[00:01] under partams for starting ubuntu, i don't see quiet splash, or either word of it anywhere [00:02] Where you looking? It should be at the end toward the linux /boot/vmlinuz line [00:03] op, there I see it [00:03] my bad [00:06] hmm, I think it's hung up with a black screen [00:06] pragmaticenigma, only open amd drivers were installed, not commercial [00:09] I fixed my opengl crawling. [00:09] I've noticed (tried with glxgears), that moving from one monitor to another had different fps. [00:10] I'd try to do the nomodeset boot CrazyLikeAFox [00:10] Graphics drivers probably broke on the update [00:11] screen flickered some color, went off, came back up black, now it's showing a black screen with a non-blinking cursor at the upper left corner [00:11] terminal type cursor that it [00:11] ad nomodeset to the options? [00:12] I.e., I have 2 Radeon cards (different models) - Oland XT [Radeon HD 8670 / R7 250/350] and RV710 [Radeon HD 4350/4550] [00:12] with 3 monitors [00:12] for some conext on my hardware, dell inspiron laptop with all amd/radeon hipsets [00:12] *context [00:12] Yeah on the same line as the quiet splash just add nomodeset [00:13] monitors, connected to one card was crawling and to another card was fast. [00:13] If it lets you boot, reinstall your GPU drivers [00:14] Strange thing, After I've changed the default monitor in monitors settings, all of the monitors started working fast, I just had to replug the monitors to different outputs, so that my menu stays on the left side. [00:14] oh yes, that booted to my login page/first workspace's wallpaper [00:15] I presume nomodeset is one of recovery mode's options? [00:16] It just lets you boot with default vga drivers kind of like the livecd does [00:17] I'm surprised it drove the screen at the correct resolution the entire time [00:17] nouveau drivers are acting weird: the first monitor is 640x480 and I can't open Displays (in system settings) [00:17] guess the default drivers are getting way smarter [00:19] sayo-, after I upgraded to 18.04, I couldn't open desktop other, then OpenBox, the only thing, that has solved my problem is removing nvidia* drivers, that for some reason got installed during upgrade, while I don't have any nvidia graphics. [00:19] sayo-, check, if you have some nvidia* drivers installed [00:20] that is if you have radeon card, of course [00:21] so, completely remove xserver-xorg-video-(amdgpu, ati, radeon), then reinstall them? [00:21] igoryonya: I have an nvidia card, but I can't install the drivers because of some weird conflicts in the package manager, so I removed all the nvidia packages and I switched to nouveau [00:21] my card is an NVS 510 [00:22] I don't know anything about AMD drivers but it sounds good [00:22] sayo-, I see, what kinds of conflict did you have in package manager? [00:23] because, I always have conflicts in package manager after upgrading. [00:23] one sec, Ill show ya [00:23] that I keep resolving, before doing anything else. [00:24] igoryonya: https://pastebin.com/rmS9Yt51 these are the errors, a few mismatch [00:25] I try to install 396 but it clashes with nvidia 340 [00:25] mitmatch on packages or whatever [00:25] graphics redone I think, reboot time [00:26] I'm not gonna touch it, and see what it does === mouses_ is now known as mouses [00:27] x, did the fsck with splash behind it, flashed a screen covered in lines of text, went back to the one with the cursor in the corner and hung again [00:28] it didn't do the text thing last time, maybe turning the quiet off will do something [00:28] sayo- Resolving package installation problems is a step by step handwork [00:28] sayo-, did you try to remove 340? [00:28] igoryonya: I had to remove all nvidia-* by hand using dpkg [00:29] Did you remove or purge those drivers? [00:30] sayo- did you try to do: sudo apt remove nvidia-340* ? [00:30] it didn't stop on a screen with anything or show any sort of text.. [00:30] You usually have to reboot between reinstalling too, at least I have to with nvidia drivers [00:30] xamithan: purged, dpkg -P [00:31] xamithan, it's better not to reboot, while resolving package issues. [00:31] K, I didn't suceed in reinstalling drivers [00:31] igoryonya: yep, but apt-get wouldn't work, it just complained that there were a problem in the package tree because there were unmet dependencies (again with NVIDIA)\ [00:31] sayo- can you show me that complain? [00:31] Either something corrupt stuck behind, or I didn't even touch the right stuff [00:31] nope, I didn't save that log [00:32] there will always be complains, while resolving package issues, until you fix everything. [00:32] Are you able to do it now? [00:32] sayo- [00:32] is there any way to get all the drivers/graphical packages back to default? [00:32] apt-get is working now that I purged everything by hand using dpkg [00:33] like getting ubuntu back to a clean install except for the settings [00:33] sayo- first thing first: you need to resolve your package issues, before you do anything with graphics. [00:33] currently the package system is working [00:33] It's possible, that after you resolve your package issues, your graphics issues will go away. [00:34] sayo-, so if you try to install 396, it doesn't complain any more? [00:34] it does complain [00:34] it's the esame rror I showed you before [00:35] so, try to: sudo apt remove nvidia-340* [00:35] and show me the results. [00:36] igoryonya: https://pastebin.com/gMNv5ETr [00:39] sayo-, can you show me this: ls -lhd '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1.distrib' [00:40] and: ls -lhd '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1' [00:40] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Jun 5 09:16 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1.distrib -> libGL.so.1.0.0 [00:40] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Sep 9 06:21 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1 -> libGL.so.1.0.0 [00:41] what are you trying to figure out with this? whether sudo should have enough permision to overwrite these conflicting files ? [00:41] OK, I see. The package manager thinks, that 340 is not installed, but some files from 340 still exist on the drive. [00:42] Anybody familiar with radeon drivers? [00:42] igoryonya: interesting [00:42] do this: sudo mv -vi '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1' '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1.bkp' [00:42] Not since they moved off fglrx =) [00:43] and: sudo mv -vi '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1.distrib' '/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so.1.distrib.bkp' [00:43] xamithan, it's a step by step process to resolve package issues. [00:43] sayo-, tell me, when you rename them. [00:43] Why do you keep tagging me for no reason ? [00:44] igoryonya: done [00:44] xamithan, I thought, you were talking to me [00:45] sayo-, now try to install 396 [00:45] sudo apt install nvidia-driver-396 [00:46] I hope it works cause purging the packages one by one is a PIA :D [00:46] no need to reboot or anything before? also, can we check whether there are other remaining files? [00:46] sayo-, no [00:47] okay, fingers crossed [00:47] if there are some remaining files, the installation will tell us [00:47] also, why apt install instead of apt-get? [00:47] not only don't need to reboot, you must not reboot, until resolve package issues. [00:48] apt-get is the non-user friendly command that doesn't give you progress bars and things [00:48] sayo-, I am used to apt already. it's pretty much a newer version of apt-get, but you can do apt-get, if youwant to. === coffeeguy is now known as zenguy [00:49] I'm happy with both of them, thanks for the clarification though igoryonya xamithan [00:49] also I like the fancy bar [00:49] anyway more errors [00:50] sayo-, give them to me [00:50] brb pastebin [00:50] https://pastebin.com/DMKZBZv9 [00:50] same files same errors I think? [00:51] Ye, looks like the same error. [00:52] OK, then, rename those files back to the way they were before, i.e. remove .bak from those 2 files. [00:52] then: sudo apt install nvidia-340 [00:52] it installed all the other packages though, it'd be better if it didn't install anything since some part of it failed [00:52] ok [00:53] sayo-, when you install nvidia-340, it says that it has to install a lot of other things? [00:54] igoryonya: it just starts complaning about unmet dependencies https://pastebin.com/2W7UKERF [00:55] you ran nvidia-340? [00:55] yup [00:55] sudo apt install nvidia-340 [00:55] try: sudo apt --fix-broken install [00:56] igoryonya: https://pastebin.com/Dd0Pwk50 it keeps whining about these files [00:57] igoryonya: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1035409/installing-nvidia-drivers-on-18-04 [00:57] do you think that is worth trying? [00:57] It's ok, we are trying to resolve it step by step, I'll get some coffe and get back to you === BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman [00:59] hm, it gives the same error. [01:01] igoryonya: one sec, it seems something is happening here [01:03] Ye, that link is on askubuntu is on track. [01:03] sayo-, what's happening? [01:04] Im trying the suggestion in askubuntu and it seems package manager is back alive [01:05] sayo-, so --fix-broken worked? [01:05] after running that FOR loop that removes everything, --fix-broken worked [01:06] it seems like sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390 worked [01:06] Did you already try to install 396, or --fix-broken installed it? [01:06] it's about tpo work, it's 91% [01:06] cool [01:06] 99% almost there, hold on [01:07] seems it worked, I'll reboot [01:07] brb [01:08] OK, try, but I'd do 'sudo apt upgrade' first (before rebooting), so it would install all the rest of packages, that didn't installed, because of an error. [01:08] igoryonya: it worked !!!!!! finally [01:09] it seems that the key was to remove all those files, the for loop took care of everything [01:09] sayo-, congratulations :) [01:09] after that, you just purge and autoremove and install the drivers again [01:09] reboot and done! [01:09] thank you igoryonya for troubleshooting this with me ^_^ [01:09] now, time to leave, this stuff kept me here with the computer [01:09] have a good night igoryonya o/ [01:10] sayo-, not only removing, there was also editing in some file going on, because, we, by doing mv, also pretty much removed them from the system, but it wouldn't help. [01:12] sayo-, you are welcome. I know, how painfull it is, when something didn't get installed all the way and packages got broken. [01:15] Hi guys. I have modeled a 32 bit computer (no joke, see vids: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpXJ4YQjSkt5EWqJIXcYN9w) with logisim, and have a compiler for pseudo-assembler code (and assy compiler written in Java that parses my pseudo-assy and outputs hex, in order to load it on the schematic RAM, and run it). [01:17] I was thinking on a forward step and I think it could be a good idea to write a C compiler. ATM I've tried antlr for parsing C/C++ code, but I consider now to port an existing compiler like gcc. [01:19] I don't think you're in the right channel [01:19] eangulo: you're in a support channel [01:19] oh, may I ask on -dev? [01:37] how to disable keyboard led, when I switch keyboard language [01:41] I have 2 keyboard layouts: Russian and English [01:42] When I switch to Russian, keyboard's scroll lock led lights up. Back to English, turns off. How to disable such behaviour? [01:42] I want to have that led to be used by scroll lock button, not language layout. [01:46] It used to be an XKbOptions in xorg === Dreaman is now known as Blade [02:02] Hi, could someone perhaps help me setting environmental variables for java and maven? I've been running in circles for 2 days now. [02:27] Hi, I would like to install Ubuntu on a virtual machine running on Windows 7 but my computer is too old to support the virtualization features you need to run the 64 bit version. If I run 32 bit Ubuntu, will I still be able to use most programs or are a lot of them 64 bit only at this point? [02:27] ubuntu 18.04, gome 3, switches only one (main) display, when switching desktops [02:28] how to make it to switch all displays, as it was in unity [02:30] MrMobius: You can install a 32-bit Ubuntu flavor. The software in the Ubuntu repositories should work. [02:30] MrMobius: Things like Chrome won't, but there's Chromium instea. [02:49] MrMobius, try xubuntu or lubuntu instead [02:49] i wouldn't recommend ubuntu for low end machines though === Blade is now known as BgLamersTeam === BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman === Dreaman is now known as Blade === capella|away is now known as capella [03:25] what was the first Ubuntu version with APT 1.5? [03:27] according to packages.ubuntu.com, ubuntu 16.04 has apt 1.2.15, and ubuntu 17.10 has apt 1.5, but 16.10/17.04 are out of support and thus out of packages.u.c already, so I don't know where to get that info [03:34] nicolas17: Check the manifest files for any 16.10 or 17.04 release [03:34] http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/16.10/ [03:35] 16.10 had apt 1.3.1 [03:35] thanks! [03:35] 17.04 had 1.4 [03:35] so 17.10 is the first === Blade is now known as BgLamersTeam === BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman === Dreaman is now known as BgLamersTeam [04:09] Just installed Ubuntu 18.01, DNS won't resolve. I can ping external IP addresses. I tried setting DNS to google's ( which I can ping successfully) but even then DNS still wont resolve [04:10] 18.04.01* [04:12] JustAPerson: is this Desktop or server? [04:14] leftyfb: desktop, trying to set up brand new computer [04:14] JustAPerson: it should get it's DNS settings from your DHCP server (router) [04:16] I think there may be something wrong with my school network (I booted up Win8 on another drive and it also had similar DNS issue using dhcp). I have changed the DNS setting of my network card to hard code an IP address [04:17] JustAPerson: contact your school's network admin(s) for support then [04:20] that's the school DNS. Why can't I resolve using another DNS server if I can ping it? [04:20] because they allow outgoing ping but not outgoing port 53 UDP? [05:22] anyone else find that several of the built-in gnome extensions are not working in bionic? (window list for one)? === gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr [05:29] not using gnome [05:30] isn't it the default? are you perhaps one of these xfce/mate people? [05:30] yea, I usually use xfce [05:30] and the terminal [05:31] If it wouldn't be for this web crap I could live happily in the terminal [05:33] well, i get the "WTF" over what happened with gnome3 [05:34] :) [05:37] that said, gnome3 has a way better chance of being used on a touchscreen than gnome2. ofc this never became en vogue [05:39] I think it will get really good at some point and all these pains will go away [05:40] till then...you have to ride it out :) === the_ant1 is now known as the_ant [05:52] gnome3 is better on my desktop touchscreen and my tablet. but it does have some pains and 2 big ones. One in the neck nd you can guess where the other pain is located. [06:14] TxRaspPi: if you find a new !bug, then report it mate [06:26] Hello. Does someone have a suggestion for the easiest way to replace Ubuntu Studio with standard Ubuntu, without affecting other partitions. Basically battery life was better before and I'd like to do standard again [06:27] temp_user555: wich studio version are you running right now? [06:28] Lotus|NUC I'm honestly not sure [06:28] It was part years version [06:28] IDK if LTS or not [06:28] I don't have it with me right now [06:29] temp_user555: lsb_release -a please [06:29] temp_user555: there are a few option for you, from your existing install you can install ubuntu-desktop [06:30] temp_user555: or choose a fresh install, but let setup takeover your /home and data on the new install [06:31] temp_user555: yet another way, would be cleaning your current studio with bleachbit, install laptop-mode-tools to save battery [06:33] anyone else find that several of the built-in gnome extensions are not working in bionic? (window list for one)? [06:34] ntd: did you enable extensions from gnome-tweak-tool? [06:34] gnome-tweaks, yeah. gnome-tweak-tool is just a dummy package in bionic [06:35] application menu also not working [06:35] ntd: just wondering, did you download the right extension for your gnome version? some extensions could not work on wrong gnome version [06:36] it's built-in [06:37] so unless canonical fucked up, should be the right version [06:38] ntd: please mind your language in the main support channel, we have users from all over the world here [06:39] "messed up". he said "messed up" [06:39] ntd: can you make a screenshot of whats happening exactly? volunteers might have a look for you [06:39] well, activate the extension and nothing happens [06:39] window list [06:40] activate application menu and "applications" appear in the top left corner but nothing happens when you click it [06:40] Greetings. I have a question about Ubuntu and a specific piece of software. Is this the right channel for it? I am also asking in the software's channel. [06:40] ntd: wich ubuntu version are you on? [06:40] 18.04 [06:40] "anyone else find that several of the built-in gnome extensions are not working in bionic? (window list for one)?" [06:41] *built-in* and *bionic* [06:41] ShawnEvans: we take ubuntu questions here, also on packages that are on official repos [06:41] ShawnEvans: wich package are we talking about, and whats happening please? [06:42] What is lsb_release -a [06:42] lotus|NUC, thank you. My question is about Ubuntu and some behaviour in blender. Specifically, lights are not being drawn correctly in the viewport. [06:43] And lotus|NUC thanks [06:43] ShawnEvans: join the #blender chanel please [06:43] temp_user555: thats to see your ubuntu release version [06:43] lotus, I am there as well. [06:43] Ohh [06:44] ShawnEvans: we mostly take questions on the ubuntu side of problems, if blender would not work or so [06:44] Does Ubuntu only use Freenode? Or other servers as well? I'm just wondering because I've never used others [06:44] ShawnEvans: so your best bet is in #blender [06:44] !freenode | temp_user555 yes [06:44] temp_user555 yes: freenode is the IRC network that you're on! - See http://freenode.net/project - - freenode has policies that govern how people should use the network which can be read at http://freenode.net/policies - The Ubuntuchannels on freenode also have their own !Guidelines [06:52] Hello, I'm trying to create a bootable liveUSB. I've tried etcher-cli and dd. Both have a similar problem. When I look at the drive in parted after the write finishes, parted says "driver descriptor says block size is 512 bytes, but Linux says it's 2048 bytes", and the partition table looks broken with small partations and no bootable partition. The drive obviously doesn't boot. [06:53] correction: driver descriptor says its 2048, Linux says its 512 [06:55] dollfan: what was your dd command? [06:56] ponyrider, sudo dd if=~/Downloads/devuan_ascii_2.0.0_amd64_dvd-1.iso of=/dev/sdc bs=512 && sync [06:57] that looks correct. so you should start your partition at 2048 bytes [06:58] make make the drive bootable. use gparted, it will make it very simple maybe even automatic [06:59] and you can increase the byte size to 'bs=4M' in the dd command to make it faster [06:59] oh so bs doesn't matter for what parted reports the block size as? [07:00] oof, Gparted shows the entire drive as unformatted [07:00] no its to do with how many bytes are written at a time when you copy the iso [07:00] yeah so that would be the problem [07:01] what do you suggest ponyrider ? [07:02] what do you mean? [07:02] I'm just out of ideas, that's why I'm here [07:02] make a gpt partition table and format as fat32 [07:02] then use dd to copy the file over [07:03] do I dd to sdc or sdc1? [07:03] just sdc [07:04] "plain floppy: device "/dev/sdc" busy (Resource temporarily unavailable): [07:04] Cannot initialize '::' [07:04] mlabel: Cannot initialize drive" [07:04] gparted gives me that message [07:04] well is /dev/sdc really your usb stick? [07:04] and the option to manage flags is greyed out [07:05] pretty sure, its the correct size, 14.4GB, and the only other drives are my SD reader (sdb) which is currently empty and my main drive, sda, which is ~1.5TB [07:06] delete the partitions and tables, start again [07:06] alright will do [07:07] partition table type msdos? [07:07] no gpt [07:08] what is that img anyway? [07:08] Devuan, its for people who really hate SystemD [07:08] I'm just trying it out [07:09] its a Debian derivative [07:09] should I check flag legacy_boot? [07:09] you shouldnt need that [07:10] alright, now I do the dd right? [07:10] yeah it should be good just double check that your usb stick is actually /dev/sdc [07:11] alright, dd running, I'll be back if it doesn't work, thanks for your help [07:17] dollfan, devuan? now there is a proper systemd hater. good values :) [07:18] I honestly don't know anything about systemd other than a bunch of people hate it [07:18] i like it [07:21] hey; are display issues with java menu bars in Gnome a known bug? [07:25] ponyrider, is there a way I can run a checksum on the drive after I write it, to compare with the img? [07:26] I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 dekstop. I'd like to get completely rid of snap. Can I safely uninstall snapd (sudo apt purge snapd ; sudo apt autormove)? I can see (snap list) that a few apps are installed, including gnome-3-26-1604 which seems pretty important. Can these be installed as traditional deb packages? [07:26] dollfan, first, it was systemd. not it's networkd, resolved, etc etc [07:27] and ubuntu are doing their darndest to keep messing with us [07:27] netplan? really? [07:27] whats next? 20.04 will use "flub" instead of grub, just to mess with us? [07:27] dollfan: would md5sum /dev/sdc1 work? [07:28] ponyrider, not md5sum /dev/sdc ? [07:28] no sdc1 [07:28] TESloth, i've seen menu issues in gnome, please elaborate? [07:28] hello! I'm trying to install dconf-tools in order to customize panel/dock, but my apt cant locate this package. I'm on 18.10, is that why? [07:29] man, deb sid has less issues than bionic if you ask me [07:29] oakle, dconf-editor? [07:30] ponyrider, I'm looking at it in gparted, and its formatted as iso9660, not marked as bootable, and the option to change the flags is greyed out [07:31] ponyrider, should I dd of=/dev/sdc or of=/dev/sdc1 ? [07:31] no [07:32] ntd: dconf-editor exists! Tyvm [07:32] dollfan, wait. yes. do it. you deserve it for asking that [07:32] it doesnt work? [07:32] ntd, do what? [07:33] I haven't tested it yet, should I? [07:33] no we good we did it correctly. we didnt even need to format as fat32 but all g [07:33] yes [07:33] and also, check your bios [07:33] check my bios? [07:33] that it recognises the usb and boots from it as first priority [07:34] when you restart press DEL or F1 or whatever is says, to enter settings [07:34] oh BIOS, I thought you mean bio-s, like something biological or a biography haha [07:38] ponyrider, so in UEFI mode, my bios keeps forgetting that I told it to put the usb drive first, and it just boots into win10... in legacy mode, it says "no bootable device" and tries again when I press enter [07:38] its an acer laptop [07:39] you want uefi mode. and you are saving the settings? [07:42] So I press F10, it says "do you want to save and exit now", I select yes, the computer reboots into win10, when I go back into the bios it's forgotten I changed the boot order [07:48] ponyrider, okay I got it, I had to turn on an option to enable an F12 boot menu, and when I booted into the usb in UEFI mode, I got a security error. Switching to legacy mode worked [07:52] ok ! great! [07:53] thanks for your help! [08:15] i have script: something(){ echo garbage;echo value;};something , i want all to display but i need value as a return value [08:17] that command forks itself? [08:17] looks like a fork bomb haha [08:17] it aint [08:17] i dont get what you want [08:18] it drops two lines: garbage and value [08:18] yeah i get that [08:18] i want both to display, but i need value as a return value [08:19] what do you mean? [08:19] if i execute the function, i get garbage and value [08:19] i need only value to assign to something [08:20] stumper__, that's more of a thing for #bash [08:20] JimBuntu, they dont react [08:20] value=somestring; echo "$value" [08:20] dont work because its a subshell [08:21] cant assign to global value from subshell [08:21] thanks though [08:23] stumper__: something(){ echo this; echo "$1"; };something return [08:24] like this?? [08:31] Hello. Does photoshop work in Linux? (Without a 3rd software between like 'Wine') [08:32] afaik no native port so must use wine [08:32] ponyrider, the other way around: the return you pass along, i need back from the function =) [08:33] so you want to pipe a value into another command? [08:40] something(){ echo this; echo value | xargs printf "\033[0;32m%s\n"; };something [08:41] stumper__: ^^^ [08:44] ponyrider, testing =) [08:44] so we are passing value into another command (printf) using xargs [08:50] ponyrider, still need to assign value =/ === dreamon__ is now known as dreamon [08:53] ponyrider, this is what i want, but less bloated =) : something(){ echo this; echo value>/tmp/0;};something;value=`cat /tmp/0`;rm /tmp/0;echo $value [08:54] ugly ugly ugly hack [08:55] but then a nice solution =) [09:11] ponyrider, found it, thanks for thinking with me =) : something(){ echo this; eval value=value;};something;echo $value [09:14] Hi, is there any backup solution for (ubuntu) linux that can do live full backups of the entire system? [09:14] like veeam for linux, but without all the bugs lol [09:15] !backup | milp [09:15] milp: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning [09:16] lotus|NUC thanks, thats a lot of info, which ones do support live full backups though? [09:18] milp: didnt test myself, but we hear good things about rsync and clonezilla [09:19] yes, however rsync would not backup things like bootloaders and clonezilla requires downtime :( [09:19] (also mdadm raids and crypto containers) [09:27] any good alternatives for o365 in ubuntu [09:27] samiperera: libreoffice [09:28] i mean i tried installing it on wine, === Class7_ is now known as Class7 [09:29] samiperera: use openoffice , libreoffice etc while using Linux systems , [09:42] samiperera: o365 can be used natively...just open firefox and log in [09:56] how do i use it offline [09:57] ponyrider: >=( fascist [09:58] milp: your behavior is a bannable offense [09:58] * runjutsu aggressively drags FortKnight across the room [09:59] this is a unix system, I know this! [09:59] is there a way, i can use a windows samba share offline in ubuntu ? [10:00] John... Johnn... Can't get the computer system working without Dennis Nedry. [10:01] we have a network share based on windows and i'm a newbie to ubuntu [10:03] samiperera: let me see if i can help you understand something..see a samba/smb share can only be accessed if there is a LAN/network and or communication medium between computers "A" and "B" if you disconnect the network cable or wireless there is no longer a medium of communication between the systems [10:03] hi guys, i need a bit of help,i just managed to run WSL with LXDE on a VNC on my desktop, trying to do the same thing with a remote machine i have but instead of LXDE i wanna use gnome, is there a tutorial for that as the only ones i keep finding are from years ago [10:04] samiperera: so this whole "offline" fascination you got going....is counter productive [10:04] the remote machine is a full linux desktop, no WSL on it [10:05] we have shared document location in our small office, we normally updates docs on that share [10:05] my collegues use "Available offline file" option in windows. [10:06] samiperera: you will NOT have the same option(s) ...sorry for your loss [10:07] FortKnight: Thanks bro [10:08] samiperera: he's not your bro, bro [10:08] he is a Knight [10:09] samiperera: sorry, what are you trying to do? [10:09] I didn't quite understand the question since we haven't used windows for a couple of years [10:10] Hi! I have ubuntu 18.04 and i am fiddling with xkb to make my layouts switch. I rebound caps lock to send ISO_Next_Group and checked that it sends this command via "xev" and "setxkbmap -print" returns "pc+us+ru:2+inet(evdev)+capslock(grouplock)" in its xkb_symbols but the layout of keyboard does not change on caps_lock. Can anyone help me debug this problem? Or maybe there is a more appropriate irc channel? [10:11] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/z3ztn7Vhvx/ Heres paste with information [10:12] You need sync smb shared files to be avalible when lan goes off? [10:12] yes [10:19] samiperera: only to get a local copy or also to upload files and changes that you make? [10:20] https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9gtia9/i_tried_solus_these_are_my_experiences_being_in/ [10:23] baimafeima: why are you just randomly throwing urls into this channel? [10:24] I read the TL;DR but have no clue what this has to do with #ubuntu [10:24] TvL2386, I was a former Ubuntu user, have moved on to Solus and now move back to Ubuntu [10:25] Ubuntu and Solus share a focus on ease of use, I thought it might be of interest [10:25] baimafeima: you're weird. [10:25] baimafeima: ubuntu is not even mentioned in your post [10:26] seems like advertising or something [10:26] I thought I mentioned that I started out on Ubuntu, maybe it was on GitHub [10:26] nevermind [10:33] baimafeima: to me it just seems like you're trying to get a "political message" across here. Both your text and your linking in here. It's all political and you fail hard at framing it as anything else, especially a bad attempt with the title. ".. I have been expelled from the community for posting "political messages.. ". Perhaps that wasn't it really, perhaps the real reason was being off-topic political or not. [10:34] baimafeima: you're free to discuss relevant "politics" in here. We talk about ubuntu and privacy from time to time. But some things are off-topic in here, such as vaccinations, even if not a single one of us believe that it causes autism - it's just simply off-topic. [10:36] discussing Solus /may/ be semi-relevant, maybe, maybe not .. but the way you do it is just ugly. You're like one of those people that goes around and try to push the bible on people by giving it in a Play Station 4 box. [10:37] At least be sincere, statistically we're obviously not below average IQ in here. You're not going to pull a shitty one on us that easily. [10:37] baimafeima: You're not fooling us but you seem to be fooling yourself. But deep down there you know what you just did. [10:38] runjutsu, I think there's no need to discuss anything which you regard as off-topic [10:41] anyone have gnome installed on their bionic? [10:41] want to verify an issue [10:44] runjutsu: which behavior exactly? [10:46] runjutsu, baimafeima: I'd say that reddit post has nothing to do with #ubuntu and is off-topic in this "Ubuntu Support Channel". [10:47] https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2382538 [10:47] and he's gone... [10:48] ah, so these extensions have been broken since bionic beta/rc? [10:48] man, id really like to know what i did wrong [10:51] milp: hi there. [10:52] milp: if you read the line just above the line to you, maybe it'll give you a hint of what's going goin. [10:52] the one saying fascist? [10:54] runjutsu: sorry i really have no idea whats going on [10:55] milp: It seems that what you are looking for is a snapshot of your system and back that up right? [10:56] TvL2386: yes pretty much that, with all the things like bootloader, partitioning, different partition types, mdadm, luks containers [10:56] also im trying to find out what i did wrong in this channel lol [10:57] milp: I checked to see what you did wrong, and could not find it [10:57] milp: I don't think you can accomplish what you want from within your linux os [10:57] maybe he mixed up names or something, but id rather clear it up anyways as i really like this channel [10:59] Hey guys, on 16.04 is it safe to remove all trusty ppa repositories from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ ? [10:59] runjutsu: could you please state which behaviour from milp is a bannable offense? Me and milp cannot find it in the chat history [10:59] runjutsu: did you get the name wrong? [11:01] destinydriven: not just safe but very much recommendable [11:01] tomreyn, ok great thanks [11:01] destinydriven:you dont want to end up with outdated software from unmaintained ppas. [11:02] Awesome thanks [11:03] milp: if you want to be able to have that snapshot functionality, make sure you deploy your systems on resources that have that capability (like vmware) [11:03] milp: because I don't think it is possible to do all that from within the running system [11:04] milp: please correct me if I'm wrong! I'd be very interested [11:05] afk, lunch :) [11:07] destinydriven: you can use ppa-purge (this should also removed the gpg apt signing keys off your list of trusted keys), and later on you can use apt update; apt --purge autoremove; ubuntu-support-status --show-unsupported; deborphan -aH # and optionally also https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts/#foreign_packages [11:07] tomreyn, I think this is just what I was looking for [11:07] (and also bleachbit to clean up your $HOME) [11:16] milp, TvL2386: well, I'm basically saying that what some random stranger says on the internet out of the blue makes perfect sense and should be deeply considered such as that one time I called ponyrider a "fascist >=(" [11:17] lol ubuntu-support-status crashes with a ValueError here: https://pad.lv/1793122 [11:17] Launchpad bug 1793122 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "ValueError: unsupported format character ' ' (0x20) at index 39" [Undecided,New] [11:17] just like you wouldn't trust some random nice guy that he's the son of god. [11:26] runjutsu uuh i still dont get it, so what did i do wrong_ [11:27] doesn't matter, you can be kicked/banned for any reason whether you understand it, disagree with it or not [11:28] it [11:28] it's just the way it is [11:28] FortKnight: Thanks for the song in my mind [11:28] no sense crying over spilled milk [11:29] hehehe. Fred Flinstone [11:29] Some things will never change :) [11:31] Is life worth livin' should I blast myself? [11:32] no [11:36] milp: you're not getting it [11:36] milp: look outside the box [11:37] milp: look at your premises of what's going on too [11:37] So, How is everyone? Good? [11:37] milp: did you ACTUALLY do anything wrong? [11:39] raidghost, generally, that's more of a discussino for #ubuntu-offtopic I am not trying to be rude, simply letting you know if you didn't already [11:40] JimBuntu: what's your favorite sweet? [11:40] I like chocolate chips and honey buns [11:45] Ideas for how to debug 'launching terminal from menu fails (appears and immediately closes)' whereas launching it from a console to the DISPLAY works. Without a terminal in GUI there seems no way to capture any useful data - and ~/.xsession-errors doesn't appear to capture anything either [11:47] ~/.xsession-errors is not used nowadays; check journalctl or log files under ~/.cache/ (depending on your Ubuntu version) [11:51] mgedmin: nothing doing there [11:55] hello [11:55] I just replaced Windows Vista! [11:56] Good Move :) [11:56] I'm being told I don't have room to install updates but I should have about 200 GB free on my drive so I think it might have something to do with partitioning... I had allocated the maximum possible (~30GB) when installing Lubuntu though [11:57] check your /boot file NewToLubuntu [11:57] had a rough start, first couple times I started Lubuntu it started at a black screen but seems to work this morning [11:57] old kernels take up space [11:59] Howdy folks === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [12:04] when I go to File Manager PBManFM it says free space 264.2 GiB (total 289.2 GiB) [12:05] NewToLubuntu, do this in a terminal: df -h | pastebinit [12:05] the 25 gigs is because I didn't overwrite the Vista OS yet, guessing Lubuntu accounts for less than half [12:06] Even 30gb should be enough. [12:06] I just opened System Tools / LXTerminal [12:07] bash: cannot created temp file for here-document: No space left on device [12:08] not a good start [12:09] I have a separate hard drive which is reading 100% full (96KiB free) so I wonder if it might be mistakenly trying to put stuff there? [12:09] It's the E drive, I just used it to store video files, it managed to survive the factory reset which only seemed to wipe the C drive [12:10] the df -h command classifies my E drive as /dev/sdb1 while the C drive is classified as /dev/sda1 [12:10] hi [12:10] is there command to show mac address for given ip? [12:10] NewToLubuntu, not unless it's mountpoint is\ set to /boot, /home or / [12:11] the "Mounted on" column on the right for both of these reads "/media/MYNAME/oldnamesIgave" [12:12] neure: you can use the `arp` to do that, the manpage has examples [12:12] NewToLubuntu, check your file manager "devices" [12:13] "cannot created temp file for here-document: No space left on device" implies /tmp is out of disk space, which is usually on the same partition as / [12:13] neure: just executing arp without arguments might already give you the information you want if you recently talked to this ip [12:13] only one entry has just "/" in the Mounted on column, it's called /dev/sdb5 and says size 3.4 G used 3.2 G [12:14] `sudo apt-get clean` is usually the first thing I do to try and free some space [12:14] so yeah, I'd like to allocate way more than that to Lubuntu, it can take 100GB for all I care [12:14] a 3.4 gb root partition is very tiny! [12:14] im trying to connect to an IP in lan but it goes to wrong place [12:14] I'm surprised you managed to install something in it! [12:15] NewToLubuntu, then use gparted live media to resize the / partition [12:15] I guess Lubuntu is very flexible? I could've sworn when I installed that I had stretched it to 30 [12:16] part of my confusion might be that the name of applications in Lubuntu could be different from the standard Ubuntu ones [12:16] maybe parts of the OS (/usr? /var? /home?) are split off into their own partitions? [12:16] neure: you can also use the arp command to manually create or delete entries but fixing the underlying problem in your infrastructure might be a better solution [12:16] NewToLubuntu, may i suggest you a new clean install with 'Erase disk and install Lubuntu' option ? [12:16] I can do that, I still have the USB boot [12:17] would I boot from the disk and then do an install from the demo like before? [12:17] NewToLubuntu, given also that Vista is not such a champ [12:17] Is there something to validate routing table [12:17] NewToLubuntu, yes [12:17] my main concern with doing a wipe is while I don't mind the C drive being wiped, I don't want to lose the videos on the E drive [12:18] neure: what do you mean by "validate"? [12:18] NewToLubuntu, pass them to aexternal device [12:18] find conflict? [12:18] those are full :) [12:18] ah well, I'll try to avoid it but if it happens it happens [12:19] neure: nothing automatic I know about, just check the output of `ip r` [12:19] I guess since it's around 290 for primary 295 for videos I should be able to tell which is which [12:19] and it would say something like 685 if it was treating it as a collective drive to wipe [12:19] neure: also, try to address people you talk to directly, otherwise it gets confusing quickly with so many people in the channel [12:19] er, 585 that is [12:19] !who [12:19] As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) [12:19] backups are always a good iea [12:19] *idea [12:20] * U 0 0 0 eth110.21.24.0 * U 0 0 0 eth0 [12:20] does that look like a problem? [12:20] ioria I will try reinstalling from the boot disk now, thanks [12:20] NewToLubuntu, backup your videos first [12:20] neure: no idea where you got that from, that doesn't look like `ip r` output. [12:21] thats route [12:21] meh, I could download them again if I do lose them, I don't want to wait until I can buy another external, still waiting for the prices to drop [12:21] neure: doesn't look like `route` output either. As I said, look at `ip r` in its entirety [12:22] it looks like several lines of 'route' output concatenated into one long line [12:22] personally I find `ip r` more readable [12:25] can two interface share same private network? [12:26] or do I need separate network for each interface? [12:26] afaiu that's what brides are for [12:26] *bridges [12:26] * mgedmin stares at keyboard suspiciously [12:27] lol [12:28] neure: generally that works. How exactly you have to set it up depends on what you actually want to achieve with two interfaces on the same network [12:30] neure: by default, Linux will accept packets for both IPs on both interfaces and which interface is used to transmit a packet is basically non deterministic (no idea about the actual rules, afair it's basically random but not really :)) [12:32] the more specific one? the one with a lower metric? [12:33] sure, you can influence this with metrics and other rules but if you don't, it basically seems random [12:45] neure: what are you trying to connect to on lan? === pavlushka is now known as Guest35516 [12:53] i've used setxkbmap to modify my keyboard settings [12:53] how can i persist this for unpluggin and replugging the keyboard? [12:54] ppf: set up your tweaks using gnome-control-center (or directly via gsettings/dconf-editor, if you lean that way) [12:55] then gnome will apply them on keyboard hotplug events [12:55] * mgedmin doesn't remember if it's gnome-settings-daemon or gnome-shell itself that does this) === semeion is now known as mnemonic [12:56] mgedmin: not using gnome [12:56] or in your xorg config if you don't use a DE that offers that options [12:56] avu: how? [12:56] well, you need something that listens for input hotplug events and reacts to them === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [12:56] ooh, maybe an X11 config snippet could work! but then wayland is Teh Future and bye bye X11 config snippets [12:56] who is parsing keyboard(5)? [12:56] ppf: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Keyboard_configuration_in_Xorg#Using_X_configuration_files [12:57] mgedmin: wayland might be the future in the future, but it is not currently :) [12:58] avu: what's the syntax of the options? [12:59] or more precisely, how do i relate setxkbmap syntax to it? [13:00] setxkbmap layoutX variantY optionZ -> Option XkbLayout "layoutX", Option "XkbVariant" "variantY", Option "XkbOptions "optionZ" [13:00] this is what i use: setxkbmap -symbols "pc+us+inet(evdev)+level3(ralt_switch)+eurosign(e)+capslock(escape)+mine" [13:01] I think there's Option "XkbSymbols" "..." [13:02] https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.5/doc/input/XKB-Config.html [13:02] there's not in keyboard(5) [13:03] hello! I have a weirdish question: how do I send TTL pulses via USB on Linux? Minicom/bash/python/c will do, just being able to send a TTL trigger to start receiving data from my stupid sensor :/ [13:03] avu: precisely, i don't know how to align that with -symbols :/ [13:03] ppf: there's XkbSymbols on that page, just like mgedmin already mentioned [13:05] avu: you're right... confusing documentation [13:05] can i have xorg dump the current configuration? [13:06] there's setxkbmap -print, and then there's xkbcomp :0 /tmp/all-the-dump-omg-you-do-not-want-this [13:07] whats the command in terminal that shows ubuntu logo and system info like in this video 1:00 seconds time https://youtu.be/8M6FWCAkAps?t=58 [13:07] ppf: none of this is true, it is all fake. Nothing is real. We're being deceived. It's all a blatant F-ing lie! [13:07] wat [13:08] ppf: ignore the troll [13:08] Kangarooo: it literally shows in the video, wtf [13:08] avu: sure. i just like my trolls a bit more sophisticated [13:09] Kangarooo: screenfetch [13:09] it's hard to zoom in a youtube video when you have a 720p screen... [13:10] also lol the way it looks on a white terminal background [13:10] Hi [13:12] is there any way to disable sounds of the terminal? It's a notification, but I've not found any setting about it in Preferences/Notification. [13:12] ppf: oh we haven't even started yet mr, the sophistication on this one is far beyond the scale limits. Let Aristotle here take you for an intellectual ride that'll push up the standard to a whole new level. [13:13] zfer: which terminal do you mean? gnome-terminal has a checkbox for terminal bell in the app preferences [13:14] avu: so .. xorg config doesn't help [13:14] ppf: how so? [13:15] still debugging, doesn't take effect [13:16] did you restart X? [13:16] ppf: have you restarted X? [13:16] mgedmin: ^5 [13:16] i've restarted the machine [13:16] that should indeed do the trick :) [13:16] perhaps your Match* option(s) are incorrect? [13:17] my Match operator? [13:17] do you use any (non-GNOME) desktop environment? perhaps something else is configuring the default keymap on hotplug [13:17] i don't match anything [13:18] ppf: yes, inside the Section "InputClass", you should have something like MatchIsKeyboard "on", right? [13:18] i don't [13:18] ppf: have a look at the first link I sent you: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Keyboard_configuration_in_Xorg#Using_X_configuration_files [13:19] i've based this off of the the xorg docs [13:19] they just do a static InputDevice config I thought? [13:19] but hang on, saw a warning in xlog, gonna take care of that first [13:20] I just linked the X docs as a reference for XkbSymbols [13:20] avu: yes, they have samples there [13:21] okay, fixed the warning, doesn't help [13:21] ppf: yes but using InputClass with a Match makes more sense, no? [13:21] You talked about hot plugging [13:21] it only applies some of the options, not all :( [13:22] It's easier to just catch all keyboards that way [13:22] why doesn't InputDevice just suufice? [13:22] that configures one specific device which you have to properly identify [13:22] while InputClass is a catchall for a whole class of devices, for example keyboards [13:23] I just find it less error prone [13:23] unless you have multiple keyboards you want to configure individually of course [13:25] so, with InputClass it applies no symbol settings, it did at least some with InputDevice [13:25] i have multiple keybaords that i want to configure at the same time [13:26] I fixed my massive performance problems in Team Fortress 2. First: the nVidia driver did force vsync, after I disabled it I got a slight improvement but the real performance killer was Compiz. [13:26] sounds like exactly the job for InputClass. See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Input_device_configuration#InputClasses for example [13:26] The OpenGL plugin of Compiz did force vsync as well. [13:26] avu: either way doesn't work [13:27] ppf: and you're just using MatchIsKeyboard "on", no other Match options? [13:27] yes [13:27] Before: Less than 30 FPS in TF2, now >120. Thanks Compiz :x [13:28] but that's probably a red herring, because i believe it doesn't match [13:28] i'm back to inputdevice [13:29] ppf: well, it's the correct way to apply settings to all (including hot plugged) input devices, but sure [13:30] avu: i believe you, but i need to debug the option settings first, before i can debug the matching [13:30] mgedmin: yes, gnome terminal [13:31] If I want to use openstack in a homelab would you recommend devstack or conjure-up? [13:31] To learn openstack services, practice ansible/salt, and use for virtualization [13:31] mgedmin: thank you, unchecked [13:31] avu: any idea how to debug why the symbols aren't applied? [13:32] ppf: nothing bexond "look at the logs", sorry :( [13:32] nothing in the logs ... [13:42] @runjutstu i couldn see on 19" monitor on 1080 quality. But how to zoom @mgedmin thx. Zooming if in mac i know but on windows how? Ok nevermind if possible or not. But zooming where i have seen on some OS i forgot on witch one, but was possible only to zoom on amount of pixels the screen recieves to monitor from video carde resolution.. I think so that therefore i couldnt be able to zoom. But would be good to know for fuature. Thank === TheBloke- is now known as TheBloke [13:44] i didnt thought about trying to do that with maginfying glaas. Thats on windows. Im just now for 2 years quit ubuntu because of fukin unity. now ubuntu again fast and options of Ubuntu Mate and Ubuntu Budge versions [13:46] I think ill try now from youtube videos deciding to do Ubuntu Mate. Even KDE now seems nice speed Kubuntu but dont trust it still since testing it 4y ago. [14:02] <_28Kb> !httpd [14:02] <_28Kb> !lighttpd [14:02] !cheese [14:02] <_28Kb> !apache2 [14:02] Apache HTTP Server is the most commonly used HTTP server on Linux systems. For setup information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/httpd.html . For information on setting up a "LAMP stack", see /msg ubottu !lamp. [14:03] <_28Kb> how do I make my php rendered through vhost after upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04? [14:04] Hot damn, Apache really is the most commonly used HTTP server still [14:04] albeit by a very small margin [14:04] inexplicably so :/ [14:05] <_28Kb> got all i need [14:05] it's both slow _and_ hard to configure ... [14:05] those concept of one thread/process per connection is broken [14:05] s/those/the whole/ [14:06] what makes you say that [14:06] <_28Kb> my logic is that it works same locally, in LAN and through WWW [14:07] <_28Kb> it's good because one doesn't have to translate any protocol [14:08] <_28Kb> but its broken after upgrade [14:13] _28Kb: how is it broken? [14:13] i.e. what's the error? [14:14] <_28Kb> i got php code in element [14:14] <_28Kb> https://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?t=921968 [14:15] <_28Kb> but its different in 18.04 to fix [14:15] _28Kb: you need to spill some information ;) [14:16] what's broken, what doesn't work, and what's the error messages [14:16] <_28Kb> ok.. vhosted joomla site worked before upgrade to 18.04 [14:17] <_28Kb> now main body element holds only short php code line [14:17] <_28Kb> no errors reported by brovser [14:17] !enter | _28Kb [14:17] _28Kb: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone. [14:18] <_28Kb> that's all lines I have [14:18] <_28Kb> !ufw [14:18] Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo [14:20] but short code is better code [14:20] <_28Kb> :) [14:20] you still haven't said what the problem is ... [14:21] <_28Kb> i got problems from childhood... vhost not working - that's the problem [14:22] _28Kb: You need to explain in greater detail what is going on. You state you see PHP code... but you don't tell us what the code is. You mentioned you upgraded to 18.04, but haven't told us if you had to reinstall apache or php... or even made sure they were still installed after the upgrade. [14:22] yeah i give up :) [14:24] _28Kb: A lot of things occured when you upgraded to 18.04. You haven't told us what you have done so far to investigate this on your own. [14:24] I'm using Ubuntu trusty 32bit to prepare an Ubuntu bionic 64bit live USB. I'm gonna chroot into it to install some packages that I'll need in the live session. will apt-get inside the chroot deal with the bit width difference, or do I need to help it? [14:25] <_28Kb> ty all.. it's my fault I can't explain well... I'll sort this on my own [14:26] Sven_vB: apt uses what dpkg tells it to [14:26] you can check inside the chroot with dpkg --print-architecture [14:26] thanks! [14:36] "man apt-add-repository" says about "apt-add-repository universe", "In the third form, the given distribution component will be enabled for all sources." – does this mean it affects /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*? is there a way to limit it to /etc/apt/sources.list? [14:37] i'd suggest just try? [14:37] maybe use etckeeper :) [14:37] ppf: I'm a disgrace to my family and my country [14:37] what should I consume next? Should I get some alcohol or ... wtf [14:38] yeah, alcohol.. cheese... potato chips.. candy. [14:38] hmmm [14:38] any suggestions? [14:39] runjutsu, doesn't matter until you find evidence matter exists. :) [14:40] runjutsu: please stay on topic [14:40] runjutsu: this is not the place [14:42] I know that I'm being such a burden to you and that you're not very sympathetic with me here.. but can't we just all get along and love and care about each other? [14:42] i used two monitors that i unplugged. now i have the laptop screen that doesn't have all the windows in its scope. how do i move a window to that one screen? [14:43] !chat | runjutsu care & love here [14:43] runjutsu care & love here: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [14:44] emx... does the "super + W" key combo work to bring all the windows to the center? [14:45] pragmaticenigma, yes. also i can hit alt + spacebar. thanks. [14:45] emx: That was my next suggestion :-) You read my mind! [14:57] hello [14:57] hi [14:58] getting patched in #lxcontainers anyone able to lend a hand [14:58] kamura: we try to focus on ubuntu issues here [14:59] kamura: whats your problem exactly? [15:00] not able to create unprivilaged containers, getting error mapping child [15:03] kamura: sounds like you are already in the best place to receive help for that in #lxcontainers [15:04] I know I was just hoping to steal someone from a more active channel [15:14] found it out at long last [15:29] Hello [15:29] hi [15:30] I have a question. If I going to run a small website from home. Do I need to reinstall Ubuntu Home for Ubuntu Server? [15:30] I meant uninstall not reinstall. [15:32] "Ubuntu Home"? === MechWarrior234 is now known as Spartan117 === Spartan117 is now known as MechWarrior234 [15:34] Decimo2018: There is no "Ubuntu Home" The only similar diferentiation is "Ubuntu Desktop" and "Ubuntu Server" [15:35] Decimo2018: To answer your question though, there is no need to reinstall Ubuntu. The difference between Desktop and Server editions is the default set of packages that are installed. After that, you can use the package manager to install the necassary applications and services you require. [15:35] hello [15:35] hi [15:36] Sorry I meant Ubuntu Desktop. [15:36] Ok thank you [15:36] Decimo2018: If you're running some graphical version of Ubuntu already, just use tasksel and c hoose LAMP [15:36] Decimo2018: actually, no. But.. i recommend you to run a server with no GUI [15:36] I was trying to migrate from chrome to firefox in ubuntu 18.04, but it is broken due to some IBUS issue. Are you guys all using chrome on ubuntu or what? [15:37] Ok thankyou I will install LAMP. I have used WAMP in the past with windows. [15:37] Decimo2018, try nginx you won't regret it :) [15:37] Ok I will check some tutorials online regarding nginx. [15:38] I'm just going to run a Discord Embed service from home. So I can Embed my Discord Server on my website. [15:38] vavkamil: Please becareful on software recommendations. Without knowing Decimo2018's project goals, you can't be certain your recommendation is adequate for their needs [15:40] I already paid to have my website hosted for a year with a web. host. I feel my connection is fine for hosting the embed service and 2 bots. [15:40] vavkamil: as for your question. Google Chrome isn't supported here, it's closed source and provided independently by Google. Many of us here are running the open source project "chromium" which google chrome is based from. [15:41] vavkamil: Migration tools are difficult to trouble shoot. In my experience I manually move my settings over to the new browser, leaving the old installed until I'm certain I no longer need it. [15:42] I was referring to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/1765304 [15:42] Launchpad bug 1765304 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu 18.04's ibus package breaks password fields in Firefox (by lowering & raising window whenever they're focused)" [Undecided,Confirmed] [15:44] It's not ubuntu's fault, but it was reported more than a 5 months ago and still broken. Might as well try chromium as you suggested [15:49] vavkamil: What is the issue exactly? Or, did you attempt to find errors with firefox? [15:53] pragmaticenigma, basically it's not possible to write into password fields in browser extensions (add-ons) and various websites with fancy login forms. So it might be really hard to use firefox on ubuntu 18.04 with password managers or when one wants to use certain web pages [15:53] My print dialogue has an option for "Print to PDF". I want to change the defaults of that printer but it doesn't show in the printers list or at localhost:631 .. what package controls that and where do I find the location to change the defaults? [15:54] vavkamil: Are you actually experiencing any issues at this time? [15:57] pragmaticenigma, seems like it's fixed now, I was experiencing issues last week [15:59] ^ nah still the same behavior, just a reddit is working now, but other login forms are not [15:59] Scunizi: might help to know what setting you desire to change [15:59] pragmaticenigma: document size from A4 to Letter [16:00] pragmaticenigma: cups-pdf is not installed .. this apparently is a different pdf printer routine. [16:00] Scunizi: what does it say in /etc/papersize ? [16:01] pragmaticenigma: letter [16:02] Scunizi: What if you use the "Print to file" option instead? [16:02] pragmaticenigma: Actually that is what is listed in the print dialogue that I'm using.. "Print to file (PDF)" [16:03] Scunizi: what application are you using? When you use the "Print to File" you should have a tab to set page options [16:04] pragmaticenigma: That is correct.. the default is A4 and I would like to change the default to Letter.. since pdftk isn't around for 18.04 I'm flattening PDF's individually by "re-printing" them using the "Print to File (PDF)" [16:05] pragmaticenigma: once I change the letter size within the Print to file dialogue... it doesn't stick from one document to the next. [16:07] Scunizi: This might solve your desire for pdftk in Ubuntu 18.04... seems to be a community sponsored solution. Note that it does rquire 3rd party ppa: https://askubuntu.com/a/1028983 [16:08] wow I didn't know that /etc/papersize is a thing [16:09] Scunizi: otherwise, I think you will have to install the cups-pdf package to give you a tuneable instance [16:10] pragmaticenigma: I can do that :).. The Print 2 file got me curious as to what it is using to make it work.. I might be able to use it via cli to flatten a whole directory of PDF's in one wack.. I haven't been able to find anyone that knows as yet what's being used on the backend. === pinnen_ is now known as pinnen [16:13] Hi folks, quick question: My wine application doesn't show a minimize button. Running wine-3.6 on Ubuntu 18.04.1. How can I turn on the Minimize button? [16:13] nilsdacke811: you might find better help in #winehq [16:14] Hey there! I'm having a problem with the "Online Accounts" integration of Ubuntu 18.04 Gnome [16:14] I asked the same question over there 10 minutes ago, no replies :-( [16:15] more specifically, the files/Google Drive integration. It seems to mount the Google Drive account as a network file system but it hangs on the "initial loading" [16:17] pragmaticenigma: do you know if the cups-pdf package can run from cli? [16:23] i am looking for pdf edit in ubuntu [16:23] like nitro [16:24] Rockwood: if you want to add annotations check out xournal [16:24] i want edit words in it [16:24] gtpdftext [16:24] in the repos [16:25] Rockwood: you could open it in libreoffice writer [16:27] Scunizi: I'm not familiar with using cups or printers from the command line personally. If CLI is your goal, I'd check out the link for PDFTK solution I posted earlier [16:29] Scunizi: That askubuntu link I posted is sourced from someone that rebuilt pdftk withouth the deprecated library and substitute a new library that performs the same duties. As for what is running these things... GhostScript is my assumption. [16:30] Scunizi: You can use GhostScript from the CLI to flatten PDFs... most tools that you are using are probably using GS in their code, just giving a friendly interface to a very complex program [16:34] pragmaticenigma: thanks for the help.. yes.. pdf2ps | ps2pdf works.. the pdftk solution in the ppa uses the old library and wraps the code in java.. erggg. === BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman [16:42] damit pdf locked and unable edit it === Dreaman is now known as Blade [16:58] still i am looking for pdf editor in ubuntu [17:00] Rockwood: If the PDF is locked, it is unlikely any application will be able to edit it. [17:00] like nitro? pragmaticenigma === capella is now known as capella|away [17:07] are bash completions usually installed with packages? [17:08] it appears so nevermind. thought it wasn't working [17:20] I installed xubuntu-desktop via apt-get install. I now want to log in on a xubuntu session. I click the little wheel and choose to login. I enter my password, press enter, and after a little screen flickering I'm at the login screen again. Am I missing something? [17:22] Hello, Can I have two different graphics card in my desktop, one AMD and one Nvidea? Will that cause an issue in Ubuntu? [17:29] I'm trying to capture the errors that my Ubuntu bionic 64 live USB prints before dropping into the initramfs shell. my approach was to use a USB UART as a nullmodem stand-in. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto writes I need to configure my serial console in /etc/init, does that mean I need to pack a custom initramfs with my config file in it? [17:30] feedbackmoitor: You might be able to do that with the open source drivers. However, if you desire installing the propriatary drivers, there may be issues. [17:31] pragmaticenigma, I need opencl for video editng so I do need proprietary drivers [17:33] pragmaticenigma, That is one of the issues, really. I have an AMD GPU but most video editors (except Blender and Lightworks) do not function properly. I thought of getting Nvidea to get something like Nvideo graphics cards to work. [17:33] For video editing on the likes of Kdenlive Cinelerra [17:33] Flowblade Openshot [17:34] All bug out when I do GPU acceleration [17:34] Blender, no. But that is a tough program to use with video editing and Lightworks is proprietary [17:36] feedbackmoitor: I'm not that familiar with all those applications or the resources of GPU acceleration. I do know that I have seen issues when Nvidia proprietary drivers are installed in systems with AMD/Radeon card drivers. Do you have a way to test the cards before implementing in your main rig? [17:36] pragmaticenigma, No [17:37] feedbackmoitor: There is no reason they can't live in the same machine and both work side-by-side... I would just proceed with caution. Perhaps make a backup image of your computer in its current state prior to testing this out. So you can restore youself back to a known working state [17:38] pragmaticenigma, I see your point though. I wonder if the GPU acceleration is because it is only recently that AMD GPU PRO )proprietary drivers) actually started working on my desktop. [17:38] The issue with GPU acceleration, rather [17:39] I am in talks with a developer who suggests maybe opencl CAN be had with the open drivers [17:39] Which would be nice [17:40] feedbackmoitor: The recentness of working may have more to do with AMD fully open sourcing their drivers [17:41] pragmaticenigma, No, it is different. Open was always there. AMD GPU Pro (which is proprietary) only worked recently [17:41] Like in the last few months [17:42] I was forced to use WIndows for video editing, which sucks [17:42] As stable as working with someone who just downed a bottle of vodka [17:42] I have not noticed unpluged power cable and now 16.04 have kernel panic when I'm trying to turn it on. Any idea how to fix this? [17:45] Error message "kernel panic - not syncing: FVS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown=block(0,0)"j === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [17:45] pragmaticenigma, Am using Lightworks for now, which is okay. I am not pleased with their client service, but am stuck with them for now. [17:48] outoftime: If power was abrubtly lost to your computer while it was running, the kernel panic is either due to corrupted data on the drive, or the need to run a disk repair in recovery mode. [17:49] pragmaticenigma: I have started earlier kernel via GRUB, it works, but how to fix problem with latest kernel (default) ? [17:50] outoftime: Did the computer lose power while installing a kernel update? [17:51] pragmaticenigma: I have not idea, notebook was at home half of the day [17:52] outoftime: I don't have any recommendations... In this situation, I'd personally back up my files and start with a fresh install [17:54] pragmaticenigma: let's suppose all updates are intalling only manually or after confirmation. Than kernel update - imposible. [17:57] outoftime: I'm not saying that is the issue, I was only trying to determine what might be the problem. My suggestion is only based on my knowledge and experience. I don't attempt to fix kernel issues. I assume when I see one, it's better to start over fresh [18:00] outoftime: Someone else here might be able to help... for the last few hours this room has been very quiet from those I usually see helping with kernel issues [18:02] !mainline | outoftime could try this [18:02] outoftime could try this: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [18:04] pragmaticenigma: Can you help me with updating kernel? I mean I have successfully started 4.13.0-45-generic (previos version) latest seems to be 4.15.0-34-generic [18:05] outoftime: You aren't paying attention [18:05] outoftime: I just got done stating, I had an idea, based on your response that isn't the likely issue. [18:05] pragmaticenigma: reading note from lotus|nuc [18:07] outoftime: the note from lotus|NUC is not in context [18:09] outoftime: sudo apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 # and then reboot [18:09] outoftime: The likely hood of your machine installing a kernel update when you were not home and using the machine is slim. [18:09] leftyfb: hwe? [18:10] outoftime: what you should be doing is running an fsck on your filesystem. Possibly a SMART test. [18:10] !hwe | outoftime [18:10] outoftime: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [18:10] outoftime: if you're not already using it, you should be. [18:11] leftyfb: no, I see one in `dpkg --list | grep linux-image` [18:11] outoftime: that doesn't mean anything [18:12] outoftime: I would suggest running an fsck on your filesystem as well as a SMART test, all using a live cd/usb. Then I would worry about installing that kernel I suggested if the latest kernel you had got corrupted. [18:12] pragmaticenigma: yes, it looks like the problem, I have disabled auto security updates. I'll try leftyrb suggestion. [18:13] have to find out wha fsck do, brb [18:13] outoftime: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/disk-check.html.en [18:14] outoftime: https://www.fosslinux.com/1297/check-hard-disk-for-bad-sectors-and-errors-by-command-line-in-ubuntu-and-linux-mint.htm [18:21] leftyfb: started badblocks test === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL === akem__ is now known as akem === gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr [19:16] hey community, moved from Freenas to ubuntu for a filer ... H700 Raid Controller , 6x4TB hdds in Raid5+1HS. samba pushes with up to ~120MB/s on gigabit but iowait spikes up tp 50% as soon as a second connection writes via samba... that isn't normal behavior, is it ? [19:19] raid5 [19:19] man, you spent a lot of time messing up [19:20] raid6/z2. six drives, any two can implode [19:20] leftyfb: here? I have accidently rebooted ubuntu instead of shutdown and it works somehow [19:21] outoftime: this was after running the fsck? [19:24] dreadkopp: https://www.samba.org/samba/docs/old/Samba3-HOWTO/speed.html [19:28] leftyfb: yes, I have tried to start `fsck` and with `-l` it require lock for disk I was on. I have executed `reboot` instead of `shutdown` and it runs latest kernel now [19:29] outoftime: I told you to use a live cd/usb [19:29] outoftime: sounds to me like nothing is fixed. Only that you got lucky and will more likely run into problems down the line [19:30] Yes, I was trying to shutdown but typed differend command accidently [19:30] Understood. I'll check it now. === Blade is now known as BgLamersTeam === amadeo_bee is now known as amadeobee [19:43] leftyfb: http://termbin.com/gaov [19:43] outoftime: feel free to read either of the 2 tutorials I gave you on how to run fsck to potentially fix a corrupt filesystem [19:55] for some reason i can't get this keyboard thing to work ... [19:56] how do i fully replicate the behavior of setxkbmap -symbols with xorg? [19:57] setxkbmap -symbols "pc+us+inet(evdev)+level3(ralt_switch)+eurosign(e)+capslock(escape)+mine" is what i want to do [19:57] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qdFyBS6jVD/ that's what i added to x conf === jstein_ is now known as jstein [20:03] i want to retain the xkbmapping when unpluggin and replugging the keyboard [20:03] is x the right tool for that? [20:12] ppf: do you have errors in `dmesg`? [20:13] outoftime: no. X doesn't log to dmesg [20:13] there's also no error in X's log [20:15] ppf: are you using usb keyboard? or it is keyboard on notebook? [20:17] both [20:17] ppf: and you have troubles with both? [20:18] yes? [20:18] it's not a hardware issue [20:18] OT: My apologies .. how to get here with the web interface? [20:19] !webchat [20:19] Hm [20:20] https://webchat.freenode.net/ to access Freenode channels from your web browser [20:20] Vic2should be webchat.freenode.net/?chans=ubuntu [20:21] ppf: check `lsblk`can you see your keyboard there? [20:21] outoftime: it's an X question [20:21] not driver or hw [20:22] ty. My colleague is attempting to upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 but is running into an error ... it says it cannot authenticate libjson0 [20:22] lol...he's trying to tweek his person keyboard layouts... [20:23] setting XkbSymbols in the Xconf snippet _has_ an effect, but not all of the settings are applied for some reason [20:23] if you absolutely must categorize it..it'd be a "cosmetic" issue [20:23] so it appears to do something differently than setxkbmap? [20:26] Yesterday I've upgrade from 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS on my laptop. [20:26] If I close the laptop the system goes to stand by, when I reopen the laptop and it ask me to unlock, the keyboard is not active. I can unlock using the display virtual keyboard. But also when then I'm logged in the keyboard is disabled. [20:26] How can I recover the use of the keyboard? [20:28] The only way I've found successfully is to restart the system. [20:29] is there a different way to set the keyboard config once a new one is plugged in? [20:30] i can do udev of course, but ... that feels a bit hamfisted? [20:35] any other suggestions? [20:58] leftyfb: I took long time, but `badblocks` havent' found any bad blocks. [21:05] leftyfb: Thank you and others for help. Do not know what was the problem, but HDD looks fine. [21:08] if anyone else encounters the "(initramfs) /cow format specified as overlayfs and no support found" error, I solved that today. https://bugs.launchpad.net/systemback/+bug/1489563/comments/22 someone might want to also post it to this thread: https://askubuntu.com/q/1068564 [21:08] Launchpad bug 1489563 in Systemback "ISO Mint 17.2 live: ERROR (initramfs) /cow format specified as aufs and no support found." [Undecided,Won't fix] [21:09] I would like to shut up the bell when I'm editing a search box or a textarea and I reach with cursor keys the beginning of the text or its ending. [21:10] The same bell is played when I use backspace and I delete all chars in the text box. [21:11] I want to make ubuntu to be quite and less noise. [21:16] zfer: open the menu thingy and type sound === capella|away is now known as capella === davor_ is now known as davor [21:32] Hey guys. I'm having trouble with something that should be really easy. I'm on 18.04 LTS, trying to print to an HP LaserJet p3015 network printer, on IP It's sitting right next to me. All my google searches say to enter the IP, then click NEXT..... but there is no NEXT button. Help? [21:32] Step by step: The "printers" dialog, I click the green "Add..." button.... [21:33] ppf: but I like to listen music or to watch video, I like sounds. But I don't want sound signals from GUI [21:33] A dialog shows up, with one entry listed: "CUPS-BRT-Printer". I don't know what this is. I ignore it. At the bottom is a box, with the words "Enter a network address or search for a...". [21:33] I type into that box: [21:34] wad, try the CUPS thing? HP printers should support something called CUPS, and Ubuntu supports something called CUPS, so I think that should make them talk to each other [21:34] And there is nothing to do next. There is no "next" button, no way to tell it to proceed. I press ENTER, with the focus on the IP address I've entered in there. Nothing. [21:35] Okay, I added that CUPS things, and now I have a new printer listed, with model of "Generic Test-Only Printer". [21:35] wad: "all" of the guides you read are probably for not 18.04 [21:36] wad, can you print from that? [21:36] wad: can you ping that address? can you open it in a browser and does your printer's admin panel show up (typical of most networked printers) [21:36] Something1: it's a test printer from CUPS, iirc [21:36] Yeah, it doesn't print anything. [21:36] Pinging that IP address gives no response. [21:36] wad: if you don't type anything, do any other printers show up? 18.04 does autorecovery [21:36] It's also not listening on port 631 or 9100. [21:36] wad: then that is either the wrong IP or it's not reachable [21:36] nacc, ah thanks :) [21:37] how's there no way to even debug X or setxkbmap in this case [21:38] So I asked the IT guys, who support peoples Windows installations, and they said to add the printer by its name instead, "\\hqprint01\". They don't know I'm using Linux, though, and would freak out if I told them. [21:38] it doesn't even tell me.what the Problem ist, which is unnerving [21:38] They're assuming I'm connected to the domain, which I am not. [21:39] Maybe Linux can't print to printers managed by Windows domains? [21:39] wad: maybe you need samba for that. So you're saying it's not exposed by IP at all? [21:39] wad: the protocol is all IPP [21:40] *called, sorr [21:40] wad: if it's only available via the domain, you probably need to setup a samba client [21:42] I'll try with samba, thanks! [21:43] my computer stopp responding 5 hours ago... which log shows the log of stuff that is not just this boot. but the boot before as well? ubuntu 14.04 [21:43] kern.log only show this boot. not boot before [21:43] dmesg same [21:48] Hmm, nothing I do works to connect to this printer. :( [21:50] How did you derive the printer's IP address? [21:50] Yes,, but it doesn't respond to pings, nor connect via tellnet on ports 631 or 9100. [21:51] Windows finds it just fine, and prints to it. But from linux, I can't even see it. [21:53] wad: that wasn't the question [21:53] wad: *how* did you get the IP address [21:54] I went to the printer, and told it to print its configuration. [21:54] It claims to be [21:55] The name of the printer is "HQPRINT01\2W-SW_P3015". [21:56] wad: https://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Debian-and-Windows-Shared-Printing/printing_to_windows.html ? old, but i imagine something similar still works [21:56] * wad clicks [21:57] Does the printer's IP, netmask and gateway line up with the ones your Ubuntu machine is using? [21:57] wad: or https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/CUPS/Printer_sharing#Windows_server_-_Linux_client [21:57] genii: good point [21:57] * wad checks [21:57] wad: what is the subnet mask the printer is using [21:59] Printer's subnet mask: [21:59] Mine is === SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost [22:09] wad: no wonder you can't ping or communicate with it [22:10] Is it a network issue then? [22:10] wad: yeah [22:10] Looks like [22:10] wad: fix your network [22:11] *sigh* It's the IT department's network. I'm just screwed. [22:11] wad: yeah I guess you're SOL === neunon_ is now known as neunon === gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr [23:08] Anybody have advice on reinstalling AMD radeon graphics drivers? They seem to have been broken before I upgraded to the current lts. The upgrade, and me attempting to reinstall them didn't fix it. [23:09] Either I didn't get rid of everything, or the default FOSS drivers in synpatic aren't fully compatible- I can only boot atm if I add nomodeset to the options in grub [23:27] hello. i have ubuntu server installed on a hyperv vm. i changed the disk size of the vhd but i'm not sure what to do in the vm. i found some instructions on what commands to run but it says the disk is busy. so i guess ill boot from an iso to get this done but will it be ok to do this with lvm and encrypted partition? [23:47] Grpahics chipset seems to be amd radeon R7 M445 [23:48] Wayward_Vagabond: are you chatting from the computer right now [23:48] ? [23:48] yeah [23:48] nomodeset flag at boot time, otherwise it hangs after the fsck [23:48] Wayward_Vagabond: open terminal> sudo apt install inxi [23:49] Wayward_Vagabond: let me know when done..you can do this by simply saying "done" [23:49] it reports I already had the current inxi [23:49] Im trying to block all traffic to a port range except for with an IP adress. Like this but for a ip range? iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 8000 -s 111.111.111 -j ACCEPT [23:50] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> inxi -Fxxprzc0|nc termbin.com 9999 [23:50] Wayward_Vagabond: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link...say so [23:50] Trying to only allow just enough ports for FTP [23:51] I have a dump of my lspci and dmidecode here https://pastebin.com/Xq5tuzMh [23:51] http://termbin.com/vr7c [23:51] Wayward_Vagabond: i didn't ask for that... [23:52] I just had that link handy already, and there's the one from inxi [23:52] Wayward_Vagabond: the drivers for your AMD display adapter are built in now..nothing you need to install by hand/manually [23:54] Ah, one of the config files messed up then? [23:55] as the computer is right now, with nomodeset, opengl 2.0 isn't working- more basic opengl seems to be up, but it acts quite ..undefined [23:56] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p [23:56] Wayward_Vagabond: do you see any " no's" [23:58] bash: /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test: No such file or directory [23:59] Wayward_Vagabond: that's acceptable [23:59] Wayward_Vagabond: you're not getting any direct rendering