=== mouses_ is now known as mouses [00:42] Anybody familiar with radeon drivers? [00:43] Them being broken seems to be the cause of my boot issues, and I attempted to reinstall them, and either failed at it, or just the default foss drivers aren't working === dreamon__ is now known as dreamon === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka === pavlushka is now known as Guest35516 === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [17:48] Hey guys, a theoretical question, what will happen to xubuntu if ubuntu goes away? for instance linux mint guys already have an answer, do you have one? [17:51] diogenes_: what if Xfce dies? [17:51] brainwash, then (judging by its super slow development) it's gonna be the slowest death in the history [17:52] Do you think Ubuntu will die? [17:53] Is not the most used and popular distro out there? [17:53] n-iCe, even the greatest starts in the universe die one day, but the question was not about what i think but what will happen to xubuntu then [17:53] stars* [17:53] Well, will die too [17:53] are you afraid? [17:54] will not happen any time soon [17:54] diogenes_: what distro do you use? [17:54] i have different ones on different PCs [17:54] there is no a main one [17:55] oh, I just use xubuntu [17:58] n-iCe, who could have thought that Linus Torvalds will decide to leave linux over night? so you see how things happen spontaneously. [17:59] But he didn't leave Linux. He's taking a break just like he did when he created git. [18:00] this time it doesn't look like that but we'll seee [18:00] see* [18:03] In the same email in which he stated that he's taking a break, he also wrote that he still wants to continue to work on Linux. [18:04] Here's quote: "This is not some kind of "I'm burnt out, I need to just go away" break. I'm not feeling like I don't want to continue maintaining Linux. Quite the reverse. I very much do want to continue to do this project that I've been working on for almost three decades." [23:09] Anybody have advice on reinstalling AMD radeon graphics drivers? They seem to have been broken before I upgraded to the current lts. The upgrade, and me attempting to reinstall them didn't fix it. [23:09] Either I didn't get rid of everything, or the default FOSS drivers in synpatic aren't fully compatible- I can only boot atm if I add nomodeset to the options in grub [23:11] Wayward_Vagabond: Please try to not employ people in multiple channels with your issue at the same time. [23:12] Op, sorry [23:12] Shoulda looked at the nick lists for overlap, but actually thinking now it'd be most of them