[00:00] Wayward_Vagabond: that nomodsetting thing you did might need to get the axe...fbdev is being used..and that isn't good [00:01] When you say direct rendering, you mean "hardware accelerated" right? :s [00:01] Yeah, it refuses to boot at all without the nomodeset [00:02] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> journalctl -p 4|nc termbin.com 9999 [00:02] it just hangs up after the fsck finishes, with a terminal cursor in the upper left corner [00:02] Wayward_Vagabond: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link...say so [00:03] http://termbin.com/1fu3 [00:03] I did a boot without nomodeset right before the one with it, that I'm currently using [00:04] Wayward_Vagabond: did you attempt to install amdgpu? [00:04] It was already installed, but I attempted a reinstall of it [00:04] and such had no effect [00:05] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> journalctl -p 3|nc termbin.com 9999 [00:05] Wayward_Vagabond: share url/link here..if you do not get a url/link...say so [00:06] http://termbin.com/dafn [00:07] Wayward_Sep 16 18:59:39 Cooper-Dell kernel: [drm:amdgpu_init [amdgpu]] *ERROR* VGACON disables amdgpu kernel modesetting. [00:08] Wayward_Vagabond: uninstall amdgpu that you say you reinstalled [00:09] just get rid of it entirely, then try to boot with default flags? [00:09] yep [00:09] K, will report back [00:10] k [00:20] No change after removing xserver-xorg-video-[amdgpu, ati, radeon] [00:20] -complete remove option on each [00:21] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> journalctl -p 3|nc termbin.com 9999 [00:23] I'm currently booted with nomodeset [00:23] http://termbin.com/77u1 [00:23] k [00:23] after a failed boot without [00:26] ok I didn't see a lightdm failure this time [00:26] previously you had Sep 18 20:15:20 Cooper-Dell systemd[1]: Failed to start Light Display Manager. [00:27] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> inxi -Fxxprzc0|nc termbin.com 9999 [00:27] http://termbin.com/014c [00:29] you have two graphics cards [00:30] have you gone in to bios to declare PCI-E / PCI-X or add in graphics [00:30] Card-1: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Carrizo bus-ID: 00:01.0 chip-ID: 1002:9874 [00:30] Card-2: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Topaz XT [Radeon R7 M260/M265 / M340/M360 / M440/M445] [00:31] I've not touched bios options besides switching to legacy boot and shuffling boot order around [00:32] If I'm not mistaken, the former card is an embedded/low power one that should never be used [00:33] and the latter is the actual gpu [00:33] and HDMI output that I never use or plan on using [00:33] go in bios and look for a setting to declare Topaz XT as the "dedicated" [00:33] kk [00:33] or "primary" === Tara_t is now known as Tara [00:40] no sort of graphics options in bios [00:40] hmm [00:40] I can enable/disable some power save thing related to cpu, and it's off [00:41] it does report the cpu as R7 12 cores 4C+8G [00:41] manlxc [00:41] hggdh: @me? [00:41] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> ls /etc/modprobe|nc termbin.com 9999 [00:42] HalfEatenPie: nope, wrong window, sorry [00:42] ls: cannot access '/etc/modprobe': No such file or directory [00:42] oh boy [00:42] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> ls /etc/modprobe.d|nc termbin.com 9999 [00:42] i made a typo [00:42] sorry [00:43] Wayward_Vagabond: sorry, not for you (and I pinged another user by mistake as well) [00:43] http://termbin.com/ihc9 [00:45] Wayward_Vagabond: radeon is blacklisted [00:45] Wayward_Vagabond: i'm going to get more detail [00:45] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> ls -alh /etc/modprobe.d|nc termbin.com 9999 [00:45] I'm sorry, what's it blacklisted from exactly? [00:46] from loading [00:46] http://termbin.com/agzh [00:46] Ah, that sounds.. counterproductive [00:48] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-radeon.conf|nc termbin.com 9999 [00:48] http://termbin.com/h40r [00:51] Wayward_Vagabond: let's un blacklist the radeon driver [00:51] Wayward_Vagabond: so it can load [00:52] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-radeon.conf [00:52] Wayward_Vagabond: then confirm it no longer exists by doing this [00:52] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> ls -alh /etc/modprobe.d|nc termbin.com 9999 [00:53] Wayward_Vagabond: you don't have to show me the link just eye ball it and make sure it's gone [00:53] http://termbin.com/nfbi [00:53] yep, it's gone [00:53] Wayward_Vagabond: reboot [00:53] try rebooting with normal options? [00:54] Wayward_Vagabond: yes [01:02] Nothing :( [01:04] Wayward_Vagabond: i'm going to summarize a few details for you so we are on the same page when i elaborate my hypothesis [01:04] Wayward_Vagabond: your first inxi showed [01:04] Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.6 ) drivers: fbdev,ati (unloaded: modesetting,vesa,radeon) [01:05] where "radeon" was obviously "unloaded" due to it being blacklisted [01:05] your second inxi [01:05] Hybrid card? [01:06] Display Server: x11 (X.Org 1.19.6 ) drivers: fbdev (unloaded: modesetting,vesa) [01:06] xamithan: laptop [01:06] where nothing amd/ati/radeon attempted to load AT ALL [01:06] oddly it also does not show as "unloaded" [01:07] maybe try reinstalling the drivers I had, that seem to have been blacklisted the entire time? [01:07] did you get the driver from AMD's website? [01:07] No, just from synaptic [01:08] first [01:09] check for your card on the "compatibility" list here https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMD-Radeon-GPU-PRO-Linux-Beta-Driver%E2%80%93Release-Notes.aspx [01:10] R7 M445 [01:10] yes [01:12] sorry that is for Ubuntu 16.04 i have a new link for you to check for 18.04 [01:12] https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-for-Linux-18.20-Early-Preview-Release-Notes.aspx [01:14] my bad [01:14] make sure your card is still listed as "compatible" [01:14] things change [01:14] the link to download it for 18.04 is on the same page [01:14] download it from there [01:14] IF your card is still "compatible" [01:15] it's a compressed tarball (or like a zip file) [01:15] so you will need to unzip/extract it [01:16] FortKnight: I don't think I see it on that page [01:16] Wayward_Vagabond: if you run into issue downloading and or installing i'm here [01:17] FortKnight: I mean, I don't see my card listed on the 18.04 page- but I do on the 16.04 [01:17] Wayward_Vagabond: it's possible your card is covered under a "series" [01:17] Card-2: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD/ATI] Topaz XT [Radeon R7 M260/M265 / M340/M360 / M440/M445] [01:18] M260/M265 [01:19] meh, worth a shot then [01:19] it's already broke [01:20] i'd give it a shot if i was in your shoes [01:20] sucks AMD seems to be supporting less cards with the newer version [01:20] ...huh, in my downloads folder, I see a downloaded file with a similar name, but different numbers [01:20] but that's their corporate decision to make [01:21] I know at some point in the past, when it was 16.04lts the graphics worked, so I likely had AMD's proprietary drivers installed [01:21] probably so [01:21] but /something/ borked the drivers before I upgraded, as they were already broken [01:22] then [01:22] now that you're on 18.04 you'll probably have to use the newer [01:23] you're lucky you had/have a "supported" GPU ...lots of AMD owners don't [01:24] worse case your card is no longer supported .....on the other hand..it might be just what the Dr/doctor ordered :) [01:27] there's a good chance your card is still supported...AMD likes to rebrand their GPU sku #'s [01:28] It's doing it's thing [01:28] My prior machines have all been intel x nvidia, so it was easy to tell which chip was being used [01:29] Errors were encountered while processing: [01:29] /tmp/apt-dpkg-install-V8t3S8/01-amdgpu-dkms_18.20-579836_all.deb [01:29] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [01:29] op [01:29] K, I'll try the other option [01:31] E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution). [01:31] :| [01:35] Hmm, I think I have some garbage from the old ones left confounding this [01:36] what happens if you try the older for 16.04 [01:36] ugh, apt doesn't want to fix it [01:37] and I was on 16.04 when I installed them to start with, upgrading threw a monkey wrench in it- the uninstall programs wants conflicting versions of stuff to run [01:38] oh you upgraded to 18.....hmmm i wonder if things would fair differently on a fresh 18.04 install [01:39] heh, tried switching over to the old one, it's busted too [01:40] ohh, synaptic founf the broken one and is removing it, I was gonna try reinstalling the 3 packages I removed myself [01:41] cool [01:41] K, clearing the broken package with synpatic is letting amd's uninstaller work [01:41] noww I'm getting somewhere [01:42] that's a good sign [01:45] hi still i am looking for pdf editor for my ubuntu 18.04 [01:50] any active here? [01:51] Rockwood: Hm, a pdf editor would be quite handy, but never had that pressing of a need to find one [01:52] So far my workaround has been make stuff in libreoffice and export pdfs, keeping and odt or some such to edit [01:53] but i am unable to write in libreoffice that why looking for there [01:56] I wouldn't be surprised if "adobe" has a "premium" on the royalties they want for "editing" PDF's [01:56] while read only and create might come FREE or at a lower sticker price [01:57] wouldn't surprise me at all [01:58] Adobe's licensing fees are at least partially the reason the video distribution industry wants to move away from FLASH [01:59] Steve Jobs didn't want to give them one dime [02:01] PDF is also a charliefoxtrot of a format, from what I understand- it's easy to render one, or make one that doesn't need editing [02:01] and flash is a huge security hole [02:01] but editing one, deterministicly, that was not made with such in mind can be a very big headache [02:22] pdf is read only in okular [02:26] it's unlikely you'll find a PDF editing solution that works natively on %100 of PDF files [02:26] https://askubuntu.com/questions/162037/how-to-edit-pdfs [02:27] use what's mentioned in the above article and if you really want it bad enough run Windows in a virtual machine or something for PDF editing [02:28] else you'll just be chasing your own tail for months [02:30] Wayward_Vagabond: I assume charliefoxtrot approximately means mess? === kallesbar__ is now known as kallesbar === BgLamersTeam is now known as Dreaman [03:17] I'm back! [03:17] got it all sorted then?? [03:17] Though strangely, even though I did a complete reinstall from the boot disc it remembered my Pidgin handle... [03:17] so I dunno... and no, still getting the no disk space [03:18] I think I figured out why I'm having a buggy startup because it blackscreens when it autoruns the default Ubuntu option but if I manually select the LTR (which for some reason is an option further down) it does load [03:18] had ended up cleaning out some dust from the motherboard and waiting for the night to cool down in case overheating was the issue with the lack of startup but I think it's just the strange booting default [03:19] it's suggesting I run sudo apt clean but still not understanding why it's only partitioned around 3 gigs when there's 300 to work with [03:20] did you let ubuntu automagic the partitions or did you do manual? [03:21] I didn't do anything manually. I wrote down a thing I checked... "Logical Volume Management" [03:21] it sounded like someting which would take care of it for me === kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar [03:22] now I'm not seeing the old drive so I think it did an overwrite but somehow retained the info I put into pidgin [03:23] I opened LXTerminal prompt but forget that command you type to bring up the "/" directory and similar, if pidgin automatically logs convos I think it did at least delete that [03:27] entered sudo apt clean into LXTerminal and it requested a password and displayed some kinda square, not sure if that means it's running something [03:32] if you are showing 100% full or no space available on a fresh install, then you did something wrong. I'd suspect the LVM. If you don't know what that is, then you probably don't need it. [03:34] I'll boot from the disk and not check it this time... that it remembered the pidgin is conspicuous like it didn't remove Lubuntu even though I asked it too... [03:34] it did rename it though, hm... [03:35] JW if there are mirrors for https://partner-images.canonical.com/hyper-v/desktop/bionic/ -- that appears to be what's advertised at https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/09/17/optimised-ubuntu-desktop-images-available-in-microsoft-hyper-v-gallery but I suspect it's under heavy load as it's only providing ~200KB/s currently... [03:37] wow, my system really didn't like those amd drivers [03:37] now I can't get get any sort of graphical boot [03:38] Wayward_Vagabond: your ubuntu version please? [03:39] default hangs, nomodeset hanga veey slightly differently in the same spot, recovery mode > continue boot acts really weird [03:39] it rapidly cycles betweem a few screens with broken graphics [03:40] lotuspsychje: xubuntu 18.04.1lts [03:40] Wayward_Vagabond: https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-install-the-latest-amd-radeon-drivers-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux [03:41] just installed amdgpu-pro drivers, so those are obviously not something it liked- itoffered the choice of a normal or legacy, and i picked normal [03:41] is there a known problem with 18.04.1 and xubuntu desktop? [03:42] nope [03:42] more likely the amd is causing issues [03:43] hard part is going to be getting them back out now.. [03:46] are snap apps breaking on 18.04? [03:46] having issues with mailspring [03:46] Wayward_Vagabond: you didn't get apt dpkg error this time? [03:47] Wayward_Vagabond: it actually installed successfully without error about dependencies ? [03:47] duoi: if you find a bug in a snap, contact the right maintainer [03:48] no errors that i recall [03:48] duoi: in your case that would be foundry376 [03:49] lotuspsychje, others are claiming its a snap issue [03:50] on the foundry376 repo [03:50] so curious if anybody else is experiencing anything similar [03:52] Wayward_Vagabond: you installed the ones for 18.04? [03:52] Wayward_Vagabond: did you already remove? [03:54] duoi: before volunteers can share their ideas, you will have to define whats happening exactly, with 'having issues' we cant do much [03:59] yeah, removed old stuff first, then installed 18.04 ones [03:59] thanks a lot for the help,but nearly midnight here now [04:01] no prob === Dreaman is now known as BgLamersTeam [04:03] I have some unused os partitions, might just throw a fresh install on one tomorrow if i remember to pick upsome mefia... [04:03] *media [04:10] Wayward_Vagabond: gparted to the rescue [05:01] Where should I put stuff that I compile from source? For example there is Language Server Protocol I am using for vim, vim starts it automatically when I open a certain filetype, I never run it manually. Where should it be it's place? [05:05] za1b1tsu: different things have different places, look at the documentation for vim extentions or whatever the vim term for those are to find out the places for that one [05:06] TimeDoctor: it's not a vim extension [05:07] it can be used for other editors as well. I'm trying to find it a place in the unix file system [05:07] okay I'm convinced that I have installed Lubuntu twice, somehow, as I now appear to have 2 usernames [05:07] despite overwriting [05:07] and any time I restart it's a cosmic pain to actually get into the OS due to weird black screens or eventually somehow dying from overheating [05:07] In general where I should put the programs I download and compile from source. [05:08] it appears to be letting me install software now though so I think reinstalling fixed the size issue [05:09] I think the problem was that I reinstalled but was still logging in under the old account which hadn't been removed despite instructions [05:09] I was doing research earlier on this graphics black screen bug though, I heard going into screensaver and shaking out could fix it so if I could set screensaver time very low in case it happens on startup that would be great [05:10] za1b1tsu: well, whatever it is it should have a place in the file system somewhere [05:10] "core temp above threshold, throttled" has me very worried so I think I need to monitor it somehow, was reading on borrowed laptop that "lm-sensors" and "hdd temp" help there [05:13] Accessories > Disks is giving me 34 celsius / 93 fahrenheit for my hard disks which I hope is okay but doesn't really help me with knowing CPU temp [05:24] closing buddy list never used to close rooms in windows... something to remember I guess [05:24] I thought I was locked on a black screen this restart but walked away and came back and it was up... maybe just a slow loading time? [05:25] suffered a bit of a white screen of death , kinda stucco like the wall Kingpin looks in during Netflix' Daredevil [05:26] would anyone know a way to customize the thickness of window borders to make it easier to enable the stretching options via hover? [05:26] it appears to work as I move from inside the window to the edge but not if I touch the edge from outside the window, and it's a very narrow margin [05:29] how do I CD? [05:31] conmanworknor42 cd as in change directory ? === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [05:53] Two day ago I upgraded from 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS on my laptop. [05:53] If I close the laptop the system goes to stand by, when I reopen the laptop and it ask me to unlock, the keyboard is not active. I can unlock using the display virtual keyboard. But also when then I'm logged in the keyboard is disabled. [05:53] How can I recover the use of the keyboard? [05:53] would anyone know if https://askubuntu.com/questions/149651/how-do-i-setup-pointer-keys-mouse-keys-in-lubuntu-move-cursor-with-num-pad-key is good advice? MouseKeys are important for me, buttons stick on my mouse or just the motion causes me pain to do [05:53] I don't need to move the cursor just need a keyboard alternative for left and right click [06:22] one question , I'm using webchat.freenode client , why some of my channels have ## and some have # ?? [06:24] humblewolf: # are official ubuntu channels, ## are other user created channels [06:25] okay thanks lotus [06:26] humblewolf: or ask in #freenode [06:39] hey guys [06:41] when i try to use apt upgrade on ubuntu 16.04 i see this https://www.paste.org/95185 [06:41] what should i do ? [06:45] linuxlove: "Try using -f." [06:46] that's: apt -f install [06:46] tomreyn, same error [06:46] i dont know what is wrong here [06:47] linuxlove: can you install pastebinit? [06:47] Greetings, I recently upgraded to 18.04, and hibernation has stopped working. I have a swap partition, double the size of my RAM. First of all, how do I know what the error is? [06:48] tomreyn, i can install nothing at moment i see that dependency issue [06:49] linuxlove: then run: sudo /bin/true; pastebinit <( sudo apt-get update 2>&1; echo; echo '*****'; echo; sudo apt-get -f install 2>&1; echo; echo '*****'; echo; apt-cache policy 2>&1 ) [06:49] maybe it's already installed [06:49] if not, we can try this: [06:49] linuxlove: then run: sudo /bin/true; nc termbin.com 9999 <( sudo apt-get update 2>&1; echo; echo '*****'; echo; sudo apt-get -f install 2>&1; echo; echo '*****'; echo; apt-cache policy 2>&1 ) [06:50] tomreyn, nc: getaddrinfo: Servname not supported for ai_socktype [06:51] linuxlove: so pastebinit is not installed? pastebinit -v [06:52] tomreyn, command not found: pastebinit [06:53] tomreyn, i think i got this problem when i installed this libgssapi-krb5-2_1.15.1-2_amd64.deb [06:53] linuxlove: how did you instlal it? [06:53] linuxlove, are you actually using kerberos? [06:53] with dpkg -i [06:53] rfm, no [06:54] i just wanted to install postgresql 9.6 [06:54] and i got this problems [06:54] linuxlove: that's usually not a good idea unless you have verified it's the right package version to use for your ubuntu release, and it comes from a trusted source. [06:54] tomreyn, what should i do now to fix and remove that [06:55] check the package versions listed on your error message at https://www.paste.org/95185 against https://packages.ubutnu.com [06:56] make sure these are all package versions of ubuntu xenial. [06:56] if they aren't, downgrade them. [06:56] tomreyn, how can i remove that completely ? [06:58] linuxlove: so installing a version of libgssapi-krb5-2 manually, whiuch is not for ubuntu 16.04, is indeed the problem [06:59] linuxlove: you need to downgrade it: sudo apt-get install libgssapi-krb5-2=1.13.2+dfsg-5 [07:00] i cant install that [07:00] linuxlove: whats the error message? [07:00] because i get that dependency error [07:00] https://www.paste.org/95185 [07:01] linuxlove: that'S the same paste as previously [07:01] yesss [07:01] hi all [07:01] linuxlove: i doubt the output is identical for the above command [07:01] i get this for everything that i wanna install [07:02] did you actually run the command i posted? sudo apt-get install libgssapi-krb5-2=1.13.2+dfsg-5 [07:02] tomreyn, let me see you [07:03] tomreyn, https://www.paste.org/95186 [07:03] ANAND: have a look at /var/log/syslog* (there are multiple files. the one without a number is the latest, thse .1 is the last but one. the higher the number the older it is) [07:04] ANAND: i dont think there's any situation where you need twice as much swap storage as you have ram [07:04] Will do [07:04] Hmm... I've seen a couple of websites suggesting that [07:04] the double the RAM for swap thing... [07:05] linuxlove: sudo apt-get install libgssapi-krb5-2=1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2 [07:05] ANAND: do they explain why? [07:06] tomreyn, it is in process [07:06] anand, the 2x ram was an old guideline for Solaris. for some reason people cling to it... [07:07] ANAND, even on solaris it was just to make sure there was enough room to store a kernel panic dump.... [07:07] Ah I see [07:07] tomreyn, https://www.paste.org/95187 [07:09] linuxlove: this is a network issue now. your computer failed to connect to can you reach it at all? ping -c 5 [07:10] tomreyn, i can download with browser [07:10] and i have ping [07:10] can i install it with dpkg -i ? [07:11] linuxlove: yes, but you need to make apt work, too [07:11] how can i make it to work while i have ping [07:12] if you cant install updates through apt then we have not achieved much. also downloading packages manually and instaling them via dpkg makes you loose the ability to verify their authenticity. === Half-Word is now known as HalfWord [07:13] maybe just retry the latest apt command a few times. [07:13] do you have a proxy server there which may get in the way? [07:14] tomreyn: Here's a paste https://pastebin.com/MUjQ07h4. [07:14] Hope it's the right one. Would you be able to take a look? [07:15] ANAND: i think a swap partition the size of your ram (maybe slightly larger, in case your RAM is all full by the time you suspend) is sufficient. and if you dont suspend to disk you actually need much less than that. [07:16] Hibernation is my issue [07:16] tomreyn, there??? [07:17] i could solve network problem [07:17] tomreyn, https://www.paste.org/95188 [07:18] what should i do now ? [07:21] ANAND: it looks like it returns from suspend before it actually reaches it. but i'm not good atz diagnosing suspend, i'm afraid. i never use it. [07:21] Hi, I'm working with a headless remote box and I would like to start X(xfce) via systemd as a specific user. Please advise. :) [07:21] tomreyn, did you see that error i sent ? [07:23] linuxlove: yes. let's try this: sudo purge libgssapi-krb5-2:amd64 libgssapi-krb5-2:i386; sudo apt-get install libgssapi-krb5-2=1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2 [07:23] linuxlove: yes. let's try this: sudo dpkg --purge libgssapi-krb5-2:amd64 libgssapi-krb5-2:i386; sudo apt-get install libgssapi-krb5-2=1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2 [07:23] the latter [07:24] tomreyn, https://www.paste.org/95188 [07:25] tomreyn, sorry [07:25] linuxlovethat's not the series of commands i asked you to run last. [07:26] tomreyn, https://www.paste.org/95189 === spiritwalker_ is now known as spiritwalker [07:29] tomreyn, [07:29] there [07:29] !patience | linuxlove [07:29] linuxlove: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [07:29] linuxlove: i'm not sure this works but it's worth a try and does no real harm: sudo rm /usr/share/doc/libgssapi-krb5-2/copyright; sudo apt-get install libgssapi-krb5-2=1.13.2+dfsg-5ubuntu2 [07:30] tomreyn, solved [07:30] linuxlove: can you show the output [07:32] tomreyn, i did apt upgrade after that [07:32] and it is in process [07:32] yes you lack patience [07:34] tomreyn, https://www.paste.org/95190 [07:35] tomreyn, should i cancel upgrade i let it to continue ? [07:35] or^^ [07:35] linuxlove: keep it going [07:35] tomreyn, okay [07:36] tomreyn, it is fixed now? [07:36] linuxlove: if apt was happy before you manually installed an unsuitable package, then it should be. [07:37] !latest | some general recommendation, since you wanted the latest postgresql version [07:37] some general recommendation, since you wanted the latest postgresql version: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [07:37] tomreyn, :-) === capella is now known as capella|away [07:38] tomreyn, and while i need to postgres 9.6 [07:38] what should i do ? [07:38] i can have it after upgrade ? [07:39] 1 [07:39] linuxlove: why do you need the latest? [07:39] :1 [07:40] aeolyus: keyboard issues? [07:40] tomreyn, i need connectivity from my web application and i got an error when i search for that i found out it is because i dont have latest [07:40] tomreyn: yeah sorry accidental presses [07:41] aeolyus: np ;) [07:41] linuxlove: which web application is this? [07:42] tomreyn, vapor [07:42] swift [07:43] linuxlove: postgresql 10 is the latest stable and it's better than 9.6. Why do you want to install 9.6? [07:44] zfer, im okay with 10 [07:44] zfer, do you have any reference for installing that stability [07:44] ? [07:44] I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 dekstop. I'd like to get completely rid of snap. Can I safely uninstall snapd (sudo apt purge snapd ; sudo apt autormove)? I can see (snap list) that a few apps are installed, including gnome-3-26-1604 which seems pretty important. Can these be installed as traditional deb packages? [07:44] linuxlove: i'd double check you really need such recent postgresql versions. if you do, you can use this apt reporsitory instead: https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/ [07:46] Zta77: i don't know, but suspect not. removing this snap without a replacement is indeed not a good idea, i gave that a try and parts of the ubuntu desktop did not appreciate it. [07:46] linuxlove: I'm using it since about 1 year and I'ven't any stabily or reability issues. [07:46] I'm using PostgreSQL since when its name was "Postgres", more than 20 years ago. [07:47] zfer, oh [07:47] Server apps , database apps don't need to be upgraded untill the package meet some critical issue , as of now postgresql 9.x has not meet any critical issue [07:47] thanks [07:49] zfer: while i don'T doubt what you're saying, postgresql 10 working fine for you, we usually recommend to use ubuntu packages around here primarily (not the !latest factoid above). [07:49] You can choose any one of these 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.6, 10, 11devel ( 11 devel build is not for production ) for postgreSQL [07:51] especially for people not so much into ubuntu, yet, sticking to the versions (and the security support policies) within ubuntu can make a lot of sense. [07:53] . [07:54] i have a program, WriteMonkey3, and it has no installer it's just a zipped folder you put where you want. it has an executable 'nw' and icons for it. how do i make a shortcut? that uses their icon... thanks [07:57] jk_a: https://developer.gnome.org/integration-guide/stable/desktop-files.html.en [07:57] tomreyn: many thanks! [07:59] tomreyn: I also suspect that removing snap will be a bumpy road. But I really hate it, so I might take that route. [08:01] Zta77: not a good idea while you run gnome. if you dont, it's probably not a problem - i guess(!) [08:05] ubuntu = gnome, isn't it? I could kill X and perhaps do my surgery in the terminal. [08:08] tomreyn: worked perfect, thanks again. [08:11] jk_a: you're welcome [08:12] Zta77: by default, ubuntu uses gnome, yes. the other common desktops are available, too, though. [08:13] ^ the above statement refers to ubuntu 18.04, 14.04 and 16.04 use the unity dekstop by default. [08:33] hey guys [08:33] can i reconfirm my understanding of permissions and ownership? [08:35] if a directory has 777 permissions set, belongs to userA:userA, userB who belongs to userA group would also be able to rwx the directory right? [08:35] !permissions [08:35] An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions [08:36] i mean.. ive read it, and this is my understanding. Did i get it right? [08:38] 777 means that anyone can do whatever they want, they dont need to be the owner or group [08:44] Hi, I'm working with a headless remote box and I would like to start X(xfce) via systemd as a specific user. Help? [08:45] is it is headless why you want a gui on it ? [08:46] remote desktop [08:47] piousminion: you'll only be greeted with error(s) [08:48] piousminion: GUI was a afterthought and ideally you should have configured it from the beginning or initially [08:51] I'm unsure how to debug this. https://ghostbin.com/paste/cmhyp could someone shed some light? [08:52] to whom belongs jetpack_debug.log ? [08:52] the log file has 666 permissions by default.. [08:52] and get out of the removed folder (cd ..) [08:53] you cnahge its mode only if you are the owner [08:53] tomreyn: about PostgreSQL I understand that it's hard to stay on the edge, but usually when a bug is found, the patch is released for any version that has not reached the End-Of-Life. Then on any Linux or BSD distribution is the same effort to support the latest or the previous version. PostgreSQL has many test programs that makes any new release more solid than previous one. There are very few bugs in latest release (for example 10) tha [08:53] t are not bug in previous versions. [08:54] Not sure what you mean by the removed folder [08:54] hell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory [08:54] means the folder you are in , doesnt exist anymore [08:55] FortKnight: How exactly do I configure the GUI to start as a specific user, initially? Further, "you'll only be greeted with errors" is not helpful. Especially since you have no clue what I'm doing. [08:56] gpunk: it's an installer script I got from Nvidia..didnt have problems before, only appeared when I decided to create a new user to handle nvidia related stuff [08:57] this problem only appeared*. [08:57] did you run it as root? [08:57] dosent llot me to run as root [08:57] allow [08:58] piousminion: you can use SSH to access it correct? yes or no...then its YOU who has no idea what you are doing [08:59] sorry to burst you little bubble [08:59] FortKnight: Of course I can access SSH. How can you claim I don't know what I'm doing when I haven't conveyed to you what it is? lol [09:00] I'm not your standard ubuntard. I just happen to have to deal with this server and wish to manage it the preferred Ubuntu way. Do you always assault people who come in here? [09:00] good luck with that [09:02] I can make this work any number of ways. I came here asking for the "ubuntu way" to do it so others who come after me have an easier time. Christ. [09:03] so you're really trying to help someone else.....but you need help, helping others??? [09:04] I'm doing this for a friend who doesn't know how. I know how, but I'm unclear as to the "ubuntu way". [09:06] lol..imagine getting a call from a friend that needs a ride, neither has a car/automobile, so like a domino effect the calls continue to friends that don't own automobiles [09:06] I just asked here and basically got "Nope, Won't work. Give up." lol [09:06] piousminion: an XFCE desktop environment is something like a face to the system. You can interact with the system through the face, asking it to do stuff etc etc. You'd need the head to have a face. A headless server kind of dosent have a head for a face to be installed. [09:07] Ah, thanks tomreyn. Is it possible to diagnose the issue in any way? Sorry for the late reply btw, work got in the way... === SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost [09:07] eraserpencil: Are you trying to claim that servers in a datacenter DON'T have remote desktop with a full blown GUI? [09:08] eraserpencil: If you unplug your monitor, X keeps running "magically". :P [09:08] i should think they dont have a full blown gui..most respectable data center engineers would just work with the command line..without a need for gui [09:09] eraserpencil: "respectable", sure, but many are not and have a full blown gui. :P [09:09] i.e. windows server users [09:10] servers in a data center could have iLO/iDRAC or other oob functionality..unlike your consumer/home computers [09:10] so that's rather N/A [09:12] either how, piousminion. you first need to get head for a face to be installed on. a quick trip to your best friend would show https://itstillworks.com/install-desktop-ubuntu-server-6780086.html that might point you in the right direction. [09:12] let your friend get help (if and when needed) themselves directly [09:12] I'll be running X with the libvnc.so extension from tigervnc. I'd like to start X(startx,etc) as a specific user on boot, the ubuntu way. If I have to make a custom systemd unit, so be it. I'm just asking. === Class7_ is now known as Class7 [09:13] eraserpencil: This server resides in a datacenter in another country. I have SSH access. There will never be a head. [09:13] so just configure the vnc to export the X server [09:13] or ssh with -X? [09:14] anyway, i havae my own problems to solve. have fun [09:14] FortKnight: Again, that doesn't help me accomplish my task. This is the second time you've attempted to discourage a user in this channel from doing what they came to ask about. [09:15] eraserpencil: What you suggest is what I asked, specifically. [09:15] does that mean he answer your question and you're done? [09:16] When someone asks how to install firefox, do you tell them that "you'll get errors" and "have your friend ask"? [09:16] no [09:16] He stated that I should try the thing I asked how to do. lol [09:16] #ubuntu has a history of being the most unhelpful channel on any network, but this still somehow suprises me. [09:17] try x11vnc. Not sure what magic they cast, but worked quite seamlessly for me without much tinkering. [09:17] only if your friend was able to trade friends and swap you out for eraserpencil [09:17] trace/swap [09:18] My request: How do I start X, via systemd, as a specified user? [09:19] The replies have no even attempted to touch the topic. lol [09:19] piousminion: xinit -- vt{foo} [09:20] where foo is the vt number you want to start on [09:20] mouses: that actually approaches my question. What is the "ubuntu way" of doing that with systemd? [09:21] piousminion: a easier way to approach this = why does this user *not* default to a GUI login? [09:22] mouses: I don't wish to require a login. [09:22] ummmmm [09:22] piousminion: so you want gdm to take over? [09:23] mouses: I wish to start X, without login, as a user, via systemd. No Lightdm, no gdm. [09:23] oh hell lol [09:24] that should be default behavior [09:24] is this some virtual machine / KVM stuff? [09:25] I believe starting lightdm(which autologs-in) is default behavior. I don't want lightdm to run. [09:25] No. This is bare metal. [09:25] As time goes, I'm starting to think there is no "ubuntu way". heh [09:29] mouses: thank you for trying to be helpful. It is a VERY welcome change. :) [09:31] autologin=security risk [09:34] kernel-3xp: The possibility of someone walking into the datacenter with a monitor and getting all my videos game saves isn't of grave concern. heh [09:34] piousminion: hmmm [09:34] lol anything is possible [09:34] :P [09:35] piousminion: no problem re: helpful, but you have a very specific use case here [09:35] mouses: I'm seeing that. I'll just whip up a unit file to do what I want. I just like doing things the proper way if possible. thanks again. :) [09:41] hello all, how can I find a list of process working on ubuntu [09:42] ps aux? [09:44] hi all, how to install git without all these dependencies please: ca-certificates git git-man krb5-locales less libasn1-8-heimdal libbsd0 libcurl3-gnutls libedit2 liberror-perl libexpat1 libgdbm3 libgssapi-krb5-2 libgssapi3-heimdal [09:44] libhcrypto4-heimdal libheimbase1-heimdal libheimntlm0-heimdal libhx509-5-heimdal libidn2-0 libk5crypto3 libkeyutils1 libkrb5-26-heimdal libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0 [09:44] libldap-2.4-2 libldap-common libperl5.26 libpsl5 libroken18-heimdal librtmp1 libsasl2-2 libsasl2-modules libsasl2-modules-db libssl1.0.0 libunistring0 libwind0-heimdal [09:44] libx11-6 libx11-data libxau6 libxcb1 libxdmcp6 libxext6 libxmuu1 multiarch-support netbase openssh-client openssl patch perl perl-modules-5.26 publicsuffix xauth [09:45] sorry i didn't expect the list to be so long that it would span over several lines, would have done a paste if i knew [09:45] that s what git depends on, sorry [09:45] krb5-locales ?? [09:45] how did you try to install it ? [09:45] libx11-6 ? [09:45] with apt in a ubuntu:artful container [09:46] !artful [09:46] Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) was the 27th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 19th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-security-announce/2018-July/004483.html [09:46] ok, i can use the version you want, no problem [09:47] still the same list of dependencies, 102MB to make a git checkout .. is there really no other way ? [09:47] if oxu think it's about pleasing us, then you misread the message [09:48] just want to use the version you want to support [09:48] is a 102 MB download much to you? [09:49] tomreyn: the built image will be sent over from a server to another [09:49] maybe you want a local apt mirror [09:50] that's not helpful for container based pipelines [09:50] i just installs it once, but then will copy the rootfs from a server to another [09:50] it will **not** replay the install [09:51] so you rule out security updates as part of your deployment? [09:51] tomreyn: we build immutable containers [09:51] we don't update, we rebuild, redeploy over, it's always clean and up to date [09:52] okay, so make sure that what you redeploy from is up to date. it wasnt in this case [09:52] i just had to change the name of the parent container in my Dockerfile from ubuntu:artful to ubuntu:18.10 and that's it [09:52] then git push and the pipeline will build the image once, then run tests in it and deploy it on a server [09:52] ubuntu 18.10 is not released, yet [09:52] !ubuntu+1 [09:52] Cosmic Cuttlefish is the codename for Ubuntu 18.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 [09:52] my bad [09:55] How can I enable the laptop keyboard when 18.04 LTS returns from hybernation? [09:55] so, you're telling me that every people who want to do a git clone in a docker container actually installs X11 in it without even noticing ? xD [09:57] zfer: reboot [09:59] zfer: or simply turn it off when you're done using it, and turn it back on when there is a computational task at hand [10:00] FortKnight: That is what I'm already doing. There is not any more useful option? [10:01] Hibernation was working well with 16.04 LTS [10:01] but during upgrade something failed. [10:01] is_null: you can always purge and autoremove stuff from your image you don't need right... (keep in mind not simply adding layers) [10:04] TvL2386: they preferred to remain ignorant and left [10:05] tomreyn: oh lol, I didn't notice ^^ [10:05] 'Morniog folks [10:05] o/ [10:09] 'Morning folks [10:43] BluesKaj: Morning [10:44] Hi outoftime [10:46] Is it possible to get nano to auto match {},<> and []? Im running 3.1. [10:59] nicholasBPM: offtopic: use vim [11:37] is adduser / deluser safe against race conditions? is it safe to execute multiple instances of adduser & deluser simultaneously ? [11:38] hans__, it *should* be safe, depends on how 'simultaneously' though to some degree I figure [11:39] hans__, Did you stumble upon or otherwise find some glitch? [11:40] JimBuntu, no, just considering making a system that may run several instances of adduser & deluser simultaneously, and if they weren't implemented with caution, there may be racing condition bugs in them, i don't know [11:42] (if they all run a flock("/etc/passwd",LOCK_EX) or similar while doing their stuff, i guess it's all safe) [11:53] you can douwnload to sources and do a grep on them for that function [12:03] hmm, seems /usr/sbin/adduser doesn't use any locking of any kind [12:03] it's a perl script [12:04] oh damn, nvm [12:04] was sshe'ed to a Debian system, sorry [12:05] hmm, same with ubuntu 18.04, it's a perl script (probably debian's), seemingly without any locking of any kind [12:07] hans__: it's "just" a wrapper around useradd though, shouldn't do any writing of the files in /etc itself [12:10] avu, kay, but then it seems there's a race condition between line 507 `$new_uid = &first_avail_uid($first_uid,$last_uid); ` and line 558 at `&systemcall($useradd, '--extrausers', '-d', $home_dir, '-g', $ingroup_name, '-s', $shell, '-u', $new_uid, $new_name);` - https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/jyMZFNOHJFEq99dqlG4X0A/raw?password=1mmA51rjwwpNh8wWWmif [12:10] $new_uid may not be available anymore by line 558 [12:11] even tho it was available at line 507 [12:11] hans__: which would then cause useradd to fail, yes, shouldn't put the system in an incosistent state at least [12:12] hans__: re-using uids is complicated and error prone in any case [12:13] hans__: which is why system users are usually never deleted and why systemd recently went through all that effort to get their DynamicUser stuff to work safely [12:16] haven't heard of that, but i'll check it out [12:16] hans__: http://0pointer.net/blog/dynamic-users-with-systemd.html === semeion is now known as mnemonic === kukacz_ is now known as kukacz [13:18] muy buen dia === Half-Word is now known as HalfWord [13:23] Hi somebody here ? [13:25] I need help with my wifi in ubuntu 18.04 RTL8723BE [13:25] haroldv22: Hello, there are many people here. Welcome to the Ubuntu Community Support IRC Channel. If you have a support question, please feel free to ask at any time. Try to keep you question in a single line if possible. If posting extra system information please use paste.ubuntu.com. If you would like to chat about Ubuntu and computers, please see our #ubuntu-offtopic for general conversation. [13:29] I have a problem with my wireless connection 4.15.0-34-generic my card is RTL8723BE [13:29] my kernel version 4.15.0-34-generic [13:31] haroldv22: be more specific what is problem [13:31] haroldv22: has wifi ever worked? yes or no [13:32] my problem is that my wireless card not work [13:35] haroldv22: can you give us 'lspci -knn | grep Net -A3 | nc termbin.com 9999' [13:37] haroldv22: you need to check these all , is your card somehow soft/hard blocked , if yes than unblock , if not than check is the driver and firmware is working well and loaded properly ... than will tell you further [13:37] hello I need you to unlock me: what do you usually choose as a username when installing ubuntu-server, knowing that the said server is going to be operated by multiple people [13:38] guardian: that's not a support question. [13:38] oh, what's a good place to ask then? [13:38] guardian: feel free to use whatever you want. Or go to #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss random usernames [13:38] will try in #ubuntu-offtopic [13:38] haroldv22: i assume you got wired connection [13:38] I doubt #whateveriwant will get me really far :) [13:40] yes @ForktKnight has worked [13:43] haroldv22: can you give us 'lspci -knn | grep Net -A3 | nc termbin.com 9999' [13:43] I just builded my own deb-package and added it to the server via reprepro includedeb. I can download current version, but how to download specific version of my deb-package? [13:44] 'apt-get download package-name=version' doesn't work [13:45] @ledeni http://termbin.com/pvud [13:47] haroldv22: run --> sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf <<< "options rtl8723be ant_sel=1" & reboot [13:48] don't modprob with out confiming blcok or not [13:48] rfkill list all [13:48] check this first [13:49] haroldv22: confim whether it is blocked or not by sudo rfkill list all [13:49] ok [13:50] wait that i am working with the suggest to @ledeni [13:50] haroldv22 antsel tag will be removed with every kernel upgradation , [13:51] haroldv22 : trying to kmodeprob without confiming block may cause few more issues : careful [13:52] Hi... I was running 16.04 on a Dell Inspiron laptop. After the system developed a self-inflicted problem I decided to upgrade to 18.04 from DVD. Not wanting to lose my 16.04 file system, despite having it well backed up, I chose to partition my SSD. Now I can dual boot between 16.04 (on partition 2) and 18.04 (on partition 5). My question is how I do I set the default boot to partition 5? Currently I have have to boot from legacy [13:54] heshg: edit /etc/default/grub from the grub that's being booted and set the GRUB_DEFAULT to the entry that points to it [13:55] @ledeni this command 'sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf this wainting' is waiting [13:55] heshg, or sudo grub-install when you're on the partition 5 OS, then sudo update-grub [13:55] heshg: grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg should list the entries, you'll need to take what's inside the first ' ' [13:56] heshg: actually do what BluesKaj said [13:57] haroldv22: run ' sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf <<< "options rtl8723be ant_sel=1" ' [13:58] ok @ledeni sorry [13:58] ok @ledeni ready [13:58] haroldv22: reboot [13:58] reboot my system ? [13:58] yes [13:58] ok [14:01] is it possible to install nvidia drivers, cuda etc, without an X server? [14:03] guardian: try it [14:04] failing at it right now [14:04] nvidia-smi tells me it can't communicate with the driver [14:05] guardian: you can install them without X server , or before installation you can stop X server , read the manual at Nvidia CUDA forum section etc [14:06] guardian: you will get proper answers with example at NVIDIA DEVTALKS for your query [14:06] what's devtalks? [14:07] Nvidia official support = NVIDIA DEVTALKS [14:07] guardian: You may have figured out your answer via your own personal experience just now [14:07] thank you === capella|away is now known as capella [14:11] @ledeni your suggest do not work me :( [14:12] haroldv22: please try --> sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf <<< "options rtl8723be ant_sel=2" [14:13] haroldv22: already loaded driver or modules do not reqiure to use modeprobe and an_sel tag is for signal boosting [14:13] reference read lary own notes ( who responsible for RTL devices driver development for linux kernel ) [14:14] nisankhindia: he is offline [14:22] @ledeni do not work :( [14:23] haroldv22: you have mentioned nothing about whether your card is blocked or not , even though you have failed to mention any details to larry finger too , ( ISSSUE ID 402 ) [14:23] Apparently https://launchpad.net/indicator-multiload is buggy on ubuntu 18, does anyone know an alternative program that allows me to see the CPU usage in my activities bar? [14:23] haroldv22: 🙁 [14:25] haroldv22: just mentioned what procedure you have followed from ask ubuntu and , You have not diagnosed properly about your network card ... configuration and its current state [14:26] hi, so i'm trying to understand my new output from 'resolvectl status' in ubuntu 18.10. i now get: https://gist.github.com/banister/88fa515493612260e6db03d6b5ebfc01 which includes a ~. in domains but in ubuntu 18.04 i didn't have the ~. in domains it just had localdomain, anyone know what the difference is? [14:27] !ubuntu+1 | banisterfiend [14:27] banisterfiend: Cosmic Cuttlefish is the codename for Ubuntu 18.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 [14:27] banisterfiend: Are you actually using Ubuntu 18.10? It hasn't been officially released yet [14:28] hi all ! ferw days ago I did uninstalled the play on linux and played a bit with wine directly. After a few while I did noticed that pressing the flag key on keyboard and entering android, it shows the icon and clicking on that icon does not launch that program anymore === Foxhoundz is now known as BenderRodriguez [14:28] @pragmaticenigma yeah i'm playing with it in a vm [14:28] banisterfiend: Okay ... please ask in #ubuntu+1 [14:28] Ubuntu [14:28] I need help [14:28] please [14:28] Yesterday i was able to make it run again by using sudo snap remove android-studio and sudo snap install android-studio --classic [14:28] My mouse is so slow [14:28] !ask | BenderRodriguez [14:28] BenderRodriguez: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [14:29] the mouse option screen has no way to change the acceleration/sensitivty settings [14:29] which in my opinion is absurd [14:29] Actually [14:30] It's the mouse scroll that I'm having a problem with -- there's no option in ubuntu to change this [14:30] and xinput doesn't seem to have this option either [14:32] bu tnow just tried again snap remove and snap install solution / thought was a solution ... and not wortking... [14:33] and in idea.log nothing shown from yesterday 17:49 pm [14:35] no @nisankhindia how i do that ? [14:35] any ideas on this issue? [14:35] what's the best way to set DNS domain in ubuntu without using the crazy 'busctl' syntax? [14:36] banisterfiend: what version of Ubuntu are you on? [14:36] pragmaticenigma 18.04 [14:36] pragmaticenigma i currently have an extra "~." in my DNS Domains, and i just want to rmove it [14:36] @ledeni what more I should test ? [14:36] banisterfiend: I don't know what that means, I'm not familiar with the "~." syntax [14:37] so I installed ubuntu server. First time I logged in I tried sudo -i and at that point it takes a while before prompting for the root password. It prints a cloud-init message [14:37] pragmaticenigma so my DNS Domain: section looks like this: "~. followed by localdomain" [14:37] why is it so? [14:37] but i just want it to have "localdomain" there [14:39] haroldv22: first tell me what is the issue , like wifi not connects , or disconnect frequently ?? when it was happend ?? from the begining or after updating kernel etc etc [14:39] banisterfiend: Why the requirement of busctl for editing dns settings? I've never seen that used before [14:39] @pragmaticenigma i'm saying i prefer not to us busctl :) [14:40] guardian: for ubuntu server issues we have a nice #ubuntu-server channel if you want [14:40] my card wireless only appaers disabled nisankhindia [14:40] banisterfiend: I'm trying to understand the issue better. I'm not familiar with busctl so I'm not certain on where it is making its edits to your system [14:41] banisterfiend: what exactly do you hope to ultimately achieve by DNS setting/ domain setting? [14:41] banisterfiend: so far, what you have described sounds more like something I would expect to find in the /etc/hosts file, but I'm not certain [14:41] haroldv22: you have been avoiding giving usefull infor for an hour now...nobody can help you this way [14:41] !details | haroldv22 [14:41] haroldv22: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [14:42] FortKnight ok. I noticed that i am getting dns leaks on one of my ubuntu systems but not the other one. The only difference in dns configuration is that one has an extra "~." domain under DNS Domains: but the other one does not. So i would like to try to remove the "~." domain and leave it only with "localdomain" to see if that resolves the leak [14:43] what is snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be ? [14:43] banisterfiend: is it merely "cosmetic" removal of a hyphen?...because that isn't actually impacting your use of the internet and can be ignored [14:43] how should I fix it please [14:43] cannot start an app [14:43] FortKnight what do you mean? the "~" is not a hyphen, it's used as a wildcard in dns [14:44] FortKnight i have a feeling the use of this ~ dns wildcard is causing this interface dns to match domains that it should not, and results in the leaks [14:44] ace_me: try "systemctl status apparmor" [14:44] banisterfiend: In 18.04 (at least from a fresh install) install dnsmasq as a local caching DNS server. The machine is setup to use the local caching DNS to speed up repeat requests. Are you sure that isn't the behavior you are seeing? [14:46] lotus|NUC: thank you [14:46] banisterfiend: i'm sitting far from my screen ...looked like a hyphen at first glance to me from a distance [14:47] haroldv22: provide few information , run command s and show us the output .. commands dmesg , lspci -nn | grep -i network , sudo rfkill list all [14:47] EriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jvDMjhTVYN/ [14:48] haroldv22: 'grep rtl8723be /etc/modprobe.d/* | nc termbin.com 9999' [14:49] ubottu: on Friday I had Ubuntu 16.04 and updated to 18.04, but my wireless card worked stayed in version 16.04, now in this version 18.04 do not work [14:49] haroldv22: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [14:49] ace_me: type 'sudo systemctl start apparmor' then try the snap again [14:49] ubottu, 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter [10ec:b723] [14:49] haroldv22: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [14:50] ok [14:50] xd [14:50] jejejje [14:50] nisankhindia, on Friday I had Ubuntu 16.04 and updated to 18.04, but my wireless card worked stayed in version 16.04, now in this version 18.04 do not work [14:50] nisankhindia, 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter [10ec:b723] [14:50] banisterfiend: So some of my attempts here are to make sure that the local caching feature isn't to blame. Also, if it is enabled, there is a different method to updating your configured DNS settings. Could you post the command that you use with busctl so I can replicate? [14:51] haroldv22: 'sudo rfkill list all | nc termbin.com 9999' [14:51] @pragmaticenigma sec bro, just trying something [14:51] the command is also HUGE [14:52] EriC^^: thank you very much. I did stopped apparmor few days ago as I had issues with some docker containers and seen it was working without it... not thinking that if apparmor is disabled the android will not start [14:52] now works [14:52] ace_me: great, no problem :) [14:53] haroldv22: if after an update of kernel your network card stoped working or wifi stopped working than you need to follow these things , check whether upgradation causes a block somehow if yes than unblock the device , than identify the hardware and check whether it needs a driver reinstallation or upgradation from the source / repo . and than you need to follow few more steps , But here i am sorry you are not [14:53] providing any worthy information to point out what is the reason behind your issue [14:53] need to understand better apparmor... [14:57] hi all, quick question, when i used the installer GUI/setup to create my user profile it created a bunch of prefab directories in the users home directory: Pictures, Desktop, Documents, etc... but when i go to create new directories in the file explorer, then do an "ls -al" in the shell it's showing quotes around them for example a mkdir Virtual Machines becomes 'Virtual Machines' when i ls -al [14:57] wh is this? [14:57] anyone know? === tsglove is now known as Guest81098 [14:58] wtflux--: you're doing right click > new folder in the gui FM ? [14:58] yes [14:58] wtflux--: The single quotes are to identify that the folder or file name has spaces [14:59] ok so even if i do a mkdir in shell it will still have quotes around it? [14:59] wtflux--: to help with copy|paste ... the ls command was compiled to default to showing the quotes [14:59] ls does not show single quotes for spaced dirs for me pragmaticenigma [14:59] ah, that makes sense [15:00] wtflux--: which ubuntu version are you using? [15:00] pragmaticenigma, ok thanks, yeah even dirs created via shell (w/ spaces) are doing this too [15:00] EriC^^: Mine does... are you using ll or ls? [15:00] im using ls [15:00] 18.04.1 [15:01] wtflux--: If you add -N option to ls... it turns off the quotes [15:01] perfect thanks for that tip [15:02] anyone running gnome on bionic? [15:02] wtflux--: to make it permanent, you can edit the alias' in you user ~/.bashrc profile [15:02] trying to get a bug confirmation [15:02] according to the man page ls will print "entry names without quoting" using the -N option as you advised, so to me that says that by default the ls program is quoting any dir with spaces [15:03] pragmaticenigma, i might just do that, i've never done an alias before. [15:03] wtflux--: The developer group that works on "ls" has always added quotes to files with special characters. Ubuntu developers aliased it by default to run with the -N option. In the latest release they decided to stop doing that [15:04] wtflux--: ... actually I think it was a decision by the Debian group ... I don't know if I can find the support thread on the topic [15:04] Oh i actually dont mind it i just didnt know if the quotes meant that my directories were special (user created) versus the other dirs that were system created, or what ya know? [15:04] !ask | ntd [15:04] ntd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [15:04] cause it just so happens that all my user created dirs happened to have spaces in them (which i didnt even consider) and the other sys dirs did not [15:05] wtflux--: in ~/.bashrc you will see examples... make sure to add yours at the very bottom/end of the file. otherwise it may get overwritten by other steps. [15:05] wtflux--: or "man alias" always helpful too [15:05] i'm trying to get a bug verified. anyone running gnome on bionic and mind spending 30 seconds on confirming a bug before i take it further? [15:05] ok didnt know alias had a man page i'll start there. i've grown fond of the man pages in my years as a linux newb [15:06] ntd: Can you explain your bug, upfront, what it is you'd like someone to test please? People are often wary of "can someone test something for me, not going to tell anyone until I have a volunteer" [15:07] half of the built-in (as in included) gnome shell extensions are not working [15:07] so, i need yo to run "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/get/it" :P [15:07] ntd: not funny [15:09] ofc not. what i'm asking is: "run "gnome-tweaks", "extensions", enable "applications menu"" and/or "window list" [15:09] neither work, apparently, same goes for a few others [15:10] ntd: In wayland or X11 mode? [15:10] i'm running xorg [15:11] @pragmaticenigma turns out i was right, the wildcard domain in the standard interface was breaking things [15:11] i removed it by using: `sudo /usr/bin/busctl call org.freedesktop.resolve1 /org/freedesktop/resolve1 org.freedesktop.resolve1.Manager SetLinkDomains "ia(sb)" 2 1 localdomain false` [15:12] banisterfiend: cool... I've never used that utility before. Though I still wonder if that was setup for DNSMasq as a local caching instance [15:12] banisterfiend: How would I determine if my machine was setup that way? [15:19] ntd: Is it possible the extension has to be installed yet? [15:20] no, installed ones are listed [15:20] ntd: anything seen in xorg logs, syslog or anywhere? [15:20] nope [15:20] sounds like a bug to me, wish I had gnome to help you confirm :-( [15:21] hence me asking... [15:21] lotus|NUC: You still around? [15:23] pragmaticenigma type `resolvectl status` [15:23] and see what comes up under DNS domains for your standard interface [15:24] if it includes a "~." there then i guess you might leak dns too [15:24] wait, his issue is resolved not doing non-domain local hostnames? [15:24] known bug [15:24] switch to dnsmasq [15:24] bug/issue [15:25] he doesn't want the "feds" snooping his dns while he's using vpn [15:25] lol [15:25] sarcasm [15:25] you know those paranoid "privacy" types [15:27] FortKnight, not wanting local stuff being sent upstream is not paranoia [15:28] BluesKaj: Thanks for your reply. Running grub-install from partition 5 (18.04) system gives: Installing for i386-pc platform. [15:28] grub-install: error: install device isn't specified. Is 386 system right? I'm running x86_64. how to i find my install device options? [15:28] it is the diskyou wanna put grub on [15:29] usually the first one [15:30] gpunk: quick summary: 16.04 on partition 2, 18.04 on partition 5. want to default boot to 18.04 [15:31] both on /dev/sda ? [15:32] gpunk: yeah, both on sda (2 and 5) [15:32] run it from the 18.04 installation, it sould then default on it [15:34] gpunk: i did. and got the 386 system and missing install device msg [15:35] thenit didnt install it ,redo it and specify the disk [15:35] look at the manual grub-install --help [15:36] brb === gpunk is now known as gpunk-away === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [15:45] Hey folks. I'm looking for some suggestions or reassurance... I have a server that runs a service that uses pam.d for auth. Users on my team ssh into the server to set their password with /usr/bin/passwd. I'm trying to setup a chroot environment with sshd's chroot, but there are a huge number of dependencies for /usr/bin/passwd to recreate in the chroot. Is this a stupid road to go down, or is it reasonable to basically clone /etc/pa === gpunk-away is now known as gpunk === cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer [16:02] there is a directive in sshd.conf , have you seen it ? ChrootDirectory [16:14] gpunk: I'm using ChrootDirectory. I've created a chroot env that has basic requirements, but I'm running into a number of hurdles getting the passwd binary to work. It depends on a huge number of libs, modules, files, etc. I'm just wondering if there's an easier way to do this. === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [16:18] check this out please https://allanfeid.com/content/creating-chroot-jail-ssh-access [16:20] hi [16:20] wifi stopped working on my laptop after a suspend, and i wish i didnt have to reboot [16:21] ifconfig dont show my wlan0, but lspic shows my wifi device [16:21] iwconfig shows the wlan0 [16:21] do you have a mechanical swith for wifi/bt ? [16:21] i tried restarting NetworkManager [16:21] no [16:21] wait maybe [16:22] jwarren: why not just setup a container for each user if they each need their own environment? [16:22] there was acommand to see if a device is locked [16:22] rpkill, no, what was it? [16:23] rfkill [16:24] rfkill list or rfkill list all [16:24] do man rfkill [16:24] it s all there [16:25] 1 wlan phy0 unblocked unblocked [16:25] guess is not off? [16:25] leftyfb: I may be misunderstanding you. They only need to login to change their password, nothing else. An sshd chroot environment is the simplest solution, right? [16:25] heshg, sudo grub-install /dev/sdX , x being the letter designated to your partition5 [16:26] then sudo update-grub ...sorry for the mistake [16:28] jwarren: ok, then containers wouldn't make sense. Maybe a web interface of some sort? [16:28] jwarren: if your team ssh into server to "set their password" ...that suggests they already initially have a password [16:28] jwarren: correct? [16:29] FortKnight: In most situations, yes. If we create a new user they get a long random password generated in a file in their home directory readable by their user only. They use that to set their initial password. [16:30] jwarren: okay, and the logic behind or goal behind doing all this is to????? or for what??? [16:32] FortKnight: We have a web service that auths with pam and has no ability to set the password in the GUI. The goal is when we have a user that needs to reset their password (or create their first password) they can ssh into the machine and run passwd. Previously we haven't jailed users, but it's something we'd _like_ to do as an extra precaution. The jail I've setup works fairly well, but /usr/bin/passwd has a pretty long list of requ [16:33] FortKnight: So I'm trying to figure out if there's a better way to manage passwords in a jail. It seems a little complicated within the sshd provided jails. [16:35] jwarren: why not "centrally" manage user account passwords via LDAP/AD/Kerberos and call it a day? [16:35] jwarren: I suspect some of the complication is do to the fact that jails are intended to isolate from the system and your goal is to effectively punch a whole through that to allow a system change [16:35] FortKnight: I've been trying to avoid setting up AD, but maybe it's inevitable. [16:36] jwarren: unless you just insist on making life harder than it has to be [16:36] does 18.04 have auto-updates enabled by default on the server version? [16:36] pragmaticenigma: Just a small hole..... ;) [16:37] jwarren: seems you're doing a whole lot of work when you could just "centrally" manage password via LDAP/Kerberos [16:37] FortKnight I guess my biggest concern is my team doesn't have experience setting up and managing AD, but I have some experience in security testing so AD makes me a little nervous. [16:38] jwarren: LDAP, not AD [16:39] jwarren: the team doesn't need experience ...just one ..i guess what you could call "system administrator" or "system engineer"...the rest would be identical to what the team already knows how to do or is already doing [16:39] heshg: do you have only one hdd? [16:40] bin_bash: if any of the allowed origins in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades are enabled, then your system was configured to use auto-updates [16:40] pragmaticenigma: that wasn't the question. [16:40] the question is are they enabled by default [16:40] bin_bash: do you not have 18.04 in front of you? [16:40] I'm trying to determine if this is a problem with provisioning or if it's the expected behavior [16:40] bin_bash: and updates or upgrades? [16:40] bin_bash: updates have little/no effect [16:41] EriC^^: yes. one ssd. 16.04 on sda2 and 18.04 on sda5 [16:41] bin_bash: If you didn't configure it, and they're enabled, that answers your question [16:41] pragmaticenigma: no, it doesn't. this vm was provisioned. [16:41] so i'm asking if it's a problem with provisioning, or if it's expected to be enabled by default. [16:41] FortKnight: Thanks for the push, I'm going to go look into setting up LDAP. [16:42] bin_bash: you want to ask in #ubuntu-server. [16:42] nacc: thanks. [16:42] jwarren: no prob..i just hate to see you trying to break stones with your bare hands or a hammer instead of a jack hammer === xmetal_ is now known as xmetal [16:51] jwarren: got maybe an easier way [16:51] jwarren: set the shell for the users to /usr/bin/passwd [16:52] leftyfb: Ooooo, interesting. [16:52] jwarren: as soon as they login, it prompts to change their password [16:52] neat idea leftyfb !! [16:52] I just tested it and it seems to work fine [16:53] jwarren: though LDAP really is the proper way to do all this :) === SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk [17:32] i manually installed code blocks (sudo dpkg -i), and noticed some library dependency error, I later removed code blocks via apt remove. now I cant even install it from ubuntu's repo [17:33] when i attempt to launch the application it just hungs on the mouse, how can i view logs to see what happened on the back end [17:35] maybe /var/log/syslog [17:36] didi you do an apt update ? before trying to reinstall [17:36] i did [17:37] pi0: which release you are using ?? [17:38] pi0: provide us dpkg.log and your release version [17:38] 17 from their website [17:38] location of dpkg [17:39] pi0: run command cat /var/log/dpkg.log and uname -a and provide the info [17:39] give me a second [17:39] offtopic: tank you people for helping us and not having attitude. i/we appreciate it. (got a win10computer to factory reset and in the process of communicating to ##windows they are terrible) Bavent been able to dual boot. Took DAYS to figure out how to boot ubuntu from a usb. got the right site advice, finally, after others didnt work.) The culture here rocks. [17:39] Hi, I have been running lubuntu for months, now, everything running just perfectly. However, a few days ago, I had to test some router so plugged in a LAN cable into etnernet port and into router and used that. All good. Yesterday, decided to go back to wifi (which I have used without any problems for months) and it is now IMPOSSIBLE to get it to even see any wireless network, scan, etc. The LAN/Wired [17:40] connection seems to be forced by default and since the cable is not connected, it keeps telling me "not connected". [17:40] but it is completely impossible to go back to wifi, I am baffled. [17:40] I tried a number of things, like checking if driver for card is loaded, and it is [17:40] and also checked the rfkill witch and card is not blocked [17:41] I tried to uninstall NM to replace by connman but same result so back to NM now [17:41] I've searched on the net for some type of solution but coming up empty. [17:41] pi0: along with log details of cat /var/log/apt/term.log [17:42] there are a couple of hardware switches on this laptop to completely turn off the wifi card, but I have checked these and they are all in the "on" position, the wifi indicator also is "green" [17:43] give me a sec, getting info [17:43] any help would be really appreciated, at my wits end here [17:46] can u boot a live ubuntu usb key ? and see from there if everything is ok ? stef204 [17:49] stef204: did you checked your router configuration from router adminstrative login / access [17:49] stef204: i.e connect it to some other device and check the router configuration [17:49] npgm: probably but not sure what that would so since it has been working just great on that laptop. and nothing has "apparently" chnaged except having temporarily switched to LAN, but I'm willing to do it [17:50] nisankhindia: router is fine, no changes there either, can connect prefectly well with other laptop, phone, etc. [17:50] confirm your hadware is fine with a live usb key [17:50] let me see if i can find that key with ubuntu, that i had [17:50] yes [17:51] let me do that, hang on [17:53] stef204: try to provide your system network device details along with your router details ...and distribution release version etc [17:53] be right back [17:55] nisankhindia: I will, but looking for that usb key now, if i cannot find it i will use a Knoppix CD I guess, just to confirm wireless card still works [17:56] If you want take my life, I will die Make www.coursera.org down. SAVE THE WORLD. [17:56] found the key with lubuntu, I got luck, booting the usb now [17:56] laptop is Thinkpad T61 === SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL [18:01] I am new to IRC [18:02] I tried Pidgin and hexchat under ubuntu 16.04. [18:02] They both have no sound for new messages received. [18:02] gpunk: nisankhindia I am now connected to wireless, "connection established" using the live usb lubuntu [18:02] in hzxchat you can activate that [18:03] good, reboot your system and post your "dmesg" [18:03] I cannot browse or ping though, i don't really get why, but at least seem to be connected to wireless network, which would seem to indicate card works...? [18:04] I don't have the right ip address though, on the right gateway [18:07] the and the router itself is not seeing the machine, not connected, the laptop is "connected" to which is some kind of private ip [18:07] so that's wrong.... [18:08] stef204: your router details ?? [18:08] stef204: router brand , name etc [18:09] the router is fine believe me, I am connected to it right now with a different box, + my phone. [18:10] stef204: That isn't the reason you're being asked about your router [18:10] stef204 , i believe you but before coming to any conclusion we need to identify the devices and few others [18:11] OK, I switched the settings n wireless network in the live lubuntu from shared to DHCP automatic, let's see if it gives me an ip address [18:15] stef204: as you can see here https://ibb.co/bTH4we , we can switch routers to provide these kind of private ip address rather than public IP directly to clients , but to identify the real cause of the issue we need to identify all the devices and few more related things [18:17] doesn't work, "the access point was not found in the scan list" [18:17] i'll reboot the live cd one time to start fresh [18:19] It seems I found the way out [18:19] it's 16.04 LTS [18:19] by the way [18:19] hi all, im running ubuntu server 18.04.x (just downloaded and installed) in a virtual box environment and setup a nat network thru VBox with the wrong address (10.0.2.x/24) versus 10.2.1.x/24 which is the correct scheme for my DHCP... well DHCP seems to be offering an address on 10.0.2.x/24 anyways and i re-configured the nat settings in vbox to be 10.2.1.x/24 but dhclient wont issue a 10.2.1.x/24 address, it keeps saying it's [18:19] asking for one on 10.0.2.x/24 even though i've changed the settings [18:20] is there any way that dhclient has hard coded the initial 10.0.2.x/24 address request that i must change in a config file somewhere? [18:21] In Pidgin, I just have to tick "You talk in chat" and "Others talk in chat from the Sounds under preferences. [18:21] The final gotcha was that Pidgin differentiate message from a chat and from a buddy [18:22] wtflux--: You might want to ask your question in #vbox [18:24] wtflux--: This might also help? https://dbvisit.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/REPA12/pages/38141962/02+-+Set+up+NAT+network+in+Virtual+Box [18:24] wtflux--: it helps to have a good foundational understanding of networking before you go and try to do things with virtual machines and their respective virtual network configurations [18:27] wtflux--: a vm using NAT in vbox is NOT going to be on the same subnet as the "host" machine...hence why it's referred to as "nat" from the vbox perspective [18:28] wtflux--: so you probably need to back up, head back to the drawing board and give some thought to what you're trying to accomplish and why [18:28] nothing doing, I rebooted, reconfigured the wifi network [18:28] Oh, FortKnight you got the right idea... I thought the opposite was going on [18:28] the card (assuming it is working) does not see anything [18:29] checked if kernel module is loaded, it is [18:29] checked rfkill, not blocked [18:29] no idea what else to do, it looks like the laptop or kernel or something has blacklisted the card, so to speak [18:30] pragmaticenigma, FortKnight the ubuntu server pings the host machine just fine on nat, why not in the opposite direction? [18:30] the module is iwl4965 [18:30] according to your logic the VM shouldnt be able to ping the host then? [18:30] wtflux--: on the host do the following [18:30] which has been working for months up to a few days ago, so i have a hard time thinking the problem would be there [18:30] stef204: fiirst of all forget everything , just you are not able to access the netwrok using one router which u said you used perfectly in past , so now you need to just mention the both side network device information , like your router brand , name and your desktop/laptop network card details [18:30] wtflux--: sudo apt install sosreport [18:30] wtflux--: your current configuration, no the host machine through it's own termianl would not be able to ping the guest os [18:31] wtflux--: let me know when done...you can do this by simply saying "done" [18:31] nisankhindia: i already said laptop is Thinkpad T61 x86 [18:31] routeur runs version of linux [18:31] wtflux--: If you want your guest os to talk to your local network, you might be looking for bridged mode, which will allow the VM to request an IP address from the same network as your host machine is running on [18:32] stef204: not the laptop brand , the network device that integrated into your laptop and the external router which you are trying to connect [18:32] and router works, trust me that is not where the problem is, I'm on it right now [18:32] ok, the wifi card you mean [18:33] stef204: The router can be the source of the issue. Some wireless cards are implemented in ways that base stations (routers) aren't compatibile with. That's why we keep asking for the router. Also we are trying to get the bigger picture of what we are working with. It's not a matter of does it work, but having all the information to better determine the right solution for you. [18:33] Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Kedron [18:34] hi all [18:34] hello nagyg [18:34] driver in use iwl4965 (loaded) [18:35] pragmaticenigma: the problem laptop (T61) has worked perfectly with this router for months, no changes in router, no upgrades, nothing, believe me, it's not the router [18:36] stef204: lets start with an example run command " lspci |grep -i wireless " than yu will see some result starting with digist and special character like " 03:00.0 Network controller: ................ " than [18:37] stef204: now tun lspci -vv -s , in the exampke we have that as 03.00.0 [18:37] stef204: now you will see more details about your wifi card [18:39] sudo tcpdump -w foo; tcpdump -r foo # permission denied [18:40] stef204: if confused look at this https://ibb.co/j2rdpz [18:40] Any idea why tcpdump -r doesn't work for me? [18:40] wtflux--: ...okay...good luck [18:40] plujon: maybe you need sudo on the second command too? [18:41] plujon: the sudo doesn't apply to both commands... you need to add it to the command after the semicolon [18:41] plujon: maybe it's writing the file with root only access permissions [18:43] I want to read a tcpdump file. Why do I need sudo to do this? [18:43] 03:00.0 Network Controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN Kedron (rev 61) [18:43] plujon: because the file is written with root permissions. root is the owner, and group or everyone is not allowed read access to the file [18:43] sudo tcpdump -w foo; sudo chmod 666 foo; tcpdump -r foo # permission denied [18:44] nisankhindia: not sure how to give the rest (the -s( option, since I have to copy paste everything here [18:44] stef204: now try to provide your router details using which you usually connect to internet or your wifi card connect to [18:45] use https://paste,ubuntu.com if you need to provide any long information [18:46] I would have to connect the T61 via LAN and then paste from it but that would defeat the process [18:46] stef204: for any long details https://paste.ubuntu.com/ [18:46] Are there any specific lines on the grep -s you need to see? [18:47] Status, Physical Slot, etc. [18:47] Any ideas? [18:47] stef204: as you provided your wifi card details now i am simply asking about your router information too , so that i can open up my mind to undertsand the whole picture [18:47] plujon: we already suggested a solution, have you tried that? [18:49] nisankhindia: see the PM [18:49] please [18:49] stef204: lets say i am using Foxconn JMR540 portable wifi router using which my laptop Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter wifi card connects to LAN and to WAN [18:51] plujon: the reason is because tcpdump is installed in /usr/sbin which means it requires sudo/root permissions to use [18:57] pragmaticenigma: plujon: There are many utilities in /usr/sbin/ that can be run as non root. That is not the reason for the problem you're having. [18:57] plujon: try sudo tcpdump -Z user -w foo ... resulting foo has uid/gid of user [19:00] pavlos: Thanks. sudo tcpdump -w foo # also gives me permission denied. strange. [19:00] hey community. got a samba problem. server ubuntu 18.04 running smbd. other ubuntu machines as well as windows and macOS devices can access the samba share just fine. from centOS server i get 'stale file handle' on the directory i mounted the share to though. from the centOS machine i can interact with the share via smbclient just fine. ideas ? fix [19:00] es ? [19:02] unmounted lazy, restarted smbd on ubuntu machine, even restarted the whole ubuntu machine... situation didn't change [19:03] funny, i run things the opposite way, smbd on centos server, clients ubuntu === coffeeguy is now known as kyber-guy [19:03] and windows === kyber-guy is now known as kyberguy [19:07] dreadkopp: this sounds like an issue on the CentOS side, you might want to reach out to their community. If other machines have no issues, then in your situation it is the CentOS machine having the issue and they're going to be able to support that. [19:07] plujon: I'm able to use tcdump -r after changing the ownership of the file "chown jordan:jordan foo". I don't know why just having world read permissions doesn't seem to be enough. [19:08] pragmaticenigma: guess so... however since #centos is pretty quit i thought i might as well ask here :P [19:08] Jordan_U: That is interesting... why indeed does the owner of the file matter [19:09] dreadkopp: CentOS and Ubuntu use very different approaches to configurations [19:11] plujon: My guess would be that it's apparmor trying to confine tcpdump (with this being obviously unintended). Using strace, what looks like an open() that should succeed does indeed fail. [19:13] plujon: Indeed, check "dmesg" and you'll see "type=1400 audit(1537383328.625:28): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="/usr/sbin/tcpdump" name="/home/jordan/tmp/foo" ..." [19:13] Jordan_U: Thanks. Ugh. Why? [19:13] Is there an easy way to tell apparmor to stop? [19:14] I don't understand why `tcpdump -r foo` involves apparmor at all... [19:14] Why don't you read the apparmor guide [19:20] I wonder if this is intended behavior for Ubuntu (tcpdump -r foo fails by default). [19:20] i'm having an issue with crontabs. I'm using it to send commands to a kodi installation. While the command works in the CLI without problems. When the command is ran via crontab, it freezes my video. my distro is ubuntu [19:21] plujon: Because tcpdump should clearly be confined by Apparmor. This particular behaviour is clearly a bug, but the tcpdump binary being confined by apparmor is not. [19:25] plujon: The Apparmor profile can be found at /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.tcpdump , and you can add your own exclusions at /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.tcpdump . I unfortunately don't have enough Apparmor experience to tell you what specifically needs to be added. I would file a bug report (after checking to see if one has already been filed for this issue). [19:26] subvhome: the environment in crontab is not the same as your terminal. many of the environment variables are not set in crontab, as well as it has a different search path. You should see errors logged to syslog or the user mailbox where the crontab file was set from [19:26] Jordan_U: Thanks; do you know how one files such a bug? [19:26] !bug [19:26] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [19:27] pragmaticenigma: Ah, thanks. [19:40] subvhome: it might be due to the environment crontab uses [19:41] i set the SHELL= variable [19:41] subvhome: which version of ubuntu? [19:42] Okay.. first and foremost .. im tinkering with an old device which runs 14.04.2 (modified with linuxium's script to provide sound and wifi). [19:42] im able to work everything correctly via cli [19:43] subvhome: you need to run updates since you are WAY behind [19:44] leftyb i was trying to avoid that.. since it breaks a few things. but what the heck.. i haven't tried it yet .. i can always reapply the script. [19:49] 18.04 is slow and freezes frequently [19:50] !details | petro [19:50] petro: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [19:50] the implementation of newest gnome sucks, too.... hate how it 'removes' menu items [19:50] petro: you're free to install another distro or even Windows 10 [19:50] petro: This isn't the place to rant. Are you looking for help? If so, ask for help. [19:51] petro: nobody's got a gun to your head [19:55] anyone have any ideas where to look as to why youtube in chrome on 18.04 uses 150%-200% cpu? i have intel gfx on a dell xps dev edition with hardware acceleration enabled in the browser [19:57] wow %200 CPU [19:57] it has 4 cores [19:57] giving it everything it's got and then DOUBLE'n down [20:00] what utility are you getting these %200 CPU values from? [20:03] FortKnight, 'top' will report >100% [20:05] kubblai, depends on your CPU and such. That sounds like the right load for an i5/8GB/Intel gfx and a few tabs open [20:05] with 1080p playing on YouTube [20:06] updated still freezing :\ [20:06] kubblai: You should also try in another browser like Firefox... that helps pinpoint is it the application or something more system wide. [20:07] subvhome: where are you setting the SHELL variable? [20:07] my laptop uses no more then %18 CPU playing HD youtube in chrome [20:08] FortKnight: That's chrome... not chromium though. While the same base, different features [20:08] err [20:08] glad i didn't skimp and get one of those budget laptops [20:09] 14:55:16 anyone have any ideas where to look as to why youtube in chrome on 18.04 uses 150%-200% cpu? i have intel gfx on a dell xps dev edition with hardware acceleration enabled in the browser [20:10] pragmaticenigma: the OP/original poster was using chrome also ...so from a browser perspective its apples vs apples [20:10] FortKnight: Yeah... I missread... somehow I converted it to chromium in my head [20:10] thanks pragmaticenigma but its an i7 16gb and watching youtube kicks the fans on whereas running a 2016 windows vm doing full updates doesnt so i'll try some other browser but wondering if its a codec issue [20:10] I don't know why [20:11] yeah im using chrome [20:11] kubblai: Could be, that's why due diligence suggests trying another program that can do the same thing [20:12] i'll fire up ff then [20:12] kubblai: out of curiosity which intel i7 specifically [20:13] kubblai: just want to compare to my %18 CPU on a i7-3537U [20:13] if it is brand new... I think this is the spec page with 8550U : https://www.dell.com/en-us/work/shop/dell-laptops-and-notebooks/xps-13-developer-edition/spd/xps-13-9370-laptop/cax13w10p2c606ubuntu [20:13] its the one in the dell xps 9370 one sec i'll find out pragmaticenigma [20:14] pragmaticenigma: 8550U [20:15] dell shuffles model names/sku #'s around AND systems have configuration "options" so best you pull the details bout YOUR directly [20:15] yours [20:16] Does x11vnc no longer work with 18.04? [20:16] wow mine is only 2x dual core with HT....yours is x4 quad with HT [20:16] mine is old as dirt too [20:16] A|an: it still works: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers [20:17] Thanks [20:18] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1067384/x11vnc-and-nvidia-390-headless-mate-not-loading-from-login [20:18] kubblai: I have an XPS 13 as well. I disabled hardware acceleration simply because I have an Intel GPU. There's not much HW to offload to. [20:18] kubblai: and youtube works fine for me [20:18] the last (and only) comment [20:18] pragmaticenigma: seems to be using around 50-60% for a youtube tab in firefox latest [20:18] i got 1/2 the ram you have too on my 2013 i7-3537u [20:19] confused with systemd-resolve ... i have my personal VPN servers in cloud platform and two dns servers for DNS over HTTPS and DNS over TLS configuration , now the issue is in one of my client machine when i use the stubby resolver and systemd-resolve , it works in weird way ... firefox unable to open any website in that client ... [20:19] leftyfb: i tried with that disabled and it went to 300% [20:19] A|an: Known issue. Gnome's and KDE's desktop managers don't offer a hook for x11vnc to latch on to... it requires the user to be authenticated prior to running x11vnc [20:20] A|an: there instructions in that article on getting to work [20:21] kubblai: same when booted to livecd/liveusb? [20:21] kubblai: that'd rule out your "installed" OS [20:22] would need to dl an iso [20:22] but not ruling it out pragmaticenigma [20:22] wait a sec is chrome on the live cd ? [20:23] guess i could install it :) [20:23] oh yeah that's right...you wouldn't have chrome on livecd/liveusb.... [20:23] kubblai: depending the flavor you use, firefox I believe is the default on Ubuntu, Kubuntu... Chromium is default on Lubuntu ... not sure about Xubuntu [20:24] BUT if you did and symptoms didn't persist you'd know you "tainted" the kool aid somehow/somewhere [20:25] i suspect that maybe the case because as far as playing HD youtube videos in chrome my laptop with x2 dual core w/ HT and 8GB ram runs circles around your 2017 system [20:26] its pretty much a base install with some gnome tweaks and themes FortKnight im using the dell image [20:27] i have maybe two extra PPAs for themes [20:35] how do i prevent deluged service from running on startup [20:36] arooni: disable the service [20:37] sudo systemctl disable blahblahblah [20:56] Hi, how do I make Firefox non-esr my default browser? [21:05] 1 option.....make it the ONLY browser [21:08] Hello. What graphical htop-style program could I install? [21:08] I use htop, yet I need to have something on the XFCE desktop. [21:10] tsglove: why do you 'need' that? [21:11] Same reason little kids need to believe in Santa. [21:14] lol [21:17] tsglove: xfce4-systemload-plugin ? [21:17] tsglove: xfce4-taskmanager maybe [21:18] iirc there was a correct-ish way to convert /dev/random to /dev/urandom , like a package to install or something, anyone knows what? [21:19] hans__: convert? [21:19] hans__: those are both kernel-provided dev nodes [21:19] nacc, convert, redirect, link, whatever you wanna call it [21:19] hans__: you don't convert or redirect or link them. They are different interfaces. [21:20] Hi guys, I have several scripts that connect to a mysql db. One pid is getting more than 100% cpu capacity. I only have the PID using htop but want to know what script is running. On the command information I only get that is /usr/sbin/mysql.... how can I find out which script is it? [21:21] hans__: What is your end goal? [21:22] Jordan_U, make some programs that try to gather random data from /dev/random gather em from /dev/urandom instead, without compiling them from source [21:22] acxty: ps aux | grep [21:23] hans__: But why do you want to do that? Are you having problems with blocking at boot? [21:23] no, not at boot [21:24] hans__: When? What program(s)? [21:25] dnssec-keygen and puttygen [21:25] nacc, thank you! Going to check that out now. =) [21:26] tsglove: yw [21:27] hey all, is there an Ubuntu/apt equivalent to this command? "yum whatprovides 'libcurl.so.4()(64bit)'" [21:27] hans__: If you're generating a key, that's usually a time when you do want to ensure sufficient entropy. How often are you generating keys? [21:27] Glorfindel: apt-file search libcurl.so.4 [21:28] Glorfindel: or dpkg -S libcurl.so.4 if the file is on the system (i.e., package is installed) [21:28] lol, just `mv /dev/random /dev/random_original; ln -s /dev/random /dev/urandom` worked perfectly it seems [21:28] Glorfindel: Not an exact quivalent, but for packages already installed "dpkg -S libcurl.so.4" and for packages available in the repos but not installed "apt-file search libcurl.so.4" . [21:29] hans__: ... you didn't actually say why you are doing that. And I would not recommend that change [21:29] hans__: it doesn't really make any sense [21:29] hans__: Real Bad Idea (TM) [21:29] nacc, Jordan_U; thanks for the replies, however: "-bash: apt-file: command not found" [21:30] Glorfindel: ... install it? :) [21:30] ah, I assumed it was part of the already present apt and apt-get functions [21:30] Glorfindel: no, it's unrelated to them (separate program) [21:31] alrighty, here it goes [21:31] hello, probably a dumb question but wondering how to make cloud-init config write the netplan file... [21:32] grandy: #cloud-init or #ubuntu-server [21:32] nacc: thanks [21:32] /j #ubuntu-server [21:33] nacc, doing it because getting the random from random is too slow and patching the source code and recompiling from scratch is too much hassle [21:33] (and i'm not doing it shortly after boot or anything like that either) [21:34] hans__: that happens because /dev/random *depends* on enough entropy being available. For most single-user systems, there is enough, but not if you are using crypto a lot [21:35] hans__: /dev/urandom will fall back into a RNG that is not as, ah, random [21:35] nah, urandom will feed itself with it's old random when there's not enough new random available [21:35] hans__: so, what you need is to *improve* your entropy, NOT throw it away [21:36] hans__: as you wish. Good luck [21:37] nacc: worked perfectly, thanks! [21:37] hggdh, myth: /dev/urandom is a pseudo random number generator, a PRNG, while /dev/random is a “true” random number generator. [21:37] - Fact: Both /dev/urandom and /dev/random are using the exact same CSPRNG - in any case, https://www.2uo.de/myths-about-urandom/ [22:13] hans__: dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom [22:14] hans__: puttygen --random-device /dev/urandom [22:14] hans__: that is the correct way to make such changes, I guess. In case you cared. [22:14] Can anyone reccomend an approach to alter a field data before render in a views table? [22:14] dibs: wrong channel? [22:15] Oh sorry, where should I go? [22:15] Oh shit sorry, I thought I was in Drupal lol [22:15] dibs: well, i have no idea in what software you are using those terms :) [22:15] dibs: ah there you go :) [22:16] Cheers [22:38] So, last night I attempted to install amd proprietary graphics drivers, and that really messed up my system- to the point I can't acheive any sort of graphical boot [22:39] purged amdgpu-pro, amdgpu-pro-lib32, amdgpu, and amdgpu-lib32 from dpkg, and that didn't result in any improvements [22:40] Before, I could use nomodeset in grub or boot out of recovery mode, but now either of them result in it hanging, but in different ways [22:40] Wayward_Vagabond: how did you install the proprietary drivers? by hand using dpkg? [22:41] By using the install script in the tarball [22:41] Wayward_Vagabond: do they provide an uninstall script? I'm guessing you missed some packages [22:42] They do, but I have no idea how to get to it or use it from a shell [22:43] Wayward_Vagabond: https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/AMDGPU-PRO-Install.aspx [22:43] Wayward_Vagabond: it's just a script you call, it seems? [22:44] Wayward_Vagabond: the install/uninstall instructions are in the release notes [22:44] ./uninstall inside the unzipped tarball's folder- but that's not the tricky part [22:45] what's the "tricky" part? [22:45] finding it [22:47] <_amine__> I have jupyter (python package) installed on ~/.local/bin/ is it safe to remove it (empty that bin folder) ? === Snoopy is now known as Guest9395 [22:49] Wayward_Vagabond: 18.04 version is here https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-for-Linux-18.20-Early-Preview-Release-Notes.aspx [22:50] Wayward_Vagabond: Removal of all components is accomplished by simply running the uninstall script from anywhere in the system: [22:50] amdgpu-uninstall [22:50] Wayward_Vagabond: isn't that what I just told you? [22:51] Wayward_Vagabond: in terminal> amdgpu-uninstall [22:51] _amine__: only you can know that, really [22:52] >command not found [22:53] is it possible you already removed it? [22:53] Wayward_Vagabond: wait, why did you remove the debs manually? [22:53] Wayward_Vagabond: i bet they contain the removal script [23:01] nacc: I didn't know they had a removal command built in [23:12] Wayward_Vagabond: well, tbh, at this point, you need to ask amd what you are supposed to do [23:12] Wayward_Vagabond: and, in the future, you should make sure to read the documentation, especially for third party things [23:15] Hi [23:28] Hello, I would like recommendations to perform a backup of my OS keeping all the settings I have customized, so that I can reinstall from that point in case I need to someday. Does anyone know anything? [23:29] eia1x: create a image using something like clonezilla [23:29] What kind of settings? Most stuff would be under your home directory in a hidden folder [23:30] a system image would be exactly a 1:1 clone of the system [23:31] settings and all that jazz [23:31] I'd just make a snapshot if its LVM [23:33] does ubuntu still by default do LVM in it's recent versions? [23:33] I know it did back in the day [23:33] FortKnight: oh nice, it was quite an image that I thought... I'll find about it (clonezilla), tks :) [23:34] desktop does, server does not [23:35] I thought they stopped LVMing by default in 16.04...*shrug* [23:36] Well its not "default" it gives you a list === SysGh_st is now known as SysGhost [23:52] hmm, trying to figure out how to get something working well enough, to make media to do a fresh install with [23:53] Wayward_Vagabond: At the login screen key combo ctl+alt+F2 should give you a console interface, where the GUI driver is not a factor . [23:54] Bashing-om: I can get a shell from recovery mode [23:55] but I don't think you can download and burn an iso from a shell [23:56] Wayward_Vagabond: In the recovery mode one has to enable what services they need, also must remount the file system(s) r/w . [23:56] launching dpkg mounts everything right, but it spit some errors at me trying to enable networking [23:57] Wayward_Vagabond: no second computer to use? [23:57] I forget not everyone is surrounded by multiple desktops/laptops [23:58] I have a seond one handy, but it has it's own issues- haven;t touched it yet this year- it has 14.04 on it, and networking seems borked for some (silent) reason