
alkisgHi, I go to https://code.launchpad.net/~alkisg/epoptes/+git/gsoc2018/+delete and press Delete to delete a branch, and I'm getting:05:35
alkisgSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.                (Error ID:         OOPS-f88803aaefa0c88e45ff767c15ade9e8)05:35
alkisgI'll keep trying, but I thought I'd mention it here in case it persists...05:35
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alkisgBtw, I've asked again a few months ago but I'll ask again in case something changed:05:38
alkisgTranslations can only sync with bzr branches, not git branches, correct?05:38
cjwatsonalkisg: File it as a bug if it persists.  It seems to be taking a long time deleting old jobs; we may need to look into why that's happening07:18
cjwatsonalkisg: Translations are still bzr-only, yes07:18
alkisgThank you, will do07:18
=== Naka is now known as Nakaori
alkisgI filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/179326607:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1793266 in Launchpad itself "Unable to delete repository" [Undecided,New]07:58
ssbarneahi! can someone have a look at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/674042 ?08:52
wgrantssbarnea: You'll need to talk to the owners of the projects.09:05
ssbarneawgrant:  these projects were not used on LP for years, so I doubt there are any owners around.09:07
wgrantssbarnea: The admins of the owning team are definitely still active.09:10
wgrantWell, James is, at least.09:11
wgrantIt requires a very exceptional circumstance for LP admins to hijack a project -- much easier for you to talk to the existing owner and get them to transfer ownership or grant the relevant access.09:12
ssbarneawgrant: sure. I didn't see the join option. I will cc him on the question.09:20
tintouAre packages in `Dependency wait` state checked daily/weekly or is there a hook when a package changes in the PPA?09:28
ssbarneawgrant: thanks! I updated the question.09:28
wgranttintou: Every couple of hours, usually.09:29
tintouwgrant: alright, thanks :)09:29
cjwatsonI think it's hourly in fact09:42
tintouOne tricky question, will it work if a build for one architecture of the missing package failed https://code.launchpad.net/~elementary-os/+recipe/signond-daily10:00
wgranttintou: All the builds are treated individually.10:10
cjwatsonWill what work?10:10
cjwatsonIt won't automatically retry that specific build.10:11
wgrantOh yeah, the check is two-hourly, but the script is hourly, read the wrong line10:11
cjwatsonBut, as wgrant says, the status of that build will have no effect on whether other dependency-wait builds are retried.10:11
tintouSo 3 to 4 hours since signond is available https://code.launchpad.net/~elementary-os/+recipe/signond-daily and this https://code.launchpad.net/~elementary-os/+recipe/libsignon-glib-daily is still waiting (I can wait more but if it's two-hourly there is probably something I'm missing there11:30
cjwatsonAh, that's slightly amusing11:36
cjwatsonOnly .deb builds get auto-retried11:36
cjwatsonThat one's a recipe build, and doesn't11:36
tintouAh, alright, so I have to make another build request?11:37
cjwatsonCould you file a bug about this?  I don't know if it's something we would schedule to fix particularly soon, but it's weird that we have non-auto-retried depwait states11:38
tintouAlright, will do :)11:38
cjwatson(Recipe builds aren't normally retryable; but we could auto-schedule new ones I suppose)11:39
tintouOpened against Launchpad itself https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/179329611:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1793296 in Launchpad itself "Recipe build with missing dependencies aren't retried" [Undecided,New]11:45
ijohnsoncjwatson: did you ever find a fix for the snap package edit issue? I just tried again today and still same problem re: load balancer13:17
cjwatsonWe haven't tracked it down yet, I'm afraid - we got sidetracked by another super-weird problem13:17
cjwatsonHave you tried making the change using the API?13:17
cjwatsonas a workaround13:17
ijohnsonNo, I'm not familiar with using the API, are there docs on how to do that somewhere?13:18
cjwatsonBut if you tell me what changes you're trying to make I can give you an informal script13:18
ijohnsonI'm just trying to enable the snap to build automatically on new commits; just enable the tick for "Automatically build when branch changes"13:19
ijohnsonThanks for the docs, I can take a look at that13:19
cjwatsonShould be basically13:19
cjwatsonlp-shell production devel13:19
cjwatson[authenticate as needed]13:19
cjwatsonsnap = lp.load('/~docker/+snap/docker')13:20
cjwatsonsnap.auto_build = True13:20
cjwatson(lp-shell is in the lptools package)13:20
ijohnsonCool, I'll give it a try13:20
cjwatsonI wonder if it objects to you not having auto_build_{archive,pocket} set13:22
ijohnsonSo now I get a 500 server error with an actual OOPS ID13:22
ijohnsonOOPS ID: OOPS-db2a7493cde4157b19ac6c18178254c813:22
cjwatsonIntegrityError: new row for relation "snap" violates check constraint "consistent_auto_build"13:23
cjwatsonOK, so that's essentially saying that you need to set both "Source archive for automatic builds" and "Pocket for automatic builds" to something13:23
cjwatsonCould you possibly screenshot the +edit UI page for me - the bit that includes those fields?13:24
ijohnsonAh... Okay so now that I do that it lets me update it13:24
cjwatsonAh, too late for the screenshot then :)13:24
ijohnsonThe default radio button box was empty for "Source archive for automatic builds"13:24
ijohnsonSo maybe a UI bug13:24
ijohnsonThe "Pocket for automatic builds" did default to "Updates"13:25
cjwatsonOK, so that's an actionable bug report (please file it?) - you should have got a form validation error in this case, and/or there should be a sensible default13:27
cjwatsonEven the API shouldn't have OOPSed13:27
ijohnsonSure, thanks for the help!13:27
cjwatsonBut at least you're out of the woods13:27
ijohnsonIndeed. Filed as #179331113:34
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
gQuigsis there way for private PPA subscribers to see changelogs?  (without download the source packages)22:22
gQuigsthis https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/253119  kinda indicates to me the only option may be to use the API?  but would really prefer any web based way22:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 253119 in Launchpad itself "PPA packages do not show a changelog in update-manager" [Low,Triaged]22:30
naccgQuigs: you want the full changelog?22:33
naccgQuigs: or just the changes in that upload to the ppa?22:34
gQuigsfull is likely better..22:45
gQuigsnacc:  sometimes there will be more than one update to the PPA in the timeframe between them wanting to understand changes22:46
naccgQuigs: ah i see, yeah, the .changes file contents are available, and depending on the -v used to build, you can get the 'new' entries in the web interface from the ppa22:51

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