
UbuntuMY4<myfenris> anyone here have migrated from android to ios ?00:39
UbuntuMY4<myfenris> specific to whatsapp application00:39
UbuntuMY4<harisfazillah> @myfenris, Cuba backup ke google drive. Dan kemudian restore balik. Ada option dalam whatsup. Tapi ini saya buat android ke android. Ios whatsup patutnya ada restore tu.00:48
UbuntuMY4<myfenris> @harisfazillah, whatsapp ios restore from icloud00:55
UbuntuMY4<myfenris> from google play store got app "move to ios"00:55
UbuntuMY4<myfenris> so far yang lain tu boleh la tp pelik juga nape call list kosong wlupun dah select00:55
UbuntuMY4<myfenris> yang pening whatsapp .. telegram manyak senang00:55
UbuntuMY4<myfenris> telegram x yah bekap00:56
UbuntuMY4<Saliman_Imz> kena ada apps kot nak bekap & restore.. sebab dia simpan local.. not sure yang bekap ke cloud tu dia bekap apa je.. :) tapi leh cuba bekap dulu ke google then migrate then restore01:06
UbuntuMY4<myfenris> whatsapp @ facebook need to do something..01:16
UbuntuMY4<myfenris> Hi,  Thanks for your message.  Unfortunately at this time, it's not possible to transfer your history across the following platforms and vice versa:  Android to iPhone   Windows to Android   iPhone to Windows  Please see this article for more information:   - Transferring the chats on my old phone to my new phone  As an alternative, if you would like to save a specific chat, you can email yourself your chat history. You must do this01:21
UbuntuMY4before switching devices.   Please note: It's not possible to re-import the emailed chat into WhatsApp or to use it for restoring your chat history.  Please visit your platform's article for more information about this feature: Android | iPhone | Windows Phone  Please also note that you may not be able to email your entire chat history due to email size restrictions. The only way to export older messages would be to delete newer messages and then email01:21
UbuntuMY4your chat history again.  If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We'd be happy to help!01:21

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