
=== kallesbar__ is now known as kallesbar
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NickZI'm getting a strange error on ubuntu bionic server install; it's attempting to run zpool and failing because it's not installed05:18
NickZanyone else run into this?05:20
NickZrelevant line starts at 16205:20
X-RobNickZ: at a guess, you have an existing zfs pool there and curtin doesn't know how to handle it. Disconnect the drives?05:26
NickZnope, these are completely clean drives05:31
NickZmanually partitioning the drives prior to install seems to resolve the issue05:32
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^Squirrel^hi, can I get help for ubuntu gere?06:30
hateball!ask | ^Squirrel^06:32
ubottu^Squirrel^: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:32
^Squirrel^I have a folder /proc/4838/cwd that is 9.4G, process 4838 identified as Samba - I think it is killing my server - is it normal that it should be so big, and if not, how to I get it back to normal size?06:33
^Squirrel^my server being the server on which that ubuntu runs, of course06:33
lordievaderGood morning06:36
^Squirrel^alternative question: I have a partition for /, one for /home and one for /var. I would like to find the larger files for the / partition, a way that doesn't scan the other (mounted) partitions even if linked to it - is there a way to do that?06:37
^Squirrel^morning lordievader06:37
keithzg[m]Hah, just ran the 16.04 -> 18.04 upgrade on a server with molly-guard installed, and molly-guard cancelled the automatic reboot afterwards06:39
lordievader^Squirrel^: `du -x` skips directories on different file systems, as per the man page.06:40
^Squirrel^so "du -x /" is what I should run?06:42
^Squirrel^ok that works, still doesn't tell me what is filling my 10G of /root folder06:52
mdeslaurrbasak: are you planning on working on that mysql merge?06:56
mdeslaurrbasak: or is lars doing it?06:57
rbasakmdeslaur: we're taking care of it. Lars has a branch up for review. I'm hoping to get to it today, but I'm not sure.06:58
mdeslaurrbasak: ok, cool, thanks!06:58
^Squirrel^lordievader, is there a way to check what size the folders are (the sum of the files in that folder and subfolders) on a server (no GUI)07:04
rbasak^Squirrel^: du. See the du manpage for details of -s and -c.07:07
rbasakOr you can use baobab on a desktop machine connecting over ssh.07:07
sarnold^Squirrel^: du -shx /*  may be useful07:07
^Squirrel^thank, will try. Root space free is 0  I can't install anything new07:08
^Squirrel^I have ssh access too yes07:08
lordievaderdu is installed by default.07:13
^Squirrel^rsalveti, sarnold, I use these thanks07:15
^Squirrel^lordievader, yes, of course07:15
^Squirrel^this is weird07:15
^Squirrel^df reports that my root partition is 0, but sudo du xhc reports 3.6G is used. / is a 10G partition07:16
^Squirrel^I am using LVM, can it be the reason?07:17
lordievaderMight simply be removed files in use.  df sees those, du doesn't.07:19
^Squirrel^so what does "removed files in use" mean?07:22
^Squirrel^I have rebooted the server, this partition is still full07:23
^Squirrel^that's 5G worth of dark matter07:23
jelly^Squirrel^: no, lvm is not the reason.  Look for unlinked files still in use by opened processes.07:24
sarnolda reboot is a good way to fix that though :/07:25
^Squirrel^I rebooted already, twice, to no avail07:25
^Squirrel^jelly, how do I do this?07:25
sarnoldlsof or fuser are the usual tools07:25
jellyyou might have files hiding under a mountpoint below this one07:25
jellylsof -n +L107:25
sarnoldjelly: ooh +107:26
jellybut if you rebooted that would have cleared the processes07:26
^Squirrel^no output of this lsof07:26
^Squirrel^lsof -n +L107:26
jellyhow many mountpoints do you have other than / ?07:27
jellywith real filesystems or bind mounts07:27
jelly(also, doing anything with /* is bad form, avoid)07:27
^Squirrel^expcluding tmpfs and udev, 1607:28
jellyumount everything else under / and retry du -x /07:28
sarnoldjelly: how else would you get a list of all top-level files and directories?07:28
^Squirrel^in reality, about 8 I explicitly mounted07:28
jellysarnold: ls -ld, not du07:28
jellyor echo07:29
^Squirrel^including /var07:29
^Squirrel^and /home07:29
sarnoldjelly: ls and echo do not summarize the sizes of all files linked in all directories underneath those top-level directories07:29
jellysarnold: what use are sizes of files in /proc07:29
sarnoldjelly: good point.07:30
^Squirrel^ok jelly, this might be getting somewhere - umounted -a then I get a total which corresponds more to df outuput07:31
jelly(procfs is slow, in might take half an hour just traversing that on a busy system)07:31
jellydu can very well traverse directories on its own, no need to help it with *07:33
jelly^Squirrel^: look at directory contents previously hidden under other mountpoints07:34
sarnold^Squirrel^: btw, once you've got some space to install new packages, ncdu may be to your liking :)07:35
^Squirrel^I tried to install ncdu, can't :P07:35
^Squirrel^but once I find the problem here, I will07:36
^Squirrel^I need to create a root user now - I can't unmount /home otherwise07:36
sylarioI have a problem, I have a 16.04 server that lose all network connectivity from time to time. I can see the DHCP addresses in ip a, but I cannot ping it and it cannot ping anything07:36
jellysure you can, just get your CWD ass out of /home07:37
sylarioNetwork come back with sudo systemctl restart networking07:37
jelly(but having root is always nice, for other reasons)07:37
^Squirrel^lol I could just CWD out indeed07:38
jellyor as they call it in sh, "cd"07:38
jellylsof -n|grep /home07:38
^Squirrel^but I can't umount home, cause I'm still logged into a user using /home...07:39
^Squirrel^ok /home umounted...07:45
^Squirrel^jelly, du -x / still reports some of the umounted folders...07:47
^Squirrel^yup. that's it :)07:48
^Squirrel^I knwo the problem now07:48
^Squirrel^thanks guys!07:48
^Squirrel^thanks jelly especially :)07:52
sylarioWhat can I do to investigate losing connectivity after a reboot?08:10
sylarioThe system has the correct IPs, but there is no connectivity at all without rebooting networking08:11
sylariofrom syslog and apache, I can see the machine rebooted around the time of the problem08:11
tomreynsylario: maybe the dhcp server wasn't working by the time your system booted up again?08:15
tomreynoh you saiid it got the correct ips, sorry08:15
sylarioIt's some kind of xen hosting I think08:15
tomreynso does resolving not work then, or are remote (and what about local) targets not reachable if addressed via ip address either?08:16
tomreyn* lacal targets, such as you gateway08:17
sylarioI have access via an emergency console, I cannot ping google or the french taxes office from the problematic server, I cannot ping any of the server's IPs08:18
sylariosudo systemctl restart networking solve everything08:18
tomreynthe servers' LAN or WAN IPs?08:18
tomreynand where from08:19
sylarioIt has only public IPs, not addresses in private ranges08:19
tomreynok so i'm wondering whether while this problem occurs, you could, from the server, ping or or the servers' gateway (as listed by ip route | grep ^default)08:21
sylarioI try to ping it from public IPs from two different ISP, and I connect on it with an emergency console provided by the hosting company08:21
sylarioI did not try that08:21
tomreynin case you wont be able to ping the gateway when it happens again, talk to your hosting company.08:22
tomreynin the meantime review /var/log/syslog to get a better idea of why the network didn't come up fully after the reboot.08:23
sylariotomreyn: thx for your help, i'll try that as soon as I can test on the server.08:27
sylarioIt will go in the next ticket08:27
vimeshello! I just rented an Ubuntu VPS but I see some weird traffic spikes, I wondered if any one had some recomendations for some good traffic montioring tool, preferably that saves traffic so I can see when traffic spiked and what caused it, a web gui would be nice but terminal works too. preferably open source12:18
sarnoldvimes: perhaps ntopng is the tool you want12:20
vimesthanks! I'll check it out sarnold12:21
rbasakvimes: iftop for realtime viewing. Not sure about looking later though. It would make sense for it to have a pcap replay feature but I don't see that.12:58
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
tobias-urdinjamespage: heads up on possible upgrade path bug for keystone, dont know how to add ubuntu tracking16:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1793347 in OpenStack Identity (keystone) "keystone upgrade fails q->r oslo.log requirement to low" [Undecided,New]16:31
tobias-urdincoreycb: ^16:34
bin_bashare auto-upgrades enabled by default? I have a vm that was provisioned and it was, and I'm trying to determine if this is a provisioning problem or a distro problem.16:43
leftyfbbin_bash: I don't know for sure, but you can easily find out by spending the 1 minute it takes to do the server install from usb onto a device17:00
bin_bashsure if i had a device to install it on17:00
bin_bashbut i dont so i'm asking here17:00
tobias-urdinjamespage: coreycb and another possible one https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/179335317:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1793353 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "broken upgrade path q->r requirement for oslo.db" [Undecided,New]17:10
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: Virtual Box is a decent way to test things with temporarily17:13
naccbased upon a bionic lxd, it seems like some sources are enabled. That is the cloud image, though, not necessarily the same as the base server install17:17
pragmaticenigmaI thought server enabled root and -security by default... I just can't find the documentation on it.17:19
bin_bashpragmaticenigma: sure if that was a viable option, but it's not unfortunately.17:22
bin_bashnacc: that's pretty terrible...17:22
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: what do you mean by terrible?17:23
bin_bashpragmaticenigma: if i install a package of a specific version on a freshly provisioned VM, and then come back the next day, the package shouldn't have been upgraded.17:23
bin_bashbut that's exactly what happened.17:23
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: If it is truly the default of -security having been enabled, then the version didn't change, a patch was applied to mitigate a security vulnerability. What package was auto-updated on you?17:25
bin_bashAPT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "1";17:25
bin_bashAPT::Periodic::Unattended-Upgrade "1";17:25
bin_bashthis was the content of /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades17:26
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: what about the 50* one?17:27
bin_bashdo you want the whole thing in a paste?17:28
bin_bashit's actually mostly commented out17:28
bin_bashpragmaticenigma: https://0bin.net/paste/rLMnSMn5X4TrAjtu#8GTWJhVLB7ukZuOZw8G5nCySn5G7pdsV6ZcAGrf+I1Z17:29
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: If what I've found so far is true, only the first two are not commented out... the rest are... specifically -security isn't commented out17:30
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: the link says there is no paste there17:30
bin_bashthen someone else must have clicked it17:30
bin_bashis there a bot that crawls links and opens them?17:30
pragmaticenigmaanyone in this room could have clicked that before I got the chance to17:31
bin_bashUnattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {17:32
bin_bash        "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}";17:32
bin_bash        "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-security";17:32
bin_bashthats the only uncommented part17:32
pragmaticenigmaincluding the bots... with the spam attack on freenode17:32
bin_bashoh and this17:32
bin_bashUnattended-Upgrade::DevRelease "false";17:32
bin_bashi mean it was mere seconds between pasting and you trying to click, so it must have been something automatic. never had that problem in another channel, most bots just fetch metadata17:32
pragmaticenigmaokay, from what you have posted so far then... your instance is setup to only auto update security patches.17:33
bin_basheven this though?17:33
bin_bashthat doesn't have -security17:33
pragmaticenigmathat is your "root" store... the items in there do not change until a point release occurs, suchas 18.04.1 to 18.04.217:34
bin_bashplus if i specifically install a version (which I did), that should add some kind of flag, right?17:34
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: no... those are defined in another file, explicately by the person doing the sysadmin17:34
pragmaticenigmaI wish I could find release notes to verify the enabled by default for you. Short of installing (which I can't do at my present location) I can't find anything online to verify other than a bug that 16.04 ignored a users selection of no unattended updates17:41
bin_bashyeah thats what i was looking for as well17:42
bin_bashbut didn't find it17:42
bin_bashthank you for looking though17:43
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: the closest that I can find is Ubuntu Desktop Gnome/unity have installed the package by default, and in Debian, the default configuration is to enable the main or root and the "-security" by default17:43
bin_bashhm interesting17:44
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: I know that Ubuntu Desktop asks during installation, and by default has "Install security updates without confirmation" preselected17:44
bin_bashthis is jsut a weird one-off package. gotta have node6 for this dumb  thing -.-17:44
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: I was partitially expecting you to mention something about GhostScript, as there were some significant security vulnerabilities patched in the last 24 hours17:45
bin_bashwell i had a helluva time installing node6 at all. every other time ive done it on 16.04 i just added the source list and then apt install and it was fine17:46
bin_bashthis time i had to specify the version17:46
pragmaticenigmaI wish I were more familiar with it... I know 18.04 some foundational pieces where significantly changes (netplan, etc) that have made some rather hard support questions17:48
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: Found it! The default config file for the unattended-upgrades package has main and -security enabled by default in 50unattended-upgrades17:52
bin_bashit seems like something that should be documented17:52
bin_bashwhere did you find that17:52
bin_bashthank you!17:52
pragmaticenigmarather: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unattended-upgrades17:52
bin_bashi read that as "unintended upgrades"17:53
bin_bashhahaha which is more fitting -.-17:53
pragmaticenigmayeah... I go back and forth on whether I want to enable it... sometimes I get really tired of the prompts on Desktop... at the same time, I run MythTV and don't want it to decide to apply updates in the middle of a recording and trigger the daemon to restart17:54
pragmaticenigmaI typically install all instances from the mini.iso release. In part because I can still install to 32 bit machines with it, and it's the same dialog prompts no matter what the final version I'm intending to install17:55
pragmaticenigmaand depending how far into the release we are, I don't have to spend an extra hour or two installing updates after installing the release17:55
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: from this, I would assume the author of your vm included/installed the unattended upgrades package. Assuming they either clicked through accepting the default selections or installed the package after the fact, I don't think it was the vm's authors intent to misconfigure. As much as trying to follow the defaults offered by the original installation17:57
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: it really should be better documented. it's even harder for server as most the documentation highlights the desktop installations more than server. I would assume Canonical would rather people installing server sign up for a support plan17:58
bin_bashit's just so frustrating. i dont think anything should automatically update on a server, that's just asking for problems.18:06
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: Agree'd to a degree... the problem is the number of systems that get abandoned or aren't maintainted regularly that really could benefit such that they don't fall vicitm to someone's bot net18:08
pragmaticenigmaat minimum at least the security holes are plugged. If the unattended update broke your nodeJs application, that is really strange. unless it's the tenuous behavior of node6 (?) and ubuntu 18.04 you experienced?=18:11
bin_bashwell the thing is that im installing it from nodesource18:13
bin_bashthis is the official way of doing it according to nodejs18:13
bin_bashunfortunately something must have changed in 18.0418:13
bin_bashbecause previously i just added the source, apt install, done18:13
bin_bashthis time even after adding the source it STILL installed the one from the main repo18:13
bin_bashi had to do apt install nodejs=6.14.1-1nodesource118:14
bin_bashthis time, it's weird18:14
pragmaticenigmanot too wiered... beneath the instructions for installing to Debian/Ubuntu... it mentions it only supports 16.04 and 14.0418:18
pragmaticenigmaso I think that might be the root of your issue18:18
bin_bashooh i didnt even see that18:39
bin_bashstill though i dont think 18.04 was LTS when this was published18:40
pragmaticenigmaprobably not, and there are a lot of under the hood changes with 18.04 that they might be trying to hammer out18:42
bin_basheffed up to call it LTS when theyre still fixing things18:43
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: depends on your perspecitve... If you take NodeJS out of the equation, 18.04 by itself is very stable (i'm currently running it) ... since nodejs team have to react to the change (they can't exactly see into what Canonical is planning for ubuntu) it takes a while before they get their dependencies and scripts polished and ready. There were some significant changes in 18.04 starting with the netowrk18:47
pragmaticenigmamanagement, and even the daemon managment18:47
bin_bashim not just talking about nodejs though18:47
bin_bashin general a server shouldn't do upgrades without intervention by default18:48
bin_bashthink about php for example. there are many platforms that only work on php 7.0 or php 7.1 but not both. if php were security-upgraded to 7.1, that could cause a huge problem18:48
naccbin_bash: release don't upgrade major versions18:58
naccbin_bash: "LTS" has nothing to do with "bug-free"18:59
bin_bashbut thats exactly what happened with nodejs lol so i can't really expect it to not happen with other packjages18:59
naccbin_bash: you weren't using an ubuntu version18:59
naccbin_bash: so go complain to node, not here.18:59
bin_bashthe problem was with the core ubuntu repo.19:00
naccbin_bash: you were using some external repository, right?19:00
bin_bashi was TRYING to19:00
bin_bashbut it kept overriding it19:00
naccbin_bash: what is 'it'?19:00
naccbin_bash: i think maybe you just don't understand how packages work...19:01
bin_bashi think maybe you're not understanding what i'm saying19:01
naccbin_bash: are you complaining that 18.04 has 8.10.0 while you wanted 6.14.1 ?19:01
bin_bashIf I were to install weechat on debian from the weechat repos19:01
naccfull stop.19:01
naccweechat repos?19:01
bin_bashapt wouldnt then override that for the core repos19:01
bin_bashit's called an example19:01
naccif the weechat version in debian was greater than from weechat then yes it would.19:02
naccbin_bash: i am fairly sure you just didn't check versions of packages via `apt-cache policy`, didn't bother to pin, and are complaining about that.19:02
bin_bashno, i'm complaining that the system made an internal, automatic decision to upgrade a package from another repository19:03
naccbin_bash: what 'other' repository?19:04
naccbin_bash: apt-cache policy nodejs, please19:04
bin_bashand for the record, i /DID/ check apt-cache policy19:04
nacc(if nodejs is the package you are worried about)19:04
bin_bashjesus fuck. i literally said I installed the package from nodesource. overnight, ubuntu upgraded that package from the extra repository19:04
naccbecause the version in ubuntu is greater19:04
naccyou are choosing to run some third party repositroy19:05
bin_bashexcept it shouldn't do that bny default19:05
naccand didn't bother to configure your apt sources appropriately to pin it19:05
naccthat's your opinion.19:05
_KaszpiR_bin_bash apt-pin19:08
bin_bash_KaszpiR_: thats not a command. apt-cache search doesn't even return anything19:10
bin_bashregardless, if i install a package from one repo, it shouldn't be overriden by a package from another repo19:10
bin_bashive literally never encountered that on any distro19:10
_KaszpiR_not really19:10
_KaszpiR_welcome to debian :/19:11
bin_bashive been using debian for years19:11
bin_bashand this is the first time running into this19:11
_KaszpiR_heh, lucky you, then19:11
_KaszpiR_got that many times19:11
bin_bashmaybe because usually the other repo has newer versions rather than older19:12
bin_bashi'm used to running outdated packages on arch because nothing is automated, everything is deliberate19:12
pragmaticenigmabin_bash: The repos are just storage containers... the repos themselves don't set a hierarchy. the packages themselves do with their naming convention since they sort alphanumerically. Debian happens to come earlier in the alphabet than Ubuntu... therefor an Ubuntu package is going to get precendence since it occurs later in the alphabet19:13
pragmaticenigmaassuming the package name is of 6nodejs-ubuntu-18.04 versus 6nodejs-debian-919:14
bin_bashpragmaticenigma: tbh mostly my upset is regarding a package being changed in any way without my deliberate action, and having this set as a default parameter and also not well-documented is porblematic19:14
pragmaticenigmaI assure you it's documented somewhere... but the joy of linux is... where?19:15
bin_bashi didnt say totally undocumented, i just said not well-documented. :P19:17
pragmaticenigmaI have the same premise19:18
naccappears to have changed in ubuntu with https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unattended-upgrades/commit/?id=558990e419:22
naccnot 100% on that19:22
naccit used to be -security only, though, and then the release pocket was added19:22
pragmaticenigmanacc: that jives with what I found in the package from launchpad19:23
naccin this case, it wouldn't matter, though, actually19:24
nacca newer version is in ubuntu, period19:24
naccand the -security case has been that way for quite some time19:25
naccmaybe unattended-upgrades became installed by default, dunno19:25
pragmaticenigmanacc: I remember seeing it somewhere that server began installing it by default, but I just can't find a release note or documentation on it19:27
grandyhello, probably a dumb question: how to I get cloud-init to write the netplan file ?21:33
grandyi edited the clout-init file but not sure what command makes it generate the outputs21:37
naccgrandy: cloud-init runs once at boot21:38
grandynacc: hmm, my ubuntu server install has a comment in the netplan that it was generated by cloud-init. I modified the cloud-init file in question and rebooted, but it did not update the netplan file.  Just trying to add another network interface21:39
naccgrandy: which file did you edit?21:42
grandynacc: /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/50-curtin-networking.cfg21:45
naccsmoser: rharper --^ ? i don't know, tbh; does it need to be in the initrd instead?21:46
grandynacc: i added the enx... interface, eno1 was already configured: https://pastebin.com/m6vyvDeJ21:48
smosergrandy: that will only be written once per instance.21:49
smoserso if the instance-id has not changed, changes to that will not get updated to the system.21:49
* smoser has to go afk.21:49
grandysmoser: ahh, ok, so it's mainly for the intial config of the machine... where would i add a new network interface?21:49
naccgrandy: what do you mean 'add a new network interface'? You mean just the configuration for it, right?21:50
grandysmoser: yeah just to tell it to bring it up and use dhcp21:50
naccgrandy: i think you just want to put that in your netplan config file, no?21:51
grandysmoser: there is a configuration in /etc/netplan that is generated by cloud init, but it warns that it might be regenerated.21:51
naccgrandy: i mean, you can add another file in /etc/netplan, aiui21:51
grandynacc: ahh ok, this is the contents of /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init...21:52
naccgrandy: right, so leave that one alone (i think)21:52
naccgrandy: and add nother (see `man netplan`)21:52
grandynacc: ahh ok, so  then where would I change the config for eno1 ? a new file also?  Just wondering in case i have to do that later.21:53
grandynacc: it must be that cloud-init is meant for ephemeral instances, in which case it seems to make sense.21:54
naccgrandy: see the manpage, you can override settings with appropriately named files21:54
naccgrandy: cloud-init initializes an instance based upon cloud-provided data (among other things)21:54
grandynacc: ok will do, yeah ok, this is starting to make sense now, just installed ubuntu server and it's been a few years since I have configured my own server so was not really up to speed on cloud-init ... thanks much for the help21:55
naccgrandy: sure, their docs are good toohttps://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html21:56
grandynacc: yeah i was reading over them a bit when I thought it was meant for ongoing config updates and was thinking wow this looks like a great approach to config.21:57
grandynacc: it worked. thanks again22:12
naccgrandy: cool, np!22:13

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