
eanguloI am searching for devs so I came here. I have modeled a 32bit computer with logisim and have working pseudo-assy compiler. Thinking on next step I want to use a real compiler that, in this state of development, must generate my own pseudo-assy. Is that possible? See it working: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpXJ4YQjSkt5EWqJIXcYN9w01:24
LocutusOfBorghello juliank ... feature request...07:23
LocutusOfBorgE: Type 'deb[trusted=yes]' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list07:23
LocutusOfBorgcan we please have apt working also when I forget to put the space? :)07:23
LocutusOfBorgor having a better error message might help too ;)07:24
=== Unit193 is now known as Guest71156
tseliotslangasek, bdmurray: hey, can you approve ubuntu-drivers-common in LP: #1778011 , please? It's blocking my SRU.07:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1778011 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Bionic) "SRU: PRIME Power Saving mode draws too much power" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177801107:49
andrewshjbicha: fwiw, that patch alone doesn’t fix all issues Unity has07:59
andrewshbut only the most notable ones07:59
andrewshjuliank: could you please remove old/unnecessary patches from wpa?09:06
andrewshe.g. debian/patches/session-ticket.patch09:06
andrewshor android_hal_fw_path_change.patch09:06
andrewshor CONFIG_ANDROID_HAL09:07
andrewshI don’t think Android support is used these days by anyone09:07
realitixHello Ubuntu team. Can someone merge this patch for Xenial: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomcat8/+bug/164414409:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1644144 in tomcat8 (Ubuntu Xenial) "Tomcat 8.0.32 has ClassLoader Issues" [Medium,In progress]09:29
realitixThanks a lot09:29
rbasakrealitix: it can be done, but it looks like nobody responded to nacc's request to test his trial fix.09:32
rbasakIf nobody can be bothered to test our work, then I'm not sure it's worth spending the time on fixing it.09:33
realitixI have a client that can test it09:33
realitixWhat is the procedure to test the fix ?09:34
rbasakPlease use nacc's PPA that he linked in the bug.09:35
realitixok, I will tell my client to do it, are you sure the ppa is for xenial ?09:35
rbasakhttps://launchpad.net/~nacc/+archive/ubuntu/tomcat8v2/+packages says Xenial09:37
rbasakNote that the current PPA version will be a downgrade and will undo security fixes, so use it for testing only09:38
rbasakIf it is confirmed to still work, then it'll need rebasing on top of the security fixes09:38
rbasakThen tested again. And then we can look into releasing it officially09:39
realitixok thanks09:39
gpunkbumblebee broken on ubuntu?09:44
sarnoldgpunk: what bug number? perhaps someone can suggest something09:48
gpunkI dont have in mind the bug number, i am using 18.1009:49
gpunki found it broken on 18.04 too09:49
juliankandrewsh: I don't know10:20
juliankLocutusOfBorg: um10:20
juliankLocutusOfBorg: We do need better parsers for everything in apt10:21
juliankandrewsh: The Android HAL is probably used by ubports10:23
julianksession ticketing patch idk10:23
juliankAlso we're frozen10:23
cyphermoxit tended to be used for the phone IIRC.10:23
juliankcyphermox: yes10:23
juliankcyphermox: ubports are maintaining ubuntu phone10:23
andrewshjuliank: session ticketing definitely not needed anymore10:24
andrewshjuliank: ubports could ship the patch themselves?10:24
juliankandrewsh: Does it do harm?10:24
juliankIs it wise to drop it weeks before the release?10:24
andrewshjuliank: umm… why ship extra patches with no purpose?10:24
juliankbecause we're close to release10:24
andrewshmm, okay…10:25
cyphermoxandrewsh: I tend to agree session ticketing is perhaps not needed10:25
cyphermoxOTOH, if it's not clearly busted, we probably best avoid changing wpa10:25
cyphermoxI'm no longer really in any position to test WPA enterprise, for one thing10:26
cyphermoxactually, that's not quite true, I could set it up at home easier now.10:26
cyphermoxandrewsh: I'm +1 on dropping the patches when we're not frozen and after checking that the android HAL is no longer necessary (but I suspect it always will be, because android hardware tends to have half-baked badly written drivers with tons of missing features that make them unsuitable to being included in a real kernel10:28
andrewshcyphermox: the bug in question has been fixed ages ago in a different way as I remember10:29
cyphermoxie. proper firmware loading, proper rfkill, etc.10:29
cyphermoxre ticketing or android?10:29
andrewshit's not android-specific10:29
andrewshcyphermox: well, but if Ubuntu doesn't run on Android hardware anymore, and UBports build their own packages anyway, why can't they ship wpa with Android things enabled?10:31
cyphermoxthe android patch did use android-specific APIs to get/change fw path10:31
andrewsh(btw I do agree re freeze, I didn't know it is on now)10:31
cyphermoxI don't think they do anything that isn't in the ubuntu archive?10:31
cyphermoxtbh, I don't know10:31
andrewshI thought they run a separate packaging infra10:31
cyphermoxfwiw, I'm not particularly proud of that patch, I'll be happy when it dies10:31
andrewshoh, it was you who wrote it :)10:32
tdaitxcjwatson: I added you to 2 merge proposals (xenial and bionic sru) for initramfs-tools as it includes the sync change10:32
tdaitxwouldn't mind another pair of eyes looking over the old-dkms change as well if you happen to have the time ;-)10:32
cyphermoxI prefer when the evidence of my ugly hacks don't stick around indefinitely ;)10:32
mwhudsoncyphermox: just waiting until all current LTSes are EOL is hardly indefinite!!11:40
dokodidrocks: you started with LP: #1709164, today I was called out to not process this further. Please could you follow-up on that, setting it to Committed if appropriate?11:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1709164 in bubblewrap (Ubuntu) "[MIR] bubblewrap" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170916411:44
bluesabreIs anybody familiar with how the live session gdm doesn't ask (and knows not to ask) for a password? I'd like to do the same with lightdm-gtk-greeter and xubuntu12:31
jbichabluesabre: casper package, scripts/casper-bottom/15autologin , there is also an adjustment in 25adduser12:34
bluesabrejbicha: excellent, thanks!12:35
tewarddoko: jbicha: can you confirm whether exim (who technically owns PCRE2 supposedly?) supports PCRE2 over PCRE3?15:57
tewarddoko: jbicha: http://mailman.nginx.org/pipermail/nginx-devel/2018-September/011448.html is why I asked - I don't think PCRE2 is actually 'supported' everywhere...15:58
jbichaI'm not really working on getting old pcre out of main (and I would be surprised if that happened before 20.04 LTS), I just want the new pcre in16:02
tewardjbicha: is there any reason to not have both in `main`?16:05
tewardother than the headaches of "Which do we support"16:05
slangasekIt's not a question of confusion over which we support.  It's a matter that actually supporting them costs, and we seek to avoid code duplication wherever possible.16:06
jbichaUbuntu generally only has one of a "thing" in main but there are exceptions. So the question is whether pcre and pcre2 are the same thing or whether an exception is appropriate16:06
jbichapcre does have a security vulnerability history so it is going to be some amount of extra work for the Security team16:07
naccrbasak: i can rebase it at some point, if i'm reminded :)16:30
tsimonq2rbasak, bdmurray: In hindsight, I believe I politely deferred bug 1773811, but can I get some confirmation that these changes are not suitable for an SRU?23:23
ubottubug 1773811 in gazebo (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Missing static libs in the -dev package metadata" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177381123:23
tsimonq2(If not a violation of Debian Policy.)23:23

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