
lubot<HMollerCl> @Wafficus [<Wafficus> Hi guys, how do I install fonts in Lubuntu?], If I have the font, I put them in /usr/local/share/fonts02:05
lyorian@HMollerCl @Wafficus you can also search and install them with apt02:14
ballhello hateball05:35
GeekyGirl36Can I just say how giddy I am to have done this!  (Yes I am a noob, only three days on Lubuntu and with help from a co-worker who nudged me in the direction I needed to go) I now have WiFi!!!  :)06:58
GeekyGirl36Okay, it is past my bedtime.  :(  Have a great night all!  :)07:01
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lubot<TheWendyPower> @GeekyGirl36 [<GeekyGirl36> Can I just say how giddy I am to have done this!  (Yes I am a noob …], Awesome!12:34
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