[01:34] Hi, I'm on 18.04. kde-config-fcitx is "installed" by default, but the "installed files" are missing [01:38] I reinstalled it, let me see what happens. brb [01:42] fcitx configuration UI gives a different error now. Before it couldn't find a missing /usr/share/kservices5/kcm_fcitx.desktop [01:43] Now it is https://i.imgur.com/u8bHcRU.png === kallesbar__ is now known as kallesbar === kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar === TheMaster is now known as Unit193 [06:36] Good morning === spiritwalker_ is now known as spiritwalker === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [07:54] Kon-: both kde-config-fcitx libfcitx-qt5-1 installed? [07:54] works ok here on 18.04 [10:05] 'Morniog folks [10:07] Hey BluesKaj [10:07] How are you doing? [10:09] 'Morning folks [11:23] acheronuk, any chance you are round - heard you may be able to help with a weird issue i'm having where it seems when i login via kde my user gets it's groups stripped down to only the primary group [12:01] daum: I can't explain OR reproduce that issue [12:02] I think it is somewhere with sddm or the init process of KDE. But I have no idea what is going on there. [13:07] acheronuk: You were correct. libfcitx-qt5-1 is listed as installed by the package manager, but the files are not there. The same problem I had with kde-config-fcitx earlier. [13:08] I'm confused as to why these packages are considered installed by default on 18.04 but are not actually present [13:08] Can anyone else replicate this? [13:09] Kon-: Does dpkg list it as 'rc'? [13:12] lordievader: No, ii [13:13] That means dpkg also thinks it is installed. Guess some script removed the files, or something. [13:17] That's nice. I wonder what else from my system is mysteriously missing. So far fcitx is the only thing mysteriously broken [13:17] I reinstalled libfcitx-qt5-1 and was actually able to get into the GUI for fcitx now. But it can't connect to Dbus [13:17] Going to relog and see if it works [13:19] Nope, still can't connect fcitx to Dbus [13:19] If this is following the pattern, I'm assuming another package is missing [13:21] "Cannot connect to fcitx by Dbus, is fcitx running?" is the exact error [13:21] Anyone know what might be missing there? [13:21] Is fcitx running? (`ps aux|grep fcitx`) [13:22] Looks like the only results are kcm_fcitx and the grep highlight function. So no, it's not [13:23] In which case I probably want to check the base fcitx package [13:23] Kon-: What happens when you issue `fcitx` in a Konsole? [13:25] lordievader: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zyWcHhhKxZ/ [13:26] Sure enough, it looks like fcitx-module-dbus is "Installed" but missing [13:27] Is 'fcitx-frontend-qt5' installed? Or some other frontend? [13:28] Package manager lists the following frontends installed: fbterm, gtk2, gtk3, qt4, qt5 [13:29] But knowing how things are going, I'd have to double check the files [13:29] Indeed, /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforminputcontexts/libfcitxplatforminputcontextplugin.so is missing [13:30] So is the qt4 frontend. Probably the others [13:31] Reinstall the qt5 one and try running `fcitx` again. [13:32] Same exact output [13:32] Kon-: no, I can't replicate that [13:33] So my laptop isn't sleeping as it should. The screen turns off, so I know inactivity time is being tracked properly. But after 240 minutes, it doesn't sleep. [13:34] reinstalling fcitx-module-dbus seems to have done the trick. I can access fcitx via GUI [13:34] I tried using "energy saving" that was already on here, but that didn't work. I tried downloading a daemon that's supposed to do the trick and editing it's conf. [13:34] via terminal, however, it still tells me "no useable user interface," but I'm guessing that's a different package [13:35] I don't remember the name of the daemon... [13:37] Since I got this system, the only fcitx-related change I have made is to install fcitx-hangul and its dependencies. Is it at all possible that the installation process for that somehow mistakenly removed the KCM and qt5 frontends for fcitx? [13:42] Kon-: no. that package doesn't have any pre/post install scripts [13:44] After I actually fcitx (what I wanted to do yesterday), I'll boot up the live media and see if it was on there. Very strange [13:44] forgot to type all the words. set up fcitx* [13:49] Not out of the woods yet, other things are still broken inside the GUI. So the terminal was correct [14:06] x11 module was missing as well. That would do it [14:07] So fcitx, fcitx-bin, and fcitx-data were properly installed, but every module, frontend, etc was missing [14:08] Thanks for the help. I'm curious to take a look at the 18.04 manifest and the installation media and see if those modules were really supposed to be there or not [16:43] Hello Everyone, what is a good method of troubleshooting the technical cause of a kwin_x11 crash? Does it dump a log somewhere? [16:46] henk717, check /var/log/syslog [16:47] Is that the same one KSystemLog opens? Because i could not find anything with the word kwin or kwin_x11 in there when it happened [16:49] Unfortunately its not something i can consistently reproduce, but while chatting i managed to trigger the crash at the 18:45 timestamp [16:49] henk717, no i don't see KSystemLogib /var/log [16:49] KSystemLog is a log reading tool in Kubuntu [16:49] in /var/log [16:49] I just checked the log and do not see anything in there [16:50] https://paste.ee/p/b9SzI [16:51] The crash happens when starting a steam game that disables compositing, Terraria in this case caused the crash but this log does not contain kwin_x11 related information [20:41] is it possible to use the Hyper key for shortcuts? it registers as Meta in kde? [21:05] Misha Chobot was added by: Misha Chobot