am wierd in that regard00:13
Wafficusits just maybe I'm tackling the whole thing, but I was intimidated by the whole bug itself ha00:13
lubot<tsimonq2> So wxl, I guess you missed the IRC discussion in #calamares and I forgot to note it. :P00:13
wxltsimonq2: wooooooooooooot00:13
lubot<tsimonq2> We need to fork netinstall.00:13
lubot<tsimonq2> It doesn't have full support for everything we need.00:13
wxlin what way?00:14
lubot<tsimonq2> It only does checkboxes.00:14
lubot<tsimonq2> We need radio buttons.00:14
lubot<tsimonq2> It seems trivial but the support just isn't there.00:14
wxldoes that really matter?00:14
lubot<tsimonq2> Uh, yeah it does :)00:14
wxlyou want to exclusively have one option over another? 00:14
lubot<tsimonq2> Plus, for the UX we're going for, it unfortunately just won't work.00:14
lubot<tsimonq2> Well, sections of radio boxes allowing for swapping out.00:15
lubot<tsimonq2> Either way, even if we did checkboxes, we need to split it into sections.00:15
wxli see00:15
wxl^^ there ya go Wafficus 00:15
Wafficusi'm still reading00:15
wxlso will they accept a PR if we provide it?00:15
Wafficusthe readme that is00:15
wxl@tsimonq2: ^00:16
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> so will they accept a PR if we provide it?], No, we'd have to put it into a separate module.00:16
wxl@tsimonq2: our own special module?00:16
lubot<tsimonq2> See the IRC discussion, it was with Kevin from Fedora.00:16
lubot<tsimonq2> Yeah.00:16
wxl@tsimonq2: or netinstall2? XD00:16
lubot<tsimonq2> Hehe00:16
lubot<tsimonq2> Just read the IRC discussion00:16
wxlso this is something that will uhhh end up in the calamares-settings package?00:16
lubot<tsimonq2> I explain it in depth there00:16
wxli don't want to read all that crap :)00:16
lubot<tsimonq2> Yeah.00:16
wxlok that's dumb00:17
lubot<tsimonq2> Dude, I don't want to have to explain it twice. Also I'm tired. :P00:17
Wafficusso you need a module.desc file, need to use CMake, use calamares_add_plugin() to make a module00:17
wxlWafficus: we need to fork the netinstall module and get it to work for radio buttons instead of checkboxes00:17
Wafficusok i'll scroll up and fork that part too00:17
Wafficusoh ok I see00:20
Wafficusso I see that directory00:20
Wafficusso you're wanting to make this module work with Lubuntu right? just this section?00:20
Wafficusjust asking cause even the readme is a bit high up for me, but I get the premise though of what you're trying to do00:20
Wafficusi'll just keep looking at the source code in the netinstall folder like you said00:21
wxljust netinstall00:22
wxlit currently only supports checkboxes. we need to make it work for radio buttons.00:22
Wafficusah gotcha00:22
wxlcurrently netinstall allows you to install extra packages00:22
Wafficusi'll look around for the checkbox code00:22
wxlso let's say we didn't have a web browser. someone could check web browser and some predefined web browser would be installed00:23
wxlwhat we want is to have exclusive options: someone can pick between multiple web browsers, but only one of them00:23
Wafficuswell, its not in the yaml file, thats just a list of defaults for different systems im assuming00:23
Wafficusyeah I know what radio buttons are00:23
wxlwe don't want people to have two web browsers installed. that's confusing00:23
Wafficusmakes sense00:23
Wafficustrue that00:23
wxland yes that part is not going to be in the yaml00:23
Wafficuswithin the GUI menu, you want a radio button to select between those otions00:24
wxlthat's going to be in the qt code, as it is part of the ui essentially00:24
Wafficusive build websites with that so far ha, I know enough HTML+CSS for that lol00:24
Wafficusgotcha qt code 00:24
wxlthere may be some additional c++ logic required to support that but i'm not sure00:24
Wafficuswell I couldn't glean it from the README.md in the netinstall directory, or see it in the .conf file just yet00:28
Wafficusi'll keep looking for the radio button00:28
wxlit doesn't have the option00:28
wxlthat's what i'm saying00:28
wxlwe need to add it00:28
Wafficusoh gotcha00:28
Wafficuswell I might as well find where the checkbox section is00:28
Wafficusand then see how I could implement it00:28
Wafficusyeah Ive been looking, can't find it just yet00:33
WafficusI have it on my Git, so I can look again tomorrow after work, or during lunch too after I get my Python stuff in aka book work, and project work00:33
WafficusI'll definitely keep looking wxl, thanks. Will be back again on tomorrow afternoon (around 1 pm EST)00:34
Wafficusthanks for helping me pick a bug to work on, I'm looking forward to this00:34
wxli'm pretty sure this is the ui https://github.com/calamares/calamares/blob/master/src/modules/netinstall/page_netinst.ui00:35
Wafficusoh wow00:36
Wafficuslook at that its html00:36
Wafficusyeah I can definitely look into this tomorrow00:36
Wafficusis that ok wxl?00:36
Wafficuscool man, cya for now, gotta do some house errand stuff00:37
Wafficusthanks for the help, will keep you updated 00:37
wxlit looks like somewhere around here might be the program logic https://github.com/calamares/calamares/blob/master/src/modules/netinstall/PackageTreeItem.cpp#L19500:37
wxlgood luck :) you're mostly in the same boat as us i fthat helps any XD00:37
wxlwe'll figure it out together00:37
Wafficusha you know it00:37
Wafficusfor sure00:38
wxloh and #calamares might be a good place to ask for help, too00:38
Wafficusthough Im a total script kiddie and haven't done more than a couple twitter bot webscrapers that utilize cron jobs on a server00:38
Wafficusgood idea00:38
wxlit's a good way to learn :)00:38
Wafficusfor sure, definitely00:38
Wafficusanyway I'll cya later00:38
lubot<kc2bez> Is there a built-in gui bluetooth manager?00:40
wxlnot sure. there may not be. which may be our problem.00:40
wxlit would be nice to find something qt but it only seems to be bluemoon and i'm not convinced it's reliable (hasn't had activity since 2016)00:41
lubot<kc2bez> I installed blueman from the repo. It seems to work well. I got my audio headset connected nicely.00:42
wxlok so it sounds like we just need to add that to the seed00:42
wxlif you can find a qt bluetooth manager, bonus points to you00:43
wxlit seems we do have bluedevil00:43
wxlor we should00:44
wxlis that not in there?00:44
lubot<kc2bez> I will check it out.00:44
lubot<kc2bez> I can call it from the cli but it isn't in the menu. I will start over testing that.00:47
wxlsupposedly it's got a system tray thingy so we may just need to set up an autostart or something00:47
wxlfeel free to send patches to lubuntu-default-settings if you discover something like that00:48
wxlbbl got to go pick up $kid00:48
lubot<kc2bez> Gonna have to poke at bluedevil a bit more. There is nothing in the autostart and no tray icon. I can only find a wizard that won't seem to connect my headset.02:18
wxl@kc2bez both seem to be using the same core pieces02:31
wxlone other alternative is porting blueman to qt. it's python so that woudl probably be trivial. https://github.com/blueman-project/blueman02:31
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl I've never done that but it may be a better way to go. Blueman seems pretty slick. I will dig more tomorrow. Sleep now.02:48
wxl@kc2bez well for now we just need to get in there something that works. i'd like to get something without a gtk dependency, so not-blueman would be nice for now. however, if bluedevil doesn't work, blueman it is.02:50
lubot<kc2bez> I will test some other devices too. There may be some optional dependencies that aren't installed for my headset.03:16
wxl@lyorian: are we sure we need texlive-FULL for the manual? this is ridiculous. i can garantee there's stuff we don't need, e..g music, math, games 04:38
lyorianwxl sorry for not changing that tsimonq2put that in actually05:12
lyorianyeah texlive full pulls in a gig of installed stuff05:12
wxllyorian: well, @tsimonq2 needs to be beat with a blunt object. but i guess we already knew that.05:13
lyorianwxl I was focusing mroe on the outline and how to lay out the directory structure for lxqt now rather than pruning unessicary build deps05:19
wxllyorian: i know. and i appreciate it :)05:19
lyorianhmmm found old stuff refering to powerpc and alternates that is no longer needed for 18.10 and the documentation for LXQt05:37
wxlyeah don't need that at all05:48
wxl@tsimonq2: looking at tasksel/ubuntu-seeds.pl it seems $lubuntu_seed_base='bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds'. how did this ever work?05:49
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl Here is how bluetooth went today. I couldn't find bluedevil or any setting for bluetooth in the menu or the settings. I installed Blueman like @kc2bez. However, I was unable to connect to my Skull Candy headset. I get this error from the app.14:16
lubot<TheWendyPower> (Photo, 784x484) https://i.imgur.com/TKEGQzl.jpg14:16
lubot<TheWendyPower> I will keep playing with it.14:16
lubot<HMollerCl> is this in virtual machine or physical machine? I've necver use bluetooth on virtual machine, don't know if it works w/o problems.14:44
lubot<TheWendyPower> It is a physical machine.14:45
lubot<TheWendyPower> I have an SSD with Kubuntu 18.04 and an SSD with a Lubuntu daily. The 2018/09/17 one is loaded now.14:46
lubot<kc2bez> I was testing on a physical machine as well. I will keep testing too. Hopefully with some other devices later this afternoon/evening.14:56
wxl@TheWendyPower weird that @kc2bez found bluedevil there. anyways re: blueman i think you also need pulseaudio-module-bluetooth https://askubuntu.com/questions/801404/bluetooth-connection-failed-blueman-bluez-errors-dbusfailederror-protocol-no#80166915:36
lubot<TheWendyPower> I'll check that. KDE settings is also missing. Did that get pulled recently?15:38
lubot<kc2bez> the applet doesn't seem to show in the panel and the menu item isn't there but I was able to call the bluedevil-wizard. It failed to connect my device however.15:39
wxl@TheWendyPower here's some open source tools for mockups and the like https://mastodon.social/@jancborchardt/10074684034508175118:02
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl [<wxl> @TheWendyPower here's some open source tools for mockups and the like http …], Awesome! Thank you!!!18:04
wxlnp :)18:04
wxli note that first one also is adding a feature to allow designers to include code.. if they want to18:05
lubot<TheWendyPower> Cool18:08
lyorianwhew large commit done on lubuntu manual master branch for lxqt18:48
wxlgo lyorian go lyorian 18:50
lyoriantoday I really did get a lot done but have a doctors appointment now20:26
wxl@tsimonq2: you awake again?21:02
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> @tsimonq2: you awake again?], Ish21:02
wxl@tsimonq2: see my note about tasksel?21:02
lubot<TheWendyPower> @tsimonq2 @VikingRedwolf So as I work on the lubuntu-devel list I'm going to need access to the new logos. I know there is also a style guide for the LXQt version, but I can't seem to find it again.21:11
lubot<VikingRedwolf> I know, Wendy. I'll upload everything, also the guide is posted on GIT. I'll send you the link.21:14
lubot<VikingRedwolf> I just need to finish a few bits and pieces.21:14
lubot<TheWendyPower> Sounds good. Thank you @VikingRedwolf21:15
lubot<VikingRedwolf> 😘21:15
* wxl pets @VikingRedwolf21:15
lubot* VikingRedwolf wags tail21:16
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> @tsimonq2: see my note about tasksel?], Yeah, it worked in Bionic.21:19
wxl@tsimonq2: i guess what i'm saying is i don't understand how it did work in cosmic and now it doesn't and yet nothing has really changed unless i'm missing something21:20
wxl@tsimonq2: there was one change this year.. in march https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tasksel/+changelog21:22
lubot<tsimonq2> It doesn't work in Cosmic. :P21:28
wxl@tsimonq2: then explain to me how xfsutils WAS in there, but now it's not.. like this month21:30
lubot<tsimonq2> @wxl [<wxl> @tsimonq2: then explain to me how xfsutils WAS in there, but now it's not. …], It was?21:31
wxl@tsimonq2: yes! that's whta i'm trying to explain. @lyorian can't you confirm we recently had xfsutils in the daily?21:32
lubot<tsimonq2> O_o21:32
lyorianN: Unable to locate package xfsutils23:01
lyorianis what I get with apt policy xfsutils23:01
wxlbut i mean it WAS there, right?23:01
lyorianThere is a package called xfsprogs that makes it work23:03
lyorianso has it been the wrong name the whole time?23:04
wxlright now the dailies lack xfsprogs23:04
wxlit has been suggested this is because of some goofy tasksel hacks that we did at the beginning of the cycle not working right23:04
wxlbut i swear at some point the dailies DID have xfsprogs. i added them to the seed at smoe point23:05
wxland i believe after that i checked to make sure it was there and it was23:05
wxlif that's the case, its disappearance is inexplicable23:05
wxlregardless the tasksel doesn't seem to have changed..........23:05
lubot<kc2bez> @wxl I have done some more testing on bluetooth. I was able to pair a keyboard and a mouse using the bluedevil-wizard. I know you were looking to stay QT.  Still unable to pair my headset.23:27
wxl@kc2bez well that's a good sign! did you see my note about the puleaudio module re: the headset?23:28
lubot<kc2bez> I installed that before I tried to pair again. no dice23:29
wxl@kc2bez since bluedevil is a kde thing, maybe try it out on kubuntu and see if it works out of the box. maybe we can figure out which libs/modules they use to make it happen23:30
lubot<TheWendyPower> @wxl [<wxl> @kc2bez since bluedevil is a kde thing, maybe try it out on kubuntu and se …], I will do some more Bluetooth testing later and try it out. I have Kubuntu on another ssd.23:32
lubot<kc2bez> I have a pastebin output if it will help.23:34
wxlthere are some kind of specific kde things in the bluedevil package, but they shouldn't affect things:23:34
wxl 1. kde control module (their system settings are modular), but this is essentially a duplicate of the actual apps that do the configuration23:35
lubot<kc2bez> Kubuntu works flawlessly. I was on the daily earlier this eve.23:35
wxl 2. integration with kio, which should make discovery via file browser possible-- i doubt pcmanfm-qt necessarily supports this (and that's ok-- that's icing on the cake if we have it at all)23:36
lubot<kc2bez> kde has the panel app/icon out of the box.23:36
wxlbut the other stuff (pairing wizard, system daemon) should be pretty general23:36
wxlthe only question is the system tray application23:36
lubot<kc2bez> The system tray app isn't there in Lubuntu even though I have devices paired.23:37
lubot<kc2bez> The pairing wizard looks the same for both.23:40
wxli can't imagine that icon is specific to plasma, but it could be23:40
wxlperhaps we need to add a little fluff to generalize it23:40
lubot<kc2bez> It will need a menu item as well.23:41
wxli mean e.g. keypassx has a system tray icon which i know works in lxpanel-qt, plasma panel, and awesomewm's wibox.widget.systray23:43
wxlthe menu item should be really easy. essentially creating a desktop file is all it will take. that's a simple fix to lubuntu-default-settings23:43
wxl@kc2bez can i ask you for a super big favor? to write up everything you've discovered so far and some of these questions we have on the phabricator task on the subject?23:44
lubot<kc2bez> I will attempt to do so.23:45
wxldo you need the link?23:45
lubot<kc2bez> I think I can find it. phab.lubuntu.me23:45
wxloooh we got a FFe for this cycle https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-meta/+bug/178890423:45
ubot93Ubottu bug 1788904 in lubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Blanket Feature Freeze Exception: Lubuntu's LXQt Transition" [Critical, Triaged]23:45
wxlwhich is to say we can keep developing down to the last minute XD23:46

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