
krytarikguiverc: "[19:23] <Bashing-om> Annnddd issue545 M/L and post to the forum is done."00:06
guivercthanks krytarik - so it's a yep... will do.  (then g+, tweet, and something horrid..)00:09
krytarikAlright, thanks! :D00:10
guiverclinks all okay, so http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/09/18/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-545/  (news, planet)00:13
Bashing-omDoing the re-directs ATT .00:24
guivercg+ & tweet done..00:28
Bashing-omre-directs done .00:38
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 545 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/09/18/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-545/00:44
guivercposted fb00:54
Bashing-omSave now to wipe Gdoc ? start on 546 .00:59
guivercto me 545 is done (unless we hear [unlikely] screaming...)    anyway the new ubuntu security podcast should come soon; it'll give me somewhere to put it :)01:10
Bashing-omwiping :)01:14
Bashing-omguiverc: Gdic wiped. As U still can not talk to softpedia, will you also add " https://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-releases-ubuntu-18-04-1-desktop-image-optimized-for-microsoft-hyper-v-522743.shtml " for UWN546 ?01:23
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Andres Rodriguez: MAAS 2.5.0 beta 1 released @ http://www.roaksoax.com/2018/09/maas-2-5-0-beta-1-released09:16
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Enhanced Ubuntu 18.04 Image Added to Microsoft Hyper-V gallery @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=135315 (by Joey Sneddon)13:44
Bashing-omkrytarik: I got a request from Podcast Ubuntu Portugal to include them in the newsletter in my normal Email. Would you like me to forward the request to you ( and also see my reply ) ?22:24
krytarikDid you already reply to them?22:26
krytarikIn either case, CC or forward to the team ML please.22:26
Bashing-omkrytarik: Enlighten me as the what our " Team Mailing List " is  and I will comply .22:30
krytarikThe one you send the newsletter notification to?..22:31
krytarikI.e. ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com22:32
Bashing-omkrytarik: Do we not want to keep this to "staff" level ?22:32
krytarikThat *is* about staff?..22:32
Bashing-omHo kay .. again .. amazing what I do not know .22:33
Bashing-omkrytarik: Forwarded to " ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com " .22:38
tsimonq2krytarik: Duuude, too late to get my newsletter in 545? :P22:42
* krytarik escalates to ignoring..22:42
krytarikUnless of course you'd be providing a time machine post along with it!22:44
* tsimonq2 hands krytarik the parts.22:45
tsimonq2This is Linux, compile it yourself! :P22:45
krytarikLOL :D22:45
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Daniel Pocock: What is the relationship between FSF and FSFE? @ https://danielpocock.com/what-is-the-relationship-between-fsf-and-fsfe23:28

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