
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7
didrocksTrevinho: the Yaru team is asking if we can drop debian/patches/scrollbar-background-theming.patch in gnome-terminal09:32
didrocksTrevinho: it creates some artefacts with the default and Yaru team09:32
didrocksdo you mind answering/looking at it?09:32
TrevinhoLaney: MERGE https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+git/nautilus/+merge/35519210:01
Trevinhodidrocks: I was wondering that... Then i noticed it would break ambiance though10:02
didrocksTrevinho: any workaround in the theme we can push to Yaru?10:10
didrocks(please answer on the community hub thread)10:10
Nafallois there a meeting on IRC today? :-)11:48
seb128Nafallo, you already asked that after the previous meeting, still no :)11:51
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CarlenWhiteI guess my laptop really likes my printer because even after removing it, it adds it back.12:10
CarlenWhiteAh it's a feature of CUPS12:11
Nafalloseb128: you weren't sure ;-)12:15
seb128kenvandine, willcooke, jamesh, looking at the calendar it doesn't seem like we have slots schedules for the snap topic from our agenda, is that something we should sort out now so we are sure to get the people who need (I guess the snapd team is busy and it's not easy to get them)? e.g "Multiple apps (snaps) with same name", "limited bandwidth", "Talk to snap team about updates notifications and turn off auto-updates from UI",12:25
seb128debug symbols12:25
jameshseb128: there is a session for debug symbols on Friday12:26
seb128jamesh, ah, good, I see it now12:26
seb128what about the other topics? ;)12:26
jameshwhich of the others are most important?12:27
seb128I don't know what the "multiple apps" is, but willcooke put it on the agenda so...12:28
jameshmaybe it is multiple snaps with the same human readable name?12:28
seb128we should talk to them about the low bandwith one, that was discussed on IRC recently12:28
jameshor similar names12:28
seb128the feature is there, but they needed to get confidence on the feature working so we need to figure out what testing is needed/how to unblock12:29
seb128or maybe we should just schedule a "desktop/snapd catchup" session and cover the different topics in one slot12:29
seb128there might be other things worth discussing12:29
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willcookerobert_ancell, http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html13:02
seb128you can change bb to cc13:02
seb128and incoming to tracking13:02
seb128robert_ancell, http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-tracking-bug-tasks.html is the main list atm13:03
jbichaseb128: new glib 2.58.0-4 didn't fix indicator-messages https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/13.10.1+17.04.20170120-0ubuntu3/+build/1546197713:41
jbichasee https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/issues/1513 which has some details about the change in 2.5813:42
gitbotGNOME issue 1513 in glib "GIcon regression?" [Gicon, Closed]13:42
seb128jbicha, thx14:10
seb128Trevinho, ^14:10
seb128jbicha, did you ask muktupavels about it?14:16
muktupavelsseb128, jbicha: well it is more or less same bug / caused by same change...14:37
muktupavelsThere are not much options... Either change is reverted in glib or tests must be updated. In indicator-messages case symbolic icon names should be added.14:38
muktupavelsg_themed_icon_new_with_default_fallbacks documentation is no longer true...14:40
seb128muktupavels, wasn't the recent commit supposed to revert the behaviour change?15:00
jbichathe new commit didn't fully revert the behavior change15:01
muktupavelsseb128: no, it fixed only one thing to match documentation.15:01
seb128Trevinho, can you unreject https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/indicator-messages/symbolic-icons-tests/+merge/355144 ? :)15:03
seb128muktupavels, uncompatible behaviour change in stable APIs are  not nice :/15:03
muktupavelsseb128: why are you telling that to me? I know and I agree with you. :)15:04
seb128muktupavels, sorry, I read the who-is-telling-what on that gitlab issue report wrong :)15:06

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