
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
glitchdis there a known issue with xubuntu-desktop in 18.04?03:43
glitchdi installed ubuntu 18.04.1 then installed xubuntu-desktop, but after loggin in, it just sits at the splash screen, i do however have access to the right click menu03:43
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
=== Half-Word is now known as HalfWord
pragomerI really would love to install dockbarx in xubuntu 18.04 but it seems as this woulnt be possible easily for a newbie, right? any tips?10:22
knomethere's a PPA for dockbarx... https://launchpad.net/~xuzhen666/+archive/ubuntu/dockbarx?field.series_filter=bionic10:24
pragomeroh, I will try this instant10:25
knomeand i shouldn't have to say, but use PPA's at your own risk..10:25
pragomerthats clear.. its just.. i think xfce should offer such an "icon only taskbar" itself.10:28
knomeit does...10:28
knomeedit the window buttons applet properties10:28
knomeuncheck "show button labels"10:28
pragomeryes, this its whats NEARLY to that, but you have still two icons: the starter and the icon of the opened window. In my opinion xfce is just the perfect DE, except from that10:29
pragomeryou know what I mean? or do I overview something?10:29
knomeyou mean you'd like to have the launcher icons act as window icons as well? sure, i get that.10:30
knomeand no, i don't think that's possible with the core xfce panel components10:30
pragomeryes, exactly that.. like (god beware) windows, but also KDE, Gnome, etc.10:30
pragomerno it isnt, but I would be very cool10:31
knomei use shortcut keys for most of my apps, the right-click menu on desktop serves the application menu for the rest10:31
pragomerthis ppa does only contain the standalone dockbarx I think , not the xfce panel addon, right?10:31
knomelooks like it10:32
pragomerno big deal, but I would be a nice to have under xfce10:34
=== Half-Word is now known as HalfWord
=== tsglove is now known as Guest81098

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